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Nose Piercing FAQ: I got my nose pierced with a piercing gun. I had no idea that only a piercing needle should be used! Have I done any damage? What should I watch for?
There's also the other problem that the gun is not designed to pierce your nose. Because it is meant for the softer tissue of the earlobe, it actually rips the cartilage of your nose as it drives a stud through your septum or nostril. And it forces the stud to lie right against your skin, with no breathing room so the wound can properly heal.
For now just keep an eye out for signs of infection. You should also consider whether the jewelry lies too tightly against your skin. Has your wound developed an angry red color? Does it feel uncomfortable? Ask your friends who are pierced to recommend other piercing boutiques. Let another professional check it out. Most likely you won't need to do anything, but it's possible you can switch out the stud for a ring, which will feel better and promote quicker healing.
We do not recommend that you do your own piercing at home. And don't let your friends pierce you, either! Neither you nor your friend is trained to maintain proper sterility, and you don't want to become infected. And how steady can you keep your hand? If you're pushing a thick needle through the sinewy cartilage of your nose, what if you lose your nerve and stop halfway? What if your piercing comes out crooked?
We don't know of any doctors who take out their own gallbladders, and we don't think you should pierce your own nose. Spend the time and money to find a professional piercing studio. You will end up with a much more beautiful, more quickly healing piercing.
You should know that 10k gold is only 10 parts pure-about 41% pure. That means that almost 60% of the jewelry is made up from some cheaper metal. A higher gold content guarantees better healing and more comfort in your piercing. It's wise to use 14k, 18k, or 22k gold nose ring. 10k gold contains too many filler metals that cause allergic reactions or simple sensitivities.
You should be aware that sterling silver oxidizes when it's exposed to natural body fluids and leaves a permanent black mark on healing skin. Wear sterling silver only after you have totally healed.
Nose Piercing FAQ: What can I put on a dry piercing? My skin is dry under normal circumstances, and the skin around my piercing feels really dry.
Try using an organic skin lotion. Look for something at your local drugstore, the bath products store at the mall, or at your favorite online boutique for a product that's free of artificial fragrances, irritating dyes, or other chemicals. They are best for the tender, healing skin of a piercing.
Nose Piercing FAQ: It's been a few weeks since I had my nose pierced, and I've been following nose piercing aftercare instructions faithfully. But I just noticed a small whitehead pimple right next to the piercing! What should I do?
Try applying a hot compress to the area. The wet heat will open up your pores to release any oils or other impurities trapped inside. Just be careful by using a gentle touch, and for Pete's sake don't pick at it! Whenever you break the skin, you risk the buildup of scar tissue. If the pimple is right beside the piercing, you can allow it a little extra time to heal.
Nose Piercing FAQ: What type of nose jewelry is best to wear in a newly pierced nose?
When you have your piercing done, the best type of nose jewelry is the captive bead ring-often referred to as the CBR. Because of the way it is made, it is easy to keep both the healing skin and the jewelry clean. You also do not want to bother with something that has a backing while you are healing.
However, if you really want a stud, then get a stud. If you settle for a ring when you what you want is a stud, then you won't have the patience to wait for the entire healing period before you switch your jewelry, and that can lead to scarring. Just keep it clean! But just as important is the type of metal-go for gold that is 14k, 18k, or 22k, or surgical-quality stainless steel.
Nose Piercing FAQ: What is the smallest-size nose piercing I can get?
Your piercing professional should advise you not to have it pierced at less than 18 or 16 gauge. Smaller piercings do not allow you a wide range of jewelry options. Smaller jewelry might seem to be disappearing into the piercing wound in the days right after it's done because of the trauma to the skin, and you are more likely to pull at it.
Nose Piercing FAQ: Someone pulled on my nose ring / My towel got caught on my nose ring and now my piercing is bleeding! What should I do?
Don't take out the jewelry. Don't rotate it, either, because if there are germs on your nose ring you will rotate them into your wound. Instead, apply warm compresses soaked in sea salt water. If you don't have a professional sea salt solution on hand, you can make your own. Buy sea salt at your local grocery store or drug store. Make sure it's sea salt-you don't want table salt, iodized salt, Epsom salts, or anything else; they are too harsh to use on a piercing. Mix one-eighth of a teaspoon-just a pinch-with three ounces of water as hot as you can stand it. Soak the cotton ball in the water and hold it on your piercing until it cools off. Repeat with a freshly soaked cotton ball until you have soaked it for about ten minutes. You should do this about three times a day.
We say no. An experienced piercing professional will be finished so quickly that you will have just a brief moment of pain. Other numbing techniques are not good options:
Anesthetic sprays such as ethyl chloride are used only in Europe, and if used improperly they can cause frostbite. There are numbing gels, like Orajel, but they really only work on mucus membranes and not on the surface of the skin. Some people suggest ice, but again, if your piercer is experienced then you won't need it anyway-and why pay extra for that?
Nose Piercing FAQ: What if my nose jewelry falls out before the piercing is healed?
You should leave the same jewelry in place for at least six weeks. You do not have to remove the jewelry in order to clean it. If it comes out while you're sleeping then just clean your piercing and your jewelry and reinsert it.
Some people experience difficulty pushing it through their healing piercing. This might be the one time when you want to use an ice cube to numb your nose if you have trouble pushing the jewelry through.
If you have difficulty and your nose quickly becomes swollen and irritated, don't worry-but you might need a return trip to the piercing studio. If you successfully reinsert the jewelry on your own, don't forget to cleanse it again, preferably with a warm salt soak.
Nose Piercing FAQ: Can I walk into a job interview with my nose ring?
It’s best not to wear nose jewelry when you go to a job interview. Many business owners and managers have piercings of their own, and they won’t be offended by your piercing.
But they worry about customers, who are often put off by something so simple as another person’s haircut, tattoos, or piercings.
If you are thinking about getting a nose piercing and also switching jobs, then put off the nose piercing until you’ve made the switch, because you must leave your jewelry in place while the piercing heals. Once you’ve passed that critical point, you can buy clear, almost invisible acrylic posts to maintain your piercing without displaying it.
Nose Piercing FAQ: Why are nose rings banned in some Western countries?
Many people believed the Bible forbade piercing, as expressed in Leviticus 19:28. However, others interpret this as an admonishment against self-mutilation to express grief when a loved one has died.
Nevertheless, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints—the Mormons—have forbidden any piercing beyond one hole in each ear. The Jewish Talmud also prohibits wearing nose rings on the Sabbath day. Many American school districts have banned visible piercings and limited the number of piercings per ear because there is no clear definition of when a piercing is for expression of culture and religion and when it is for shock value.
The ban also reduced the number of teenagers who sought piercings without parental permission. Clear acrylic studs remain an option for times when you cannot display your nose jewelry.
Apr 21, 2021 Can I go back to my piercer the day after getting my nose pierced to swap the ring for a stud?
You shouldn’t have requested a ring, you’re stuck with it for 6 weeks now. Rings need to be intentionally large to provide room for swelling, and the minimum amount of time until you can safely change it is about 5–6 weeks in. That’s providing you care for it correctly and suffer no nasty bumps or hits to the new piercing. A stud would be a better option, at about 2–3 weeks in a piercer can attempt an “emergency changeover” which involves replacing the ring for a long stud and it isn’t guaranteed to be successful. Sadly you must be patient now. This is what we must suffer if we request the incorrect type of healing jewellery (and if your piercer hasn’t at least done their best to steer you away from that type of jewellery until it’s healed)
Apr 21, 2021 Can I change my nose ring after 3 days of piercing?
No! Whether you're referring to a nostril or septum piercing, do not try to change out the jewelry until it's fully healed. For nose piercings this will take at least 6-8 weeks for a septum, 3-4 months for a nostril. If you mess with it you're just damaging and inflaming the tissue there, making healing take much, much longer, and possibly making it get infected, heal incorrectly, or migrate. You really don't want that. You just had a piece of metal inserted into your flesh. Be kind to it and it will be kind to you.
Apr 21, 2021 My piercer told me that I can change my nose stud after 4 weeks. It looks healed, and I have had no issues with it. Is it still too early to change my jewelry?
I'd say just wait. Especially if you're trying to switch from a stud to a ring. When I apprenticed as a piercer we were taught 6-8 weeks so 4 weeks isn't that long to wait. Be sure to get a quality piece of jewelry to replace the current jewelry. By quality I mean something inert like stainless steel or titanium. Like I said you should wait, but it won't be the end of the world if you don't wait the full 4 weeks.
Apr 20, 2021 I changed my nose piercing too early. What should I do?
Leave the jewelry in, if it gets infected, DON’T TAKE IT OUT! It will make the infection 10x worse. Clean it twice a day with warm water and sea salt or saline solution, don’t use rubbing alcohol, it will dry your piercing up. Don’t rotate the jewelry, it makes the risk of infection higher and could cause the healing process to be longer and more painful than what it normally would be. You should be fine if the jewelry is made out of titanium (or surgical steel at least… even the titanium is recommended and the absolute best for new piercings), as long as it’s not some cheap, coated jewelry. In that case you’re asking for irritation/an infection. Make sure to clean it with sea salt/whatever your piercer recommended, twice a day! Try not to touch it.
Apr 20, 2021 I got my nose pierced recently and I don't feel my stud from the inside what should I do?
If you had the piercing done by a trained piercer at a reputable shop, go back to your piercer, let them inspect it for proper healing. If you did it yourself or had a “friend” do it, either go to a doctor to have it check for infection or go to a reputable piercer for advice. I wonder by your question if you did use a trained profession for the piercing as they will give you explicit care and healing instructions, as well as invite you to come back if you have any questions or concerns. And yes, my nose is pierced and was done by a professional years ago. Never any problems because I followed the directions provided when it was done. That area of the head is in the “triangle of death”. It is a dangerous place to get an infection. It is an area where it is possible for infection to breech the blood-brain barrier. Please be safe and get it checked out ASAP.
Apr 20, 2021Why is my nose piercing bleeding after I changed it to a hoop?
There are a variety of reasons why your nostril would be bleeding after you switched to a hoop. You could've switched your jewelry before you nostril was fully healed. If so it will take that much longer for your nostril to heal, since you reopened the wound that was trying to heal. Also, in most cases, when you switch to a hoop the gauge is often times bigger than the screw, bone, L shaped jewelry that you had in originally. When you replace you jewelry with a hoop, you need your nostril taper (gauging up) in order for the jewelry to fit without harming your skin. If you were not tapered and your ring is a gauge bigger, then you cut and widened your channel. This is a lot of trauma on your skin. Be prepared for a slow healing process. The bleeding could also be as simple as you got an impurity inside of it, or you bumped it causing it to bleed. In any of these cases, in order to heal the damage, clean it daily with your sea salt soak. DO NOT USE ALCOHOL! It is to abrasive for your skin. It will kill off any new skin cells trying to grow. DO NOT *I repeat* DO NOT switch out your jewelry! Even if your gauge is bigger than your previous jewelry, you already done the damage and you will do more if you remove it. Leave it alone for the time being. Do not touch it! If your problem still persists, contact your professional body piercer and have them take a look. They will give you the best advice. Hope this helps, the best of luck!
