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Got both side nose pierced by mil

by hemalatha

As soon after my marriage, my mil took me to achari and got my empty nose pierced on right side. I was wearing a small white stone mookuthi for years. Now I got two childrens. One fine day my mil took me and ordered some mookuthies.As she belong to both side nose pierced community,I thought she is ordering for her.So I remained silent.

After one week time mookuthi was delivered to my mil. Last week friday morning I was informed that those mookuthies is ordered for me.Also she told I will be getting pierced that day evening.I cant talk against her so remained silent. Then She took me to temple and kept the jewel box on amman's feet and we returned back home. By evening she took me to achari. He first removed my right side mookuthi and repierced it and fixed besari on my right side. I was screaming in pain. But no use.

Similarly he took charge of the other side. He marked the left side. Inserted an thick needle like tool over the thongattam mookuthi,positioned over my nose.With a great gush he inserted it over my left side nose. I started to cry in pain. Everyone in road was seeing us. Then he inserted the screw and screwed it well.Now I was wearing mookuthies on both side!!

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Dec 23, 2022
I like piercings NEW
by: Anonymous

I like to do body modifications so I got my nose Pierced and septum but I use retainers to hide it before but not now even many of my male friends got their nose Pierced wanna see

Oct 05, 2022
Male nose piercing NEW
by: Anonymous

I love nose nose piercing and I have done it

Oct 03, 2021
My nose piercing story NEW
by: Vaish

Its been my burning desire since my young age to pierce both sides of my nose When i asked my mom she vehemently said NO. But a few yrs later when a swamiji came home and asked my parents why they have not pierced my nose i was sitting on tenterhooks about what her reply is gonna be.He didnt gove them time to refute day my mom was looking at panchang for auspicious time yogam n such. i was in cloud nine.The event as such went uneventful but i still remember looking at myself in the mirror just to admire the mookuthi. Sadly i got only my right side pierced. 12 years later, a week ago i pierced my left husband was overjoyed.he counted down the days to my piercing telling "tmrw this time u'll have 2 sides pierced no".I never realised a small piece of jewellery could bring so much joy.. The Best decision i ever made

Jul 15, 2018
mil pierced my nose NEW
by: Anonymous

i am a nose fetish guy my wife not pierced her nose but my mil got two big stud in her both nose so i became her fan one day i asked my mil why you notpiercec your daughter nose she said her daughter is not interested on sayind this her eyes watered i cant console her just to make her cool i said i am here for to do your wish on hearing this she imediately removed her both studs and said i want to see in her daughter nose on next day i tried with my wife no improvemant atlast i went to goldsmith got my both nose pierced and fixed both studs in my nose and returned home on seeing me my mil admireded and got tears in her eyes on seeing the sacriffed husband her eyes watered and promised me she is ready to get any piercing on next day i remoced my stud and pierced to my wife ose shifted the studs she accepted with love i started to kiss her nose and studs from that moment

Nov 19, 2017
congratulations!! NEW
by: Anonymous

so you are Wearing All three nose jewelry permanently . and what kind of piercing u did ?! what is the experience and comments !??

Rekha we all salute you for keeping our ages old rich tradition alive.

Apr 23, 2017
Nice NEW
by: Anonymous

As u said I tried clip taupe bullock in septum my husband likes it and said he wants to pierce my septum due to his interest I accepted his wish yesrturday he pierced my septum with chewing needle and stick fixed I got tears in both eyes he kissed my nose all my pain vanished he after one month healing my septum will be decorated with new bullock ordered for me it's about 12000 thousand

Apr 23, 2017
Nice NEW
by: Anonymous

As u said I tried clip taupe bullock in septum my husband likes it and said he wants to pierce my septum due to his interest I accepted his wish yesrturday he pierced my septum with chewing needle and stick fixed I got tears in both eyes he kissed my nose all my pain vanished he after one month healing my septum will be decorated with new bullock ordered for me it's about 12000 thousand

Apr 16, 2017
don't hesitate NEW
by: Anonymous

its not like that only brahmin wears bullakku. All ladies are now getting it done. You can try clip on type septum ring (bullukku)first then you can decide on piercing of septum. You will love your look.
best luck.

Feb 27, 2017
Nice NEW
by: Anonymous

I am not a Brahmin to wear septum ring in nose and madisar ring in left nose ok septum piercing was a old tradition now a days I have seen any girl in South india

Feb 26, 2017
now wear bullakku NEW
by: Anonymous

As you are wearing big nose studs on botb sides so now Pierce Septum Too and Bullakku in it. So can wear Nose stud on one nostril and Round Nose ring i.e. Nath on another with bullakku. You will love too see yourself in All three Nose jewelry. Also for complete traditional look you can Wear Madisar Saree (9 Yard saree) on special occasions like pooja or marriage functions. Congratulations. once again.

