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by Harini
(Chennai, India)
Hi, my name is Harini, I am 23 and live in Chennai.I lost both my parents to Covid in 2020 and since then I have been staying with my chitti ie my mother’s younger sister.There are some distant relatives on my father’s side but grand parents are no more and others do not offer anything beyond lip service.My maternal grand parents are also there but I stay with my chitti because they have a 15 year old son who gives me good company.I am working as a school teacher in a private school and also get some rental income from my father’s flat which is rented after his death.The elders in the family ie chitti , Chittappa and grand parents wanted to get me married and started looking for a suitable match.There was an advertisement in some matrimony site which they responded and followed up with the girl looking ceremony. The boy was from Delhi, well qualified, working in a large company and well to do. They have houses in Delhi, Chennai and land in interior of Tamilnadu.The boy also lost his father to Covid and he and his mother who are the only persons in his family had come to Chennai from Delhi.The boy was very handsome, well mannered and after the initial meeting itself he expressed his willingness to marry me.I was also very willing but there was some hitch and we sought a week,s time to give the answer.. The boy went back but his mother told us she would stay in Chennai with her brother. for a week to know the result.The hitch is this: The matrimonial advertisement had specified that they were very orthodox and in accordance with their family traditions the girl need not be employed, should be willing to wear 9 yards saree only after marriage and should be wearing diamond studs on both her nostrils. The elders did not tell me this and when I asked them about it my grandma said that ads do contain such things but there will always be negotiations and give and take in any marriage proposal and we will try and work out some mutually beneficial solution.Not willing to give up the good proposal and opportunity my chitti boldly called up the boy's mother before the expiry of our time .The lady came and after prolonged discussions and give and take it was agreed that I would continue with my employment as a school teacher, the boy would relocate to Chennai ( a significant achievement, credit to my Chitti), I should get both nostrils pierced before marriage ( it was non negotiable for
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