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by lalitha
when i was about to get married my mum insisted on me to pierce my nose. but i strongly refused to do so,thinking of piercing pain.as my mum forced twice i retarded five times more not to pierce. seeing the fight between us, my grandma came to me and taked to me. she told that all sumangali (lady with husband) must wear 5 ornaments for the welfare and longlive of her husband. the five ornaments are
bangals and
metti (worn in toe finger)
she told that these ornaments will bring all goodness to her and family.as a hindu custom, a girl must wear all these simple ornaments for the welfare of the family.
my grandmas words repeatedly ring over my ears.my grandma gave confidene that she will be with me at the time of piercing and pray god for my goodnees.
these words gave me courage and i accepted for piercing.on one auspicious day grandma took me to the jwellery shop .she took me to the acchari sat close to me holding my hands tightly asked the man to pierce.he pieced and put stud on onesde.she asked me to show the otherside of nose also for piercing . i showed as per her request without speaking a word. second nostril was also pieced .i found no pain at all.the pain was within tolerable limit.
i loked mirror to see the nose studs in my nose.i felt high joy and satisfaction of my nose piercing. i was very proud of my cute nose piercing and thanked grandma for that
Comments for a sumangali lady must have nose piercing
Mar 14, 25 09:18 AM
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