Feb 12, 2017
Big nose stud NEW
by: Anonymous

Hai I am enjoying my new life my husband saw me and made fun and asked me why I am wearing ear stud in nose my mil said don't make fun she is my favourite daughter my husband laughed at me in bed room I lied in his lap he saw my inner stud shinning in both nose he got tempted and said something happening in his body I smiled without opening my mouth he pinched my nose together I screamed in pain he liked my feeling and sound so he continued I enjoyed with pain at last I said please you play with my nose stud after one week so the pain will be reduced but he never left me I slept in his lap he said he never slept for whole night I thanked my mil in the morning she asked me why I am thanking I said your son became fan to my big nose stud she smiled in shame

Feb 12, 2017
Big nose stud NEW
by: Anonymous

Hai I am enjoying my new life my husband saw me and made fun and asked me why I am wearing ear stud in nose my mil said don't make fun she is my favourite daughter my husband laughed at me in bed room I lied in his lap he saw my inner stud shinning in both nose he got tempted and said something happening in his body I smiled without opening my mouth he pinched my nose together I screamed in pain he liked my feeling and sound so he continued I enjoyed with pain at last I said please you play with my nose stud after one week so the pain will be reduced but he never left me I slept in his lap he said he never slept for whole night I thanked my mil in the morning she asked me why I am thanking I said your son became fan to my big nose stud she smiled in shame

Feb 11, 2017
husband's reaction NEW
by: Anonymous

hi, You did great. What is your husband's reaction on seeing you with big nose studs?? he liked it ?? or something else he told u??

Feb 09, 2017
Big nose stud NEW
by: Anonymous

Hai I am Rekha today morning we went to piercer my mil gave big stud he removed my old nose stud and with help of taper needle big nose stud pressed in my right nose I shouted in pain after five minutes gap I said I am ready then my left nose got big stud he fixed inner stud it touches my septum one part since the stem was little long I saw in mirror I can see my inner thread shinning and looking big round in both side and stem also visible due to the length and I can feel the in both nose it's about 8 gm each we went back my mil kissed my fore head and said I am her favourite from today she made me to lie in her lap after 30 minutes I slept due to pain she done all works at 2pm she gave food to me and said I can take rest for five days for healing she called her friends and showed my nose stud every one attracted and praised us

Feb 08, 2017
best luck and congrats NEW
by: Anonymous

hi, Rekha ji that's best decision you have taken. Your husband will definitely like your new look and will start loving you more n more. As your MIL said get the 4 ear piercings done at same time and give double surprise. And with this decision u won heart of u r MIL and you will get more Family Love and respect from people around you.

Feb 08, 2017
u will be queen NEW
by: Anonymous

hi, in 5000 rupees u can buy fake diamonds nose studs not real diamonds nose studs. Buy American diamonds studded nose studs. Best Luck and Congratulations. Pleae tell us what type of studs you bought and what is your MIL , husbands and friends reactions on your new nose studs. And have you got extra ear piercings or not ??

Feb 08, 2017
Big nose stud NEW
by: Anonymous

I am Rekha as you Said I decided to wear big stud from today I will go to piercer along with my mil and with the help of needle I will get big nose stud immediately instead of changing single stone and I will give real surprise to my husband as a rememberable day for me at 9 o clock my both nose will glow with 46 stones together y mil said I can use for ear piercing of remaining all single stone stud I don't I can get it done today or after one week gap

Feb 08, 2017
simply wear and give surprise NEW
by: Anonymous

hi rekha ji instead of asking your husband just wear Big Nose studs and give surprise to him. He will like you and start respecting you more n more n will love you more. Now don't get confused simply wear and enjoy the respect and Attention. Beat luck.

Feb 08, 2017
Big nose stud NEW
by: Anonymous

Hai I am Rekha today after noon my mom and sister came to see me my mil showed to them big nose stud and said it will be decorated to my nose my mom liked the studs it glitters in light my sister said hai by wearing such a big you look like goddess my mom said I am very lucky I got nice mil I said I got two stud of same thick stem for using outside on hearing my idea my mom said don't change better wear the big always if you change to small you will feel difference in your appearance which will change your mind I said how can I go outside with so big nose stud mom and sister said for saree big stud match very nice and I will get great respect from elders they will praise me and give blessings it will give fullfill ness go my life my mil also wants the same I want know my husband wish

Feb 08, 2017
congrats NEW
by: Anonymous

hi rekha congratulations you got most beautiful gift a girl can get from her MIL. Please share Photo of nose studs so other members will get idea of 24 Stone studded Nose studs.So they can buy for themselves. And Wear the same permanently while going outside in home u will get used to it and other people will start respecting you as Traditional Women.