Apr 20, 2021How long should I wait before changing my nose stud?
It was pierced 2 days ago. A typical nose piercing takes around 1 or 2 moths to fully heal, however each body reacts to piercings differently. For example lack of cleanliness for the new piercing may result in infection causing the healing time to significantly increase. But sometimes piercings just take longer (3–7 months).I had my nose piercing October 2018 I was told to wait till January 2019 as well as clean the stud 3 times a day. Me personally I don’t need to do what the piercer does after following their instructions for some time. I cleaned the piercing three times a day for three weeks then I stopped my stud healed but I never even thought to change it till closer to the end of January. Listen to what your piercer says for when you are allowed to change it. Do NOT change it before when your piercer says because it may LOOK healed but where the bar of the jewelry is may not be so wait
What others are looking for?
Lets look into what is the most frequently Searched or asked questions about Nose piercing or Nose rings.
Below are top 5 Searched in 2020.
1. places that sell nose rings near me
3. hot topic nose rings
4. cool nose rings
What are the pros and cons of nose piercings?
How do you decide which side to get your nose pierced?
How much do nose piercings hurt for someone with a low to medium pain tolerance?
What's the biggest disadvantage of having a nose piercing?
Is it okay to put numbing cream inside my nose before a nose piercing?
How much does it cost to get your nose pierced?
I have very low pain tolerance. Will a nose piercing really hurt? And once you get a nose piercing how do you blow your nose?
On a scale of 1 to 10, how painful is nose piercing?
Is it ok to use gun shot for nose piercing?
Is it okay if I have my nose pierced at the right side?
How do you get a nose piercing without it hurting?
How do people with nose piercings blow their nose?
How much do nostril piercings hurt when you get them?
What does a nose piercing on the right side indicate?
What does nose piercing feel like?
Why do college age girls tend to get nose rings?
What does it mean if a woman wears a nose ring?
Do boys like girls who wear nose rings?
Does nose ring look good on girls?
Why do women wear bangles, ear rings, nose rings, and have lengthy hair (most of them)?
Why do cows have nose rings on them?
What is the psychology behind a woman wearing a bull ring between the nasal septum of her nose?
What is your first impression of people who wear nose rings or nose piercings?
Why are nose rings so popular in India?
Why do most South Indians wear nose rings on the right side?
Are nose rings cute?
What do you think about nose rings?
Is getting nose stud better than getting a nose ring?
What is the significance of wearing a nose pin for Indian women?
What is the significance of a nose piercing in an Indian girl's life? Do Indian parents force their daughter to get her nose pierced, or is it optional?
We have summarized some of the most commonly searched nose piercing FAQ in Google. click here for the list.
1. Google Trends on Nose rings & Nose Piercings for 2020.
2. Association for Professional Piercers
The people who work at many piercing boutiques perform both ear and nose piercings with a gun. The main problem with this is that piercing guns really cannot be sterilized properly, since they're made of plastic. You're leaving your safety from blood-borne pathogens such as HIV, MRSA, and hepatitis in the hands of someone who probably does nothing more than just swipe the gun clean with an alcohol pad.
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Is it okay to put numbing cream inside my nose before a nose piercing?
I wouldn't advise it! Numbing cream doesn't really work, because it only affects the first layer of skin - a piercing needle has to go through several. …
I got my noise pierce but like I still see the hole big I can't put no noise ring it won't go through what should I do
I got my noise pierce but like I still see the hole big I can't put no noise ring it won't go through what should I do
Taking nose ring out
I've had my own Irving for around 2-3 months now and it seems fine to take out and put back in but my school wants me to take it out all day, is it okay …
can I pierce my nose on the same side again if it closed up?
I had a nose piercing but it closed up. It's been about 7 months since it closed up. Can I pierce it again on the same side as the that closed up?
I had my nose pierced about 10 years ago on the right side of my nose with a gun. I didn't knows what any better then. It was also done not in my preferred …
Will nose piercing hole ever seal ever seal
I had my nose pierced about 10 years ago on the right side of my nose with a gun. I didn't knows what any better then. It was also done not in my preferred …
get rid of Nose ring bump
My nose rings always has a bump on it idk how to get rid of it I keep it clean with dial all the time but it won't go away
HELP !!!!!
I got my nose pierced about a month agao. And its like a living hell. I got it do with a little plastic gun the was brand new.I had absolutely no idea …
nose piercing ripped hole skin
so i got my nose pierced about a month ago and while i was cleaning it i accidentally pulled on it and it made the hole bigger and then my piercing went …
I want to get my nose pierced and im 12. Does it hurt alot or just a little bit and is the needle better than the gun?
nose pierced by mom and husband
Iam a village girl from tamilnadu when i was 9 my mom herself pierced my nose right side little high with great difficult she place the inner thread its …
village girls nose pierced
Iam a village girl from tamilnadu when i was 9 my mom herself pierced my nose right side little high with great difficult she place the inner thread its …
my mom pierced my nose little high
Iam a village girl from tamilnadu when i was 9 my mom herself pierced my nose right side little high with great difficult she place the inner thread its …
How old do you have to be to get ur nose done at the honey creek mall in terre haute ?
I'm not good with pain
How is a nose usually pierced and how bad does it hurt? I really want a nose ring because they look so pretty but i don't want to be in a lot of pain.
Just had my nose pierced with a needle at a studio place thing
hi, i just had my nose pierced at a proper place with a needle and i was just cleaning it with the stuff they recommended and i noticed like blackish coloured …
black spot around nose piercing
i pierced my nose twice and since then I have a black spot that doesn't go away.I got the nose ring changed by a piercer like 5 months ago but I still …
newly pierced nose
I got my nose pierced yesterday at a profesional spa with a piercing gun & currently I'm wearing 14K gold nose ring in it. The lady who did it for me gave …
why is the first nose piercing jewl so long?
I just got my nose pierced and the jewl reaches to the other side of my nose! ut I have seen jewls in the stores and they are short with a ball at the …
Worm like thing coming out of my piercing, is this normal?
I live in australia and I've had my nose pierced for almost 6 months now. I've had this clear plastic nose stud in for school for over a month and I just …
Nose/nostril / jewlery type ratio
I have (what most would consider) a larger sized nose. I have had my nose pierced for 3 months now with the hoop that my piercer put in. I'm trying to …
Is it normal for a new piercing to sink in slightly?
I got my nose pierced a few days ago & the stud has settled quite far into my nose, it's not sticking out like i thought it was supposed to? Is this okay? …
nose stud stuck
I had my nose pierced since january of last year. After the healing process I had no problem taking it out or putting it back in. I had kept a nose ring …
Will the hole from the piercing eventually close?
I'm thinking of getting my nosed pierced but I'm afraid it will leave a permanent hole. What are the chances the hole will close up when I take the piercing …
my nose peircing came out
my nose peircing and im at school and i have no way of getting another one will it grow back
Nose Piercing FAQ:
How old do you have to be to have your parents bring you to get your nose done?
Are nose piercings supposed to hurt after 4-5days?
I just got my nosed pierced 4 days ago and its just starting to hurt quite a lot around the actually piercing and inside my nose. I just want to know if …
Ive got a large bump on the side of nose piercing
Ive got a large red bump on the side of my nose piercing... leading into the actual hole. I read up on it and realize its common. A lot of people said …
Is Plastic Bad?
My original nose ring fell out and I couldn't find it so I put in this plastic stud instead, is it going to get infected and should I hurry to change it …
Difference in Corkscrews!
So I just bought a six pack of the corkscrew nose rings, and after fighting with trying to get them in(never got them in), I noticed that two of the six …
Falling out?
My nose ring keeps falling out on it's own! I've had to put it back in about 10 times today and it won't stay down. What do I do?
I want my nose piercing to close up
I have had my nose pierced since i was fourteen and i unfortunately did it myself. During my senior year i left it out the entire year and it didnt close …
normal or infected
i got my nose peirced yesterday and it still really hurts and its red around the jewlery, is it normal or is it infected?
Black stuff coming from nose
My daughter has black stuff that looks like mascara coming from both nostrils could it be a reaction to her nose ring?
I want to get my nosed pierced.
I'm allergic to nickel. I can handle a small amount, but a lot will give me a rash looking thing. When I go to the shop to get it done, what kind of metal …
I got my nose pierced a few days ago, and it's still a little swollen,and red can I put ice on it? Also, this morning it had like white stuff that looked …
Nose piercing
How long should you cleaned your nose piercing? 6 weeks? 8 weeks? 12 weeks?
Closed up :(
I have had my nose pierced for almost 2 years. It has always given me trouble and got infected easily. This week, my stud fell out and got lost and I couldn't …
How can I get my mum to agree with letting me getting my nose pierced? I'm 12
I really want my nose pierced but she wont let me please help.
Changing my nose piercing...
I've had my nose pierced for a little over 8 months now and I was wondering if I can change it. I have a stud, but I want to change it to a hoop.
When I flare my nose my L shaped hook piercing feels weird. And its still sore. This is day 3 since I had it done. Is that normal?
I got my nose pierced yesterday, but when I look at it up close, it doesn't lay flat against my nose, more like it was pierced straight in. Is this normal? …
How long do you have to clean your nose after it's pierced??
How much longer do I need to clean it for?!
going in the water
i got my septum done today, and my family want to go to the beach sometime soon. How long do i have to wait to be able to go into the sea?
Will you have a scar/hole on your nose when you take the piercing out?
Will you have a scar/hole on your nose when you take the piercing out?
When you get your nose pierced is it suppose to bleed after a day!
I got my nose pierced yesterday and im kin of scared of getting it infected so i am wondering if its not strange that its bleeding today too. Its not bad, …
how old do you have to be to get a nose piercing?
how do i have to be to get a nose piercing??
Whats the size?
I had my nose pierced with a gun, what size jewelry should I buy next?
Nose piercings
I just got my nose pierced and it was done by a gun they said after 48 hours I had to take it out and put in another one with a back so that the one I …
My nose stud keeps turning and feels loose? :(
I've had my nose percred for about a year now, and in the beginning it got hit and pulled out a few times and now its always turning so that the inside …
my nose stud is completely stuck and it wont come out!
I had my nose pierced about a month ago with a gun and a starter stud. i bought my own one nose stud with the ball at the end. But the big issue is that …
Can I use a rubber earring back on my newly pierced nose stud?
Yesterday was the day after my nose piercing with a stud. I accidentally scratched my nose and the stud flew out. I immediately doused it with alcohol …
Swimming with a fresh nose piercing ?
i just got my nose pierced and have swim practice everday what should i do
How visible is the hole when the ring is removed?
How visible is the hole when the ring is removed?
Long piercing
I just recently got my nose pierced, and the piercing is too long so it sticks out and looks like I have a burger hanging out or something. What can I …
will it hurt
i wonder, out of 10 will it hurt while getting your nose pierced
Will it hurt me if I get a nose piercing at 12
Ever since I was 11 I wanted a nose piercing but what is the pain from 1-10 What age do u have to be to get it done …
16 gauge sounds painful
ok i have 14 gauge barbells that i put through my ears and that really hurt and i was reading through the FAQs and i saw that you shouldnt get anything …
Can I use pore strips on my nose after getting it pirced?
