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Beautiful mookuthi on both sides and septum

by SarawananMunusamy

I am Vannan from Malaysia. I enjoyed reading all the experiences wear mookuthi on both sides and septum. I like this topic because is very interesting. It’s good to know about the ancient ornaments!. Beside making a woman's face look prettier and family traditions the holes we have in nose is said to reduce pain during child birth. Very few young women wear nose pins on both sides or septum. It makes the face looks radiant and beautiful. Let us hope more and more ladies start wearing nose studs on both nostrils and septum. As along as it fits our face, no matter how others, we think, think of us. I am kinda happy like any way :D Woooo. It is good to try something new. I think it will suit you to have piercings on both side of nose or septum. It is considered a trend. I feel everybody can have some special piercing on the face.

I have 2 friends in Malaysia wearing nose stud on both sides mookuthi, still young and aged around 22-25 years not old. My friends talk in Singapore many young girls who wear double nose stud. To all friends those who wear double nose studs and septum, please email me your PHOTO to persuade my sister to wear double nose stud and septum.

Why most of Indian don’t like to wear septum in modern live?
I would appreciate my future wife has piercing in all three places. It is my opinion why not their piercing septum and wear small mookuthi (to hide) when she go for work or office and can wear small ring or big during family- rituals / temple…

Can u email me ( if you have any share story or Photo above septum and both nose piercing or more holes in your ears. Nice snippet sweets do read. As an Indian we are proud of you with both side nose piercing and septum.FACEBOOK: Nolok - Noth - Nose Ring (Women Nose Jewelery)
I wish all girl/women have good experience in piercing both side nose and septum in life.

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Mar 07, 2024
மூக்குத்தி ஆசை NEW
by: Anonymous

என் பெயர் சக்திவேல் எனக்கு மூக்குத்தி என்றால் கொள்ளை ஆசை அதனால் சிறு வயதிலேயே இரண்டு மூக்கு குத்தி கொண்டேன் அம்மாவிடம் அடம் பிடித்து எனது ஆசை தீராததால் திருமணம் ஆகும் போது மட்டும் மூக்குத்திக்கு பதில் குச்சி போட்டு வைத்தேன் முதல் இரவிலேயே என் மனைவி கண்டுபிடித்து விட்டா எனது ஆசையே முழுமையாக சொன்னேன். நான் அவரிடம் அவளுக்கு நான் மூக்குத்தியுடன் இருப்பதை அப்போதே பார்க்க வேண்டும் போல் இருந்தது உடனே போட சொன்னா நானும் சந்தோஷமாக மூக்குத்தி போட்டு காட்டினேன் அவர்கள் நன்றாக இருப்பதாக பாராட்டினாள் நீங்கள் இரவு தினமும் மூக்குத்தி விடும் ஏதாவது இருக்க வேண்டும் என்று அன்பு கட்டளையிட்டா அவள் மூக்கு குத்தாமல் இருந்தா உங்களுக்காக நான் இரண்டு முகம் கொத்திக் கொள்கிறேன் என்று அப்போதைய சம்மதம் சொன்னா அடுத்த நாளே அவர்களை அழைத்துக் கொண்டு போய் இரண்டுக்கும் குத்திக் கொண்டு வந்தேன் அழகான இரண்டு பெரிய முக்கத்தி வாங்கி கொடுத்து இப்போது சிறிய மூக்குத்தி போட்டுக் கொண்டிரு ஆரிய பின் பெரிய முளை குட்டி போட்டுக்கொள் என்று சொன்னேன் அவள் சரி என்று சொல்லி அதுவரை அந்த பெரிய மூக்குத்தியை என்ன போட சொன்னா அவளை என் மூக்கில் போட்டு விட்டாள் நான் அதுவரை பெரிய மூக்குத்தி போட்டதே இல்லை என் முகத்திற்கு சற்று அழகாகவே இருந்தது இதை நானே எடுத்துக் கொள்ளட்டுமா என்று கேட்டேன் அவள் சிரித்துக் கொண்டே நானும் அதை தான் சொல்ல நினைத்தேன் என்றா அன்று முதல் அந்த பெரிய மூக்குத்தி தினமும் அவளை என் வீட்டில் போட்டு விடுவாள் அவளுக்கு வேறு பெரிய மூக்குத்தி இரண்டு வாங்கி கொடுத்தேன் நமக்கு பையன் பெண் யார் பிறந்தாலும் மூக்கு குத்தி
விடுவோம் என்றாள் நான் பாவம் வேண்டாம் என்று சொன்னேன் அவள் கேட்பதா இல்லை உங்களுக்கு ஒரு பையன் ஒரு பொண்ணு பொறந்தா பெண்ணுக்கு மூன்று வயதில் இரண்டு மூக்கும் குத்தி
விட்டாள் அடுத்த பிறந்த பையனுக்கு ஒரு வயதிலேயே காது குத்தும் போது ஒரு மூக்கும் கூத்து விட்டா இப்போதே மூக்கு குத்தி விட்டால் வளர்ந்த பெண் கேட்க மாட்டான் என்று சொன்னா அவனும் எனக்கு ஏன் மூக்கு குத்துனீர்கள் என்று வளர்ந்த பின் கேட்கவில்லை எங்களை எங்கள் உறவினர்கள் மூக்குத்தி குடும்பம் என்று அழைத்தனர் என் குழந்தைகளுக்கும் நான் மூக்குத்தி எது தெரிந்து விட்டது என் மூக்குத்தி ஆசை என்னைவிட என் மனைவிக்கு அதிகமாகி விட்டது அவ
தினமும் என் மூக்குத்தியை கொஞ்சி விளையாடுவா என் வாழ்க்கை சொர்க்கம் ஆகிவிட்டது

