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My beauty ruined me...

This is how I got my nose pierced on both sides.

Actually my dad is so poor and we were four daughters for him. My family members decided to marry me and my fathers sister son who is very rich but doesnt have education residing in village. But I have completed my 12 and was about to study engg via bank loan. I can even say I am the beauty of my school.Everybody used to fall in my beauty. Also I study very well.
After finalising college for my studies, my family took me to their village where my athai family is residing. My athai is so rude and very strict. She welcomed us and enquired with my father whether it is necessary to continue my studies as her son is not even completed 8th std. But my dad said it doesnt matter and also promised that both of us marriage will occur for sure.

Everyone from the neighbourhood started to appreciate my beauty. They confused my athai that if I go to college due to my aesthetic beauty every boy will propose me and even I may love a boy and marry him.

Next day morning my athai asked me to get ready. Me, my athai, my mom and dad, and my future fiance went in car to a market place where all shops are available. My athai went inside a well known jewellery shop and purchased some gold ornaments. Then she called my dad and mom inside and discussed something. She then called me inside and told me that they have come here to get me nose pierced on both sides. I was shocked and opposed her and begged her not to do such things for me as I am too young and also I cant put nose pin on both sides for college. She replied she doesnt believe my age and also it was

my beauty which made her to decide like this. Also she added if I get nose pierced both sides it will prevent male gazing at my beauty.

They also asked me to co operate or else they might tie my hand and do mooku kuthu for me. For more than half an hour all tried to persuade me but I dint obey. So my athai asked to bring a rope to tie my hands and legs. Hearing this I found some heart beat missing. Then I said I will do the piercing and requested not to tie me with ropes. With tears in eyes I sat down in front of achari. My athai asked him to do both the piercing painfully to ease child birth after marriage. She then aske me to pray to their kulla theivam. I can smell some metal geting heated up. My mom mean while marked the spot to be pierced. Then the achari requested my athai to hold my head as it will be very painful. With a thick needle he pierced my nose on right side. I stood up in pain and my mom holded my hands which was about to remove the needle from my nose. Everyone pushed me down to sit. My dad consoled me to bear the pain. Then the man inserted the big nose pin on the newly pierced hole. Blood started to ooze out as the stem was so thick. He then cmpletely screwed it tightly. I requested my athai that I will get other side pierced in two or three days after but she dint hear me speaking. By the same way my nose was pierced in left side and nose pin was inserted. In one hour time mooku kuthu was done for me on both sides.

On returning home she also added if she find me talking to any boys outside she might tonsure me.

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Dec 21, 2023
மூக்குத்தி ஆசை இல்லை எனக்கு NEW
by: Anonymous