Feb 08, 2017
go for ear piercings too NEW
by: Anonymous

if you haven't talked about extra ear piercing with MIL then you can give surprise to her by getting extra 3-4 Ear piercing. Your MIL. will love you more and husband too.

Feb 07, 2017
Two model NEW
by: Anonymous

Hai I am Rekha two years before I got married my mil took me to jewelry shop and pierced my both nose and placed two tiny single stone stud in my cute nose it's almost invisible so I got good comments in public but my close friend and relative made fun but I can't avoid I am new to mil family so I kept quite my husband praised me so I never cared to others last month my mil bought two stud little big single stone stud with thick stem I asked her why I want to change thick stem she showed two big nose stud each got 24stones with red stones in between on seeing that I closed my nose and said oh my god so big for my nose she replied I have use single of same thick stem for out side after two week my nose will decorated big stem from that day I have to wear in house while going out single will be replaced so the holes will remain

Feb 07, 2017
Big stud NEW
by: Anonymous

Thanks for your enquiry my mil gave 5000 rupees to me and said to select big nose stud today I am going to jewelry shop with my friend I don't know how I will carry that big I think it may be more weight in my nose and the stem Aldo will be thick so little fear in my mind

Feb 07, 2017
your MIL will buy Bigger nose studs NEW
by: Anonymous

hi, you are really lucky that you are wearing double nose studs from young age. I think your MIL will buy bigger nose stud's than your current one to show their status and to their relatives or may be she already bought for you. They could be 21 or 23 Diamonds studded. And she might tell you to get 3-4 ear piercing like Cartilage and Ear top for wearing different rings and studs.Beat luck. And wish you happy Married Life in Advance. Just follow what she says n you will get Love and more love from your MIL and Husband.

Feb 07, 2017
Best Luck NEW
by: Anonymous

hi ,thanks for replying. Please tell us what happened further when you asked for big nose Stud from Your MIL. What is her and your husbands reactions? and what kind of Nose studs you got and response's from people around you. Best luck.

Feb 07, 2017
Both nose NEW
by: Anonymous

My mom pierced my both nose at my ninth std ecause I am so mischief as a punishment mom took me to near by aunty house and tied me to a post and gave y grandma nose stud she pierced my both nose and fixed the stud it's about 18 stone each about8 gm weight I cried for five days but she never allowed to remove. Now I am 25 next month my marriage my mil liked my nose stud and said I have wear always my nose little broad so it covers my nose wings and looking sexy but I think it's too big for young girl I think my husband will give permission to change small one let me see what happens after marriage

Feb 07, 2017
Thanks NEW
by: Anonymous

Thanks four suggestion I think 23 stone nose stud may be too big I don't know how it will be in my nose but I will ask my mil to buy big stud for me

Feb 06, 2017
Simple trick n u will become queen. NEW
by: Anonymous

If you want more carrying and love from your MIL then simply ask her that you want Bigger Nose studs Like 23 diamonds studded for your Nose. And want to add 6 more ear piercing so total ear Piercing will be Eight including current 2 ear piercing. After this see How your MiL will love u more and Your husband will listen to your each n every thing n you will become queen of your home.Beat luck. Wish u happy Married Life.

Feb 05, 2017
Both side pierced NEW
by: Anonymous

My mil is very carrying type two month after my marriage one day we went for shopping she selected two stud for my top ears and she selected two nose stud each 12stone stud little smaller then her stud since she got 16 stone in her nose nose we went to basement she made me sit in front of piercer her pierced my top ears and my both nose my holded my hands I got tears I can't no because she likes me so much I can't avoid her wish after fixing the stud she showed me mirror my face glows I liked my new attire my hubby said I am looking cool and traditional every one in area appreciated me f