Feb 03, 2024
மூக்குத்தி போட்டுக்கொண்ட NEW
by: Anonymous

என் பெயர் கல்யாண் மூக்குத்தி போட்டுக்கொண்ட அனைவருக்கும் பொறுமை அதிகம் என் மூக்கில் ஈ அமர்ந்தாலே உடனே விரட்டி விடவும் முயற்சிப்பேன் அவர்கள் மூக்கில் மூக்குத்தி அமர்ந்து கொண்டே இருக்கிறது அதை சகித்துக் கொண்டிருக்கிறார்கள் நிச்சயமா அவர்கள் அனைவரையும் பாராட்ட வேண்டியும் புகழும் வேண்டும் அவர்களுக்கு என் மனைவி ஒரு மூக்குத்தியுடன் வந்தா இடது மூக்குத்திக்க சொல்லி ஆசைப்பட்டேன் உடனே இடது மூக்கும் குத்திக் கொண்டா பிறகு மூக்கின் நடுவிலும் குத்திக்க சொன்னேன் அதற்கும் சரி என்று குத்திக் கொண்டா மூக்கின் நடுவில் உள்ள ஓட்டையை பெரிதாக்கினேன் இப்போது இரவில் பெரிய வளையம் போடுவேன் அவள் மூக்கில் நான் என்ன உனக்கு அடிமையா என்று கேட்பாள் இல்லை நான் தான் உனக்கு அடிமை என்று சொல்வேன் அப்படியானால் வா அடிமையே என்றா என் முன் மண்டியிடு என்றா நான் மண்டிவிட்டேன் என் மூக்கின் நடுவில் குத்த வேண்டும் போல் இருப்பதாக சொன்னா ஆசை இருந்தால் குத்திக் கொள் என்றேன் என் மூக்கை நீட்டினேன் அவள் முன் ஒரு ஊசி கொண்டு வந்து என் மூக்கின் நடுவில் ஓட்டை போட்டாள் ஒரு வளையம் எடுத்து மாட்டினாள் அவள் வளையத்தோடு இணைத்தா எங்கள் இருவர் மூக்கும் இருவர் வலைங்களுடன் மாட்டிக் கொண்டன அசையாமல் படுத்திருந்தோம் அப்படியே ஒருவர் மூக்கு இன்னொருவர் மூக்கு உடன் உரசி கொண்டே இருந்தது இருவருக்கும் ஏதோ சுகம் கிடைத்தது சொல்ல வார்த்தை இல்லை அதற்கு இதேபோல் அடிக்கடி செய்து கொள்ளலாம் என்றா நானும் சரி என்றேன் என்னை அடிக்கடி கட்டிப்போட்டா மூக்கின் வளையத்தை பிடித்து இழுப்பாள் நான் சகித்துக் கொண்டு அதிலும் ஒரு சுகத்தை அனுபவித்தேன் அவள் மூக்கில் மூன்று ஆபரணம் ஜொலிக்கும் போது அவளுக்காக எது வேண்டுமானாலும் செய்ய தோன்றும் இன்னும் வேறு என்ன வேண்டும் எனக்கு