எனக்கு இரண்டு மூக்குத்தியும் போட்டு முடித்தவுடன் மிகவும் அழகாக இருப்பதாக மூவருமே சொன்னார்கள் நம்ம எல்லாரையும் விட இந்த பொண்ணுக்கு அழகா இருக்கு என்று சொல்ல இன்று முதல் என் மகள் இவள் என மாமி சொன்னார் இன்று முதல் எங்களுக்கு செல்ல தோழி நீ என்றனர் இருவரும் இவர்கள் மூவரும் நல்லவர்கள் தான் நான் தான் எ இவர்கள் மனதை நோக அடித்து விட்டேன் மூன்று பேரும் என்னை மன்னித்து விடுங்கள் கண்ணீருடன் கேட்டேன் மூன்று பேரும் என்னை கட்டி அரவணைத்துக் கொண்டனர் என் கைகளை தவிடுவிக்க முயன்றனர் என்னை எத்தனை நாள் கட்டி வைக்க முதலில் நினைத்தீர்கள் என்று கேட்டேன் ஒரு நாள் என்றனர் அப்போது ஒரு நாள் என் கைகளை யாரும் யாரும் விடுவிக்க கூடாது உங்களுக்கு விருப்பம் இருந்தால் எனக்கு தேவையானதை நீங்கள் செய்து கொடுங்கள் என்று சொன்னேன் எனக்கு காபியை அருந்த வைத்தனர் அன்று இரவு எனக்கு உணவு உட்ட வந்தனர் அத்தனையும் எனக்கு பிடித்த வகைகள் எல்லாம் உங்களுக்கு நான் சொல்லவே இல்லையே எப்படி தெரியும் என்று கேட்டேன் உன் அம்மாவிடம் கேட்டு தெரிந்து கொண்டோம் உன்னை பற்றி தெரியாததற்கு எங்களை மன்னித்துவிடு நீங்க மன்னிப்பு என்ற வார்த்தை இனிமேல் சொல்லவே கூடாது என் கைகளால் நான் இந்த மூக்குத்தியை கழட்டவே மாட்டேன் அப்போ மூக்கு ஆரின பின் கூடவா என்றனர் நான் என்னை தேய்த்து குளிக்கும் போது கூட கழட்ட மாட்டேன் அப்போ எப்படி என்றது எனக்கு பழக்கமே இல்லையே என்றேன் சரி நாங்கள் உன் மூக்குத்தி கழட்டுகிறோம் குளிக்கும்போது குளித்தவுடன் நீங்கள் தான் போட்டு விட வேண்டும் சரி நானே செய்கிறேன் என்றாள் கணவரின் தங்கை உங்களுக்கு என்ன ரொம்ப பிடிக்குமா மூவரும் ஆமாம் என்றனர் உன் கணவர் வந்தவுடன் நாங்கள் கட்டிப்போட்டு மூக்குத்தியதே நாங்கள் தான் என்று உன் கணவரிடம் சொல்லு எங்களை நன்றாக திட்டட்டும் நீ திட்டுவாய் என்று எதிர்பார்த்தோம் ஒன்றுமே சொல்லாமல் இருந்து இருந்து இரண்டு மூக்குத்தியும் ஏற்றுக் கொண்டதால் எங்களுக்கு குற்ற உணர்ச்சி அதிகமாக இருக்கிறது நீ திட்ட மாட்டாய் என்று தெரிந்து விட்டது எங்களை திட்டவாது வை ஐயோ உங்களையுமா என்று மாமியை பார்த்து கேட்டேன் மூவர் கண்ணிலும் ஆனந்த கண்ணீர் வந்தது எங்கள் மூவரின் ஒருவரியாது நீ கையை கட்டிப் போடு அந்த ஒன்றாவது செய் என்றனர் சரி கையை அவிழ்த்து விடுங்கள் என்றேன் உடனே அவிழ்த்து விட்டனர் என் கணவரின் அக்கா மற்றும் அம்மாவும் என் எதிரே வர சொன்னேன் இருவரும் தயங்கி தயங்கி வந்தனர் நாம் இருவர் காலையில் விழுந்து ஆசீர்வாதம் வாங்கினேன் சின்ன பொண்ணு ரெண்டு மூக்குத்தி போட்டு இருக்கேன் என்ன ஆசிர்வாதம் பண்ணுங்க நல்லா இருக்கணும் என்று கேட்டேன் அவர்கள் ஆனந்த கண்ணீரில் ஆசீர்வாதம் செய்தனர் என் கணவரின் தங்கையை வைத்தனர் நீ இந்த சின்ன பொண்ணா ஆசீர்வாதம் பண்ணு அவன் எந்த எந்த கஷ்டமும் இல்லாம இருக்க ஆசிர்வாதம் தான் முக்கியம் என்றனர் இப்படி ஒரு நல்லவர்களை நான் பார்த்ததே இல்லை என்றேன். ஆமாம் உன்னையும் சேர்த்து தான் என்றனர் அனைவரும் சிரித்துக் கொண்டோம் என் கணவர் வீடு திரும்பினார் என்னை பார்த்ததும் இரு கைகளை பிடித்துக் கொண்டு வீடு முழுக்க சுத்தினார் என்னை உப்பு மூட்டை தூக்கிக்கொண்டு எனக்கு ஒரு பொண்ண பார்த்து கொடுத்தீங்க அழகான பெண்ணாக மாத்தியும் கொடுத்துட்டீங்க உங்கள் மூவரையும் தினமும் நினைத்துக் கொள்வேன் நன்றியோடு பிறகு என் சேவை உங்கள் நால்வருக்கும் நான் எவ்வளவு பாக்கியம் செய்தேன் என் மனைவி எல்லா கோயில்களிலும் இருக்கும் அம்மனை விட நீ அழகு என்று காட்டத்தான் போகிறேன் இது ரொம்ப அதிகம்டா என்றனர் அப்ப என் பொண்டாட்டி அழகு இல்லையா என்ற அவரிடம் அது அவ மட்டும் தான் மிக அழகு எங்களிடம் இல்லாத ஏதோ ஒரு வசீகரம் அவரிடம் இருக்கத்தான் செய்கிறது என்று ஒப்புக்கொண்டனர் இவர்கள் பேசுவதில் நான் திக்கு முக்காடி போனேன் இங்கு நடந்த மூக்குத்தி அனுபவத்தை என் அம்மாவிடம் மிகவும் சிரித்துக் கொண்டே சொன்னேன் கை கட்டப்பட்டது மட்டும் மறைத்து விட்டேன் நான் பேசுவதை கேட்டுக் கொண்டிருந்த நால்வரும் புகுந்த வீட்டு பெருமையை பேசுற பொண்ணு எனக்கு தெரிந்து நீ மட்டும் தான் என்றனர்

