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My MIL pierced my septum relectantly

by nidhi devi

Hi I am nidhi from bihar.After three days of married.
MY MIL told me to pierce my septum but I was not ready
for it.MIL was resist to pierce my septum due to gifted
her septum jewelry (bulaki/bullaku) to me.I request to her
and saying that how will I go to collage with septum jewelry ?
As you wish I will more pierce in Ears.she refused and
very angry hear this matter .She told me that she would be
Pierced. After hearing this I was weeping. I asked my husband
about my septum piercing by MIL after that he told his mother
about all problem .MIL told her son this is my family tradition this
jewelry my Mil so that I would pierced her. If she would not
Pierced I would pierced your nose by my mil....
One day morning my mil told me to pierce septum but I do not ready
for it.That day evening my mil call me ,I went there. I saw my mil with
some women, MIL told me sit down I understood the matters just want
back but one woman catch and hold me that time crying and request.
MIL brought a long and thick neddle after that gave it another woman a lot
heat before heat some women laid down me and tightly hold me. My MIL
took heated neddle and hold my septum with fingers and needle put on
the soft part of septum that time burning feel smoothly push it in my septum
that time I was crying like baby, after pierced again Mil removed her bulaki her
septum and needle remove from my septum that time very pain after that put in the new hole but bulaki stem was a little thick so very difficult put bulaki in my septum.I was crying with pain and my nose clourrqr red.
After that i took wish all of them with tears in the eyes. Heavy weighted my septum jewelry .mil told me do not remove any conditions. If remove it I will again pierce with rope. After three week I enjoy with new jewelry.

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Oct 07, 2024
being force to be tattooed and pierced after marraige. NEW
by: Anonymous

Do indian women get pierced and tattooed after marraige? Tell your story.

Sep 01, 2024
Your mooku and bullaku mutual and wedding with Somu NEW
by: Anonymous

Kavya please update.

Sep 21, 2019
Grandma NEW
by: Anonymous

Please continue. Tell us about you and cousins' nose piercing ceremony and your wedding with Somu. Hope you got a bulaki pierving as well.

Nov 03, 2018
Rettai mookuthis for you and your cousins NEW
by: Anonymous

Kavya please continue. Eagerly awaiting.

Jun 19, 2017
Grandma - rettai mookuthis and bullakku for you and your cousins in one sitting NEW
by: Anonymous

Kavya we are all eagerly waiting for your story - GRANDMA

Jun 06, 2017
Hello NEW
by: Anonymous

I Am a both nose pierced guy pl contact for free nose stud 9841077365

May 12, 2017
nose piercing NEW
by: Anonymous


My name is arathi ,and i am form south india.i would like share my forced piercing marriage was done before few months,and my husband family is traditional mother in law strictly folow all traditional nose was not pierced before marriage,but after my marriage my mother in law told me to pierce my nose.,but i just rejected my mother in law husband is also agreed with my mother in law because all the matters in the home is decided by my mother in law.but i just opposed their decision becouse i am a teacher,and i have to go school and othe places,and also i dont like to wear nose day when i was return back to my home from school,i saw a person who was sitting infront of the home.first i couldnt understand who was it,i asked about the person to my mother in law.she told that it was an achari,and i would pierce your nose right now,one of my mother in law front was also there.i just shocked,at that moment my mother in and her friend hold my head and hands,achari start to pierce my nose with thick needle,it was a very painful situation i have ever faced in my life,he put stud with a big stem in to my nose,and tight it with after dipping in some solution.after my left nose piercing he just star my right nose also,i cried a lot ,but my mother in law didnt accept my request ,he pierced my right nose also,a big stud is also put in my after dipping in some solution.i just look in the mirror ,my nose was in red colour,i try to remove it,but i couldnt remove that,at that time my mother in law said that the stem was dipped in a gum,you cant remove it,she also told that you should wear this nose stud in your whole life.i jusr shoked and i have to wear the stud in my whole life and i cant remove that.the stud is very big and it cover whole my nose,and it was very hesitating , i cant touch my nose ,because the stum cause some pain inside my in my opinino dont wear 2 studs at the same time,it will definitely irritate you.if any one have this kinds of experience please share