Jan 28, 2024
மூக்குத்தி ஆசை வந்ததால் NEW
by: Anonymous

என் பெயர் அண்ணாதுரை எனக்கு மூக்குத்தி ஆசை வந்ததால் என் மனைவியிடம் ஒரு நாள் நீங்க மட்டும் என்ன ஒசுத்தியா நீங்க மட்டும் மூக்குத்தி போட்டு கொள்கிறீர்கள் நாங்கள் இப்போதுதான் காது குத்த திரும்பவும் ஆரம்பித்திருக்கிறோம் மிக விரைவில் அனைத்து ஆண்களும் மூக்கு குத்த தயாராகி விடுவோம் அந்தக் காலம் எது சீக்கிரம் வர
இருக்கு என்று அவருக்கு கோபம் வரும் படி சொன்னேன் ஏன் வெகு சீக்கிரம் வாருங்கள் இன்று அதை நிறைவேற்றி விடுலாம் என்று என்னை அழைத்தா ஒன்றும் தெரியாதது போல் எங்கே என்று கேட்டேன் ஒன்றும் சொல்ல மாட்டேன் வாருங்கள் என்று அழைத்துக் கொண்டு போனா ஒற்றைக் கல் மூக்குத்தி மூன்று வாங்கினா எதற்கு நன்றி என்று கேட்டேன் நீங்கள் தான் எங்களை விட மட்டமில்லையே அதற்குத்தான் உங்களுக்கு மூன்று என்று சொன்னா அருகில் இருந்த தட்டானிடம் மூன்று முகத்தை கொடுத்து மூக்கின் இரண்டு பக்கமும் மற்றும் மூக்கின் நடுவிலும் குத்த சொன்னா சரி என்று சிரித்துக்கொண்டே என்னை அமர வைத்து மூன்று பக்கமும் குத்தினார் ஒரே நேரத்தில் குத்தியதால் என் மூக்கு முழுவதும் வலி வீட்டுக்கு வந்தோம் வேண்டாம் அசிங்கம் என்று கழட்டக்கூடாது நான் தான் குத்த சொன்னேன் நான் மட்டும் தான் கழட்டுவேன் என்று என்னிடம் சத்தியம் வாங்கினா என் அனைவரையும் சமாளித்து மூன்று மூக்குத்தியுடன் என் வேலையை தொடர்ந்தேன் ஒரு வாரம் தயங்கி தயங்கி வெளியில் வந்த நான் பிறகு பழகி விட்டேன் உனக்கு நடுவில் இருந்த மூக்குத்தி கழட்டி அந்த ஓட்டையில் கொஞ்சம் கனமான குச்சியை போட்டு போட்டு அளவை பெரிதுபடுத்தினா என் மூக்கின் நடுவில் இப்போது பென்சில் போகும் அளவிற்கு ஓட்டை வந்தது அந்த கணத்திற்கு ஒரு கயிறை வாங்கி என் என் மூக்கில் நுழைத்து கட்டி விட்டா என்னை வீட்டுக்குள்ளே மாடு போல அழைத்து சென்றார் இது என்ன விளையாட்டு என்று கேட்டேன் எனக்கு பிடித்திருக்கு செய்கிறேன் என்றா உனக்கும் திமிரு அதிகம் ஆகிவிட்டது என்னைப்போல் இடது மூக்கு நடு மூக்கு குத்தினால் தாண் நீ அடங்குவாய் என்றேன் வாருங்கள் போகலாம் எனக்கு இடது மூக்கும் நடு மூக்கும் குத்துங்கள் நான் அடங்குகிறேன் நான் என்று பார்க்கலாம் என்றால் சிரித்துக் கொண்டு அவளை அழைத்துக் கொண்டு போய் இடது மூக்கில் ஒரு மூக்குத்தியும் நான் போட்டிருந்த மூக்குத்தியை நடு மூக்கிலும் போட்டு விட்டோம் நாங்கள் மிகவும் அழகாக மாறினாள் அதனால் அவள் என்ன செய்தாலும் நான் சும்மா இருந்தேன் அவளின் விளையாட்டு இன்னும் அதிகமானது அனைத்தையும் ரசிக்க ஆரம்பித்தேன் நானும் அவள் மூக்கை அப்போதெல்லாம் திருகிவிடுவேன் நான் பாவம் இல்லையா எனக்கு வலிக்குமே என்றா அவள் வலிக்குமே என்று சொல்லும் போதெல்லாம் நான் அவள் மூக்கில் முத்தம் கொடுத்து சமாதானம் செய்தேன்

Jan 28, 2024
மூக்குத்தி பெண்களுக்கு மட்டுமா NEW
by: Anonymous

என் பெயர் சுந்தரமூர்த்தி ஒரு காலத்தில் பெண்கள் போல ஆண்கள் மூக்குத்தி போட்டு
இருந்தார்கள் இப்போது ஆண்கள் மூக்குத்தி போட்டால் கிண்டல் பண்ணுவதில் கேலியாக பார்ப்பதும் பழக்கமாகிவிட்டது ஏன் பெண்களுக்கு மட்டும் தான் மூக்குத்தியா இப்போது வெளிநாட்டில் தான் நாங்கள் அதிகமாக நீக்க பெற்றுக் கொள்கிறார்கள் அதை பார்த்து தான் நம்ம ஊரிலும் ஒரு சில ஆண்கள் மூக்கு குத்த ஆரம்பித்து இருக்கிறார்கள் நான் என் மனைவியிடம் வெளிநாட்டு ஆண்கள் அதிகம் பேர் 37 மூக்குத்தியுடன் இருப்பதை காட்ட அதை பார்த்த அவள் எனக்கு மூக்கு குத்த சம்மதித்தா நான் முதலில் ஒரு மூக்கு குத்தி கொண்டேன் அதைப் பார்த்து அனைவரும் அழகா வித்தியாசமா இருக்கிறேன் என்று பாராட்டினார் என் மனைவிக்கு சந்தோசம் அவளுக்கு இடது மூக்கு குத்த போகிறேன் என்று சொன்னார் நான் அவளை அழைத்து சென்று மூக்குத்தி வாங்கி கொடுத்தேன் அப்போது அவன் நீங்களும் இன்னொரு மூக்கு குத்தி கொள்கிறீர்களா என்று கேட்டா நானும் சம்மதித்து இன்னொரு பக்கம் குத்துக் கொண்டேன்