Dec 28, 2016
Enjoy NEW
by: Anonymous

Enjoy the western type piercing life is once go a head

Nov 24, 2016
me and my daughters intimate piercings NEW
by: Anonymous

Hi I am Deepak from kochi, I am 56years old. My daughter geethika she is 36 years of and married, settled in America she is my only daughter she have two kids. We are from a upper middle class family . My husband had business in America. But we are now settled in kochi for last 12 years.we were in America for 26 years. Now I am going to tell my and my daughter like intimate friends. she shares every thing with me. I have my nose pierced and have ,3 ear studs, golden anklets and toe rings. I still wears them. My daughter got married when we are in America. For her first wedding anniversary she came to home with her hubby. That day she showed me she had pierced her both nipples. I got excited about my daughter. She is so brave. She told me that it's her husband anniversary gift. Appreciated her. For her second anniversary she got some thing really brave she got her navel and vch pierced. Even she showed me that. Then I got a desire, I always had desire on piercings after seeing her it increased. I told my hubby about this . He told did I want to do like our daughter, I said yes. Since it's secret piercing no one can see this other than my hubby. I called my daughter and said her me also want get pierced like her. One day she came and she took me to the piercing parlour where she got pierced. A lady was the piercer I filled the papers and sat naked Infront of her she started with my nipple I have selected two golden rings. She pierced it gently, then she pierced my clitoral hook and golden barbell trough it.the piercer lady said me that the rings suits on my bigboobs.when returning home in my mind I have taken some decision I have seen many pictures that vulva and inner Vulva are pierced. We reached home I showed my hubby" dear how I look with this I stud Infront of him stark naked" he said," oh honey it's suits on you very much" and reached his hands. I said " no the piercer said not touch until it heals" then I showed him my vch " how about this?"
" Oh Deepak you pierced there also"
" Yes dear I want to look like young girl"
I liked the piercings and love get more on there atlast I decided to get it on our 30 the anniversary. So I naked appointment with where I got my piercing. Then the piercer lady asked my this time what I want. I told her I want to pierce my inner and outer vulva. Then she checked my vagina. And told me your inner Vulva can put 5 in each and outer vulva 10 in each side. I said OK to her and bought smaller gold loops. She started with my inner Vulva and within half an hour she inserted the 10 gold rings through them. Then she started to pierce my vulva she take 1 hr to complete it. The she told me you are my fav customer so she done a bonus piercing on vagina the bottom part and added a gold barbell. I returned home sleep fast. Next day my vagina was sore. And paining very because of 21 piercings. That day my husband and to a business tour. So daughter came home. She saw me walking difficultly . She asked " mom what happens to you"
" Nothing"
" Then why you walking like this, tell mom"
She compelled me. Atlast I showed what I have done myself.her mouth draw open and " you naughty mom this is too much"
" I know this is too much, it's my anniversary gift to your father". When my hubby he was amazed. Now I am a proud mom and grandma with a lot of piercings. Only me, my hubby and our daughter know this. Now in kochi I am lives with 22 piercings in my vagina and two in my nipples and nose and ear piercings. My hubby loves my secret piercings, and he making time to play with that. I am also enjoying my piercings and my life

Mar 27, 2016
two mookuthi NEW
by: Anonymous

i got married last year i use drink alcohol daily and use fight with my wife one day my mil came to my home i never noticed her i started to fight with my wife as usual my mil saw my torture that night my wife and mil tied my legs and hands while iam in sleep next day morning i saw my hands and legs tied i shouted who tied me my mil came near me and said her daughter will go for job and i have to stay in house i said i wont that evening they both came near my ears and pierced my both ears and fixed big ear rings and then they pierced my both nose both sides and inserted big nose studs and tightened inner thread and kept me tied i dont know how to escape they changed the rope and locked my hand with chain so i can go for bath room i saw my face with nose studs and ear rings looking totally differenti have kept locked for one month my nose studs started rotated freely but i cant remove because they said if i remove any stud my septum will be pierced so i kept my studs as it is i saw my nose in mirror which makes me common attire i promissed my wife and mil here after i wont drink and i wont fight but they never untied but came closer and my wife started playing with my nose studs and use sleep with me it started borring to stay in home so i started cleaning my rooms and doing house work and i slightly became house husband my wife made me to wear her dress and i started liking my wife thanked her mom for changing my character after one year i totally changed so they said i can remove my nose stud and ear rings i said i wont but they removed but my nose looks ugly with big holes visisble they themself replaced in my nose saying without stud iam looking awkword so we all went to outside first time with my nose studs every one stsrted watching my new attire i never cared i came as usual my mil sujjusted to change my nose stud with single stone because mine was with 14 stones each side looking more feminine so she bought 2 single stud and changed in my nose but my changed my old stud in my nose while iam in home so dailly iam getting two types which makes me more pleasure

Dec 24, 2015
two mookuthi NEW
by: Anonymous

Iam a newly married girl my mil wants to pierce my nose being new to them i cant avoid her words she took me to jewelry shop and got my nose pierced both sides with tears and got two small mookuthi on my both nose wings which looks nice to me even my husbands likes my new attire so i started my married life with those two mookuthis along with me after 3 years my mil expired my husband felt so depressed he sujjusted me to wear her mother mookuthi i accepted and i removed mine and with great struggle i got the mookuthi[ which got thick stem ]in my small nose which covers my nose both sides which makes me more different my husband got satisfaction

Oct 02, 2015
Nice NEW
by: Anonymous

Really nice and different story about nose piercing. I just say in my comment guys you have done right think and .At the end i also appreciate your website design .
Get grass protection mesh please visit our site

Jun 30, 2015
why only right side?? NEW
by: Anonymous

why u got only right side nose pierced when u r M I L is wearing studs on both sides. You can ask for it . your m i l will be very happy if u get rettai mukkuthi just like her. Think about it. If you get double nose studs u will look even more beautiful.