Could you use pore strips on your nose after you get it pirced and how long should I wait to go swimming in a pool after I get it done?
Very Concerned......
I got my nose pierced for about two weeks I was impatient and wanted to switch my ring which I should have done more research on because the ring did not …
what shoould i do?
i just recently got my nose pierced and i never noticed it untill i got home, it didnt go all the way through to the other side it went a bit crooked, …
How old do you have to be to get your nose pierced?
I'm 13, and I really want my nose pierced. However, I'm not sure if there's a legal age for it to be done. I live in the UK.
Numbing the septum
How can you numb your septum before getting it pierced?
I think my hole stretched out
I had my nose pierced two days ago and when I woke up I noticed my piercing had stretched out and the stud sunk in a little. Is that normal? It also feels …
Re-piercing my nose
About 9 months ago I got my nose pierced, but i developed a small reddish bump next to the piercing 2 weeks after I got it done, even though I was cleaning …
Nose Ring Sinking
I recently got my nose peirced not even two days ago and it looks like the earring is sinking down in my skin. The area around the piercing is red and …
parents don't allow me to pierced my nose at 12
\M 12 n my parents wont let me have my nose pierced cuz they say im to yong wat shud i do
nose piercing forums
Hi, you should create a nose piercing forum. I am a professional piercer from US. Would like to join your forum if you have one. I can give free advise …
My sister has a nose piercing and I think that she has an infection
My sister has a nose piercing and I think that she has an infection it looks like a pimpol next to it. I know that it hurts her when she touchs it if u …
Can get nose piercing at 12
hi im thinking about getting my nose pierced and i dont want it to hurt what places do you know that will numb your nose cause i am like terrified but …
nose pierce bump
My daughter got her nose pierced 10/19/10. She now has a 'bump' that is visible on top of her nose and inside. The 'bump' seems to go from the jewlery …
Swimming with nose pierce
Hey :)
I really want to get my nose pierced, but I am a bit unsure due to my plans for the next little while.
I have just finished school so I will soon …
Nose ring seems to be sinking down in to my nose
I got my nose pierced 4 days ago,as of right now it's not hurting at all. But around the piercing is still a little swollen and red.The piercing place …
How long is it necessary to saline soak nostril and tragus piercings
I've surfed the web and cannot find an answer to this question: How long is it necessary to saline soak and lather up with soap, nostril and tragus piercings, …
im 14 and I want a nose piercing
im 14 and I want a nose piercing.Im not afriad of needles and I dont care if it hurts much.But im afriad of everything after. like what is it …
nose piercing in right side
i want to pierce my nose i am basically a tamlian and we ve a custom of nose piercing in right side. what is the scientific reason behind that?please …
nose stud is "sinking"
I had my nose pierced 4 days ago. I have a nose screw in but today it looks like the stud is "sinking" in to the hole? What do I do?
ice on my nose
Is it ok to put ice on my nose if it hurts?
i pierced my own nose
i pierced my own nose and i dont want it to get infected what should i do to avoid it getting infected?
nose piercing
ive just had my nose pierced this morning and am just wondering how long i should keep cleaning it for and how long i have to wait before i can touch it …
I bought a nose screw
Hi! I bought a nose screw but have misplaced the back. Do you sell, or know anyone else who sells, extra backs for nose screws. Thanks!
Do boys like girls who wear nose rings? Not rated yet
Answer 1
I find a nose ring on the side of the nose very attractive. But I find a nose ring in the center through the septum unattractive. Of course, …
Why do college age girls tend to get nose rings? Not rated yet
It's probably something they couldn't do while they were living at home. So once they become free and make seemingly adult choices, they are going to do …
How do people with nose piercings blow their nose? Not rated yet
1) We do it the same way everyone else does. I wear a hoop in my nostril piercing, and I don't have any trouble. The hoop gets pushed against the outside …
How do you decide which side to get your nose pierced? Not rated yet
Some people get their nose pierce based on culture. In India the left side is popular, because in Ayurvedic beliefs associate the left side with “female” …
different kinds of nose ring Not rated yet
I did some online search for all types of nose jewellery
Nose stud/nose bone
Nose hoop
Circular barbell
Nostril screw
L-shaped nose pin or fishtail …
Inserting piercing Not rated yet
I got my nose pierced in January by a professional and chose to wait till October to take it out. I'm having difficulty putting in the hoop piercing in …
My nose stud fell out and its newly pierced Not rated yet
My nose stud fell out and its newly pierced, I put a safety pin in it because I couldn't get the stud back in and I didnt want the hole to close but now …
nose ring hook so tight Not rated yet
I pierced my nose yesterday and it seem the hook inside the nose is so tight and I discovered is painful and it seems the ring is sinking inside and getting …
Changing piercing too early? Not rated yet
I got my nose pierced a week ago exactly with a needle and the woman said should be healed in 3 weeks, I got a corkscrew stud.
It's been a week and I …
Nostril Screw Not rated yet
I got my nose pierced about three days ago and the stud of my nostril screw keeps falling down into the healing wound. Should I go to my piercer?
Nose piercing not healing? Not rated yet
Ive had my nose pierced for 2 and a half years now but it just hasn't seemed to heal properly. I tried changing from a stud to a ring but it bled and …
My piercer pierced me with a simple nose stud Not rated yet
I got my nose pierced about 2-3 weeks ago and I want to go swimming. My piercer pierced me with a simple nose stud (one that doesn't twist) should I change …
Nose piercing almost came out Not rated yet
Nose piercing almost came out i was wondering if its just okay for me to push back or just go back to the person who pierced my nose
swim practice for 2 weeks the week after I get it pierced Not rated yet
HI. I am getting my nose pierced in a few days and I have swim practice for 2 weeks the week after I get it pierced! Should I wear a hoop or stud for swimming? …
had my nose ring in for more than 6 months Not rated yet
I had my nose ring in for more than 6 months and i still twist it and stuff but i dont take it out is that bad?
Placement of stud Not rated yet
I just got my nose pierced today. while i was cleaning it i noticed that it got a little looser and it was moving up and down in the hole. Is that normal …
What happens if I re pierce my own nose ring? Not rated yet
I took my nose ring out for about 30 minutes for a face mask and when I went to put it back in the piecing wouldn't budge. I cleaned it with antibacterial …
Twisted stud Not rated yet
Okay so my stud came out a bit so I pushed it back in but now the stick from your nose is facing in my nose and rubbing my nose wall which it always faced …
washed my face I pulled down on my septum piercing Not rated yet
The first or second day I got in the shower and forgot I had it on. As I washed my face I pulled down on my septum piercing. One side went lower than the …
the stud became loose Not rated yet
I got my nose pierced 4days before and now..the stud became loose..its came out by own..is that the hole become larger?? What should i do?
I got my nose pierced 4days before and now..the stud became loose..its came out by own Not rated yet
I got my nose pierced 4days before and now..the stud became loose..its came out by own..is that the hole become larger?? What should i do?
Nose ring gap inside nose. Not rated yet
Okay, so my nose ring gap is on the inside of my nose and now it's closed, I think... I was trying to take my nose ring out to change it and I couldn't …
I got my nostril pierced 2 days ago... Infected?? Not rated yet
I got my nostril pierced (again) two days ago, I say again because the first time it got infected and fell out and hurt too much to force it back in the …
Nose Piercing Question Not rated yet
I've just had my nostiral pierced, and she used a stud as they were the only options available for where I got it done. However, the back of the stud keeps …
got my nose piercing and it fell out so I took it out and it has healed and become a scab Not rated yet
I just got my nose piercing and it fell out so I took it out and it has healed and become a scab I'm getting it redone today should I remove the scan then …
I got my nose pierced Not rated yet
I got my nose pierced Friday. Saturday it wasn't really sore at all but now it's Sunday and it's wore to the point where it hurts to sneeze or yawn. I …
Nose piercing keiloid or just swelling Not rated yet
I got my nose pierced almost 2 months ago and it's just starting to swell a little. I can't tell if it's a keiloid or just swelling, any advise? It's on …
Nose piercing Not rated yet
I just got my nose done like two days ago and I went to sleep last night I woke up and it had gone through and gottwn stuck in my cartlig I was able to …
Will something bad happen? nose piercing Not rated yet
Got my piercing on March 30th.
And its the April 5th. I was doing my normal routine for cleaning my nostril piercing and I was getting this crusty that …
I got hit in the nose with a netball now my piercing won't go in! What do I do? Not rated yet
I got hit in the nose with a netball druring a game and there's a bump on the inside of my nose and now my piercing won't go in! What do I do!??
my nose ring fell out Not rated yet
my nose ring fell out , and I could not get it back in (the one that is was pierced with so I got another one that I got at claire's (it has a ball at …
Hoop Nose Ring Not rated yet
So I bought a hoop nose ring with out anything to close it at the end. Should I still use it, even though I'm a horrible sleeper?
Nose piercing closed over night Not rated yet
I got my nose pierced 5 days ago, i was wearing a fake stud and i was supposed to change it to a gold/diamond one today. Yesterday night the fake stud …
Hi i got my nose piercing done 1 month back by a gun shot. the metal did not suit me an the area got swollen due to which i had to change it to a gold …
nose piercing swelling Not rated yet
So I just got my nose pierced last Sunday and my nose ring hole looks a tiny bit big is that normal cuz the swelling is down?
Anxious 4 a nose piercing Not rated yet
Being so antsy & impatient i went 2 a hair supply store & got a 👃 piercing from an elderly chinese man w/ a piercing gun. It was very cheap although my …
nose piercing Not rated yet
OK so I was trying to take off my glasses and then I almost took out my nose piercing all the way and then it was bleeding a little bit on the inside am …
Nose piercing size. Not rated yet
I got pierced with a 16 gauge needle. When my nose heals, can I size down to an 18 gauge ring?
Nose Piercing heal Not rated yet
If I have a clear nose piercing in how long will it take to heal?
Is it too early to change my nose ring? Not rated yet
So I got my nose pierced about 2 months ago and I really want to change it. I got it pierced with a stud and I would like to change it to a hoop. I went …
Nose stud stuck Not rated yet
I just re-pierced my nose this morning. My first one was 6 years ago. I am cleaning it well with saline. (I'm using a ear piercing gun instead of needle) …
Nose piercing keloid turned into my hole getting larger and its an open wound Not rated yet
Helppppp i dont know what to do. I had a keloid due to the fact that my boy friend and I were play fighting and i got hit on my nose. BTW I've had this …
will nose stud fall out when i go swimming? Not rated yet
my nose stud is straight it does not fall out when i go to sleep but im worried it might fall out if i go swimming ( i have had my nose pierced for 1 year …
My Nose Piercing Looks weird to me Not rated yet
Is it okay if my nose looks like this ? With the nub outside ?
got my nose pierced yesterday, Not rated yet
I just got my nose pierced yesterday, is it okay if the "nub" is outside of my nose? And is the red/purple mark slightly above it the hole or dye ?