Dec 16, 2023
மூக்குத்தி ஆசை எனக்கும் இருக்கு NEW
by: Anonymous

என் மனைவி ஒரு மூக்கு குத்து இருந்தா திருமணத்திற்கு பிறகு நான் அவளுக்கு மூக்குத்தி ஊகொடுத்தேன் 15 ஆண்டுகள் பிறகு அதேபோன்று ஒரு மூக்குத்தி எனது மகள் வாங்கி கொடுத்தார் இருந்தால் உடனே என் மனைவி நான் வாங்கி கொடுத்த மூக்குத்தி கழட்டி விட்டு எங்களது மகள் வாங்கி கொடுத்ததை போட்டுக் கொண்டா நான் உடனே நான் வாங்கி கொடுத்த மூக்குத்தி மறுபடியும் போடணும் என்று பிடிவாதம் பிடித்தேன் எங்களது மகளும் ஆசையாய் வாங்கி கொடுத்ததால் வேறு வழியின்றி இடது மூக்கையும் குத்திக் கொண்டா அனைவரும் சமாதானம் ஆனோம் உங்க சண்டைல என்ன மூக்கு குத்த வச்சுட்டீங்களே என்றா இருவரும் உனக்கு நல்லாத்தான் இருக்கு போட்டுக் கொள் என்று சொன்னோம் அவளைப் பார்த்த அனைவரும் பாராட்டினர்

Dec 16, 2023
இரண்டு மூக்குத்தி போட்ட மனைவி NEW
by: Anonymous

இரண்டு மூக்குத்தி போட்ட மனைவியோடு வாழ்பவன் மண்ணில் வாழும் போதே சொர்க்கத்தை அனுபவித்தவர் அவர் மனைவியின் அழகை முழுமையாக அனுபவித்து ரசித்து மூக்குத்திகளோடு விளையாடி இருக்க வேண்டும் ஏதோ நகை என்று நினைக்காமல் என் சந்தோஷத்தின் சாவி அது தான் என்பதை புரிந்து கொள்ள வேண்டும் எங்கெங்கு சுகம் என்று இலக்கணம் இருக்கு மூக்குத்தி போட்ட மூக்கில் அதிகம் இருக்கு இதை நான் அறிந்து அனுபவிக்கிறேன் என் பிறவி பயனை அடைந்து விட்டேன் எந்த பெண்ணும் எதற்கு நமக்கு இரண்டு மூக்கு குத்தினார்கள் என்று நினைக்க கூடாது இதற்குத்தானா என்று அவர்கள் தெரிந்து கொள்ள வேண்டும் அது ஒவ்வொரு கணவரும் சரியாக பயன்படுத்திக் கொள்ள வேண்டும்

Nov 11, 2016
My wife's double nose diamond studs with septem bulaki NEW
by: Anonymous

It is family members view and pathi India family come first.i asked my wife to have both nose piercing to be done.after lot of fun and pursuing my Madam agreed. It is good to get both in one shot to avoid any confusion.i took her to a docter and got it for the wife.two small stud's were fixed on the piercing day.after a month igot diamond multy stone.fixed. she is very beautiful now.

Nov 11, 2016
My wife's double nose diamond studs with septem bulaki NEW
by: Anonymous

It is family members view and pathi India family come first.i asked my wife to have both nose piercing to be done.after lot of fun and pursuing my Madam agreed. It is good to get both in one shot to avoid any confusion.i took her to a docter and got it for the wife.two small stud's were fixed on the piercing day.after a month igot diamond multy stone.fixed. she is very beautiful now.

Nov 10, 2016
My double nose studs NEW
by: Anonymous

Your comments are very good.l also like to stress every one to follow the steps of elders. Love your family either should be a model may be in any state any country.never feel shy.we should feel proud of our tradation.we are Indians,we love and live with all conditions. I also wear both nose studs.i did my engineering.

Nov 10, 2016
My double nose studs NEW
by: Anonymous

I want to stress that everyone should follow family tredation.wether your mil is living or not ,if you are alone with your pathi any where.wear all jewellery. To tell you frankly my Tali chain is about 108 is tradation. Be careful Alon in the house.never open the door to the pathi want me to wear both nose studs ,bulaki,all bangles ,Tali(never remove) it is God gift.all silver body jewellery anyhow can't be removed.please follow tradation.

Nov 10, 2016
My double nose studs NEW
by: Anonymous

I want to stress that everyone should follow family tredation.wether your mil is living or not ,if you are alone with your pathi any where.wear all jewellery. To tell you frankly my Tali chain is about 108 is tradation. Be careful Alon in the house.never open the door to the pathi want me to wear both nose studs ,bulaki,all bangles ,Tali(never remove) it is God gift.all silver body jewellery anyhow can't be removed.please follow tradation.

Nov 10, 2016
My double nose studs NEW
by: Anonymous

I was a working unmarried ladey in a company at Mangalore after my PG.i met my would-be in a city bus.after an year or so he proposed for marriage.he is from Coimbatore.he is Alon.but look quite arothodax .we sat in a temple,he sed I should have my nose piersed both side and have septem piercing to wear hes mother's studs and bulaki.i was confused,i explained I am a pg and working with a company and earn ₹34000 pm.he proposed and explained his love.i took time.after six months I agreed.he wanted all piercings before marriage.a way out was made after talking to his mama.we got married and I have to move to channi because of his bank job.he took me to get my nose piersed along with his atte and Mama. I sat in front of acharri.the studs and bulaki wear polished and heavy seven stone basari and little smaller seven stone round studs.costly diamond very shining.neadl was heated and thik hot needle went through my right side body started shivering.his atte held me very tight.thik stem of seven stone basari fixed. Same story repeated other nostle and little smaller seven stone round one fixed.the real problem started for septem piercing to bulaki.achari is ready with red hot needle and he puild my middle of the nose and pierced he very quickly fixed bulaki. I was crying. His atte gave me lot of support.she did everything like my mom who was no took nearly one year to heal and to feel adjusted.mostly I was in the I learnt to remove and fix all the three nose jewellery. With the help of my great and lovely pathi.he also got ear's piercings I have six+1 holes to each of my ears.they are pure gold rings fixed and hanging s.i have the habit of moving my head while talking,every one watching me. Regulatory iwear 8 gold and 8 glass bangles to each of my hand. Now if any one see me waking my silver heavy chains and heavy silver leg bangles Waight foreach leg is about 0.8 kg each.,will be making sound.i have heavy toe silver rings fixed to all the toes except thumb toe.i always go out with out bulaki.i am happily married women since six years.