Dec 21, 2023
மூக்குத்தி ஆசை இல்லை எனக்கும் NEW
by: Anonymous

எனக்கு சின்ன வயதில் இருந்தே மூக்குத்தி ஆசை இல்லை என் அம்மா இரண்டு மூக்கு குத்து இருந்தார் அவர்களைப் பார்த்து நீ ஏமா ரெண்டு மூக்குத்தி போட்டு இருக்க எல்லாரும் ஒரு மூக்குத்தி மட்டும் தான போடுறாங்க உங்களுக்கு அசிங்கமா இல்லையா என்று கேட்டேன் உனக்கும் சின்ன வயதிலேயே மூக்கு குத்து இருக்கணும் பொண்ணா பொறந்து மூக்கு குத்தாம விட்டது என் தப்பு என்று திட்டினாள் என் அம்மா எனக்கு திருமணம் ஆனது என் கணவரின் குடும்பத்தில் அனைவரும் இரண்டு மூக்குத்திகள் போட்டு இருந்தனர் அவர்களைப் பார்த்தும் இந்த காலத்தில் போய் இரண்டு மூக்குத்தி போடுறீங்க என்று கேட்டேன் அவர்களுக்கு கோபம் வந்துவிட்டது என் கணவரை வெளியூருக்கு போக சொன்னார்கள் ஒரு வேலையாக எனது மாமி என் கணவரின் தங்கை கணவரின் அக்கா மூன்று பேருமே இரண்டு மூக்குத்தி போட்டவர்கள் நான் மதியம் தூங்கிக் கொண்டிருந்தேன் மாலை 5 மணிக்கு எழுந்திருக்க முயலும் போது என் இரு கைகளும் பின்னால் கட்டப்பட்டிருந்தது பயத்தில் கத்தினேன் மூன்று பேரும் அருகில் வந்தனர் நீ சின்ன பொண்ணு கொஞ்ச நாள் கழிச்சு உனக்கு மூக்கு குத்தலாம் என்று உன்னிடம் சொல்லாமல் விட்டோம் நீ இப்ப ரொம்ப பேசுற அதனால உனக்கு இப்ப நாங்க உனக்கு மூக்கு குத்த போறோம் இது தப்பை உணர்ந்துட்டேன் நீ சொன்னா தான் உன்னை கழட்டி விடுவோம் உன் கணவர் வருவதற்கு மூன்று நாள் ஆகும் இப்போது நீ எங்களிடம் வசமாக மாட்டிக் கொண்டாய் என்றனர் நான் சத்தம் போட்டு கூப்பிட்டால் யாரும் வர மாட்டார்கள் என்று தெரிந்து விட்டது அதிகாரம் பண்ணுவதை விட அடங்கி போவதே மேல் என்று தோன்றியது நான் என் முகத்தை பார்க்க அப்பாவி போல் மாற்றினேன் நான் சின்ன பொண்ணு இல்லையா எனக்கு வலிக்காம மூக்கு குத்துங்க ப்ளீஸ் என்ற நான் அவர்களிடம் கெஞ்சுவேன் என்று அவர்கள் எதிர்பார்க்கவே இல்லை நீ குத்த வேணாம்னு சொல்லுவேன் பார்த்தேன் குற்றம் கூட நீயே சொல்றியே என்றார்கள் அப்ப அமைதியா மூக்கு குத்துப்பியா என்று கேட்டார்கள் ஆமாம் என்று தலையை ஆட்டினேன் என்னை அமர வையுங்கள் நான் தயாராக இருக்கிறேன் என்று சொன்னேன் என் கணவரின் தங்கை என்னை அமர வைத்தாள் என் கணவரின் அக்கா என் வலது மூக்கை குத்தினார் ஒற்றை கல் மூக்குத்தியும் மூன்று கல் மூக்குத்தியும் இருந்தது இதில் உனக்கு எது வேண்டும் என்று கேட்டனர் வலது மூக்குக்கு மூன்று கல் என்று சொன்னேன் அப்ப இடது பக்கம் கொத்திக் கொள்கிறாயா என்று கேட்டனர் அவர்கள் ஒரு 30 தான் குத்த வந்திருக்கிறார்கள் என்று எனக்கு அப்போது தான் தெரிந்தது நானாக உளறி இரண்டு மூக்கும் மொத்த சம்மதம் என்று சொல்லிவிட்டேன் தமிழர்கள் வலது மூக்கில் மூன்று கல் போட்டுவிட்டனர் சன்னி லியோன் ஒளிந்து கொண்டே நான் இடது முட்டை திருப்பி காட்டினேன் பச்சை பாவமா இருக்கு ஒன்னு போதும் என்று அவர்களுக்குள் பேச மாமி பரவால்ல எனக்கு இடது மூக்கு கூட குத்துங்க உங்கள மனசுல பேசுனதுக்கு எனக்கு வேணும் இந்த பெண்ணா அடக்கமா இல்லாம மாதிரி கத்திட்டேன் அனைவரும் என்னை மன்னித்து விடுங்கள் என்று என்ஜினியர் சிவாவும் ஒரு மூக்குத்தி போதும் என்றனர் மீண்டும் நீங்க இன்னொரு மூக்கு குத்துனா தான் என்னை மன்னித்ததாக அர்த்தம் என்று வேறு வழி இல்லாமல் அவர்கள் என் இடது மூக்கையும் குத்தினர் தொடரும்

