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Husband Forceing me to Pierce Nose

by Amala

I am female aged 25 from Kerala. recently i pierced my nose due to my Hus bend's 3 years wish. On my Marriage day i user artificial stone on nose, after seeing our wedding photos my husband told me it looks very cute for me and he compelled me to pierce my nose. but me and my parents dont like nose piercing, so i said NO always when he forced me to pierce. In earlier Wedding Anneversery he gift me sarrees, but this time On my 3rd wedding anneversery he bought me a diamond nose pin and ask me to wear it.
i discuss it with my MIL and mom, but moth mothers dont like nose piercing. my MIL said do it if its your husband's wish...

I am a School Teacher by profession and a Student too (doing my Research Works) so feel shy in wearing nose piercing at school and college. I Consult my beautician about doing it, she said 2 methods there GUN & NEEDLE. her choice is to use needle , its better than gun. My Husband is very loving and caring, its his only wish he asked at me after marriage.

am Confused
what should i do ? pierce it or not?
if i pierce how i manage it in school and college?
if i not pierce how i fulfill my hubbys dreams ?
if i decide to pierce which side should better ? LEFT or RIGHT ?

waiting for you valuable comments

Thanking you

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Jan 12, 2024
மூக்குத்தி போட்டுக்கொண்டு ஊர் சுத்தலாம் NEW
by: Anonymous