New nose ring Not rated yet
I just got my nose pierced a few days ago, it was with a needle and is a stud. The back popped and there's a silver thing hanging from the inside my nose …
About nose piercing Not rated yet
What do I do if it sinks into my nose??!
Isit healed yet? Not rated yet
When do I know if it's ok to change my noes ring if I've had it in for 3 months?
Isit healed yet? Not rated yet
When do I know if it's ok to change my noes ring if I've had it in for 3 months?
Its been almost a month. Not rated yet
My nose ring felt fine the first 2 weeks but then it started hurting on the 3rd week, and one day I woke up with I think dry blood around the ring and …
Is my nose pierced too high? Not rated yet
I just got my nose pierced last weekend, and the way it's positioned it looks like it could be a bit to high for a nose ring..which I want to switch to …
Will the hole close up? Not rated yet
I've had my piercing for about 8 months now. While putting on my hoodie it snagged my piercing and broke the stud. Will the hole close up if i wait a couple …
Stinging Not rated yet
I got my nose piercing about 3 days ago and I know there is supposed to be swelling and it's supposed to be sensitive. But is it normal for it to sting …
nose ring Not rated yet
Can i keep a plastic screw on while i have my surgical nose ring on? My nose ring has been sinking lately and i spoke to my jeweller already. I have been …
open nosering Not rated yet
I have an open nosering but the stopper thing that belong on the inside of my nose doesn't lay flat against my skin and i just wonder if that's normal …
Piercing hasn't healed Not rated yet
I got both sides of my nose pierced at the same time and only one of them has healed, I did the same aftercare, but my right nostril still isn't healed. …
Piercing hasn't healed Not rated yet
I got both sides of my nose pierced at the same time and only one of them has healed, I did the same aftercare, but my right nostril still isn't healed. …
cleaning out nose Not rated yet
Is it normal to have your nose piercing move when cleaning the boogers out of your nose because every time I clean the inside of my nose with a q tip since …
are you supposed to be able to see the nose stud piercing when you look up your nose? Not rated yet
I had my older sisters friend pierce my nose since we has done it for awhile now, and I'm scared it didn't go all the way through my skin because I can't …
Loose nose stud Not rated yet
I keep knocking my nose piercing I've had it for a while now and it keeps coming out a little bit is it too loose?
Nose ring help Not rated yet
I have had my noise pierced for about a year now. They pierced it fine and used a cork screw stud. After the specific time period you had to wait I put …
nose pierced with a ear gun Not rated yet
i recent got my nose piersed with a ear gun it been 3 days the back of ear ring in on there but i have to push it because its sinking in what do i do do …
Nose ring keeps turning around Not rated yet
I have recently gotten my nose pierced, the nose ring I have is a cork screw and it keeps twisting around into a uncomftable position. The piercing artist …
Skin healing/growing over the back of the piercing?? Not rated yet
my nose ring is a screw. once before, I had a problem with the skin growing or healing over the piercing on the inside of my nostril, but I think it has …
Why does your piercing hurt so bad if you repierced it after it closed up Not rated yet
Why does your piercing hurt so bad if you repieced it after it closed up... Cause I'm feeling like my nose has a slight throbbing n feels as if my nose …
Is it normal for the hair inside your nostril to grow longer on the side where you've pierced it Not rated yet
Is it normal for the hair inside your nostril to grow longer on the side where you've pierced it?
Blowing my nose Not rated yet
I got my nose pierced yesterday and I have a bad cold and I need to blow my nose and I'm scared it's going to hurt or fall out. How do I blow my nose? …
Nose pierced 1 month ago and I hadn't notice it fallen out while sleeping/put it back in myself. Not rated yet
So, I had nose pierced a month ago and the piercer gave me the stud that was bended. I've done had this thing fall out 3 times but I got it back in within …
Nose Piercing Not rated yet
If I do sports do you think it's best if I get a nose peircing, if so is it bad to take it out every game or is there a good way to hide it?
Nose Piercing faq swimming in the sea Not rated yet
Can you go swimming in the sea only a couple days after getting it done? Is there any technique I should use so I can?
is it okay to get a retinue for a nose piercing 5 weeks old Not rated yet
I was wondering if it was a bad idea to get a retainer for my piercing I've had it for 5 weeks now and I recently got hired at a job that doesn't allow …
I can't find where nose ring went threw on the inside Not rated yet
Ok so I got my nose done a week ago but I can't see or feel where it goes threw on the inside its kinda like it's not all the way threw I think it's just …
nose piercing two days ago Not rated yet
I had a nose piercing two days ago. The guy used a L bent bar that he'd straightened is this correct and when can I change it to a normal L bent one
nose ring piercing Question Not rated yet
so I pierced my nose like 3-4 years ago at home (Really dumb decision I know) but now all of sudden my nose the side I pierced it starting to hurt a lot …
Nose piercing Not rated yet
I've had my nose pierced for about three - four weeks now and was wandering when I was able to put the stud back in to prevent my nose stud from falling …
nose piercing Continuous Bleeding Not rated yet
I snagged my piercing on a towel the other day and pull it about halfway out. It's an l shape and I got it done about 6 weeks ago. It got really infected …
Changing my nose ring too early Not rated yet
I changed my nose stud to a nose ring after having it pierced only two weeks ago. The nose ring is thinner than the nose stud that was originally put …
nose piercing while swimming Not rated yet
i wear a nose screw stud. will this fall out whilst swimming?
closed nose piercing with ear ring still in it Not rated yet
my nose percing closed up with the ear ring still in it what do i do
too close to nose opening Not rated yet
I got my nose pierced a week ago and realized a few days later that the top lays fine but the inside is crooked. If I hold my head back a little you can …
Nose piercing for second time Not rated yet
I done my nose piercing for the second time because last time I done it, it fell out and I couldn't get it back in so I waited 2 weeks and I got it done …
I pierced my nose at home Not rated yet
Ever since I was 16, I have wanted to pierce my nose so badly! I turned 17 on June 14,2015. I decided "hey I'm gonna go to a piercer and see how much it …
I lost my nose stud that my pierced gave me and I don't know what size it was. What size should I get when I buy another one? Not rated yet
I lost my nose stud that my pierced gave me and I don't know what size it was. What size should I get when I buy another one?
a sterling silver hoop on my nose will it get nasty Not rated yet
I'm planning on going to the beach with my family, I have a sterling silver hoop on my nose will it get nasty? should I take it out? if so, will it close? …
Taking out a nose ring Not rated yet
My parents don't want me to have a nose piercing anymore so I just took out my ring. It is now bleeding, is this bad? I can't find anything on the internet …
Oily skin and bump around my nosepiercing? Not rated yet
I got my nose pierced (ring) around 2½ months ago. I've had some trouble with the famous 'bump' (it has dissapeared and re-appeared a few times) I don't …
Nose ring fell down drain Not rated yet
I've had my nose pierced for two weeks.And when i went to the barhroom to clean it my nose ring fell down the drain!! What should i do?
nose piercing wont go in fully Not rated yet
i has my nose piercing in all day and when i go home i first took it out to clean it and around the area and when i go to put it back in, it wont go in …
Nose ring hole widened? Not rated yet
so i got my nose pierced about 5 months ago and my ring fell out and i could not get a corkscrew back in and i got a very thin one now my hole is formed …
septum piercing 4 days old Not rated yet
I just got my septum pierced like four days ago and the little ball at the end fell off, and I'm scared it'll fall off what do I do?
I'm a female boxer can I have a nose piercing Not rated yet
I'm a female boxer can I have a nose piercing
Is swimming with my 2 week nose piercing okay Not rated yet
Mlk pool is finally opened Monday, is it okay to go underwater with my exact 2 week old piercing ?
keep my nose stud hole from closing Not rated yet
how long of time can i keep my nose stud out for i have had it done 3 months and two weeks ago but am not aloud it in school how long can it be taken out …
Shop made hoop Not rated yet
I got my nose pierced about e months ago andbthe shop used piercing metal and bent it into a hoop when the did my nose. Now it doesnt rotate around and …
Nose piercing bleeds Not rated yet
I've had my nose pierced just over a year and a half. It's always been sensitive so I don't mess with it. I clean it often and I wear a stud, not a ring. …
nose stud keeps sliding downward out my nose Not rated yet
I got my nose pierced with a needle at a tattoo shop today and the piercer told me something about the blood pushing my piercing downwards and out (whatever) …
hoop nose ring Not rated yet
the ball of my new nose piercing is briefly showing. is this normal? (it's a hoop nose ring I just got done a few hours ago)
Clear nose retainer Not rated yet
I had my nose pierced 2 weeks ago and earlier today my piercer changed it to a clear corkscrew nose piercing for me as I return to school soon. I have …
second hole next to my original nose piercing Not rated yet
I accidentally made a second hole next to my original nose piercing. I thought my hole was closing but it wasn't. Is there any tips to prevent scarring? …
New Nose Ring Not rated yet
It's been 4 days since got nose pierced and its dried blood but not sore.I think I hit it unknowingly but I'm not sure if I should be alarmed. Was pierced …
nose piercing. Not rated yet
I got my nose pierced wid a piercing gun 2 months back..pus is forming again n again in nose piercing even after taking anti biotics.... Should i now remove …
noise piercing for one year Not rated yet
I just took my old noise piercing out to put my 14k gold in. The problem is can't get in its is pimple bump on like scar tissue.I push still will on …
Nose piercing Not rated yet
If I have a nose piercing infection and my nose stud fell off what should I do ?
Fresh Nose Ring Came Out Not rated yet
I got my nose pierced yesterday and it came out the same day by accident. I put it back in with no problem but now im worried that it might get infected? …
recently pierced Not rated yet
So 5 days ago I got my nose pierced with the gun and the stud started to sink in so I went back and the lady told me to switch the jewelry so I did but …
Changing gauge sizes Not rated yet
Can u switch from a 20 gauge to 18 after 2 years
why is it bleeding piercing Not rated yet
so I just got my nose pierced a few days ago, and when I went to clean it today, it was bleeding. does this mean it's infected?
nose piercing help Not rated yet
I got my nose pierced on my birthday, December 30. Its now Feb 28 so it's been about 2 months since I've had it pierced. Lately I've noticed that a small …
Nose piercing Not rated yet
I got the right side of my nose pierced and its now larger than the left side is that normal i got it done about two days ago and if thats normal will …
Nose ring Not rated yet
Am I fine if my nose ring rotated inside my nose ?
Ripped out nose stud Not rated yet
Question: I really need help please !!! I had my nose pierced early December. 4days after my new piercing I accadently knock it out it, it was never the …
Nose stud fell down the drain all I had is a retainer only 1 week old? Should I worry? Not rated yet
My stud feel down the drain it's only about a week old. I had a clear retainer so I put that in. Should I be worried? What do I do? I have other jewlery …
nose piercing Not rated yet
I have had my nose pierced for two days now & sometimes its a little red. I just wanna know if its normal or not cause it kinda scares me & makes me think …
help Not rated yet
I just got my use pierced. And I was cleaning. It and accidentally moved the stud and now it feels weird. It's not in the right laying place and I can't …
Just got it done Not rated yet
I got my piercing done yesterday and today i changed it into a clear stud for school. I am really scared it will get infected because i changed it so early? …
Nose ring is bent...? Not rated yet
I got my nose pierced about 3 weeks ago with a captive bead ring and in trying to put the bead on I bent the ring so it's not a perfect circle anymore. …
Nose hoops Not rated yet
Can I leave the ball off the hoop and just wear it without it?