Dec 20, 2023
மூக்குத்தி NEW
by: Anonymous

ரொம்ப அழகான பெண்ணாக விட்டேன் அதனால எனக்கு மூச்சு திட்ட வேண்டும் என்னை பார்த்தவர் எல்லாம் உங்க பொண்ணு ரொம்ப அழகா இருக்கு என்று என் அம்மாவிடம் சொல்வார்கள் என்னை பார்த்து கண் வைக்கிறார்களே என்று என் அம்மாவிற்கு அதே கவலையாக இருந்தது ஒரு ஜோசியருடன் கேட்டார்கள் எனக்கு இரண்டு மூக்கு குத்தினால் எனது தோஷம் விலகிவிடும் இரண்டு மூக்கிலும் பெரிய மூக்குத்தி போட்டுவிட்டால் கண் திருஷ்டியும் போய்விடும் நன்றி யோசனை சொன்னார் எனது எட்டு வயதில் என் அம்மா என்னை கூட்டிக் கொண்டு போய் இரண்டு பெரிய மூக்குத்தி ஒவ்வொன்றும் 18 கற்கள் வாங்கி என் மூக்கையும் குத்த சொன்னார் இந்த சின்ன குழந்தைக்கு இவ்ளோ பெரிய மூக்குத்தியா என்று ஆசாரி தயங்கினார் என் பொண்ணுக்கு நானே குப்பை சொல்றேன் குத்துங்க என்ற அம்மா அதன் தண்டு மிக கனமாக இருந்தது அதற்கு ஏற்ற ஊசியை வைத்து என் மூக்கை குத்த நான் வலி தாங்காமல் கத்தினேன் அம்மா என் கைகளை பிடித்துக் கொண்டு இருவர் கண்ணீரோடு என் மூக்கு குத்தப்பட்டது இரண்டு மூக்குத்தியையும் போட்டுவிட்டார் ஒரு சிறிய மூக்கில் முழுவதும் மூக்கத்தியிருந்து என் மூக்கை மூடிவிட்டது நான் யாரோ போல் இருந்தேன் இன்று முதல் என்னை பார்த்து கண் வைப்பவர்கள் என்ன இந்த பொண்ணு எவ்வளவு பெரிய மூக்குத்தி போட்டு இருக்கீங்க நன்றி என் அம்மாவை கிண்டல் பண்ண ஆரம்பிச்சிட்டாங்க அதைக் கேட்க என் அம்மாவிற்கு ஒரே சந்தோஷம் என் மூக்கு ஆர பத்திரமாக பார்த்துக் கொண்டாங்க அம்மா இந்த பெரிய மூக்குத்தியை மாற்றாமல் வளர்ந்தேன் பள்ளி படிப்பை முழுவதும் மூக்குத்தி போட்டுக் கொண்டு முடிக்க எனக்கு மாப்பிள்ளை பார்க்க ஆரம்பித்தார்கள் நான் வளர்ந்ததால் என் மூக்கு க்கும் அந்த மூக்குத்திக்கும் பொருத்தமாக மாறியது என் முகம் உன்னை பார்த்த முதல் மாப்பிள்ளை என்னை பிடித்து விட்டதாக சொன்னார் இனிய திருமண முடிந்து அவர் வீட்டுக்கு சென்றேன் உங்க அம்மா கூட சின்ன மூக்குத்தி தான் போட்டு இருக்காங்க நீ மட்டும் ஏன் இவ்வளவு பெரிய மூக்குத்தி போட்டிருக்கிறாய் என்று கேட்டார் நான் சிறிய வயது கதையை சொன்னேன் ஆமாமா உங்க அம்மாவும் செய்தது சரிதான் இப்போது உனக்கு கண் படம் மாதிரிதான் நீ திரும்பவும் மாறி விட்டாய் இப்போ இதோட பெரிய மூக்குத்தி நான் வாங்கி போட்டு விடவா என்று கிண்டல் பண்ண ஐயோ நான் சின்ன வயதில் இருந்து மூக்குத்தி சுமந்து கொண்டிருக்கிறேன் இன்னும் செய்து போட்டு என்னை அம்மன் ஆக்கி விடாதீர்கள் என்று சொன்னேன் இது போதும் நான் உன்னை சும்மா சொன்னேன் என்றார் என் 31 நன்றாக கொஞ்சி விளையாட ஆரம்பித்தார் தினம் என் முகத்தை பற்றி பேசுவார் என் மூக்குத்தி ஒவ்வொரு பக்கமும் ஒவ்வொரு விதமாக இருக்க அதனால் ஒரு வாரம் இடது மூக்குத்தி வலது பக்கமும் வலது மூக்குத்தி இடது பக்கமும் மாற்றி போடுவார் கொஞ்சம் வித்தியாசமாக இருக்கும் வெள்ளிக்கிழமை குளிக்கும்போது எல்லாம் அவர்தான் கழட்டுவார் போடும்போது மாத்தி போடுவார் இப்படியே சந்தோசமாக சென்றது என் வாழ்க்கை

Nov 16, 2016
nose piercing custom NEW
by: Anonymous


I have a doubt , I have not pierced my nose until now, I'm 22. if I want to pierce my nose should I have to shave my head ? is this a custom?? do you think in this new generations its is still followed? there are some people who pierce their nose before marriage as per the tradition of their in-laws. please clarify

Sep 02, 2016
Reason for headshave NEW
by: Anonymous

It's a custom and strong belief that a girl should get her nose pierced (single or both sides) before turning into 18 years. Even some of them will do it at 4 to 5 years itself. If 18 years is crossed then they should tonsure her and then only she can get her nose pierced. This is z goddess Lakshmi love girls getting pierced but if the age limit is crossed she ll get angry ,in order to pacify her head shave is done. It is a kind of punishment so every girl will not postpone or be reluctant in getting their nose pierced as per the family tradition.

May 10, 2016
Mottai and mookuthi NEW
by: Anonymous

Hi, I am having a doubt that is it compulsory to put mottai before we do nose piercing ? . Why do people put mottai before doing nose piercing any spiritual thought behind it. Please clarify.

Jun 05, 2015
my wife pierced her nose after 5 years of our marriage NEW
by: Anonymous

I always admired nose pierced ladies. I told the same to my wife before marriage but she refused saying her mom pierced her nose 2 times when she is in 7- 9 standard but it not suits her nose and wound became worse so she removed and let d hole closed. But to my surprise she pierced her nose yesterday morning when she go to jewelry shop with her mom n dad for jewelry purchase. and wearing tiny diamond stud on her left nostril.its after 5 years she did it. even her mom was very surprised and happy with her nose pierced.she is saying its Marriage anniversary gift for me . i m very much Happy now.

Apr 10, 2015
Don't Listen to rubbish things NEW
by: Anonymous

Please Don't Listen to such peoples rubbish things and don't change your view about rettai Mukkuthi. Do wear them permanently. Bigger size Mukkuthies look good than small sized Mukkuthies. I will suggest you to start wearing 13 diamonds or 16 diamonds Besthari or one Besthari and diamonds studded ring in other nostril. Do get u r septum pierced and wear BULLAKU too.
Best luck. Don't feel shy at all. U r following our age old tradition . Feel proud for the same. Enjoy.

Mar 30, 2015
Rettai mookuthi NEW
by: Anonymous

Hi, as I told u initially I was shy to go out with my bald head and rettai Mookuthi but now I'm going out without covering my head. I am not working so I don't mind wearing the besthari at home. Ya when we go out for shopping people at my age stare at me. It give a matured look. I will change my mookuthis to small one after some more time. Then I will wear besthari for special occasions. Small one for regular use. It's going to be 3 month after my mottai. My hair is little grown and I am ready to do my mottai again at any temple, but after 5 years.