Nov 08, 2016
My wife's double nose diamond studs with septem bulaki NEW
by: Anonymous

I was married to a bramhin girlfriend I am not bramhin.when we are married she was 22 but I was 33. We loved each other very much. Just before marriage I asked her to Pierce her both side nostles. And septem.abd I also promised to her ears pierced every year a set. She agreed. But one left side nose during marriage time later one by one to continue.all piercings to be done by docter.after six months of marriage she got her right side nose piersed. I got her both very beautiful diamond nose studs made. Deven and five stones.bulaki was also pierced after one year.she always wear all three in the house.all are quite heavy I feel., because her nose bend to side while on date she has10 piercings oneach side of ear with permanently fixed rings and hanging.only bulaki is removed when she goes out.she loves me a lot.

Nov 08, 2016
My wife's double nose diamond studs with septem bulaki NEW
by: Anonymous

I was married to a bramhin girlfriend I am not bramhin.when we are married she was 22 but I was 33. We loved each other very much. Just before marriage I asked her to Pierce her both side nostles. And septem.abd I also promised to her ears pierced every year a set. She agreed. But one left side nose during marriage time later one by one to continue.all piercings to be done by docter.after six months of marriage she got her right side nose piersed. I got her both very beautiful diamond nose studs made. Deven and five stones.bulaki was also pierced after one year.she always wear all three in the house.all are quite heavy I feel., because her nose bend to side while on date she has10 piercings oneach side of ear with permanently fixed rings and hanging.only bulaki is removed when she goes out.she loves me a lot.

Nov 08, 2016
My double nose studs l ove your pathi NEW
by: Anonymous

If you love your pathi and his parents.If any of them want you piercings both nostles pierced. Get it done.yu belong to them. If pathi say never say No to him.the love later by him will be great.

Nov 08, 2016
My double nose studs l ove your pathi NEW
by: Anonymous

If you love your pathi and his parents.If any of them want you piercings both nostles pierced. Get it done.yu belong to them. If pathi say never say No to him.the love later by him will be great.

Jul 13, 2016
want to see double nose pierced male wearing nose studs NEW
by: Anonymous

any indian male with double nose pierced wearing nose studs can e mail their photos. my e mail address

Jul 01, 2016
big size earrings NEW
by: Ananthakrishnan

Hi I am male i am wearing big size 7 stone studs for the past 7 years, now i want wear nose studs
i am waiting for my wife permission.

Jun 17, 2016
Lover with nose piercings and septum piercing, is the story true NEW
by: Anonymous

At the age of 49, once i searched for press type nose jewelry for my nose. But in vain. Hence decided to pierce my nose to save loss of time being impatient for wearing nose jewelry.Got ear piercings at about 10 AM.By about 3.40 PM, on the same day got pierced both sides of the nose and septum piercing, all at one go. I became very happy and gave tip to the worker of the shop. Wearing nose studs and glittering nose jewelry on my nose, i am happy. But my wife is not happy. Hence wearing two nose studs with less glitter and stud in the septum. I am pushing stud in the septum inside so that it does not appear easily to others. One more thing. I am learning Odissi Dance from the last 5 months. I am a Central Govt. employee.

Jun 17, 2016
Lover with nose piercings and septum piercing, is the story true NEW
by: Anonymous

At the age of 49, once i searched for press type nose jewelry for my nose. But in vain. Hence decided to pierce my nose to save loss of time being impatient for wearing nose jewelry.Got ear piercings at about 10 AM.By about 3.40 PM, on the same day got pierced both sides of the nose and septum piercing, all at one go. I became very happy and gave tip to the worker of the shop. Wearing nose studs and glittering nose jewelry on my nose, i am happy. But my wife is not happy. Hence wearing two nose studs with less glitter and stud in the septum. I am pushing stud in the septum inside so that it does not appear easily to others. One more thing. I am learning Odissi Dance from the last 5 months. I am a Central Govt. employee.