Jun 28, 2015
Nose piercing NEW
by: Anupama

I am Anupama , 26 yrs old , from Bangalore . Married in March 2015 . My mother in law very caring & loving lady . She wearing nose studs ( mookuthis ) on both sides of her nose . Which highlights her beauty . She is 52 yr old . I don't had nose piercing before marriage . I am totally against to nose piercing , so mom not pierced my nose . But after marriage my liking towards mookuthis changed due to my mil' s mookuthis . I am fear & shy to pierce my nose . Friday we went Sri Krishna jewellers , a young girl pierced her nose there , by that time my mil asked me to pierce my nose , by lot of courage I agreed to it . Thank god no painful exp , within 2 mins they pierced my nose . Mil choosed 3 stone diamond mookuti for me . Now I am totally homely & traditional looking lady . I loving it . I pierced right nostril .

Mar 09, 2015
got mookuthi due to mil NEW
by: Anonymous

i got married last year my mil likes me very much she got two besari in her nose she suggusted to pierce my nose i simply denied but she made an agreement from this friday until i get nose piercing i should remove her both mookuthi and after her oil bath i have to fix in her both nose since her pierced too high so its difficult for herself to replace i said instead of wearing mookuthi i will sign in agreement that 1st friday came my mil called me and said to temove her mookuthi i cooly said ok and i inserted my finger inside her nose and unscrewed her mookuthi but i had a strange feeling but i never shown after removed she took oil bath and came near me she was 45 tall and fair with great structure i replaced right mookuthi and i flipped her nose. wings but its not easy for me to replace so it takes about 20 minutes for me fix two mookuthi after 7 days i got same work after doing this mookuthi job i cant sleep in that noon like thid i manage 5 months atlast i called my mil and said please pierce my nose both side and even my septum today itself she laughed at me and took me asari he pierced my nose all three sides and jewels fixed i accepted with tears but i got relive from mookuthi job all my relation said its nice to my nose after two months my piercings healed so i tried to remove my mookuthi some i removed after oil bath i cant replace because even my mookuthi placed too high like my mil so my husband helped me tfix my mookuthi from that day he got job of fixing mookuthi for me iam enjoying the feeling

Dec 18, 2014
got two mookuthi from mil NEW
by: Anonymous

Iam newly married my mil cared like her daughter daily she makes me to lie on her laps and makes to sleep she is wearing rettai mookuthi of big size she is 42 still she looks so beauty with two big mookuthi shinning in her nose while iam lying i use to watch her nose mookuthis glitters even thread also shines which makes me to admires me and i became fan to mookuthis one i flipped her nose and saw her mookuthis i cant belive her stud is very thick even stem also more thick than normal i said i liked her mookuthi she teplied it is specially designed by her husband i asked her i want to pierce my nose so can you order same type mookuthi for me she told it will pain more because with thick needle 2 mm your will be pierced i said iam ready to bear the pain after 1 week we went to aasari my mil gave him mookuthis her selected thick matching needle and asked my mil to hold my head he pierced with force and inserted mookuthi my eyes watered i saw my nose looks nice and left side looks empty i said iam ready for left side and pierced and tightened my nose is small so he fixed inner thrrad with struggle with two mookuthi we returned home my husband me and said iam looking very bright and it maked him to watch my nose often he wants to see me with bullack i said iam ready he ordered one new design by next week my nose will get one more gold iam very lucky to get so carring mil

Oct 27, 2014
Mookuthi NEW
by: Anonymous

Ella pengalum unga mooku kuthumbothu feeling epadi irukum nu share panunga adhilum mookuthi podathavargal seikaram mooku kuthi andha sugam epadi irukum nu anubavinga yena mookuthi pota pengal alaguku inai yarumillai ,adhu nam parambaryam kalasaram adhai Ella pengalum pinpatravum oru chinna hole unga mooku ulla mookuthi minnum kandipa mooku kuthumbothu valikum but unga mugam summa mahalakshmi pola irukum adhu urudhi