Changing nose ring Not rated yet
I have had my nose pierced since april 2014 with a stud and I really want to wear a ring but when I do change it, it gets like a white substance around …
nose piercing Not rated yet
my nose pierced over 5 years and i always had in a stud and decided to change it to a hoop....i went to a piercing shop to get it changed and everything …
Ring Size Not rated yet
I just got my septum pierced and I got it at standard 16 ga. Its pierced w little high but its just fine. I was wondering, once healed, does it sink? Meaning, …
Nose Piercing FAQ Not rated yet
if I get a nose piercing , will it effect my breathing or singing in any way badly? I am a singer and I don't want a piercing to ruin the way I sound, …
Back piece Not rated yet
I just got my nose pierced a week ago and today the back piece fell out I'm scared to touch it will it fall out while I'm sleeping and if so what do I …
Zoozoo Not rated yet
I just did my nose piercing with a gun and a sterlized earing when shallni remove it and put another in my nose??
Nose piercing Not rated yet
I just got my piercing done yesterday with a ball. Is it normal for the ball to be half way sunken in my skin?
Nose piercing Not rated yet
ive had my nose pierced for a little over a year and a half. I developed a bump around my piercing this week. I Cleaned it but my stud came out and now …
piercing Infected after 6 months+ Not rated yet
Hi, I git my nose pierced over 6 months ago and for some strange reason is has been infected twice in two weeks!!
I have been really lucky and never had …
I Want An Nose Piercing But Its To Oily-- I THINK Not rated yet
My nose gets oily around my nose all the time but i want my nose peirced or should I wait and take care of the oily skin first so that it heals properly? …
nose piercing Not rated yet
My 18 year old daughter had her nose pierced and now wishes she had not. can she simply remove it and continue to care for it until it closes?
noseygirl Not rated yet
i recently got my nose pierced with the l shaped ring and it fell out while i was washing my face and went down the drain :( then when i was trying to …
thinking of getting my nose pierced with a stud. But will it settle over time and not stick out to much? Not rated yet
I'm thinking of getting my nose pierced with a stud, but im worried it will stick out to much and i was wondering will the piercing settle on your nose …
confused Not rated yet
I had my septum pireced two week ago. i have to go for a colonoscopy and need to take it out for two to hours will my hole close in?
do you or do you not? Not rated yet
do you have to bring your own nose ring or stud when getting a nose piercing or do they provide one for you when you get it done?
Nose Piercing FAQ Not rated yet
when is the best time to get a nose piercing?and if i get it in the summer can i swim with it?
new piercing Not rated yet
I just got my nose pierced today, and i.m going to canada`s wonderland. Will my piercing be okay on the rides? Will it stay in?
new piercing Not rated yet
I just got my nose pierced today, and i.m going to canada`s wonderland. Will my piercing be okay on the rides? Will it stay in?
Nose stud obstructing nasolacrimal duct? Not rated yet
Can a nose stud obstruct nasolacrimal duct causing watery red eye
how long does it take to close? Not rated yet
I just got my nose piercing about a month ago and it feels like there is a good "hole" there. I was wearing a clear nose ring for but they finally noticed …
did my piercing go through? Not rated yet
hi, i pierced my nose myself a few days ago. every thing looks great, but i'm worried i didn't get the piercing all the way through! how can i tell? any …
karen j Not rated yet
i got my nose done about 5 week i use the h20 they give me but it is sweeling and red but if i dont use it it goes down what should i use to clean it and …
Nose Piercing Not rated yet
How old do you half to be to get you nose pierced in the state of Indiana?
t partially comes out Not rated yet
I got my noce pierced a week ago and the stud keeps wanting to creep out so you can see half the post sticking out. Is this normal?
Redness in a nose piercing? Not rated yet
How long does the redness in a nose piercing last?
pierced my nose little high tamil Not rated yet
Iam a village girl from tamilnadu when i was 9 my mom herself pierced my nose right side little high with great difficult she place the inner thread its …
my mom pierced my nose Not rated yet
Iam a village girl from tamilnadu when i was 9 my mom herself pierced my nose right side little high with great difficult she place the inner thread its …
Injured Nose Piercing!! Help!! Not rated yet
I had my nose pierced today and everything was just fine until a friend of mine accidently hit it and it started bleeding very bad.. I didn't do anything …
Can I change it now?? Not rated yet
I've had my piercing for 4 weeks now. It's a stud and I reeeeaallyyy want to chnage it to a hoop. Can I change it now? Is it okay to change it now?
Nose piercing for men Not rated yet
Can men go for nose piercing? If so, could you please advise which one would suit for men.
Advanced thanks for your advise.
nose rings without balls? Not rated yet
i recently brought a nose ring for my nose and it was one where you pop the ball of it and i have lost the ball, is it possible to wear it without the …
Why is my nose stud crooked? Not rated yet
I got my nose pierced with a needle a couple of days ago and I noticed the stud faces upwards and not flat on my nose. Is this normal or did the piercer …
Nose Piercing FAQ Not rated yet
What is the smallest size they make in a hoop nose ring? Does it go past 20mm?
runny noses... Not rated yet
I really really want a nose ring but someone said that it's not good to have a nose ring if you get a lot of colds (which I do), they explained that the …
How long do I have until my nose will close up? Not rated yet
I've had my nose pierced a little over one month. I have cheerleading tryouts coming up and we're not allowed to wear any sort of jewerly in, no exceptions. …
My Piercer Not rated yet
Didn't have any glass(clear) studs when she pierced my nose and my job doesn't allow any visible piercings. She said I can come in later on in the week …
hook vs. backing Not rated yet
If i have my nose pierced with a gun and i dont like the backing. is it possible to eventually switch it to the stud without the backing, like with the …
Nose piercings and the ocean Not rated yet
So my birthday is in two weeks (end of april) and my birthday present to myself is to finally get my nose pierced. Towards the middle of july I'll be going …
I never had allergies until I got my nose pierced can that effect anything? Not rated yet
I never had allergies until I got my nose pierced can that effect anything?
Answer; Allergy on what? Maybe possible if the needle or ring is contaminated …
My nose piercing is too high! Not rated yet
Hi there,
I got my nose pierced a few days ago and I feel like its too high. It's right on the crease of the nostril and I have a pretty small nose. …
Should I or not? Not rated yet
I want to get a nose ring but I'm concerned about the possibility that I could get hepatitis, HIV and MRSA if they do it with the gun. What should I be …
What size gauge is the nose ring I got pierced with?? Not rated yet
When I got my nose pierced, I chose a small pink stud. I didn't even think about asking the size of it! It's the hook, screw, loop, or whichever you call …
I'm 10, almost 11. Am I old enough to get a piercing in California?? Not rated yet
Am I?? And if so, will it hurt??
Answer: with your parent's approval. it wouldn't hurt very much.
Irritation Problem Not rated yet
I got my nose pierced about 5 1/2 weeks ago. I changed the jewelry and put in a hoop. On the inside of my nose, the stud made scabbing that formed so that …
miss mansell Not rated yet
I got my nose percied with a gun yesterday. i have cleaned it three times. its still slighty red and a little bit of skin is going ovet a small amount …
Sam Not rated yet
I waited to put in my steerling silver nose ring until long after my nose piercing had healed, however, i have still developed a dark spot where the piercing …
White gold piercing Not rated yet
can white gold be used for new nose piercing instead for gold?
Totally healed-how much time? Not rated yet
I read earlier on the faq not to use sterling silver until the piercing had totally healed. How long should I wait to be safe? I know that even if the …
oxidies Not rated yet
My nose turned blackbecause of the silver i had in it. Is there anyways to get it not change back
Nose piercing Not rated yet
Can you get a bloody nose a day after you get your nose pierced?
What do I do about this scar that is growing? Not rated yet
I got my nose pierced and about three weeks later I went in and got it changed to a ring, but I often have to change it for work. And I have been noticing …
Operation Not rated yet
i got my nose pierced yesterday and today found out that in 15 days i have to get eye surgery all piercings must be removed for this operation my piercing …
I have a earring in my nose piercing Not rated yet
I have a earring in my nose piercing that was done last tues. with a gun. It is infected and I was told to take the back out, doing this the stud also …
Can I get my nose pierced with a plastic/clear stud instead of metal jewellery Not rated yet
because of work/school?
meaning Not rated yet
what is the meaning of getting a nose pierce?
nose hoop Not rated yet
The opening to my nose hoop ring is inside the hole of my piercing and will NOT spin around so i can take it out and put in a stud....HELP!!
nose ring Not rated yet
if you have had your nose ring for almost 2 weeks will it close within 8 hours?
Answer: Yes it will close within few hours.
How long can I take my nose piercing out for? Not rated yet
I have had my nose pierced for a year now and am beginning to play netball again this evening but dont have time to buy a clear stud. Will I be able to …
What should i do to prevent my nose piercing from getting infected? Not rated yet
I am going to get my nose pierced for the 1st time and i really don't want it to get infected.I have my ears pierced and they get infected some times. …
if you want to wear a hoop, do you have to tell the person doing the piercing in advance so they can pierce further down? Not rated yet
i was told that if you get a nose piercing that you have to tell the person doing the piercing in advance if your going to be wearing studs of hoops because …
wheres the best place to get your jewlery Not rated yet
I don't know where to get good jewelry for my belly, nose, and tounge.
Answer: Please visit our store here
http://bodypiercingjewelry.myshopify.com/ …
Nose Not rated yet
I've had my nose pierced for around 2 weeks now and my original stud came out about 2 days ago and me or mum couldn't get it back in as it is a stud with …
Can I get my nose pierced in the same place twice? Not rated yet
I want to get my nose pierced again after losing my nose stud and having the hole close up..
Can i get it pierced in the same place again?
Is it safe? …
should it still be red? Not rated yet
i got my nose pierced a week ago and the skin around the piercing is still kinda red, is that normal? i clean it twice a day with a sea salt soak so i …
Is there a way that I can prevent some pain from a nose piercing? Not rated yet
I'm 13 and I'm getting my nose pierced tomorrow with a needle. Is there any way I can prevent any pain? Like if I took medicine before?
Nose hoop without ball Not rated yet
I have a hoop in my nose without the ball part, I heard that if the very tiny gap goes in my nose, my nose will heal through it. I've had it pierced for …
how long Not rated yet
how long after piercing can you hide the ring? I HAV BEEN TOLD I CAN NOT HAVE THIS AT WORK BUT SINCE IT TAKES 6-12 WEEKS TO HEAL WHAT DO I DO
Answer; …
Nose Peircing Not rated yet
On the day i get my nose peicred, instead of putting in a gold or stainless steel stud in straight away, can i get a clear plastic studd? or is there special …
my sexy nose ring Not rated yet
Hi gals..
i am a sexy 24 year girl from tahoma..yesterday i got my nose pierced, and my whole life changed...
i suddenly became to feel more sexy …
nose piercing nose stud cost Not rated yet
why do nose piercings with rings cost less than nose piercings with just a stud?