May 09, 2017
my rettai mukkuthi NEW
by: Anonymous

my rettai mukkuthi NEW
by: Anonymous

Hai I am saraswathi krishnan moorthy from trivandrum..Working as a music lecturer ,my hubby also a musician i have two sons both are working.I recently found this forum and read all posts its interesting so I decided to share my experience here. I born in a brahmin family as our custom my right side nose pierced when I reached puberty. Since then I am wears that mookkuthi.I changed many times with different studs. 7 years ago that time was 44 years old we gone to palani for a trip. There my husband and me found a swami he told us that dasasandhi is coming to our life. We asked the remedy his replay surprised me he said I want to Pierce my nose other side to honor goddess parvathy to overcome the crisis. I laughed I never Intended to pierce my nose again. But the doubt become big in my mind so when we reached home I told my to come with me to see the our family astrologer. We made a appointment and see him we said what swamiji said at palani. The astrologer agreed it and advised the same remedy. If dasa sandhi time comes even me or my husband may have death. I become afraid I I decided to go for remedy that is pierce my nose again. Astrologer seeked the muhoortham for my nose piercing. That was to go 10 days of that month.We returned home that night I discussed it with my hubby he said he will come with me to pierce my nose. He also said he always liked me to have rettai mukkuthis . his mom have rettai mookkuthi. I like her look but I never intended. By hearing my Hubby's words I decided to give pleasure to my hubby with my new look. The day came I took leave from college, hubby also. That day noon we gone to josco jewellary at trivandrum and hubby bought me two matching diamond studs which adorned with three diamonds. I was very afraid of the pain. Then we gone to the basements there is achari he pierces, when we reached there one mom and daughter was there both of them have new mukkuthis on nose and tears on eyes. I reached the achari and said that I have to pierce my nose again. He said now a days very few ladies sporting rettai mukkuthis here. You are the first one to pierce other side with my hand. I smiled with his talking. Then he marked the spot which is same height of right side and he pierced my nose I cried loudly, then he put the thirugini. Before he takes the mirror to show me how I am looks with rettai mukkuthis, I said him to change the other sides mukkuthi to new one. He changed that one. I looked at mirror my fave was glittering. My hubby also loved my new look. Next day when I gone to college my colleagues and some of my students prised me. I was very glad . Next weekend both of my sons came home. They astonished with my new look. They liked it. For one year I never changed the mukkuthis after it I experimented on my mukkuthis trying different type of mukkuthis with both my sons and hubby bought to me. For 7 years I sported rettai mukkuthis on my nose.The dasa sandhi is passed in this April so I retired my left side( recently pierced) mukkuthi..Now the hole started to close down.My hubby was very sad that day when I removed my mukkuthi. But I told him the remedy time period is over so he agreed. I given him a word that while our son getting married I will re pierce my nose to wear rettai mukkuthis

Apr 23, 2017
complete the story NEW
by: Anonymous

hi thanks a lot lakshmi ji for detailed write up. we are eagerly waiting for remaining in detailed story of your nose piercing. please complete. we would love to read the same. thanks a lot in advance.

Apr 20, 2017
Laksmi NEW
by: Anonymous


Laksmi here.. sorry for the delay..
As planned we started to the temple. It was decided along with me my sil daughter Devi too will be getting her nose piercing both sides. She being a college going girl doesn't like but she too was forced. On the whole way she was begging not to do as she is so young to sport double side mookuthies but my mil said strictly she should get it done as per their family custom. After reaching the temple we had dharshan. After few minutes my mil returned with the piercer to do piercing for her granddaughter. Devi was crying but they forced her to sit. The piercer marked her nose both sides. My mil gave him the nose pins. One was white three stone mookuthi and another round floral mookuthi. The piercer asked her not to shake so my mil holded her head tightly. Forcefully the piercer pierced her left nose and mookuthi was inserted. I can see her shouting in pain. Same way her right side nose was pierced and thirugani was tightened. I can see her crying in pain. I really took pity to see her crying. My mil was so happy. She said now only Devi is looking like a woman.
To be continued...

Apr 04, 2017
nose piercing ceremony NEW
by: Anonymous


what about the healing of your nose piercing?

why don't you write your piercing ceremony story?

How do you get support from your family members and neighbors?

what about your tattoo?

we are awaiting for your story.