Dec 24, 2013
Got both side nose pierced by mil NEW
by: Anonymous

i got married to a very beautiful girl her nose was not pierced but i like nose pierced women so i compelled my wife to get piercing my wife complained to my mil my mil came to me and asked are you really like nose studs i said yes then we can put toss if you win i will ask my daughter to get pierced her nose other wise i will pierce your nose i said ok atlast i loose the toss no way my nose have to pierced i said i will pierce my nose after buying stud but my mil said she is ready to remove her stud and the same will be fixed in my nose i cant answer so she removed her stud and made me to sit in front ad my wife holded my head my mil pierced with thick chewing needle and inserted her 14 stone nose stud in my nose and tightened on seeing my nose with stud my wife cant stop her laugh i liked her smile i stayed at home for three days next day we three went to a movie i felt shy to come with mookuthi in my nose i closed my nose with kerchief but they both removed my hand then other way i showed my mookuthi in public many women watched me and gave lot of comment i liked the attraction of girls on me one girl came close to my wife and said make him to wear two mookurhi then your husband will look more sexy better get simmillar big mookuthi same like what he got my wife got jolly mood and replied immediately i will make him to wear two mookuthi while returning from movie we all went to near by gold shop and gought big mookuthi of 17 stones and came back to home and my mil pierced my left nose aND PLACED THE MOOKUTHI from that day i got lot of girl friends they use to touch my mookuthi to check its reall or fake i like the feeling i am enjoying my life with two mookuthi i dont know what will happen if i get any baby

Dec 09, 2013
Got both side nose pierced by mil NEW
by: Anonymous

nice comments and thanks for giving ideas which makes me to pierce my wife nose both side and now we both enjoying i really became slave to my her nose studs she deserves my love by wearing two mookuthy she got nice comments from her mil

Dec 06, 2013
lucky husbands of double mookuthi wives NEW
by: Anonymous mookuthi lover

My hearty good wishes to women wearing nose studs both sides.Hey your husbands are damn lucky to have married such tradition loving women.Its very auspicious for the husband to see his wife's face wearing nose studs.Nose stud is a sowbhaggyam symbol for a married woman.She makes her hubby very happy by such feminine modesty in her appearance.Woman having piercings on both sides has more choice of looking beautiful by wearing nose stud alternating left/right side.Really she looks attractive to her husband and invites lot of pleasure.

Dec 01, 2013
Got both side nose pierced mom and me NEW
by: Anonymous

one week after my marriage while i am sleeping in my room my husband removed the stone from my bindhi and pasted on my nose two sides around 5 pm i came out of my room with stonnes in my nose my mil saw my nose and asked how nice you are i asked her what for she she thanked me for piercing nose both sides then only i noticed my nose in the mirror the stone glitters and more matching i removed the stones and said all this work are done by my husband on hearing this my mil face became dull i cant see her like this so i replied i will obey your words you can do what ever you feel immediately her face became smile and she asked me to get ready i refreshed came after 10 minutes my self and my mill went to t nagar and she bought one thalluku mookuthi of big size and a besari of 16 stones and we went to achari shop i sat in front of him my mil gave him the studs the achari said its too big that to for a young girl newly married then my mil said she will get the smaller one but i told not to change i will wear the same because i want to obey my mil wish on hearing this my mil eyes got tears i wiped her tears and said achari to pierce he selected thick needle so the stud can pass through he pierced my nose right side with force and inserted thalluku mookuthi my eyes watered my mil wiped me then he tightened the inner thread my mil stopped the achari and said we well come after one week so we came back with one side pierced my husband saw my mookuthi he jumped in the hall itself and lifted me on seeing this my mood changed and called my mil and said i want other side also today itself aagain we all went to same achari and he pierced my left nose and inserted besari which covers my left nose since i got perfect shape nose it looks quite ok every one in the shop appreciated my courage and we returned home my mil took me to her relative house and showed my nose they all praised me for wearing two mookuthi in young age that sunday we went to see my mom every one in my house asked me how you changed within a week i said i got nice carrying mil i can sacrifice any thing for her they all blessed me my mom said she also wants to pierce her nose both sides and since her nose was not pierced that evening we went to a movie their my relative saw my mookuthi and my moms empty nose they criticise my mom why you made your daughter alone to wear double mookuthi when your nose was empty my mom said today i am going to get my nose pierced on hearing this my mil said she will gift the studs to my mom so we all went to achari and my moms nose pierced with great force and two mookuthis inserted she looks more beauty ever before so felt happy and said so long i missed this oppourtuninty