Nov 13, 2014
my nose ring interest NEW
by: Anonymous

anyone interested in sharing at a personal level nosering photos and stories can please inbox me on

Nov 12, 2014
Septum pin NEW
by: Anonymous

my wife pierced her nostril in her childhood. After marriage I pierced her septum. Now She wear Nose pin in her nostril and a septum pin (Nakthasa) in her septum. She is a Professor in a college

Jul 06, 2014
starstarstarstarstar NEW
by: mookuththi

After seeing my wifes nose piercing and glittering studs in both sides of her nose i got very much interest in piercing my nose and want to wear nose studs on my nose but i feel shy to ask my wife so one day i told my wife your nose stud makes me to wear on my nose atleast for 1 minute please imediately she she removed her studs and gave to me and said how can you wear this without piercing your nose i said if you accept i will pierce my nose and wear this for 1 minut she got surprise and said ok so i took a chewing machine needle and pierced my nose right side and inserted the behind the needle it went through freely after looking my nose my wife pierced my left nose in same manner and second stud placed in and she showed a mirror in front my face suits very nice with double studs even she likes it and said to remove my mustash and not to remove my studs hence she got one more sets for her so she used that one said i should be with her studs in my nose for lofe time and ghot promise from me now iam very happy

Jul 06, 2014
mookuthi NEW
by: mookuthi

nose studs both sides and septum ring NEW
by: mookuthi

i too like to see women with nose studs both sides with septum ring in chennai.i asked my wife to pierce her nose in the first night itself,even after 10 years she is refusing to pierce.i am happy that girls in malaysia are piercing their nose both sides and also septum and carrying forward the traditions.hats off.if it is possible upload their photos in nolok-noth-nose rings or nose or both

May 26, 2013
by: Anonymous

my husband went to business tour to us for one 1 month and he returned with stud in his nose i thought its a fake one i tried to take it but its not removable i got shock and asked him why you pierced your nose he replied me iam not accepting to pierce my nose so he got one on his nose this made me guilty and asked him to pierce my nose on that day itself he pierced my nose after finishing he tried to remove his stud i stopped him and said not to remove it looks nice on his nose so we both got sud on our noses

Oct 18, 2012
Beautiful mookuthi on both sides and septum lovers NEW
by: Anonymous

my lover asked me to write a letter about what i expect from her in the same manner so wrote what she expect from me after finishing we changed our letter each other on reading mine she said can we change our opinion about what ever in this letter we should get it done iam shocked because i like to pierce her nose boyhsides and septum so now i should get my nose all 3 piercing she stuburnly said no other way to escape i love her so much i shaked my head ok she took me to achari said we came for nose piercing he told to sit she made me to sit in front of achari he got shocked and said not you sir asak madam to sit she replied its not for me my lover nose is to be pierced i said yes then he pierced in front of many women they all laughed and enjoyed my nose piercing i got all 3 one by one two ladies said you made your lover nose with two mookuthis and bullack now your nose without mookuthy will not matching every one will scold your pinion so she also got on one side it looks very cute to her nose on looking in the mirror she got tears and said she will other side also with i really want to see her and got two mookuthis on her nose every one said very matching and understanding lovers we both came out with mookuthis glittering

Oct 18, 2012
Beautiful mookuthi on both sides and septum NEW
by: Anonymous

my lover asked me to write a letter about what i expect from her in the same manner so wrote what she expect from me after finishing we changed our letter each other on reading mine she said can we change our opinion about what ever in this letter we should get it done iam shocked because i like to pierce her nose boyhsides and septum so now i should get my nose all 3 piercing she stuburnly said no other way to escape i love her so much i shaked my head ok she took me to achari said we came for nose piercing he told to sit she made me to sit in front of achari he got shocked and said not you sir asak madam to sit she replied its not for me my lover nose is to be pierced i said yes then he pierced in front of many women they all laughed and enjoyed my nose piercing i got all 3 one by one two ladies said you made your lover nose with two mookuthis and bullack now your nose without mookuthy will not matching every one will scold your pinion so she also got on one side it looks very cute to her nose on looking in the mirror she got tears and said she will other side also with i really want to see her and got two mookuthis on her nose every one said very matching and understanding lovers we both came out with mookuthis glittering

Sep 18, 2012
beautiful mookuthi on both sides and septum NEW
by: Anonymous

i like it

Sep 10, 2012
Beauty enhancing nose stud NEW
by: Anonymous

Mookuthi is the exclusive feminine jewel that enhances the beauty of Indian women.women wearing nose studs are torch bearers of our customs and traditions.I like women with mookuthi on both sides.Their husbands are fortunate really.Mookuthi enhances the beauty of face.Looking at the nose stud makes the man proud of his wife with happiness.Even the long stem and screw add beauty to the woman's nose.

Sep 10, 2012
Beauty enhancing nose stud NEW
by: Anonymous

Mookuthi is the exclusive feminine jewel that enhances the beauty of indian womren.women wearing nose studs are torchbearers of our customs and traditions.I like women with mookuthi on both sides.Their husbantd are forunate really.Mookuthi enhances the beauty of face.Looking at the nose stud makes the man proud of his wife with happiness.Even the long stem and screw add beauty to the woman's nose.

Aug 08, 2012
by: Anonymous

my email id

Aug 06, 2012
I wear a nose stud NEW
by: nosering lover

I wear a nose stud on my left nostril and that too I got it pierced only two months ago. My husband enjoys it and I love to share my photos with others as many a time I wear different kinds of nose ornamnets including the bharatnatyam style septum pendants and marathi style naths and the huge rings.