Mar 27, 2017
Good NEW
by: Anonymous

Hai you joined in our both nose pierced club wait for one month to get great experience from your husband in night after enjoying you decribe the feeling

Mar 27, 2017
congratulations!! NEW
by: Anonymous

thats good to hear. congratulations. Actually your mom should have got your nose pierced on both sides in childhood only. now demand for 24 diamonds studded nose studs from your husband along with bullakku. Also get earlobe pierced to wear different ear rings and ear studs. it can accommodate 10 piercing. and start wearing 9 Yard Madisar saree only. So your look will be like Queen and u will get respect and love. You will rule all the home and people.

Mar 27, 2017
All got done:( NEW
by: Anonymous

Ceremony got over. My headshave is done and my nose is pierced on both sides. Also they changed my Thalia rope and put saradu for me.(Thalia perukku).
We are planning to go back home early inorder to put yellai for ammavasai.

They have planned to keep my tattooing by next month mid. Date alone is not finalized.

I will write about the entire ceremony happening soon.

Nose pins have thick stem so it's aching a lot. It is also so heavy to be accommodated. Anyhow I have to carry it on for my entire life.
We are just waiting in Van for others to come. Once they come we will start back home.

Mar 25, 2017
Pleasure NEW
by: Anonymous

Hi laxmi,

you don't need to have much worries about your piercing. keep you in good mood.

after piercing you will get good pleasure with your husband.

be a brave lady. think millions of people are ready to reach your level. in this case you are lucky.

write about your whole ceremony story at the earliest.

Enjoy your ceremony.

God bless you.

Mar 25, 2017
forced piercing NEW
by: Anonymous


I have to go for similar nose piercing on 2nd day after my marriage as suggested by my in-laws family guru as this purify my breathing. .More over my earlobe hole was extended and three more piercing added to accommodate old traditional jewelries. This is very very painful I almost suffer six month. and resulted in nose piercing holes almost 1/4th inch wide and my earlobe extended by one inch long. I do not ware septum ring now but the gold post is still there. I ware five diamond studs both side which is screwed to the post. I thing I am the only lady in our community who has this type of piercing.My nose is pierced with a approx 1/4th or 5mm gradually thick long needle which was very painful and immediately one internally threaded post was inserted. Since then I am wearing the studs screwed to it. Now I stopped wearing the septum hook. My ear was also made big by inserting thick needle in my existing earlobe holes. and very old ear weights are hang from the holes. Other piercings are made that time. It was sheer torture and lots of discomfort and pain happens.
Incidentally my MIL has not have any nose piercings.

.My all the piercings are done on the advice of our gooruji.
I can not remove the nose stud as nose piercings are very noticeable and made curiosity to others.

Only thing that I am happy that they have not tattooed me

Mar 24, 2017
sad NEW
by: Anonymous

Hi madam,
It was said I have to get my right hand tattooed with my husband name as per their family custom. Even some more on my left hand and legs ,I ll be tattooed as per elders words. I don't know exactly what they have planned for.

Today being Friday,my mil dressed me well and took me to temple in next village. She was saying this would be my last attire z soon I ll be loosing all my beauty. I was feeling very much ashamed.
She asked her son to admire me in this two days gap.

Sunday eve by 4pm we were planned to start. I didn't get sleep at all.
On 27th morning around 6 to 6:30 my headshave ll be done. After that my nose piercing ceremony will be done at 9 after doing all abishekam for the goddess.I heard it from my mil when she was saying it to our relatives.
I'm dumb stuck don't know what to do to stop all these.

Mar 24, 2017
Tradition NEW
by: Anonymous


It is clearly understood your situation. however, when it comes to family life certain things you should sacrifice.

life means, million thoughts, hundred thousands of efforts, thousands of failures even though few success.

in village, all these ceremony are done as part of culture for many centuries.

if you don't agree it will cause problems not only you and also your parents too.

Keep always in a positive ways. after ceremony you will feel very happy.

whatever happens it is for good.

you wrote in tattooing, it is name and some more.

what is that meaning some more?

Write the story of your ceremony.

Good luck.