என் பெயர் சேகர் நான் வெளியூருக்கு
சென்றாள் மூக்கு குத்து கொண்டு மூக்குத்தியோடு செல்வேன் வீட்டுக்கு வரும்போது மூக்குத்தி எடுத்து விடுவேன் இன்று போல் பலமுறை மூக்கை குத்து இருக்கிறேன்
என் மூக்கில் மூக்கு குத்திய தழும்புகள் இருக்கும் என் திருமணத்திற்கு பிறகு என் மனைவி மூக்கின் தழும்புகளை பார்த்து மூக்கு குத்துனீர்களா என்று கேட்டா அவளிடம் நான் பொய் சொல்லியதில்லை ஆமாம் தெரியாத ஊருக்கு செல்லும்போது நான் மூக்குத்தி கொண்டு போவேன் வீட்டுக்கு வரும்போது வழியில் எடுத்து விடுவேன் இது இதுபோல் ஏழு எட்டு முறை மூக்குத்தி இருக்கிறேன் நீங்கள் போட்ட மூக்குத்தி எங்கே என்று கேட்டா நான் மறைத்து வைத்திருந்த அந்த மூக்குத்தியை காட்டினேன் அது மூன்று சிவப்பு கல் மூக்குத்தி அந்த மூக்குத்தி பார்த்ததும் மீண்டும் என் மூக்கில் பார்க்க வேண்டும் போல இருக்கு என்று சொன்னா நான் வெளி ஊருக்கு சென்றால் மட்டுமே மூக்கு குத்தி
கொள்வேன் என்றேன் அப்போது வாருங்கள் நாம் தேன் நிலவுக்கு செல்வோம் என்றா மூன்று நாள் கழித்து நாங்கள் ஊட்டிக்கு செல்ல தயாரானோம் என் மனைவி மூக்குத்தி எடுத்து தன் பையில் வைத்தா ரயில் கோவையில் நின்றது இறங்கிய உடன் மூக்கு குத்தும் இடம் தேடினால் என் மனைவி ஒரு தட்டானிடம் சென்றோம் என் வலது மூக்கை குத்த சொன்னாள் அவரும் எனக்கு மூக்குத்தி போட்டு விட்டார் அவள் எனக்கு அழகாக இருப்பதாக சொன்னா மூன்று நாள் ஊட்டிக்கு சென்றோம் மூன்று நாள் இருவரும் இன்பமாக இருந்தோம் என் ஆசையை இரண்டு கடிதத்தில் எழுதி வைக்கிறேன் அதில் ஒன்று எடுங்கள் அதில் என்ன இருக்கிறதோ அதை நீங்கள் நிறைவேற்ற வேண்டும் என்று சொன்னா என் மனைவி நான் என்ன எழுதி இருக்கிறது என்று தெரியாமல் சரி என்று ஒத்துக் கொண்டேன் அவள் இரண்டு காகிதத்தையும் தூக்கி போட்டா அதிலிருந்து ஒன்று எடுத்து நான் படித்துப் பார்த்தேன் என் மூக்கில் இருக்கும் மூக்குத்தியை என் மனைவி நினைத்தால்தான் கழட்ட வேண்டும் அதுவும் அவள் கையாலேயே தான் அவள் கழட்டும் வரை நான் மூக்குத்தியோடு தான் இருக்க வேண்டும் என்று எழுதி இருந்தது என்ன இப்படி செய்து விட்டாய் என்று கேட்டேன் நான் கேட்டிருந்தால் நீங்கள் ஒத்துக் கொள்ள மாட்டீர்கள் அதனால்தான் நான் இப்படி எழுதி நம் இருவர் ஆசையை தீர்த்துக் கொண்டேன் வேறு வழி என்று நானும் சரி என்று ஒத்துக் கொண்டேன் யார் கிண்டல் பண்ணாலும் நான் மூக்குத்தி கழட்ட முடியாது கொஞ்சம் சிரமம் தான் அவளின் அன்பு ஆசையும் என்னை ஒத்துக்கொள்ள வைத்துவிட்டது அந்த பா காகிதத்தில் என்ன எழுதி இருக்கிறது என்று பார்க்கலாமா என்று கேட்டேன் பாருங்கள் என்று சொன்னா நான் மூக்குத்தியை கழட்டலாம் அப்போது அவளுக்கு மூன்று மூக்கும் குத்த வேண்டும் அவள் இன்னும் மூக்கு குத்தி கொள்ள வில்லை நீங்கள் மூக்குத்தியோடு இருக்க சம்மதித்ததால் நான் மூன்று முகம் குத்திக் கொள்கிறேன் என்று என் மனைவியை அப்போதே ஒத்துக் கொண்டாள் நாங்கள் சொந்த ஊருக்கு திரும்பியதும் ஒவ்வொரு மாதமும் ஒவ்வொரு பக்கமாக அவள் மூக்கு குத்திக் கொண்டாள் மூன்று மாதத்தில் அவள் மூக்கில் மூன்று மூக்குத்தி மின்னியது ஒரு மாதம் எனக்கு மூக்குத்தி ஓடு இருக்க கொஞ்சம் சங்கடமாக இருந்தது அதன் பிறகு பழகிவிட்டது யாரும் என் மூக்குத்தி பத்தி இப்போது பேசுவதில்லை

Jun 06, 2017
Obey the spouse if you loves him NEW
by: Anonymous

Amala it is his love because of which he asks you to pierce your nose. For him you will be more beautiful with pierced nose. If you loves him certainly you should do it without any doubt. I and my wife married for 24 years. Recently I thought if she pierce ger nose she will be very cute. Within two three days I found her with a beautiful nose stud. Once I have suggested that when going to temple if she puts chandanakkuri not only on her forehead and neck, but on her chest and both upper arms also it would be more auspius. After that one day when we visited the temple she draw lines of chanadanam on her forehead, neck, chest and both upper arms.

Aug 27, 2016
Reply and update required from Amla NEW
by: Anonymous

I have seen you query and the replies and comments.What is the current position.Would be happy if we can get a reply.

Aug 27, 2016
Girls adjust after marriage and accept with joy in continuation NEW
by: kannan

In continuation to my earlier reply the news is Teena has now tattled her husbands name on her right hand and daily after bath in the morning she does puja for his feet and arranged a Havana calling her neighbours and relatives for her new grand daughters mundane with septum piercing and putting a heavy ornament of her mil given by her husband and again got her head completely shaved as per his family customs.