Dec 01, 2013
Got both side nose pierced by mil NEW
by: Anonymous

one week after my marriage while i am sleeping in my room my husband removed the stone from my bindhi and pasted on my nose two sides around 5 pm i came out of my room with stonnes in my nose my mil saw my nose and asked how nice you are i asked her what for she she thanked me for piercing nose both sides then only i noticed my nose in the mirror the stone glitters and more matching i removed the stones and said all this work are done by my husband on hearing this my mil face became dull i cant see her like this so i replied i will obey your words you can do what ever you feel immediately her face became smile and she asked me to get ready i refreshed came after 10 minutes my self and my mill went to t nagar and she bought one thalluku mookuthi of big size and a besari of 16 stones and we went to achari shop i sat in front of him my mil gave him the studs the achari said its too big that to for a young girl newly married then my mil said she will get the smaller one but i told not to change i will wear the same because i want to obey my mil wish on hearing this my mil eyes got tears i wiped her tears and said achari to pierce he selected thick needle so the stud can pass through he pierced my nose right side with force and inserted thalluku mookuthi my eyes watered my mil wiped me then he tightened the inner thread my mil stopped the achari and said we well come after one week so we came back with one side pierced my husband saw my mookuthi he jumped in the hall itself and lifted me on seeing this my mood changed and called my mil and said i want other side also today itself aagain we all went to same achari and he pierced my left nose and inserted besari which covers my left nose since i got perfect shape nose it looks quite ok every one in the shop appreciated my courage and we returned home my mil took me to her relative house and showed my nose they all praised me for wearing two mookuthi in young age that sunday we went to see my mom every one in my house asked me how you changed within a week i said i got nice carrying mil i can sacrifice any thing for her they all blessed me my mom said she also wants to pierce her nose both sides and since her nose was not pierced that evening we went to a movie their my relative saw my mookuthi and my moms empty nose they criticise my mom why you made your daughter alone to wear double mookuthi when your nose was empty my mom said today i am going to get my nose pierced on hearing this my mil said she will gift the studs to my mom so we all went to achari and my moms nose pierced with great force and two mookuthis inserted she looks more beauty ever before so felt happy and said so long i missed this oppourtuninty

Nov 30, 2013
very nice NEW
by: laxmi

wow...lucky u...i never heard and seen 14 diamond studdednose stud.i know 8 or 10 diamond besthari but not 14... can u post a picture of nose stud or describe it in details? and u wearing nose stud on both sides daily ...and permanently...?? good of luck....and whats u r mom's n other peoples reactions on u r double nose studs.

Nov 29, 2013
dot both side nose pierced by mil NEW
by: Anonymous

i got married last month to a traditional family my nose was not pierced but iam in interest to wear mookuthi but my mom never allowed because if i got my nose pierced she have to get one since her nose not pierced since so after my marriage i opened the topic by giving comments about my mil mookuthi since she got two mookuthi in her nose that glitters by the way my mil asked me can you allow to pierce your nose i shaked my ok that evening she came with achari and asked me to sit in front i came with all my dream he pierced my nose gently with needle and my mil gave him one thalluku mookuthi he placed in my nose and tightened and showed me a mirror it looks nice but to my big nose it makes more empty on other side even my mil feels same so she asked me better you get left side than you will get nice look after few minutes of thinking i said go head then she gave her stud with 14 stones diaMOND STUD for me i said it will be very big and more pain she said first youy wear it other wise we can get new one so he pierced left nose and placed the stud which makes my face more sexy since iam 19 in that age with two mookuthi i became more bright that night my husband came and saw my nose with mookuthi he lifted me and kissed in front of my mil after we all felt shy

Oct 24, 2013
double nose piercing NEW
by: Geetha

very interesting story I liked but all mil do this think.. Please share any story r photo send my mail id... this is my mail id please share it

Jul 28, 2013
Nose piercing NEW
by: Shalini bangalore

Hi hemalatha Even my nose pierced after marriage by M-I-L , but only 3 months later. It's tradition in my family that elder D-I-L wil be getting all jewels of grand m-I-l . There is no sharing of it due I am only one D-I-L of my m-I-l house . After consulting me n my mother , my m-I-l fixed date to pierce my nose with family achari . Friday morning 11 achari came all elders of my family arrived . Achari checked nose studs of that box . 2 sets of nose studs along with besari . 2 medium nose studs . My mil chooses medium ones . Achari heated needle n marked on right side n pierced gently . Tears from eyes strated . Later he inserted mukkuthi to my nose . I got up as its over . But one old lady insists achari to pierce left side too . My mil asks me to get it left also . She belongs both sides . I said no to left side . Only side being 24 that's in 2011 . No way to both sides . Later my mil requests me to pierce both side but wear it one side only . Wear both sides for occasions . So I agreed to get left side due to I don't want upset my mil . She is very good n caring . With in 15 mins second side pierced n inserted mukkuthi . I look like traditional Brahmin bride with diamond mukkuthi on both sides . All elders wished me . After 15 days I removed right side . I alternatively changed mukkuthi from left to right side . To keep piercing intact . I wear both occasionally . I wil be happy to continue traditional values . Lets see in future I wil be double mukkuthi lady .
Thanks shalini .