Mar 24, 2015
wearing rettai mukkuthi permanently? NEW
by: Anonymous

so reading u r comments looks like u r wearing those besari permanently in home and also on outside like in market,shopping,relatives homes. u r so young how do u manage wearing rettai traditional mukkuthi at this young age ? u also got tonsured. how much hair grown now ?? will u tonsure again?? like if u visit tirupati n u see lot of tonsured ladies then will u tonsure again?? u said u r also going for BULLAKU certainly. don't u think this is going to be very much traditional?? how do u do ?? or in u r area i.e. village or city its common i.e. young girls with rettai mukkuthi?? How come u changed this much??

Mar 17, 2015
New look NEW
by: Anonymous

Yes u r right, it was very painful for me for first 2 weeks after piercing but when u apply oil regularly on the pierced spots it will reduce the chance of forming infections. When I removed my Mookuthi first time it was very painful, it's a strange feeling that I cannot express in words. Then I was wearing small stick like thing ( curry leaves bark) small one. And apply oil for some days. I was planning to change for small one but my mil said big one looked very nice on me, so I din change, now I'm wearing the same mookuthi's. I am very lucky to get a caring mil.

Mar 17, 2015
Mookuthi NEW
by: Anonymous

it is very interesting and i am pleased that you are following our customs. it is your duty too to tell others to follow it. Encourage others to follow it. you may write about size of mookuthis and how you feel after piercing. i know that when you remove mookuthi and put it back you will have strange feeling.

write more about nose piercing story

Mar 17, 2015
New look NEW
by: Anonymous

Hi, u r right I am a completely changed woman now. I'm wearing my rettai Mookuthi regularly. Every one praised me for sporting Mookuthi and multiple piercing on ears along with bald head. I will recommend every girl to wear rettai Mookuthi and if they agree I will take them for piercing. When I get decent length of hair I will pierce my septum as well. Will post u a reply when I do that.

Mar 15, 2015
mind change NEW
by: Anonymous

so after going through all of u r posts i am thinking that u r changed women now. U started liking rettai mukkuthi very much. is it true ?? And u will tell other girls /women's to.go.for.rettai mukkuthi and u will take them for piercing also. I m quite sure that after 3-4 months u will tell us that u pierced u r septum too and wearing BULLAKU regularly. Do wear rettai mukkuthi permanently. Take care.

Feb 25, 2015
New look NEW
by: Anonymous

Hi , my mom also wearing double nose studs but I did not do it even though she told me to pierce atleast one . But after seeing me with retail mookuthi she was very happy that I got married to a traditional family. My mil and sil wear madisar on all special auctions. Some already suggested me to go for tanjore piercing but I was scared that doing septum piercing will pain more. Also I don't want to do too many piercing at one time so I did not ask my mil for bullaku. If I ask her she will immediately arrange for that. After few month later I will try bullaku. I pierced 2 holes on both ears during my mottai ritual. total 3 holes.

Feb 24, 2015
nose piercing in early age is better. NEW
by: Anonymous

Just like your MIL n SIL your mother should had your nose pierced when you are around 10-12 old. It didn't pain at all in tender age. Is your mother wearing rettai mukkuthi or not ?? and is your MIL n SIL wear madisar saree on regular basis or not ??I think Your MIL will gift you 16 stones Besthari just like her to u in future definitely. If u liked u r new look then also try BULLAKU in septum. First try press type and if u like u r look with BULLAKU then u can go for septum piercing to wear BULLAKU on permanent basis. 5-6 holes is ear lobes is very common today. how much u got ??

Feb 22, 2015
Mottai and mookuthi NEW
by: Anonymous

Hi, my sil is married and she is 39years old , she had a daughter who is 20 years old. My sil was married at early age of 16 she had done her nose piercing on right side at the age of 12 . During her marriage she was pierced on left side. Her daughter also done her piercing at the age of 13 on right side. My mil is also wearing nose studs on both side , she is wearing 16stone studded besathri . She looks awesome with her nose studs. My sil is 10 years elder than my husband. Her daughter is not agreed to pierce her left side nose as she is not comfortable wearing double nose studs to college. But she will be pierced during marriage time. I like the madisar saree which I got for my mottai rituals. I will wear it in future for some auspicious functions.

Feb 20, 2015
Congratulations!! NEW
by: Anonymous

As u mentioned in u r experience u r sil gave u banana. Does it really reduced piercing pain or its just myth ?? How old is u r S I L ?? is she married??and Is she also wearing double nis studs ? Is her Nose pierced before her marriage or after her marriage just like U ?? .Piercing doesn't pain if its done in early age around 7-14 but afterwards its pains.
Your M I L is also wearing Rettai Mukkuthi just like u ir not ?? What kind of Mukkuthi she wears?? Would you like to wear Madidar saree in future also or not?? .

Congratulations to u for accepting our age old Rich culture and following it proudly.

Feb 16, 2015
Enjoying my new look. NEW
by: Anonymous

My parents were happy that I cooperated for the rituals. Initially I was shy to face all my relatives and neighbours. Now I'm used to this look. It takes 2minutes to wash my head. My mil told me to apply neem paste while taking head shower so that dandruff problem will not come. I keep touching my bald plate. Even my husband is praising me for the bold desicion and keeping playing with my head. I'm not covering my head now. I will surely do mottai again when I get descent length of hair. Thank you so much for your support and encouraging words.