Aug 27, 2016
Girls adjust after marriage and accept with joy in continuation NEW
by: kannan

In continuation to my earlier reply the news is Teena has now tattled her husbands name on her right hand and daily after bath in the morning she does puja for his feet and arranged a Havana calling her neighbours and relatives for her new grand daughters mundane with septum piercing and putting a heavy ornament of her mil given by her husband and again got her head completely shaved as per his family customs.

Aug 27, 2016
Girls adjust after marriage and accept with joy NEW
by: kannan

Amala You should get it done as it is your husbands wish.I will tell you a story from north where in certain communities nose ring of a girl is removed after marriage and fixed on husbands right nostril.A young girl Teenas marriage was fixed with a widower with grand children 20 yrs older but well economically.She was reluctant initially but got married and as per custom her husband removed her nose ring and she put it on his nose.He immediately gifted a diamond nose stud and fixed it.She is happy with Bose nose pierced with 8 and 12 stone mukkuthi with 2 children through this marriage and enjoys and plays with her nose rings in her husbands nose in the night. She has accepted so much that she wants to be called as dadi or grand mother and shaved her head as he was getting bald and enjoys lying on his lap for him to stroke her bald head.

Aug 27, 2016
Girls adjust after marriage and accept with joy NEW
by: kannan

Amala You should get it done as it is your husbands wish.I will tell you a story from north where in certain communities nose ring of a girl is removed after marriage and fixed on husbands right nostril.A young girl Teenas marriage was fixed with a widower with grand children 20 yrs older but well economically.She was reluctant initially but got married and as per custom her husband removed her nose ring and she put it on his nose.He immediately gifted a diamond nose stud and fixed it.She is happy with Bose nose pierced with 8 and 12 stone mukkuthi with 2 children through this marriage and enjoys and plays with her nose rings in her husbands nose in the night. She has accepted so much that she wants to be called as dadi or grand mother and shaved her head as he was getting bald and enjoys lying on his lap for him to stroke her bald head.

Jan 13, 2015
To Siva NEW
by: Ruhi

Hi Siva

I am not indian woman...but wish to marry a traditional indian guy..I agree about the nose piercing and would wear it with pride along with toe rings on all of my toes on both feet...I love Solah Singhar too (sorry if spelt wrong) I would wear all 16 items for my future husband. I believe a husband along with a Mother In Law should be obeyed out of respect...hats off to you Sir!

Jan 06, 2015
ur husbands decision was right NEW
by: kumari

if u pierce ur nose it will suit u

Dec 11, 2014
by: Anonymous

iam christian from palakkad male 42 yrs married,before 5 yrs we r leaved in abroad that time iam self pierced my left ear my wife going to duty iam use her ear stud,one day i told her iam intresing to pierce my both ears she permitted and both ears pierced with gun iam using studds in our flat .not using outside of the room,after up to 5 months iam regular use ear ring ,studds and jimikka after we r arrived palakkad mi ear holes automatic closed(more than 2 years iam not use any ear ornaments)iam again pierced my both ears my indian dstudds with screw size studds iam self pierced with toothstick 2nd 3rd 4 th and bottom of both ears and using iam not using ornaments in my house then my kids follow me,alredy what i do they following me iam travelling long distance with flight /train and bus iam using allear ornaments and nose studd my wife very happy for iam wearing all ornaments and joiningwith ourintercoucing exspecially weighted with earring our joingtime more time extending
i told this subject to my friends their family life too failure that persons pierced their ears use weighted earrings after mingling they have 2 kids they were very happy