Jul 21, 2012
beautiful mookuthi on both sides and septum NEW
by: Anonymous

My wife got a cut nose but her nose was not pierced i tried to convince her but no response last week one of her friend came from singapore we went to airport to receive her to my surprise her nose with two studs makes me and my wife started the topic of her friends nose studs now my wife got interested on piercing her nose so we three went to a jwelery shop in t nagar and she got studs on both sides i cant believe this made me more love towards her and i promised her here after i wont get angry and i will do what ever you tell immediately she replied she wants to pierce my nose and septum i have to acept it and got it there its and i thanked her friend due to her visit my desire full filled only thing iam pierced my friends commented and laughed but iam loving it

Jul 20, 2012
wife got mookuthi on both sides and septum NEW
by: Anonymous

Before marriage my wife not pierced her nose i insisted her to wear nose studs both sides first she got right side one stud and after two years i asked to get one more stud on left side she replied can i change my stud to left side i said ok so she pierced her nose and changed to left side without looking studs on both sides but i placed a stud on right while sleeping and got a photo and developed bigger size and kept in front of her eyes with out showing it on the way to my bed room she had a look and got surprise and said she is ready to wear both studs and got it imediately and asked me what else you want i said i want to pierce your septum she repkied go a head and now her face with beautiful mookuthion both sides and septum iam a lucky person

Jul 20, 2012
beautiful mookuthi on both sides and septum NEW
by: Anonymous

Before marriage my wife not pierced her nose i insisted her to wear nose studs both sides first she got right side one stud and after two years i asked to get one more stud on left side she replied can i change my stud to left side i said ok so she pierced her nose and changed to left side without looking studs on both sides but i placed a stud on right while sleeping and got a photo and developed bigger size and kept in front of her eyes with out showing it on the way to my bed room she had a look and got surprise and said she is ready to wear both studs and got it imediately and asked me what else you want i said i want to pierce your septum she repkied go a head and now her face with beautiful mookuthion both sides and septum iam a lucky person

Jun 05, 2012
Beautiful mookuthi on both sides and septum NEW
by: Vannan

If you have any share story or Photo above septum and both nose piercing or more holes in your ears. Please add in FACEBOOK: Mukkuthi Corner. As an Indian we are proud of you with both side nose piercing and septum.
I wish all girl/women have good experience in piercing both side nose and septum in life.

Apr 22, 2012
Beautiful mookuthi on both sides and septum NEW
by: Anonymous

l suggest to all tamil should pierce their nose bothsides and should wear studs permanentely and all wen should wear atleast one ear stud if they wish they can pierce their nose if this one happens there wont be any fight with husband and wife both will impress others and enjoy lovable life and satisfied sex will be confirmed

Apr 20, 2012
Beautiful mookuthi on both sides and septum NEW
by: Anonymous

I dont know how to convience my wife to pierce her other side nose and septum since 10 years iam trying to pierce her nose second side but she feel shy for public and her relation iam eagerly waiting she will accept my desire one day i dont know when

Apr 13, 2012
when I and my spouse like, why to care others laugh/deride? NEW
by: bharati

I got both sides of my nose pierced, left side before marriage and right sides after 10 years after my marriage at the instnce of my husband and after repeated requests from him. though in the initial days i used to wear second pin only when I am with my husband, after some time having vexed with again and again removing and reinserting it, i started wearing it permanently, which surprised many. My inlaws questioned why i got second piercing and wearing both sides,since it is not their family practice. I evaded the answers to sheild my husband and just answered simply i liked it. I got used to it and enjoy seeing happiness in my husband's face. Now i cannot imagine my face without it. U know when i started wearing both sides? from my 28th year onwards.

Apr 13, 2012
when I and my spouse like, why to care others laugh/deride? NEW
by: bharati

I got both sides of my nose pierced, left side before marriage and right sides after 10 years after my marriage at the instnce of my husband and after repeated requests from him. though in the initial days i used to wear second pin only when I am with my husband, after some time having vexed with again and again removing and reinserting it, i started wearing it permanently, which surprised many. My inlaws questioned why i got second piercing and wearing both sides,since it is not their family practice. I evaded the answers to sheild my husband and just answered simply i liked it. I got used to it and enjoy seeing happiness in my husband's face. Now i cannot imagine my face without it. U know when i started wearing both sides? from my 28th year onwards.

Apr 06, 2012
double Nose piercing on men NEW
by: Anonymous

After seeing my wifes nose piercing and glittering studs in both sides of her nose i got very much interest in piercing my nose and want to wear nose studs on my nose but i feel shy to ask my wife so one day i told my wife your nose stud makes me to wear on my nose atleast for 1 minute please imediately she she removed her studs and gave to me and said how can you wear this without piercing your nose i said if you accept i will pierce my nose and wear this for 1 minut she got surprise and said ok so i took a chewing machine needle and pierced my nose right side and inserted the behind the needle it went through freely after looking my nose my wife pierced my left nose in same manner and second stud placed in and she showed a mirror in front my face suits very nice with double studs even she likes it and said to remove my mustash and not to remove my studs hence she got one more sets for her so she used that one said i should be with her studs in my nose for lofe time and ghot promise from me now iam very happy in personal and i felt shy to go out in public i some how convinced my mom but in function i felt very shy and i avoided my functions but iam enjoying lot with my wife and while shopping many girls gives a romantic look on me my wife likes it and she plays with my studs daily

