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Nose Ring - Highlights and Snippet Welcome to our nose ring highlights and snippets page and get inspired to take the major decision to pierce your nose. Here we summaries for the best of our website content for your easy navigation.
"Nose piercing is very attractive, and can accentuate the face, because the nose is the face's most prominent feature; Leonardo Da Vinci believed that the nose set the character of the whole face."
In the days of ancient India, a young bride would have her nose pierced as her wedding day approached. The nose ring would be fastened by a chain to her hair, and it would be removed by her groom on their wedding night.
Getting To Know More About An India Nose Piercing
A very ancient traditional, and rather naughty Indian song says, "Thou, walking behind me, do admire my languidly swaying walk /do admire those long curly, dark tresses of mine/but keep thy eyes open, on the road/because I seem to have dropped my nose ring somewhere/!
Nose Piercing FAQ: I got my nose pierced with a piercing gun. I had no idea that only a piercing needle should be used! Have I done any damage? What should I watch for?
Read the answers
They might be worried about infection!
Your parents might be worried about developing a nasal piercing infection. You want to give you some reassurance: First, what you believe is an infection might be nothing more than the normal healing process. And second, if you do get an infection, it will not necessarily be harmful to you.
There are different types of piercings... various types of nose rings... worries about pain and infection... and these are the things you consider once you've already convinced your family or social support network that a piercing is right for you!
Also known as bull rings, many people think septum piercings are much more dramatic and daring. People choose them to express either cultural traditions or their own individuality. Getting one is a little more uncomfortable and they take a bit longer to heal.
Nose Rings
As the name suggests, it is circular shaped and you could opt for either single circular shape, or a captured pearl Nose ring. Again, there are different types of materials, styles and designs that one can choose. When it comes to size, you can either choose from a small sized or a large sized jewelry . Some nose jewelry are intricate design and make, while others are simple and subtle. Some authentic traditional jewelry is just a joy to wear and a thing of beauty to see!
Each person has her own ability or inability to tolerate pain. Just about anybody who has had her nose pierced will tell you that there is some momentary pain from piercing.
Because so many people say that the pain passes quickly, then you should feel confident that it's true!
A professional piercer must undergo comprehensive training to qualify for his job. It is not like the mall employee with the piercing gun who learns in a matter of one to two weeks. Your qualified piercing professional learns about the vessels and nerves of the human body.
He/She knows where there are sensitive bundles of nerves to avoid on your nose. So the answer to the question "do nose piercings hurt" depends on knowing exactly where to pierce. Since most professionals can perform piercings just about anywhere on the body, they study the circulatory and nervous system for several years. We say, bring on the needle!
Nose Piercing Problems Caused by Allergies or Alike
Certainly, the piercing professional should ask you if you're allergic to anything-food, drugs, or metals. But most people aren't aware of any existing allergy. If you've never before placed any type of metal against your exposed skin tissues, you would have no reason to know! And, as mentioned above, most people are unaware of just which metals serve as ingredients in the piece of jewelry that is being inserted.
Nose Piercing Problems and Solutions
Watch for Bacterial Infections
Whenever a person has any incision into his skin -whether it's a pinprick or a surgical incision- the opening in his skin presents a doorway for bacteria to enter the body. How will you know if you develop an infection, despite of your nose piercing care? There are specific symptoms to watch for:
Nose Piercing Care - Don't Get It Wrong
A sea-salt solution is a good idea while your piercing heals even if there is no infection. It provides a good way to remove the crusts that accumulate around the piercing or on the jewelry. It will draw impurities from your skin. Many people also say it feels comfortable and relieves itching during their nose piercing healing process!
If you have chosen a nostril screw as your first jewelry at the time of the piercing, take extra care that it doesn't get caught in your clothing or on your towel.
Avoid swimming while your piercing heals, but if you must go then cover it with a water-proof wound bandage. Brands like Tegaderm and Nexcare offer small bandages that will protect your piercing from chlorinated pool water.
Treatment and Care
Prevention is the best cure; that's a truism that applies to any part of your body. That being said, you can protect your piercing by taking the following simple precautions:
Read more at...
Nose piercing infection treatment options
All the videos of nose piercing are carefully selected to show you the right example so that you can have your piercing done properly. But above all else, we want you to make safe choices that will look great during and after the healing period.
Take our nose ring survey now! And see for yourself the nose piercings trends around the world and be part of the growing social experience in the world of nose piercings. Share with others what matters the most and find out what matters the most to others.
My Self-Piercing & Professional Piercing Experiences I first pierced my nose, with a needle and thread, when I was 14 years old. I numbed my nose with ice first. It healed really well. 9 years later, I went ...
My story Hello ! I am here to share my experience with you all. First let me put the background so that the matter becomes easy to understand ...
my nose at 10 ! i got my nose ring at ten years old because i thought it was cool ,so i asked my mother to pierce it,at first i was playing and she was too! then i ...
We celebrate piercing! My niece just pierced her nose! It is a tradition practiced for thousands of years. Nose pierce or Nose ring is called mukuthi (mookuthi) மூக்குத்தி in Tamil and ...
nose rings on the sabbath day. The talmud prohibits to wear only very lage nose rings on the sabbath day. The rings are so large that the woman needs to remove them, and moving property ...