Mar 24, 2017
Lakshmi: Sad NEW
by: Anonymous

Date for the ceremony is fixed. On coming
No moon day I.e. on 27th March my tonsure
And nose piercing function will be done in
A traditional way. Nose pins have been ordered
And delivered by our family Achari. Nose
Pins is very big n thick. For right side four
Drops thongattam mookuthi n for left besari
type. My mil has got new yellow with
meroon silk saree worth 8k,which I have to
Drape after my headshave.Including myself
14 members are coming for the function.
Now itself my mil is forcing me to be more
Traditional. As a sumangali, I should always
apply turmeric on my face n should keep
Big sindoor in santhu. I was restricted to
wear Ready-made sticker pottu.Also I was
Made to wear my hair as a bun n should keep
Flowers for sure. No free hair Or any other
hair style is permitted. One more thing is
My hair ll be oiled heavily by my mil on all
days morning.
Yesterday day around 7 my husband returned
Home. He showed me the knife n blade
Which he has bought for my headshave.
Seeing that I was heartbroken. I started to
Cry. He patted on my shoulder n continued
That soon after the function on 27th,they
Have planned for my tattooing. Hopefully
As per family tradition My right hand ll be tattooed with his name.
And some more ll be done as per elders
decision. So he asked me to cooperate n
get everything done. If I ignore or adamant
At last minute creating bad name for the
Family,they ll send me back to my parents.
He black mailed me saying like this.
I was totally upset n slept weeping.
Today morning I had a call with my parents
Discussing about my in laws plan.
My dad strictly said if they want to do u should
get it done. He clearly said I don't have place
To live with them.
Now I don't ve hope with my parents too.
Mini AC bus have been booked for going
To the temple. Everything is arranged.
I don't know what to do. I was crying thinking
About my fate.

Mar 20, 2017
be a Queen NEW
by: Anonymous

to be a Queen you should dress like Queen and wear Jewelry Like a Queen. now your dressing style and not wearing jewelry made you servants. this function is big opportunity for you use it and become a Queen of your home and not a servant. beat luck.

Mar 20, 2017
be a Queen NEW
by: Anonymous

to be a Queen you should dress like Queen and wear Jewelry Like a Queen. now your dressing style and not wearing jewelry made you servants. this function is big opportunity for you use it and become a Queen of your home and not a servant. beat luck.

Mar 20, 2017
Mookuthi NEW
by: Anonymous

Hi Luxmi,

i think you are in dilemma now. it is acceptable to go for one mookuthi (medium size).

It is a Must to a tamil woman to wear mukuthi. it gives you lot pleasure and brings healthy and good luck in your life.

You can talk to your parents to convey the message to your husband family if you can't talk to them directly that you can go to one side piercing only now (one mookuthi now).

wear all ornaments as much as you can and enjoy your life.

please write about your piercing story.

God bless you!.....

Mar 20, 2017
Enjoy NEW
by: Anonymous

Hai Lakshmi enjoy the life with two big mookuthi you will know the charming life

Mar 18, 2017
by: Anonymous

Myself Lakshmi,born n bought up in Chennai.
In January I have been married to my distant
relative Who is residing in village yet very rich. They
have so 500 acre land,rice mills,thoppu etc.
Seeing this my parents got attracted and
forced me to marry. I denied saying he is not
educated but I have completed degree.Hearing this
My Dad got angry and said it's all finalised, he
ll be tying knot for me. Without any choice I was
forced and got married to him. After marriage, I was taken to
His house in village. I was very much annoyed by
The people's behavior there. Everyone was seeing
Me like i have jumped from heaven.
My husband family is very traditional and so they
Made me to follow all set of rules n regulations.
My dressing style was completely changed which
I have to accept even though I don't like.
I hac
I have to do all house hold works. No servants
Or machines is there. No grinder,mixie or washing
Machine. Everything I ve to do manually.My mil is so
Keen that he speculate all my works. If I do anything
Wrong she used to scold me badly. Once my husband's com
She used to complain it to my husband. He stares at me
Badly n says me to obey her mother. Usually he used to
Go to work by morning 6 n used to return back by evening
5. After doing all kitchen work I ll go inside bedroom
Only by 8. We won't have time to talk properly also.
I was feeling very bad. I couldn't spend time with my
Partner or go anywhere out. I have to all work,I get tired.
The days were moving on like that. I was running like a
Starving dog. I never thought my life ll change
Like this.
One fine day my husband turned up home earlier.
I was very happy z I thought he came to spend
time with me. But it's not so. He came , called
His mom. He said 'Lakshmi ku sikiramma rettai
Mookuthi kuthi vida yerpadu seyyanum' nu
Sonnaru. I was blinking. He then told it has to be done
Soon. I started to weep. He told me to stop as this
N all is not going to Stop their action. He told all
This is to make you a obedient wife. He asked his mom
To order for big mookuthies with the Achari.My mil nodded
Her head andsaid
That she has taken a vow."unaku nallabadiya kalyanam
mudichithuna, vara pora marumagal ku Motta podrathu
Vendikitaen nu sonnanga. I was taken aback. My husband
Said we can do both the things together. It was decided
On a fixed date we would be going to family temple,stay
There over a night. Next day I would be given a nice
Headshave and nose piercing.