Feb 15, 2015
Hearty congratulations...!!! NEW
by: Anonymous

Hearty Congratulations to you. As now u r Followed all the rituals as per U r M I L wish she must be very much happy about u amd must be taking very good carr of u. Nose piercing and ear piercing pain is gets over in 2-4 hours . Apply Coconut oil daily to u r hairs so u will get u r long hair back in 8 months. Try to wear madisar For some occasions. like pooja , going to temple or religious program. What was rections from u r friends and U r mothes n father ?? Hope u like u r new look.just enjoy. Try changing nose studs and ear jewelry after regular period u will love it.

Feb 14, 2015
mottai and mookuthi ceremony NEW
by: Anonymous

Hi everything was organized by my mil for the ceremony since this will be the last time I will be keeping flowers in my head I got 6 mozham jasmine flowers and I combed my hair and kept all the flowers. That night I could not sleep peacefully I told my husband that should I go through this ?. He then told me he can't do anything, he said I will look more beautiful in my new look. Next day morning we started getting ready. I combed my hair last time so I took some time and combed my hair slowly. My mil gave me flowers. I wore the madisar for the ceremony. 4am our mini bus came , with relatives we started. 8 am we reached temple. As per our plan my mil asked the achari to pierce my ears then nose. My SIL was holding the plate of bananas to insert in my mouth while piercing. Achari had heated the needle I was very scared that time he put a mark on the ears for piercing and inserted the needle on my left ear and then right ear my sil inserted a piece of banana that time. He put the ring type eating. Again he repeated the same process for 3rd earing and put a stud type earing. Then he put a mark on the left nose I was very much scared this time when he inserted the needle I cried out in pain my mil inserted the banana I could not bear that pain then he inserted the red stoned besthari. He repeated the same for right side and screwed the white stone besthari. I could not bear the pain I almost fainted. Then they woke me up gave me some juice, water and I cried in pain. After 10 minutes. Barber came he asked my mil to remove the hairpins, flowers. Then he unbraied my hair and poured water , massaged for some time, again he put some water , it was dripping from my face and my blouse madisar was wet from top. Then he asked my mil should he start. After she said OK
He inserted the blade in the razor. I was tensed and heart beat increased. He bent my head down and started to shave from the crown part . the first scratch sound my eyes started to shed tears. Thenhe went to back part and he said madam do not shake and caught my head firmly the he moved to left side and soon hair on left side fell down on my lap then he came to the front part. I was half shaved head I was feeling very shy that time to see my relatives. Then left side was over. Then he moved to right side. In 10 minutes I was totally bald I was feeling very light and chill breeze. My mil told him to give a reverse shave for smooth finish. He shaved again. I got up and removed the hair. I took a bath and changed my madisar. Then my mil applied chandanam on my bald head and asked me to get ashirvadam from elders. I was very embarrassed to face them and bowed to them. my mil was very happy and my husband was even more happy. After this we went for darshan and I did not cover my head. We reached home the same day I got fever till Wednesday. Now I am OK .

Feb 14, 2015
mottai and mookuthi ceremony NEW
by: Anonymous

Hi, mottai ceremony got over. My nose piercing and ear piercing done. I got fever so I could not post a reply soon. I'm OK now.

Feb 09, 2015
further what happened? NEW
by: Anonymous

Hey what happened on Saturday ?? Your Nose piercing and Mottai ceremony happened or not ?? if happened then plz share your experience . How r u feeling now ??

Feb 05, 2015
Mottai and mookuthi ceremony NEW
by: Anonymous

Hi I google searched for tanjore piercing. But right now I'm bit scared because I'm already doing lot of piercing at this time . I will try later as I cannot bear the pain too much. Thanks for your support.

Feb 05, 2015
Mottai and mookuthi ceremony NEW
by: Anonymous

Hi, thank you so much for your encouraging words. Our shopping was done yesterday. My MIL arranged for madisar. It's a maroon colour madisar with golden boder it looks amazing. My MIL, father in law, my husband and his sister went together for jewellery shop and purchased the besthari one with 6stones and other with 8stone with red stone and pair of earring one with ring type and other with single stone. I was very excited about the piercing same time tensed about my mottai. Again I requested my Mil to postpone my tonsure she said no as they have already made arrangement. She said they have already booked mandapam for the ceremony first we will be piercing followed by mottai . She said you will look even beautiful with mottai. She advised me to close my eyes and enjoy the experience.

Feb 04, 2015
shopping done for u or not ? NEW
by: Anonymous

hi, what kind of nose studs u r M I L bought for u ? Is she bought madisar Saree also or not ?? Don't be tensed. Just remember u r M I L and husband will love u more after u r co operation. and in u r beautiful new look. u will also love yourself in u r new attire as traditional south Indian girl. Google search Tanjavur piercing also . u can go for that also. in Tanjavur piercing Septum i.e. middle part of nose also ger piercing and u can wear Bullaku in it. best of luck and enjoy the attention.

Feb 04, 2015
Mottai and mookuthi ceremony NEW
by: Anonymous

Hi days r going fast only 2 days left. All our relatives were invited for the ceremony. Everyone were appreciating my co- operation. My MIL is very busy organising all thing required for the ceremony. I'm feel like crying when I look at my waist length thick shining hair. Most of the time standing in mirror playing with my long hair.bit tensed.

Feb 04, 2015
Mottai and mookuthi ceremony NEW
by: Anonymous

Hi kava thank you so much for sharing your experience. How long is your hair now. This is first time for me that's y I'm tensed and scared so much . What response you got after the rituals ? I mean from your neighbours and office staffs.