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nose ring going through hole
2 days after i got my nose pierced, i bumped it with my arm while putting on my shirt. the hook inside twisted so i tried to fix it by twisting it, then …
New Job, Have to take out nose ring. Its been 5 months since pierced, is it going to close?
I got my nose pierced on August 16, 2011. It is now January 17, 2012 I just got a job and it requires me to take my nose ring out before I arrive at work. …
I wanna get my nose pierced but
Hi i wanna get my nose pierced but i have really bad allergies ( hay fever )so my nose is always running and i sneeze alot. so im just wondering if it …
nose ring It's stuck!
What should I do, I've had my nose done now for over an year however the inside of my nose has healed over the back bit and now i can't take it out or …
free nose piercing with gold stud tamilh
Hai any wants to get nose4 piercing either one side or both sides with free piercing and free gold or steel studs this can be be possible only in chennai …
nose ring sinking
I just got my nose done 5 days ago by a professional he used a 16 gauge L with a ball on the end and it looks like the ball is sinking in to my nose is …
12 year old getting nose piercing(:
I'm 12 and trying to convince my dad let me have one. I think they look so pretty!(: He says it looks trashy but he doesn't really know how the real world …
nose ring for boys
My boyfriend wants a nose ring and ireally dont want him to get one what do i do??
confused nose ring
im 14 and really want my septum piecerd but my mom said i cant. but i dont care what she says i just want to get it done with no problem.
so my question …
Swimming with nose ring
I got my nose peirced 2 weeks ago, and was wondering how long I should wait to go swimming and get chlorine on it.
what do i do when my nose ring is stuck? Not rated yet
ive had my nose ring for about 6 months and i changed it 2 months ago to a silver hoop. its so infected that i can even turn it or get it out, it just …
can't get my nose ring out Not rated yet
help been to doctors and they can't get my nose ring out Ive tried pliers doesn't work i need to get it out because its infected. Ive also tried pulling …
Swimming?! Not rated yet
If my piercing is fully healed, is it okay to go swimming with it in?
will my nose get infected if my nose rings don Not rated yet
will my nose get infected if i cant feel the ring inside my nose?
Lost nose ring Not rated yet
My nose ring fell out of my nose this morning and I can't find it. I've had it pierced for 3 years. How long do I have to replace the nose ring before …
Does a nose peircing scar? Not rated yet
I really want my nose pierced, but not if it leaves a scar if i decide i don't want to wear it anymore. I don't mind if it leaves a 'pin-prick' scar that …
Nose Piercing Not rated yet
I just woke up with a circle of dried blood around my nose ring. Is this bad? Should I be worried?
Oxidized nose ring Not rated yet
I bought a nose ring online. It was a store that specialized in piercings, so it's not a bad cheap nose ring. The only thing is, it's a "helix oxidized …
nose ring Healing Process Not rated yet
I have had my piercing for two days and I have recently had some complications with my nose piercing however, i have succesful gotten the piercing out. …
Where? Not rated yet
Where exactly on your nose does a stud go?
Nose ring FAQ: Not rated yet
Is it normal to have a bump inside your nose after getting you nose pierced?
Nose ring Not rated yet
i've had my nose done twice,two months apart,and now it's closed again,is it ok if i get it done one last time in march/april???
How to remove nose pierced spot Not rated yet
I did my nose piercing at 11 years old and i wore nose ring up to 15 year old. After that i don't use the ring and wear nothing in that pierced position. …
nose ring Nana03 Not rated yet
It's been 10 weeks since I had my nose pierced, is it safe to change my nose ring now?
Can noses be to small to pierce? Not rated yet
Okay so I'm 14 an I want my nose pierced but I know ths girl an she says my nose is to small an it would look weird .. Bit I think since my nose is small …
Is there anyway to go back a gauge size in nose rings? Not rated yet
Im having a difficult time with my piercing staying put in my nose, and I am worried this is effecting the wound itself. I'd like to go back to my original …
Screw nose ring Not rated yet
What is the best type of nose jewelry to get your nose pierced with? I don't want a ring. So should I get a stud or the nose screw??
Nose ring keeps falling out Not rated yet
I just got my nose pierced last night, they put a bone type stud in it and it keeps falling out. Can I put a different stud in it before it is healed. …
am i done now? Not rated yet
after i peirced and cleaned it what else do i supposed to do?
Infected nose Not rated yet
I got my nose pierced at the begining on december, and it was doing fine, but now there is this huge bump under my nose stud. Im not sure what to do, it …
nose Not rated yet
how long do u need to keep ur frist stude in ur nose before changing it
Nose piercing rings Not rated yet
How long should I wait before going into chlorine?