Jul 28, 2013
Nose piercing NEW
by: Shaking

Hi hemalatha Even my nose pierced after marriage by M-I-L , but only 3 months later. It's tradition in my family that elder D-I-L wil be getting all jewels of grand m-I-l . There is no sharing of it due I am only one D-I-L of my m-I-l house . After consulting me n my mother , my m-I-l fixed date to pierce my nose with family achari . Friday morning 11 achari came all elders of my family arrived . Achari checked nose studs of that box . 2 sets of nose studs along with besari . 2 medium nose studs . My mil chooses medium ones . Achari heated needle n marked on right side n pierced gently . Tears from eyes strated . Later he inserted mukkuthi to my nose . I got up as its over . But one old lady insists achari to pierce left side too . My mil asks me to get it left also . She belongs both sides . I said no to left side . Only side being 24 that's in 2011 . No way to both sides . Later my mil requests me to pierce both side but wear it one side only . Wear both sides for occasions . So I agreed to get left side due to I don't want upset my mil . She is very good n caring . With in 15 mins second side pierced n inserted mukkuthi . I look like traditional Brahmin bride with diamond mukkuthi on both sides . All elders wished me . After 15 days I removed right side . I alternatively changed mukkuthi from left to right side . To keep piercing intact . I wear both occasionally . I wil be happy to continue traditional values . Lets see in future I wil be double mukkuthi lady .

Jul 13, 2013
Got both side pierced by mil NEW
by: Anonymous

My mil always eager to pierce my nose since from my married days after 2 years i accepted her wish so we went to our native village there many young ladies got studs with multistone both side like my mil and looking more attracting and glittering next day morning we both went to a relative house they made me to sit in front of one old lady she took one thick needle and pierced my nose and inserted one multistone besthri in my nose and screwed with more pain my eyes got lot of tears but on seeing my sharp nose with stud looks more bright even i too like my new appearence then my mil told me you can get other side on next day but i said ine side enouugh then she kept quite on that night my husband saw my nose stud and iam so homely and he said to get other one more stud so he will be more satisefied i said ok all beacause of his love one next day morning i called my mil and said i will get one more stud her eyes got tears and we both went there and got my nose pierced and one big single stone with 4 drops has been fixed in my left side which makes me more bright in my face imediately i went to show to my husband on looking my face his eyes got tears and gave lot of kiss in my nose from that day he showers many kisses in my nose every day i missed for 2 years now iam very happy even my mom also appreciated my opinio

Jul 10, 2013
Got both side nose pierced by mil NEW
by: Anonymous

my mil got besthri on both nose which looks more attractive i also admire her beauty one friday she removed her mookuthi for oil bath while replacing she missed inner thread she left empty on one side nose which makes her nose so empty everyone suggusted to replace imediately i also said to her please get one new thread she asked me why you are worried about my nose stud i replies i like nose stud very much due to pain i postphoned my eager on the same day we both went to goldsmith and got new inner stud with great struggle she replaced in her nose i said now only you look like my mil i tried to move from from there my mil stopped me and asked to sit in front of the goldsmith i asked her why i want to sit here she went away without any reply after few seconds the goldsmith flipped my nose wings which makes me some pleasent feelings so i kept mum then he slowly pierced my right nose i closed my eyes he kept the needle as such and he pierced my left nose in same manner after 8 minutes my mil came with two single stone nose stud with single drop it was inserted in my both nose and screwesd inner side tightly and a mirror given to me i looked my nose it glitters so bright i loved my nose studs then my mil gave me a kiss in my foreheadand said iam so homely we both returned home on seeing my nose studs every one gave good comments my husband said my beauty is doubled on hearing his words my face became more shy from that day iam getting lot of kiss in my nose studs i love this expereince if any one wants to enjoy like me gohead

Jul 08, 2013
Got both side nose pierced by mil NEW
by: Anonymous

Hai hemalatha iam also like you my nose was not pierced after my marraige i use wear modern dress this makes my mil to change my dress code she took me to a temple and while returning she took me to a jwelry shop and made me to sit in front of one achari and said to pierce my nose iam shocked but iam helpless he pierced my nose right side and 8stone besari inserted due to pain my eyes got lot of tears again she gave one more stud for left side and asked me are ready for now or next else next week we can do it i replied one is enough so told achari to pierce imediately he pierced my nose with pushing the thick stem behind the thick needle with great strugle and screwed the inner thread tightly with some tools so that it cannot be removable by me and we came home untill my husband reached the iam with rears in my bed room when he entered inside i closed my nose he removed my hand and seen my face with big nose screws his face got more bright and said iam very lovely and sexy and he gave 100's of kiss in my nose studs and said he will always kiss my nose from today on hearing his words my pain got vanished and i too acepted my nose scews on every friday my removes my nose studs for oil bath and after bathing he himself replace in my nose because my nose was pierced little deep so icant remove

Jul 08, 2013
what is your feeling ? do u like it or not ? NEW
by: shanthi

nice experience shared. what is your opinion on your new look ?? do you like it ? can u plz describe in detailed abt your new mookkuti designs and comments from your husband, mil , childs etc. Do u liked it or not. please share the details. We all would like to hear from you.

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