Feb 04, 2015
Experience shared for u r encouragement. NEW
by: Anonymous

Please read below experience u will get confident.

Name: Kavya
Subject: Tonsure at madurai
Date: 2009-01-26
Today I was tonsured on the banks of vagai
river in the morning.
On 24th we reached in our village in
madurai .We reached in the afternoon and we
washed and got fresh.
I was so nervous seeing so many people and I
felt that everyone was staring at me and talking
about me but as I am still not well versed with
their language and could not understand
In the evening all the ladies were sitting in the
verandah and talking and laughing and were
combing their daughters hair or oiling
them .suddenly my mil came with a elderly lady
who was my husbands aunty and I bend down
and touched her feet and then my mil explained
it to me that everybody had gathered for my
tonsure ceremony and hearing that I felt more
embarrased .
Then she told me to get ready as my nose
would be pierced as the goldsmith would be
coming .The aunty told me that she will comb
my hair ,so I sat down in front of her .
She opened my oiled plait and spread my hair
on my back by inserting her fingers inside then
she bended my head and I think she was
checking whether I had lice she searched my
head for 5 mts then she asked the lady who was
sitting besides us and oiling other lady to hand
over the coconut oil .I wanted to tell her that I
already had oil in my hair but she didn’t gave
me chance .she oiled my hair heavily and then
taking the comb put them in plait then she took
a black ribbon and tied the plait with that
ribbon.I felt so silly seeing my oily hair tied with
ribbon but my mil told me that this was the
style in village..
Then I was taken outside where the goldsmith
was waiting and made to sit on the wooden
plank kept in the middle. Everyone had
gathered there and was looking at me ,I was
feeling so embarrassed and nervous ,I sat with
my head low down and then suddenly th
goldsmith came and pierced my right side nose
with hot iron and I screamed in pain and tried
to get up but I was held down by my mil and
three other ladies .I was in so mmuch pain then
in the same way he pierced my left side and I
started crying with pain .two small nose studs
were placed on my nose.
In the night it was paining so much that in that
pain I had almost forgotten about my head
shave. My mil told me that I had to get up at
4.00am tomorrow for the ritualks before thr
Next day I was woken by my mil at 3.50am and
after toilet routine she told me to have wash my
hair and have bath .
My mil washed my hair and then after drying
them oiled and plaited it and made me ready
and asked me to wear new saree.
We reached the river in the morning and time
came for my tonsure.
I was crying slowly and my mil scolded me to
keep quiet .
It was so embarrassing everyone had made a
circle around the barber who was sharpening
the razor. Then my mil made me sit down in
the middle and there was discussion among the
elders and barber which I later learnt was about
how to tonsure me with or without opening my
plait . I was so scared and feeling embarrassed
that I don’t how to describe .
Then the barber came and sat in front of me
and very crudely started to open my oiled plait
my bending my head down . he opened the
plait and kept the flowers and the pins down by
my side then he took the bottle and poured the
water from the bottle on my head
The water was so muddy and then with his he
started roughly massaging my head . after
thoroughly massaging my head he made two
parts and and tied them in two knots .then he
pushed my head roughly down and I was waited
in that position for some time as he was
preparing his razor ,then suddenly with one
hand he pushed my head down and next
moment he started shaving my head . I could
not stop crying.
It was so embarrassing and humiliating with
everyone watching and the barber was so crude
and rough he would just bend my head in the
position he desired if I was late in taking that
position he would pull it roughly .
I was feeling the burning sensation as the razor
was scraping the hair off my head.
He tonsured me and waited for my mil to say
ok but I was horrified when my mil asked him
to shave once more for smooth shave.
The second time was very painful and I was so
feeling horrible.
When he was over my mil came and inspected
my bald pate by moving her hand on it and
then she told me to get up and touch the feet of
all elders who were almost 25nos .
I was feeling so humiliated when everyone
touched my bald pate to give ashirwad.
Then I was told to take dip in the river and after
that my mil rubbed sandalwood paste on my
head .
I saw my tonsured head when we came back
and I stared crying .i am moving without scarf
and I hope my mil allows me to wear scarf
when I go to work.

Feb 03, 2015
Best of Luck NEW
by: Anonymous

hu, congratulations as u will be getting Pair of Besthari for u r both Nostrils. And Extra Set of Ear studs and Ear rings. Just be there and sit still. Your M I L will do all the things to u. You will look very Beautiful in this traditional attire. You will love yourself after the rituals. You can wear wig in public if u r M I L n husband allows to.I think your M I L was already started favouring you. Remember U tmr the one who is getting all the attention. Just enjoy. And remember there are so many types of Nose studs i.e. 12 stones studded or 16 stones studded and also nose rings in gold and Diamond studded. You will be able to wear and try all of them after the piercing. so just go ahead and Sit Still that just what u have to do and Enjoy all Attention.

Feb 03, 2015
Mottai and mookuthi ceremony NEW
by: Anonymous

Hi I'm feeling tensed it's only 3 days left for me to shave my long hair and I will be wearing mookuthi on both nostrils and will be piercing the ear as well. I love my hair so much feeling really shy to go for mottai pls encourage me

Feb 03, 2015
Mookuthi podanum NEW
by: Anonymous

Hi I'm planning to put mookuthi and 2nd time ear piercing for my daughter after her exams gets over but she is not accepting. Also to do headshave so that she can concentrate on her studies . She is doing her 8th standard. Pls advise how to convince her.