This happened yesterday. I don't know when it
Will be implemented on me. I feel terrified.
I couldn't eat or sleep. Please say what I should do?

Mar 12, 2017
Self piercing all self done NEW
by: A

I'm male 42, pierced my septum 3 times, each Ear 5 times, nostrill 2 times left side, Belly Button 2 times up & down side, genital 9 times, For photos add Wechat ID KS_75_B09N

Mar 11, 2017
Big stud NEW
by: Anonymous

Only one day I came out with all nose jewels many guys admired me which makes my husband uneasy he doesn't want his wife get attracted by all guys so we returned from shopping he replaced small stud and stick in my septum of same thick so it won't be visible to all from that day my mil or husband will change my nose arnaments will we go for movie or shopping

Mar 09, 2017
wearing permanently?? NEW
by: Anonymous

are you wearing permanently such big studs along with septum ring?? while going out in temple , shopping ,movies etc etc. ..what is reactions from people's around you?? what was your mom's reaction?? How many ear piercing you have ??

Feb 27, 2017
Big stud NEW
by: Anonymous

Hai my mil removed my 18 stone stud and replaced 28 stone on mahasivarathiri which fully covers my nose wings shines bright my eyes can't face the shinning so I stayed inside my bedroom my mil called every one to my bed room and showed me as doll I felt shy but all encouraged me and praised my mil for carrying me so much my husband can't change his eyes from my nose stud I closed my nose with hands he removed and said its his nose from today he daily showers kiss first to my nose then only else were he flips my nose and admires inner stud I like the feeling

Feb 23, 2017
don't Delay Get ear piercing on Mahashivratri NEW
by: Anonymous

hi, Just don't delay and get additional 5 ear piercing on auspicious day of Mahashivratri. Wear Madisar Saree and go for Ear piercing. You can try 28 or different style nose stud on Right Nostril and Diamond nose studded Round Nose ring (nath) on left nostril along With bullakku. It will Complete your traditional look. Also Wear flowers in hair. Your MIL will admire and love u more and u will get lot more respect from people around u. Your Husband will Become fan of yours.

Feb 22, 2017
Septum girl NEW
by: Anonymous

My mil said today she will buy 28 stone stud in Parrys she said if I want to wear big stud at home and 18 outside let me see the encouragement in public in a market I have seen a gay wear two big stud more than 28 it looks gorgeous in his nose which makes the interest in me

Feb 22, 2017
MIL will give solution NEW
by: Anonymous

don't worry just ask your MIL she will guide you. and Will be very Happy after hearing your decision of 10 ear piercing . She must be having pair 28 diamond's nose studs. In old days its commonly wore by ladies.Design is different so u also will love big nose studs. get it done on auspicious day of Mahashivratri.

Feb 22, 2017
Septum girl NEW
by: Anonymous

Hai in my area all are calling me septum girl as you said I can get 10 stud in each ear but 28 stone nose stud means it will be too big it will touch on top of my nose since my mil got 22 stones that itself looking very big if I get 28 all will laugh at me as a model any way let me ask my mil and then I will post

Feb 22, 2017
Septum girl NEW
by: Anonymous

Hai in my area all are calling me septum girl as you said I can get 10 stud in each ear but 28 stone nose stud means it will be too big it will touch on top of my nose since my mil got 22 stones that itself looking very big if I get 28 all will laugh at me as a model any way let me ask my mil and then I will post

Feb 21, 2017
luckiest you are... NEW
by: Anonymous

you are luckyiest . you got such nice caring MIL.You are complete traditional women who gets respect from all people's. Now ask your MIL that you want to Increase 4 Ear studs to 10 Ear studs in earlobe. And chamge 18 diamond studded nose stufs to 28 Diamonds studded Nose studs. She will like N Love you more and will take care of u more.