Can i change it now? Not rated yet
I got my nose pierced about six weeks ago and it was a corkscrew stud, i just bought some genuine crystal nose rings. my piercing dosn't really hurt to …
Question? Not rated yet
So, I've had my nose pierced for almost a year. After I first got it, I had to take it out at school and then I wore a retainer. Once school was out, I …
sleeping Not rated yet
is there a way i can sleep without having my new nose ring fall out i just got it today and i am afraid it will fall out in my sleep because i move alot …
antibotic ointment Not rated yet
is neomycin sulfate good for a nose piercing infection ?
It is not recommended for use on open wounds. Also never use hydrogen peroxide or …
Question! Not rated yet
I had my nose pierced two days ago and i haven't touched it, rotated it and it hasn't gotten stuck/caught in anything, however it keeps bleeding and bleeding …
Is it possible to have your nose ring to tight Not rated yet
I got my nose pierced a few days ago not long at all maybe 2 days but it feels like the piercer screwed the nose ring to tight because I can not twist …
What should i do? Not rated yet
Well i had my nose pierced a couple months ago and now in my nose behind the piercing theres like a chunk of skin. i was just wondering i s that ok or …
swimming in salt water Not rated yet
does swimming in salt water affect your nose piercing after you just got it?
Healing of the nose piercing Not rated yet
hi..i have had my nose pierced for nearly two years and i still seem to find it hard to change the nose ring..what shall i do..it stil hurts when i try …
Original piercing Not rated yet
What size are most nose rings when they get pierced?
(The original stud that is used to pierce the nose)
new nose ring Not rated yet
i just got a new nose ring about two days ago,but my girls flag football coach will not allow me to have one on at practice,i bought a clear little one …
Nose piercing Not rated yet
I'm in a sport that I have to take my piercing out. If I leave it in for about 4-5 months and take it out for a few hours an put it right back in will …
Redness around my nose piercing done 3 weeks ago Not rated yet
Is this normal or an indication of an infection?
nose Not rated yet
my nose piercing under it seem to feel soar if i touch it the perscing hurt under and looks red and swollen
Pain Not rated yet
Is it okay for the piercing to be sore a few days after the piercing is done?
Septum Ring Not rated yet
I got my septum pierced several months ago, and it healed perfectly fine, but whenever I push up on my nose, there's an intense pain. It's not swollen …
Septum numbage options?? Not rated yet
I'm piercing my septum today at home, and I want to numb it because my septum is very sensitive. I've tried piercing it before, but because of how sensitive …
help................... Not rated yet
I got my nose pierced in november 2011 and now it's february 2012 and my nose piercing got a keloid, so I went to shoprite and got tea tree oil, and I …
Healed? Not rated yet
My nose piercing is three years old now and it still hurts and bleeds when I change it. What can I do?
Super annoying, please read. Not rated yet
I've had my nose pierced for a few weeks now, and it's an "L" shaped nose stud. I have to keep on twisting and messing with the stud because the tail of …
Septum piercings Not rated yet
How long does it take for a septum piercing to heal?
Expect healing to take at least six weeks. Use cotton balls or a swab stick with a warm …
Piercing with blackheads? Not rated yet
Can I get my nose pierced even if I have blackheads all over my nose?
Yes you can. Just follow our after care informations at Nose Piercing …
My new nose piercing..WORRIED Not rated yet
I just got my nose pierced 2 weeks ago, the piercing seems to be grown into the side of my nose. Its not sticking out, its flush against my nostril. Is …
Hi i just pierced my nose like probably 3 weeks aqo .they did it with a gun i ben cleaning my piercing all the time it looks normal, it doesnt hurt alot …
allergic!! Not rated yet
There is a bump above my nose piercing and so I looked up the cause. And im thinking im allergic to my nose stud. Where is a good and reasonably priced …
Surgery Not rated yet
I had scoliosis surgery about five years ago, and my surgeon warned that if I were to get any piercings, it would risk being infected and causing my rods …
Just got a new job but really want my nose pierced can it be done? Not rated yet
I just got a new job and I really want to get my nose pierced but I'd have to take it out at work. Is there any way possible I could get my nose pierced …
Infected Not rated yet
How do you know if it's infected?
You can expect symptoms of infection to resemble any other kind of body piercing infection. Your piercing …
when Not rated yet
im just getting over a cold but i really want my nose pierced can i still get it?
No problem. You can pierce anytime. But avoid if yu have …
nose Not rated yet
should my nose still be bleeding if i got it pierced yesterday? if so, what should i do ?
It is normal to Bleed for few days after piercing. …
Infected, but can I change it/will that help? Not rated yet
I've had my nose pierced for almost a year now, and I've changed it multiple times. It's a little bit infected right now, but the stud is getting kinda …
Best Piercing Place Not rated yet
Where can I find good or best nose piercing place?
how long does a nose piercing take to heal? Not rated yet
I'm a female boxer and want to get a nose piercing soo badly!! And I was just wondering how long it will take to heal long enough for me to take it out …
Nose piercing Not rated yet
If i have no back on my nose piercing, when i'm sleeping will it come out & if so what do i do?
Nose Piercing With a Gun Removal Not rated yet
I got my nose pierced with a nose piercing gun, and have had no problems with it. So far, it has healed properly and I feel ready to take it out. It fell …
Is this normal? Not rated yet
There are tiny hairs around my nose piercing hole. Is this normal? How do I get rid of it?
nose piercing FAQ : lost my nose jewelry Not rated yet
i have a problem.i lost my nose jewelry into the sink and i had my nose pierced like a week and a half ago...and it;s sunday so there isn t an option such …
cleaning nose piercing Not rated yet
I just got mine pierced and the guy did not tell me how to clean how or how many times a day to clean it. I am using antibacterial soap which from experience …
Face wash Not rated yet
Hey , Im wondering whats the best face wash to use i got told that clean and clear and other things are bad while having a healing nose pieceing ?
What will happen if i want to put in a new stud before the six weeks are over? Not rated yet
What will happen if i want to put in a new stud before the six weeks are over?
Where?? Not rated yet
Where can i get my nose pierced at 13?
ive had my nose pierced for one week... Not rated yet
i put a screw\hook ring in because the straight one kept coming out and i had to put it back in over and over. Will it heal ok with a hook nose ring?
Nose hoop Not rated yet
I have a nose hoop I just got yesterday now my job said I can have a stud not a hoop cos it will "get caught" so idk what to do cos I have to change it …
HELP!!!!! Not rated yet
i have a friend who's skin healed over her nose ring, and my nose ring is swolloen like hers was and im afraid that this happening to my nose, how do i …
I really need help. :( Not rated yet
I had my nose pierced when I was a sophomore in high school. I loved it until a nasty keloid formed and had to take it out. Here I am, a freshman in college. …
can my nose piercing cause an eye infection? Not rated yet
can my nose-piercing cause my eyes to be infected?
What to clean with after healed Not rated yet
what should i clean my nose ring with after it is fully healed?
Any way at all?? Not rated yet
Is their any way to put in a different bead or ring 4 days after JUST getting the peirceing?
Help Not rated yet
Iv had my nose pierced for about a year & half way rhrew I bought a cheap nose ring from the mall & now it's comming out on it's own it hurts & I can't …
nose piercing Not rated yet
Ive had my nose pierced a year now, i havent changed it very often, because it hurts, should it still hurt after a year of having it pierced and how long …
Pierced with a gun, when can I change my piercing. Not rated yet
I got pierced with a gun, however the backing did not attach to the rest of the jewelry... When can i change the jewelry and with what should I change …
Nose Piercing Not rated yet
What if you just got your nose pierced 5 days ago, and the piercing started to become lose..What does that mean ?
how long ? and how ? Not rated yet
how long do i keep in my nose piercing its been 9 weeks already and i tried taking it out and it gets pinkinsh red around the piercing ??and i am having …
Swollen redness Not rated yet
i got my nose pierced in middle of last October, and the other night i slept on my friends couch & i woke up with my nose piercing swollen and very red. …
nose piercings Not rated yet
i had my my piercing for around 5 years and i never had any problem with it until last two week when i changed from a stud to a ring. the ring has been …
Fell out Not rated yet
How long before it closes
crazy thing happend Not rated yet
so i have 8 gauge septum im going bigger in time. so im sick lastnight before i went to bed since my nose has been running i wanted to put it back in so …
Hiding your piercing Not rated yet
I have a septum piercing but I don't want it to show sometimes and I don't want to have to flip it up all the time. Is it possible to get some sort of …
the "bump" Not rated yet
Just got my nose pierced a few days ago and its already starting to get the bump thingy what can I do to get rid of it?
Nose Piercings... Not rated yet
Where can you get nose piercings in Ontario, Canada???
How do I sort out my nose piercing problem? Not rated yet
I had my nose pierced on the 23rd December 2011, I've been cleaning it constantly and it has been fine up until recently.
My skin has formed a red raw …
Piercing hasn't healed yet! Not rated yet
I've had my nose pierced for almost a year now. It doesn't hurt, and for the most part it looks absolutely normally. Occasionally, I'll wake up with a …
nose piercing. Not rated yet
i have a lump where my nose is pierced, is that normal?
My nose piercing is sore and swollen Not rated yet
My nose has been pierced for 5 yrs. I use stainless steel jewelery and have never had problems.
Recently, my nose has become sore and tender around the …
Blood! Not rated yet
I just got my nose pierced a few weeks ago, and I've accidentally torn it on my blanket, but now there seems to be a sack developed outside of my piercing, …
When to change piercing to clear jewelry? Not rated yet
I just pierced my nose last week and got a new job. They don't allow facial piercings but the piercing is not heal yet. Is it safe to take out my nose …
Nose Piercing with Blackheads? Not rated yet
Can I get my nose pierced if I have blackheads? Even if they normally don't develop into anything?
nose piercing Not rated yet
i took out my nose piercing before it heals and i tried to put it in back but it wont go in how can i get it in?
Inhaled the backing Not rated yet
I think I inhaled the backing of my new nose stud. I feel like there's something in my throat. What should I do ?
Is swollen and tenderness normal in the first week normal? Not rated yet
I just got my nose pierced 3 days ago..I might be overreacting but i had it done by a professional with a needle and not a gun..I clean it like I'm supposed …
Is swollen and tenderness normal in the first week normal? Not rated yet
I just got my nose pierced 3 days ago..I might be overreacting but i had it done by a professional with a needle and not a gun..I clean it like I'm supposed …
nose Not rated yet
Does getting your nose pierced hurt?
and if it does for how long?