Feb 03, 2015
Mottai and mookuthi NEW
by: Anonymous

Hi thanks for your suggestion, I told my MIL to get besathri with 8 stone for both nostrils and 9 yard madisar. She was surprised to hear this and was very happy. She said she will organise for those. Then I told her to postpone the mottai, she said first we will finish nose piercing and ear piercing then we will do mottai on the same day because whole family will be present there and cannot postpone. I tried sticker bindi as mookuthi it was very nice. I feel little embarrassing because whole family and relatives are there and I'm the only one doing mottai and mookuthi with ear piercing. It's look odd to imagine. I'm bit scared.

Feb 02, 2015
you first try stickers mookhuties. NEW
by: Anonymous

hi , you can simply stick sticker mookhuti or press type mookhuti on both nostrils n can have look in mirror how u look. u can request u r M I L to postpone mottai but then u first have to request her to get Besthari for u r both nostrils on your own so u r M I L can be happy for getting such D I L with traditional values. so she may accept u r wish too. Piercing pain is only one time in u r full Life . It will pain for 1-3 hours only but after bearing the pain u can wear Jewels for lifetime. remember it. Best luck. share u r experience. don't forget.

Feb 02, 2015
Mottai and mookuthi ceremony NEW
by: Anonymous

Hi thanks for your advise and encouragement, but I'm thinking doesn't it look nice if I wear mookuthi on both nostrils with mottai? Doing multiple piercing at same time in both ears and both nostrils will pain more right? Should I tonsure Later r I should do it at the same time? I'm really scared. We have planned our trip to my husband kulatheivam temple this week end.

Jan 27, 2015
Be a QUEEN. Enjoy the Rituals. NEW
by: Anonymous

Hi, as u said this Ritual is Very much common in Families having authentic traditional values following south Indian homes. Don't be afraid. It is Very much common of Mottai (tonsure) in temples. So many Women's do it on theirs on will and to fulfill the Vows made by them and others also. I will suggest u to follow what u r M I L saying to u. Also tell Her to get Besari for your both nostrils of at least consisting 8 stones. Which will give u nice BEAUTIFUL LOOK. Also tell her to bring 9 yard Madisar Saree for u to wear at ceremony. Also have multiple ear piercing at same ceremony.
After doing above things u r M I L will love u more n more and never abuse u. she will listen to u r all things. U r husband will also Listen to u r all things. You will Become QUEEN . So be queen and rule. Just follow above things.

Jan 05, 2015
Mottai and mookuthi NEW
by: Anonymous

Hi I got married recently my mother in law forcing to put mookuthi as it is their family culture and also she had vowed for family mottai this year. My husband not supporting me. He told me to accept for mottai as well as for mookuthi. I have very long hair and I am scared of the procedure.

Oct 27, 2014
Mookuthi crying. NEW
by: Anonymous

Ella pengalum unga mooku kuthumbothu feeling epadi irukum nu share panunga adhilum mookuthi podathavargal seikaram mooku kuthi andha sugam epadi irukum nu anubavinga yena mookuthi pota pengal alaguku inai yarumillai ,adhu nam parambaryam kalasaram adhai Ella pengalum pinpatravum oru chinna hole unga mooku ulla mookuthi minnum kandipa mooku kuthumbothu valikum but unga mugam summa mahalakshmi pola irukum adhu urudhi

Oct 06, 2012
mother pierced sons and daughter nose NEW
by: Anonymous

Being the last son in my family my nose should be pierced when i was 14 my took me to piercing shop with my sister to pierce her nose so she sat in front of the piercer and got it done with tears and after that my mom made me sit i thought for ear piercing but she told to pierce my nose i got shocked and cant eacape my mom and mu sister holding mu\y hands he pierced my right nose first and left side 2nd now iam double nose pierced guy all my friends made me fun for 10days now i got adjusted but many girls are liking my nose studs and giving sexy comments and pinching my nose studs and playing with me and few girls got both sides pierced due to me and to give company my sister also got both nose pierced

Sep 16, 2012
Nose pierce NEW
by: Anonymous

Kya ladke bina nose pierce ladkiyo ko bilkul pasnd ni krte,main nose pierce ni krwana chahti,par mummy daadi kehte had se jayda jaruri hai yeh ni to koi ldka shaadi ni krega tujhse.yeh jaruri hai kya?

Sep 16, 2012
Nose piercing NEW
by: Anonymous

Main nose pierce ni krwana chahti par mummy kehti hai yeh bahut jayda jaruri hai,main kya karu?

Apr 10, 2012
All might not like to get it done.... NEW
by: Anonymous

I only know how I feel humiliated to face others. My first day to college with two mookuthies really painful...
I cant forgot that day in my life. My athai decision on me is an injustice.

Apr 03, 2012
rettai mookuthi beauty NEW
by: Anonymous

i think you mooku kuthu was correct only. Your athai only correctly discovered your beauty and she only made it further beautiful. But it seems she may put mottai for you after your marriage

Mar 30, 2012
My beauty ruined me NEW
by: Anonymous

You title was wrong all time as u said your face is so beauty then really your nose studs makes you more and more beauty hence you should select you studs which design really suits your nose and face this method will suits every one including you how you feel while watching in the mirror with nose studs and what public says on looking you i think you will be more sexy and more homely and your husband will become slave to you hence even iam slave to my wife in which she pieced both nose on behalf my love i say your husband will love more since you are young you can carry your beauty with studs for long way you take it in a possitive way your husband will obey what ever you need because double nose stud girl desereve any thing

Mar 10, 2012
beauty enhanced..! NEW
by: Anonymous

i think because of your double nose studs your beauty is must have increased.. please dont treat it as it is ruining your beauty. Double nose studs increases beauty of indian womens. Remember it & start enjoying your new look

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