Nov 30, 2013
Husband Forceing me to pierce nose NEW
by: Anonymous

I got married last month my nose was not pierced my husband started the topic of piercing my nose he bought two studs and asked me which one you like i said both are nice then he answered why cant you wear both studs now i got into trouble i will pierce one side on hearing the word immediately he too me to the piercer and pierced my nose left side and placed the stud it looks so nice to me he asked for other side i said i will think of it give me some time on third day my mil came to stay with us on seeing my nose stud she praised us and said actually right nose must be pierced according to their custom why u got in left nose i said all my husband wish she said better get right side also or other wise remove from left and get it on right side i get caught with my mil at last my self and and mil went to the same piercer and got my nose pierced right side and removed my left side stud and returned home on that night my husband came late so i slept he saw my right nose pierced then he tied my hands together with my legs and he replaced my right side stud with dipping in fevi quick and he untied me i said dont worry i will wear on both side of my the same studs untill you change the model he pleased and gave me lot of kiss to my nose studs

Jun 07, 2013
nose piercing NEW
by: siva

accept your husband request and pierce ur nose..

i am a guy i like nose piercing very much..
what can i do...
i also request my wife to pierce her nose after my mariage

May 26, 2013
Husband Forceing me to pierce nose NEW
by: Anonymous

my husband also forced me to pierce my nose after one year of his request i accepted his wish one sunday i allowed him to pierce my nose so i tied my eyes with a cloth and asked him to tye my hands backside with a cloth and after tying i told him iam ready you can pierce any part of my body he told me he got nice chance with great interest he pierced my nose left side i said i want right side only so he pierced right side and said he wont remove left side and he got promise not to remove after untying my hands i accepted his wish then he untied my eyes and showed me a mirror my nose looks more sexy i said i liked my nose with two studs he gave me 1000 kisses in my nose and cheeks on seeing his happiness i said if you want to pierce my septum go ahead immediately he pierced my septum and stud fixed its unknown to others after finishing all 3 sides he untied my hands from that day he became slve to me he plays with my nose studs every day

May 15, 2013
follow your husband wish NEW
by: Gowri


it is clearly understood your stand. however, you can pierce your nose using needle. it is better for you and it won't damage your tissue.

As you are teacher and a research student, in that case you can pierce your nose during school holidays. if not, pierce now and wear small stud, it will be hardly to see however, later you can change it to medium size stud.

once you fulfil husband wish, you will be showered with happiness and also you will feel how beautiful it is.

Nose stud is healthy and it will bond you and your husband very close. it is a tradition too.

don't worry about society. your husband wish and your family bond is important. you don't need to be shy or stateless. it is your culture. if you research about nose stud, it is Must to a woman.

Good luck.


May 15, 2013
follow your husband wish NEW
by: Gowri


it is clearly understood your stand. however, you can pierce your nose using needle. it is better for you and it won't damage your tissue.

As you are teacher and a research student, in that case you can pierce your nose during school holidays. if not, pierce now and wear small stud, it will be hardly to see however, later you can change it to medium size stud.

once you fulfil husband wish, you will be showered with happiness and also you will feel how beautiful it is.

Nose stud is healthy and it will bond you and your husband very close. it is a tradition too.

don't worry about society. your husband wish and your family bond is important. you don't need to be shy or stateless. it is your culture. if you research about nose stud, it is Must to a woman.

Good luck.


May 14, 2013
nose piercing NEW
by: Anonymous

Piercing left side is always cute and good.

May 14, 2013
Pierce your nose please NEW
by: Anonymous

I think you are pretty lucky enough to have husband who has located the beauty I you. Do with the needle. I too forced my wife to pierce her nose 1 year after marriage. Now she loves it herself. And one thing for sure... An Indian Woman is beautiful for three things....
1. Saree
2. Long Hair
3. Nose ornament (especially if its a small cute nose ring)


May 14, 2013
Pierce your nose please NEW
by: Anonymous

I think you are pretty lucky enough to have husband who has located the beauty I you. Do with the needle. I too forced my wife to pierce her nose 1 year after marriage. Now she loves it herself. And one thing for sure... An Indian Woman is beautiful for three things....
1. Saree
2. Long Hair
3. Nose ornament (especially if its a small cute nose ring)


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