I'm nervous... should I be?
nose piercing gone bad. Not rated yet
okay, so I have my nose pierced, but it's starting to go red, and a bit pusy, plus, it started to close when I was cleaning it. I had really hard time …
oily nose Not rated yet
I want to get my nose pierced but my nose is very oily and I wanted to know if it will get infected because of the oil.
I got my nose pierced yesterday and it fell out while I was sleeping. Not rated yet
I got my nose pierced yesterday and it fell out while I was sleeping. I think it's corkscrew shaped. The hole on the outside of my nose is fine, not closed …
What is the minimun age for getting a Piercing in England or the UK? Not rated yet
I am 12 & 3/4 years old and I want to get several piercings for my 13TH birthday, I want to start out with an eyebrow Piercing on my right eyebrow, but …
I can't put a back on my nose piercing? Not rated yet
Hi, I recently got a stud piercing, and it keeps falling out! I have had to stab it back through a couple times (ouch) and it falls out because I don't …
scared! Not rated yet
I very recently got my nose pierced(recently being about 2 weeks ago) and my stud fell out while I was washing my face. I couldn't find the stud and I …
Repiercing Not rated yet
Is it okay to get your nose repierced in the same place like 3 times in like a month? My hole will close up very quickly everytime i go to change it. Tomorrow …
i just got my nose pierced at home Not rated yet
Hi , i just got my nose pierced at home i put on a stud , i tried to sterilize everything ...but it's sore , should the stud go through or not .??! i don't …
Do I take out my nose piercing before a shower? Not rated yet
I have my nose pierced, it has been over 2 months and my question is should I take out my nose piercing before a shower, because when I leave it in when …
Brand New Nose Piercing. Less than 24 hrs. ago.... Not rated yet
Morning. I just have a quick couple of questions. I just got my nose pierced yesterday afternoon and it's my first "body piercing" ever and it's pretty …
what to do Not rated yet
i just got my nose pierced about a week and six days ago, i by mistake took out my nose ring and the inner hole is already starting to close and the outter …
removal Not rated yet
I've had my nose pierced for about a year now so why does it still hurt when I try to take it out?
Nose question Not rated yet
I put a hoop in my nose, and now i think it ripped my nose. What should i do??
Nose Piercing Troubles :( Not rated yet
Why do i have an extra piece of skin that is fresh, it has come up next to my nose pericing on the surface and it sticks to my piercing when i bathe it …
Retainer Not rated yet
I wear an acrylic nose retainer for my AFJROTC uniform every Wednesday, though have pain in inserting the jewelry. (I got it pierced six months ago). Is …
is my nose peircing infected Not rated yet
Its been peirced for a year but bleeds here and there and has booger like substance coming up and sometimes theres crust around it
what side of my nose should i pierce? Not rated yet
What is the best side to pierce? Do they have different meanings?
Nose Piercing Not rated yet
I just got my nose pierced 3 days ago... this morning I realized that the small ball was sinking into my piercing, and it freaked me out. I'm not sure …
nose peircingg Not rated yet
if i peirce my nose with a gun could itt possibly bleed from the peircingg??
Blowing your nose Not rated yet
I just got my nose pierced and was wondering if I can blow my nose as normal?
if i have sores in my nose can i still get it pierced? Not rated yet
if i have sores in my nose can i still get it pierced?
Nose ring FAQ: Not rated yet
I just got my nose piercing 3 days ago and the next day after i got it done i accidently snatched it out so i replaced the earing with a plastic one..do …
How many times? Not rated yet
My nose piercing has closed 3 different times & I want to get it repierced again. Is it un healthy? Is there a limit to how many times I should get my …
nose hoop stuck Not rated yet
My nose hoop is stuck and skin is surrounded the nose hoop and its a 14 gauge. It hurts bad. How can I get it out?
new nose piercing Not rated yet
i just got my nose pierced yesterday, how many times a day should i be cleaning it?
closure Not rated yet
will the piercing ever close up?
I ripped out my stud by accident, when putting it back in the base didn't go through my nostril. Not rated yet
is the base of the stud supposed to penetrate the nostril and come out through the inside? is it bad that the base is still in my skin? i don't remember …
HELP! ME! PLEASE! Not rated yet
Okay I have had my nose peirced for a few days, Im not really sure if it's 3 or 4....but anyways I have a few questions. It really buggs me that I cant …
Help! Not rated yet
I just got my nose pierced two days ago. And I woke up and the top of my nose stud has fallen into the hole. To where you can only see the diamond part. …
I feel like my nose piercing is going to fall out! Not rated yet
I just got my nose pierced and the piercer used a stud as my first piercing. Well, I feel like the stud is so small that its going to fall out because …
nose strip dilemma!!! Not rated yet
Will it be possible for me to use a blackhead clearing strip if i have my nose pierced? I know i will need to take it out but i'm wondering if it will …
Infection Not rated yet
I got my piercing about 5 months ago and for a week or two its been hurting. It's getting puffy on the inside. It hurts to touch it, and I've had to put …
Nose ring Not rated yet
My hoop ring all of a sudden won't rotate anymore. Almost like the hole is sealing shut, and hard to move spin it so I can clean it. Should I just remove …
Nose Piercing FAQ: Not rated yet
I really want to get my nose pierced but my boss said i wouldnt be able to wear it at work. Is there anyway i could hide it or put something not noticable …
Question!!! Not rated yet
How long do you have to keep a nose piercing in??? Can you get your nose pierced with a clear stud??? Does it hurt??? How much does it cost???
nose piercing Not rated yet
what if i broke a needle and use it as a jewlery
Retainer as first piercing? Not rated yet
I really want to get my nose pierced for my birthday in December, but my school doesn't allow nose piercings. Can you get your nose pierced with a retainer, …
Why Is My Nose Hoop Turning Black ? Not rated yet
I got my nose pierced about two months ago ; and I put a nose in it and now it's turning black on a part .
When can i change it? Not rated yet
its beena bout two months, and about 2 weeks after i got it pierced, i accidentally almost ripped it out in my sleep. i pushed it back in and i got a lump …
Sea Salt Infection? Not rated yet
Okay, so I went Swimming at the beach with my friends and since then around the piercing on the inside of my nose has gotten infected and pussy, what should …
Thinking about it! Not rated yet
my mom said she thinks it will be cute with just a really tiny stud but wont let me yet! how can a convince her im ready? how much does it hurt?
Scaring Not rated yet
Is there a likelihood of scaring if I decide to no longer wear my nose ring ?
There's a black layer around my piercing? Not rated yet
so I've had my piercing for a week now and I clean it with saltwater twice a day, as I was told. For the first 2 days there was dry blood around the piercing …
black spot on nose Not rated yet
How do I get rid of the black spot that remains on my nose from a sterling silver nose ring? And does saline solution take down swelling inside my nose …
Should I wait?? Not rated yet
How long do i need to wait after getting my nose pierced to switch the jewelry out? Because my friend only waited about a week to switch hers out.
Nose Piercing FAQ: Not rated yet
I have a job and the manager said i can not have a visible nose piercing. Can I get my nose pierced with a clear stud?
Sick! Not rated yet
I currently have a cold and I have been blowing my nose alot, my piercing is starting to really hurt. What should I so?
nose piercing problem Not rated yet
its been 8 months since i pierced my nose and its still hurts when i try to take it out . what does this means
Is it too tight? Not rated yet
I just did my nose piercing yesterday. But I feel the inside of the stud is a little tight. When I look in the mirror, it seems close to my skin. Is it …
Cleaning 10mo old nose piercing after running and waterproof sunblock Not rated yet
I have had my nose stud for 10 months. The piercing itself is healed, but I continue to get a white bump near the piercing. Is there special cleaning care …
Noise percings Not rated yet
I have a ball end nose stud and it came with a rubber back. Do i use the rubber back on when i put it in my nose?
Healing Concerns. Not rated yet
My nose was pierced with a gun six months ago. every day since the 3rd week, i put in my spacer for school except on weekends. i wear only steel piercings …
Idaho peircing age? Not rated yet
How old do you have to be in order to get a nose peircing in Idaho WITH a parent?
It won't stop bleeding! Not rated yet
I just got my nose pierced yesterday and since then it will not stop bleeding! Is this normal, and what can I do to stop the bleeding?
What shoud i do to stop infection? Not rated yet
My nose piercing is infected. It has a bump on the inside of it. I now have an L shaped nose ring in and i wanted to change it back into my stud and it …
New Job Not rated yet
I recently got a new job as a waitress & we cant have face piercings. But i want to get my nose pierced, is it not safe to get it pierced & then switch …
Can i Put A Retainer In My Nose With A Fresh Pireceinq.? Not rated yet
can i put an clear retainer in my nose with only haveinq my nose pierced for a week and two days.?
Nose Piercing FAQ: Not rated yet
If i pierce me nose myslef how should i do it?
Changing my Nose Ring! Not rated yet
When i pierced my nose, They told me that i could change my nose ring after two weeks, should i wait a little bit more?!
Stuck nose ring Not rated yet
My daughter got her nose pierced 4 months ago it is a windy type of stud almost like a corkscrew.it moves around but we cannot get it out.could scar tissue …
nose pierced Not rated yet
Hi i just got my nose pierced yesterday and i was just wondering how long will it be tender and a little painful on my nose with this new piercing?
nose ring Size Not rated yet
I got my Nose pierced about 5 months ago, i have a stud but i want to get a Hoop.. I use Earring Studs.. I want to know the size Hoop i should buy.. Im …
Size Not rated yet
What size gauge is a starter nose ring?
This is so gross! Not rated yet
I've had my nose pierced for just 2 days and I got.a.bougar stuck. I can't get.it out, it's wrappes.around it. What can I do?
nose ring question Not rated yet
Can I flip my septum piercing up my nose to hide it after just having it done?
Nose Piercings Not rated yet
I recently got my nose pierced with a stud. After the healing month is finished, can I change it out for a ring?
nose screw healing Not rated yet
ive been wonderin gwhen i get my nose pierced can i ask for them to put a clear nose screw in? or do i change it to a clear nose screw before it is properly …
Nostril jewelry gone wrong, HELP. Not rated yet
I just recently, 3 days ago, got my nostril done at a professional piercing place. Ive gotten many other piercings, but this one did NOT feel right. I …
Just got a Nose Piercing done. Not rated yet
I just got my nose pierced and i don't have enough money......what things can i use that i have at home???
Nose Piercing got pulled out Not rated yet
I got my nose pierced two years ago and I woke up this morning with it sticking out of my nose. I have a post at the back of the nose stud so it didn't …
Red (possible irritated skin) around my nose piercing! Not rated yet
Okay, well I got my nose pierced like 5 and a half monthhs ago, and I have noticed that it's red around the area a lot, and when I see someone else's nose …
Nose doesn't seem to heal Not rated yet
Ok so I got my nose pierced last summer at a professional place called the laughing buddah in California and after a whole year without changing the ring …
stud position problem afterwards septum piercing! Not rated yet
as i hav got my nasal septum pierced, its acquiring and moving in upward position but it should be in its normal position towards down. what should i do …
Changing my nose piercing... Not rated yet
I've had my nose pierced for a little over 8 months now and I was wondering if I can change it. I have a stud, but I want to change it to a hoop.