Apr 06, 2012
Nose piercing both sides NEW
by: Anonymous

After seeing my wifes nose piercing and glittering studs in both sides of her nose i got very much interest in piercing my nose and want to wear nose studs on my nose but i feel shy to ask my wife so one day i told my wife your nose stud makes me to wear on my nose atleast for 1 minute please imediately she she removed her studs and gave to me and said how can you wear this without piercing your nose i said if you accept i will pierce my nose and wear this for 1 minut she got surprise and said ok so i took a chewing machine needle and pierced my nose right side and inserted the behind the needle it went through freely after looking my nose my wife pierced my left nose in same manner and second stud placed in and she showed a mirror in front my face suits very nice with double studs even she likes it and said to remove my mustash and not to remove my studs hence she got one more sets for her so she used that one said i should be with her studs in my nose for lofe time and ghot promise from me now iam very happy in personal and i felt shy to go out in public i some how convinced my mom but in function i felt very shy and i avoided my functions but iam enjoying lot with my wife and while shopping many girls gives a romantic look on me my wife likes it and she plays with my studs daily

Apr 06, 2012
tamil nose piercing story NEW
by: Anonymous

After seeing my wifes nose piercing and glittering studs in both sides of her nose i got very much interest in piercing my nose and want to wear nose studs on my nose but i feel shy to ask my wife so one day i told my wife your nose stud makes me to wear on my nose atleast for 1 minute please imediately she she removed her studs and gave to me and said how can you wear this without piercing your nose i said if you accept i will pierce my nose and wear this for 1 minut she got surprise and said ok so i took a chewing machine needle and pierced my nose right side and inserted the behind the needle it went through freely after looking my nose my wife pierced my left nose in same manner and second stud placed in and she showed a mirror in front my face suits very nice with double studs even she likes it and said to remove my mustash and not to remove my studs hence she got one more sets for her so she used that one said i should be with her studs in my nose for lofe time and ghot promise from me now iam very happy in personal and i felt shy to go out in public i some how convinced my mom but in function i felt very shy and i avoided my functions but iam enjoying lot with my wife and while shopping many girls gives a romantic look on me my wife likes it and she plays with my studs daily

Apr 06, 2012
Beautiful mookuthi on both sides and septum NEW
by: Anonymous

After seeing my wifes nose piercing and glittering studs in both sides of her nose i got very much interest in piercing my nose and want to wear nose studs on my nose but i feel shy to ask my wife so one day i told my wife your nose stud makes me to wear on my nose atleast for 1 minute please imediately she she removed her studs and gave to me and said how can you wear this without piercing your nose i said if you accept i will pierce my nose and wear this for 1 minut she got surprise and said ok so i took a chewing machine needle and pierced my nose right side and inserted the behind the needle it went through freely after looking my nose my wife pierced my left nose in same manner and second stud placed in and she showed a mirror in front my face suits very nice with double studs even she likes it and said to remove my mustash and not to remove my studs hence she got one more sets for her so she used that one said i should be with her studs in my nose for lofe time and ghot promise from me now iam very happy in personal and i felt shy to go out in public i some how convinced my mom but in function i felt very shy and i avoided my functions but iam enjoying lot with my wife and while shopping many girls gives a romantic look on me my wife likes it and she plays with my studs daily

Apr 02, 2012
Beautiful mookuthi on both sides and septum NEW
by: Anonymous

since many of us are carrying nose studs how you got so interest on studs this comments regularly i use to hear from many girls and almost many appreciate my currage and gives advice your wife will be very lucky to get a husband like you because a guy with nose studs makes him more soft and more sexy feelings this makes me more attraction towards nose studs every woman says dont close the nose holes even my wife loves my stud face

Mar 30, 2012
Beautiful mookuthi on both sides and septum NEW
by: Anonymous

I want to pierce my nose both sides and septum too but my husband doesnt want to pierce since iam wearing one side from 10th age i use to change my models often after my marriage which attracts my husband but in his family no wears mookuthi so he feels what his relatives will think of me so iam tryingcovince him every night at last he gave permission for septum hence it wont be visible in public iam very much satisfied so iam going to pierce my septum on 4th april

Mar 28, 2012
Beautiful mookuthi on both sides and septum NEW
by: Anonymous

Hai this topic itself makes me more moody i convinced my wife and i pierced her right nose one month after our marriage and after two years i pierced her septum untill 5 years iam trying to pierce her left nose i cant but i will suceed to convince her about the i pierced my septum and having the holes with stick placed

Mar 28, 2012
Beautiful mookuthi on both sides and septum NEW
by: Anonymous

Hai this topic itself makes me more moody i convinced my wife and i pierced her right nose one month after our marriage and after two years i pierced her septum untill 5 years iam trying to pierce her left nose i cant but i will suceed to convince her about the i pierced my septum and having the holes with stick placed

Mar 24, 2012
nose studs both sides and septum ring NEW
by: Anonymous

i too like to see women with nose studs both sides with septum ring in chennai.i asked my wife to pierce her nose in the first night itself,even after 10 years she is refusing to pierce.i am happy that girls in malaysia are piercing their nose both sides and also septum and carrying forward the traditions.hats off.if it is possible upload their photos in nolok-noth-nose rings or nose or both

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