Nose Ring Size Not rated yet
I was told that I was pierced with a 16 gauge. I want to change my jewelry & don't know what size to get. When I search for 16 gauge nose rings the choices …
Scaring Not rated yet
I peirced my nose myself and have a purple little scar there now and a bump on the inside of my nose, if I get it professionally pierced will it be ok? …
Bump inside my nose Not rated yet
well before my piercing was even healed it fell out while i was asleep and i had trouble getting the jewelry back in so i decided to but new ones that …
help!! in pain with my ring Not rated yet
well i got my nose pircing ages ago :3 and it started to form like a lump this i hadt to get it reperoced a while later cuse some how to came out but …
My nose ring is stuck and it made a bump, what should i do? Not rated yet
I need help, my nose ring is a bone kind of a stub and it created a bump? what should i do?
Nose ring piercing Not rated yet
It's been about 5 days since i got my nose piercing and everything i clean it morning and night, it still bleeds inside, is that normal??
Nose ring issues Not rated yet
Hi, I just got my nose pierced last week and when I woke up this morning, I noticed the ring was about to go through the hole. What's the best way to deal …
nose ring Not rated yet
Ive had my piercing for about a month I woke up and my nose piercing was gone when I found it forced it back and it began bleeding. Is something wrong? …
If I don't like it will it close up and heal? Not rated yet
If I don't like it will it close up and heal?
Nose Ring Not rated yet
My nose ring keeps sinking into the pierced part of my nose and around my nose ring its turning black what do I do ?
my nose ring is disappering Not rated yet
i went into a place to get my nose pierced and he asked me if i wanted a ring or hoop. i chose ring. he also asked if i wanted a stud or a hope and i decided …
Washing your nose ring. Not rated yet
What do I use to wash my nose ring while it's still healing? My friend suggested anti-bacterial soap, but I'm not sure if that's right. I'm worried about …
Nose ring bleeding Not rated yet
When the piercer penetrated my nostril with the sterile needle, blood started oozing out of my nostril. Why did this happen to me and it didn't happen …
when can i get it nose ring done without parents needing to be there? Not rated yet
I'm turning 16 soon and I want to get my nose pierced. My parents will say no but my sister will be 20 at the time. If she takes me would I be able to …
nose ring healing Not rated yet
I got a notril piercing. I have had two rings changed by the tattoo place the initial ring and another one after the healing time. both were L-shaped. …
nose ring problems help ! Not rated yet
so i recently just got a nose ring and i have two questions. Can your nose close while the nose hoop is in ? ;; also it wont move while its in what should …
New Nose ring Not rated yet
I got my nose pierced and its time for me to get a decent nose ring. the first two I have had came from the tattoo place that initially did the piercing. …
I want to use a clear nose ring Not rated yet
I'm going into a job interview and I need to use a spacer. But my nose ring and my spacer are different sizes and I can't find a smaller size spacer. Do …
Nose ring type dilema Not rated yet
I've had my nose pierced for two months. My piercer used a bone type stud once it was done. That worked great until the swelling subsided. It would …
Nose ring Not rated yet
Can I get a stud in my nose and when it heals put a ring in instead?
Nose Piercing Not rated yet
I've had my nose pierced for almost 6 months. I recently took it out and put in a claire's nose ring. Tonight, my nose hurt soooo bad, theres a bump inside …
nose ring Question Not rated yet
Can I breathe in a nose piercing? my mom said you can but i just cant see it happening alot..
i got a bump next to my nose ring, help! Not rated yet
so i have had my nose ring for about 4 months and changed my stud to a black ring, it was very painful to take out the stud, but now i have a bump that …
my ring is stuck please help Not rated yet
i got my nose pierced with a ring on the 5th of november, but for work ive been asked to put a stud in instead. After a lot of effort o was able to remove …
nose piercing Not rated yet
Are there any reasons why I really shouldn't get my nose pierced?
nose ring sink Not rated yet
my nose ring looks like it is sinking why??? i havent didnt anything n sgul have the same ring the shop gave to me
which side for the piercing Not rated yet
is there a right or wrong side for a female to wear a nose piercing
Just got my nose pierced Not rated yet
the inner screw of the stud itself is way to big and is bothering my inner nose, the piercer told me it had to be bigger and i could change it in 6 weeks, …
Bleeding nose ring Not rated yet
I got my nose pierced with a ring about 3 weeks ago and have been cleaning it with a salt water solution. At first there was just a bit of yellow gunk …
nose ring not stay in my nose Not rated yet
I can tell that if I move around too much the ring will fall out of my nose so I'm not sure how to make sure that it doesn't fall. Help advise?
nose ring story Not rated yet
when did u get ur nose ring? tell me suggestions or stories please!
nose ring Not rated yet
i am turning 14 and i want a nose ring. not a big one, just a cute little stud. i would at least like to get it when im 15. can i get irritations easily? …
washing with a new nose ring Not rated yet
How do I wash my face with a new nose ring?Like without hurting or irritating it?
origin of nose ring Not rated yet
Is it true that nose ring originated from India?
nice nose ring site Not rated yet
Hi I like you site. Good information and advise. Thank you.
Nose ring confusion?! Not rated yet
I've had my nose pierced for almost a year and I've only ever had studs, I want a hoop but I don't know which kind, I bought one with a little stopper …
nose ring Cleaning Not rated yet
How long do I have to follow the aftercare instructions to avoid infection after my piercing? I've had it for over two weeks now.
What you think?
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