Nose Piercing Not rated yet
What side should the nose piercing go on? Right or left?
Can you pierce your nose in the same place more than once? Not rated yet
I've had my nose pierced twice. The first time was over 10 years ago and I took it out afte ra year and it closed up. I had it pierced a second time (which …
Is this Normal? What shall I do? Not rated yet
I've had my nose pierced for 5 years, I just recently removed the stud I had and put a gauge up ring in, it is turning red and very sore. Is this normal …
Cleaning Not rated yet
How long do I have to follow the aftercare instructions to avoid infection after my piercing? I've had it for over two weeks now.
Not sure Not rated yet
Ok so which side of the nose sbould b done if I only want one
Nose Piercing FAQ Not rated yet
Can I numb or do anything to make getting a nose piercing non painful?
Need to get a retainer Not rated yet
I just got my nose pierced 3 days ago and need to switch to a clear retainer while at work. Is it too early? What are the risks of switching now? And …
nose piercing Not rated yet
how long do you have to wait until you change you nose piercing?
What is the meaning of nose studs? Not rated yet
a small diamond in the side of the nose have a special meaning?
Soccer Not rated yet
I want to get my nose pierced today but i have a soccer tournament in about 10 days. If i get it today would i be able to take it out for an hour for my …
what side Not rated yet
what side should a girl get her nose pireced on ?
are doctors allowed to were a nose pin?? Not rated yet
i am a medical student.... Since i am from india.. As a part of a cultural tradition i got my nose pierced at a very young age... Now i am worried will …
Help! Not rated yet
I want to get my nose pierced , but ihave a pimple on the esact spot wear I'm suppose to pierce it. If I do end up piercng it, will it get infected?
Nose Bleed Not rated yet
I got my nose pierced like 2 weeks ago it looks fine and I've been cleaning it like I'm supposed to, but today i got a nose bleed in the nostril that i …
My nose stud doesn't have a hook Not rated yet
I just got my nose pierced less than a week ago and today, while soaking it in salt water, it came out completely! i managed to get it back in but because …
i got my nose pierced 8 weeks ago Not rated yet
My piercer said to leave my stud in for 6 weeks for it to completely heal & I've had it in for 8 & a half weeks. I assumed my nose was completely healed. …
just wondering Not rated yet
is there suppposed to be a bump like in your nose if you have your nose pierced?
doubles in one nostril small rings Not rated yet
ok, so i have doubles and right now i have bones in, and i want rings. and i don't want a regular size ring in both of them, i want smaller rings so …
convince my dad to let me get my nose pierced Not rated yet
hi im 16 and im trying to convince my dad to let me get my nose pierced.. i just want a tiny stud.. but he thinks that im going to have a huge scar the …
small or big ring Not rated yet
What's the smallest i should get? People told me to go big cause if you start with a small one the skin can close in on it.
Nose Piercing Before Travel or during Travel? Not rated yet
I am going to be spending the end of August to December in Germany this Fall and I really want to get a nose ring. I am unsure whether I should get one …
The ball to my nose ring fell out! Not rated yet
the ball to my nose ring fell out well i was cleaning it and went down the sink i dont think it is fully healed yet and i cant get out to buy a new one …
Imm scared. Not rated yet
I got mine pierced like a month ago almost, & on the inside of my nose there is like a skin flap next to it, so like the skin came off. Imm scared & confused. …
new piercing Not rated yet
I've had my nose pierced for the past week. And when I first got it done I realized it was kind of poking out of my nose(it looked as if it was hanging/falling …
nose stud and the nose screw Not rated yet
what is the difference between the nose stud and the nose screw? I dont know which one I should get.
Help Not rated yet
Do nose ring holes close up fast? Can you last days without it in?
pierced last week Not rated yet
how long do I have to soak my nose? I soak it 2x a day and have been for as long as I have had it pierced ( a week)
age Not rated yet
how old do you have to be to get a nose piercing with an adult??
bleeding after 3 weeks Not rated yet
i've had my nose pierced for 3 weeks now and i've missed cleaning it for a day or two and played with it a little. is it normal for the top of my nose …
dried mucas on the stud of my nose ring Not rated yet
i have tried mucas on and around my nose stud. i just got it pierced 5 days ago and it still hurts. how would i go about getting this off my nose ring …
Not through all the way..! Not rated yet
My friend pierced my nose yesterday. The ring I have in is just straight. The piercing must not have went through all the way. Should we just repierce …
Question? What side? Not rated yet
On what side should you get your nose pierced? Thanks!
Stud going further into piercing Not rated yet
I recently got my nose pierced a few days ago and the Stud seems to be going Further into the piercing!
Ashley Not rated yet
How much duz it cost 2 get ure nose pierced?
oily skin Not rated yet
I have really oily skin, and its bad on my nose, what to I do?
Red bump occurs after new stud inserted Not rated yet
Hey I have had my nose piercing for 6 months and bought a surgical steel stud, but every time I insert a new stud, whether its L-shaped or has that little …
Help! Not rated yet
If my piercing falls out can i leave it out and get it redone the next day?
Using Dial Soap To Clean My Nose Piercing ? Not rated yet
Can I use Dial Soap to clean my nose piercing? Its antibactiral. Also what do you think of my cleaning schedule ? :
8:OO AM - Clean with Sea Salt Soak …
im getting my nose pierced Not rated yet
will the curved nose stud bother or hurt me?
Stud coming out while asleep Not rated yet
My nose ring comes out halfway while i'm sleeping. I have an L shaped stud. Why does this happen? Is there a way to prevent it? It hurts to push it back …
lolo Not rated yet
i have red pimple beside my nose piercing and it is bleed it is very close from it , I got my nose pierced 2 weeks ago, and i am so worry about it ,i don't …
Will nose piercing swell the day after? Not rated yet
Hi I'm looking to get my nose pierced tomorrow morning. Will it swell/get red after I get it pierced or the day after? And for how long will it last? I …
swimming with nose rings Not rated yet
i'm about to go to california in three weeks. i want to get my nose pierced the week in a few days but i'm not sure if this is safe. i don't plan on going …
nose piercing Not rated yet
my nose is infected and i cant even see my nose ring anymore...how do i make the swelling go down?
Dont know what to do! Not rated yet
I got my nose piercing two weeks ago&i changed it the other day…when I was going to change it my mom had to cut it off with a nailcutter b/c I couldn't …
sterling nose ring Not rated yet
When can you wear sterling siver nose rings without getting the dark spots. Can one be worn for a short time?
Stuff nose after piercing Not rated yet
Well i got my nose pierced yesterday but well Now its a little hard to breath on that side. Like it almost feels like my right side of my nose is stuffed …
Ball end falling out Not rated yet
I just changed my cork screw nose stud to a ball end one. Is it normal for it to he really loose and fall out a bit at first ?
nose piercing Not rated yet
How many hours or days need to pass before i can take off my nose piercing without it closing?
Nose Piercing Pain Not rated yet
How long does your nose hurt after you've ad it pierced?
black mark on healing skin Not rated yet
how to heal the black mark on healing skin?? or at least reduse it...
Nose piercing Not rated yet
I just got my nose pierced three days ago and I've been following the prescribed cleaning methods. Is it normal did a nose piercing to feel a bit loose? …
Is it normal to bleed after getting the nose piercing? Not rated yet
I had my nose piercing done for two days and It bled after done. I've seen videos and I know people who the nose didn't have this "bleeding" reaction. …
nose piercing at 12 Not rated yet
Ever since I was 11 I wanted a nose piercing but what is the pain from 1-10 What age do u have to be to get it done …
Can you go swimming after having your nose pierced? Not rated yet
I really want my nose pierced but on June 13th Im going swimming in the ocean for vacation( I'll be there for a week) Can I go in if i clean it really …
About the Backings.....and a few other questions Not rated yet
I have noticed that unlike earrings, nose stud backs have what looks like an upside-down "U" shape. As awkward as this sounds, I went to get my hair done …
Two things : Can i wear my nose piercing without a backing? & what can i do to prevent it from sinking? Not rated yet
So i just got my nose pierced today and its really sore :( and it bled when i first did because i flinched and the gun pulled but i have a belly …
Nose piercing ? Not rated yet
If I'm 17 & I want to get my nose pierced can my 19 year old sister take me to get it done ?
1week piercing Not rated yet
I Have have had my nose pierced for 1week, but the jewlary has come out in the shower and gone down the drain, would I be ok to put a earing in the holw …
how long? Not rated yet
ow long should i keep my nose ring in after getting it pierced before i can safety remove it?
When should you get your nose pierced ? Not rated yet
I really want a nose piercing and I am going to get it but I've heard that if you get a piercing during summer it will most likely get infected with all …
why can you see my nose ring in my nose? Not rated yet
Why can you see the nose ring hanging out my nose?
ellienell Not rated yet
I'm a competitive swimmer but I really want to get my nose pierced. Would it be safe to get it done, practice 5-6 times a week, and put in clear retainers …
What if i lose my nose ring in my sleep Not rated yet
Hi, i just got my nose ring like 2 weeks ago and about a week ago i lost my starter nose ring in my sleep it was a stud. so i had to put a new one in but …
swimming in the ocean and river while your piercing is still healing Not rated yet
Hi :)
i was just wondering, is it alright to go swimming/ in the ocean and river while your piercing is still healing? because i want to get the piercing …
my 18 year old daughter has had her nose piercing Not rated yet
my 18 year old daughter has had her nose piercing for 2 years and has off and on nose reddening. She just got off an antibiotic a week ago for mrsa on …
Nostril screw 18g without a diamond in white gold 2.5mm Not rated yet
Hi, do you sell just the nostril screw 18g without a diamond in white gold 2.5mm? What are those settings called? I cant even do an internet search because …
my nose pierce got infected Not rated yet
last year i had my nose pierced and it got infected so i took it out. i jus got it done again recently, so what precautions should i follow?
I have got my nose pierced Not rated yet
I have got my nose pierced before, like 2 years ago. My didn't heal for more than 2 months. I got it done with a needle, and i put a gold one …
I got my nosed pierced in july Not rated yet
Hi I got my nosed pierced in july its almost been three months. I got it done with a gun(I later found out your not supposed to) there hasn't been any …
who does nose piercing....correctly Not rated yet
can you tell me who does nose piercing....correctly...in boise or meridian, idaho? i'd prefer to have it done by a registered nurse.
indian nose jewelery Not rated yet
Hi there!
Thx for you information page!
I found it while searching for indian nose jewelery... I'm glad I found your site but, where do I actually …
sell nose jewelry Not rated yet
Do you sell nose jewelry? I couldn't find anywhere to buy on your site, and I'm looking for a 22k Indian nose stud.
bump in my nose piercing Not rated yet
i had my nose pierced 2 months ago and so i went to a piercing shop to change my nose ring because a bump came out right next to my nose piercing and i …
1) Associations for Professional Piercer
2) Google Search and Google Trends
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Am I too old to get my nose pierced at 27? Not rated yet
Am I too old to get my nose pierced at 27?
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