Feb 17, 2017
Mil pierced my NEW
by: Anonymous

My mil is straight forward lady I never know cooking before marriage I never told her about this I just helped her being to that house for one month she left me one Sunday I was alone she gave meneu in phone and she returned for lunch and saw nothing prepared she got angry I said sorry I said I will accept any punishment immediately she took me to jewelry shop and selected two big nose stud each 18 stones and she made me to sit in front of piercer and asked to pierce my both nose he pierced with thick needle two stud placed in my both Jose wings I accepted with fear and tears we returned home that evening she called all neighbour and showed my nose and praised me for accepting stud in both nose in young age I thanked her for praising me instead abousing me that night she said sorry for piercing both nose I said I deserve it from today I will be open mind and become affection to you I obey all time she cares me like her daughter after one month she added four studs to my ears she said she will remove big nose and replace small one I said No problem I will wear the same like you since she got big stud in her both nose in our house one Nepali family came as a tennant his wife got very stud in left nose and lenghy jewel in septum I liked her appearance I flipped her nose and watched her septum piercing my mil noticed and asked me do I like it I said yes she ordered same type jewel and got my septum pierced and jewel added I became familier in my area I am the only Tamilian wearing Nepali septum jewel the jewel is two inches long so it hanging below my mouth my husband lift my septum jewel daily and plays I like the feeling first I received in wanted commant now I got adjusted

Feb 07, 2017
by: Anonymous

I am a friendly guy to my sil she came to my house with three stone stud in her right nose I liked her attire I compelled her to pierce her left nose so she got piercing I selected 8 stone besari with red stone she accepted from that day I became very close daily I flip her nose wings and enjoy her inner stud she will laugh at me

Feb 05, 2017
Old man
by: Anonymous

I saw a old man in a sweet shop wearing nose stud in right nose he was nearly 70 one day myself and my wife went to buy sweet she saw the old man and said he looking cool that night she started the same topic she want to see me with nose stud I kept quite she fixed one stone sticker in my nose and started enjoying I feel shy for one week daily in night she fix the stone and kissing my nose we went to tour for one week on first day night in the lodge she showed a nose stud and needle I asked why you brought this she said keep quite she tied my eyes and pierced my left nose and fixed the stud and showed me I the mirror I said I am looking strange and how can I wear in public she she will remove after 15 days I said ok so we stayed there for 15 days on last day she removed and placed a broom stick in my nose to keep the holes after one month daily she made me to wear stud in night in morning she replace the stick I too liked my new attire no one knows I got my nose pierced except my wife we both enjoying our life I thanked the old man in my heart

Feb 05, 2017
by: Anonymous

I am very lucky I got married last month she got two nose stud in her nose first I made fun after three days she lied in my laps one night that time I saw my her nose two inner stud shinning inside her nose this makes me sexy feeling I said her not to remove her stud she thanked me one we both enjoying I never came to no nose stud related with sex now Iam the example I got promise from her not to remove till our life time who ever gives any comments I don't bother I thanked to God for giving a wife with already wearing two big stud in both nose

Feb 05, 2017
I am
by: Anonymous

I am un married girl I got my both nose pierced at my 9 th standard without my my opinion my mom made me to wear big nose stud of my grandma I can't avoid because I am only girl in my family so I have to wear my grandma jewels along with her chain and necklace I have to get my Jose pierced all my friends made me fun for few days at last they left me at my young age I can't avoid now I am nearing 22 I don't know how my hubby will enjoy or think me I am old fashioned

Feb 03, 2017
Double nose stud
by: Anonymous

I am daily begging my wife to pierce her nose both side after three month of my request today she accepted for one side I thanked her for her decison I bought two studs already but she strictly said only right side is to be pierced so we planned to pierce tomorrow

Feb 03, 2017
double nose piercing for fashion
by: Anonymous

I am silja rani from Kerala..I am joins the double nose piercing group in 2016 December. I am very active in Facebook and other social media. I have my nose pierced on left side in my daughters ear piercing ceremony,that was 14 years before.I have many male friends and followers in Facebook. Many of them praised my existing nose stud. In some of them suggested me about double nose piercing, firstly I was not much interested to it. But by the constant praising of them I thinked about it. I talked about ity hubby,he was very supportive he said it would be new fashion and OK to me. So two days before my birthday I had pierced my rightside pierced. After uploading my new photo my friends appreciated my. My daughter she also had pierced that was two years before she and my hubby liked my new nose stud. My daughter even told me that she also get pierced like me after some years. After that one ofy friend asked me when I am getting my septum pierced, I told him that sure I will gety septum pierced next year. I think two nose studs madee like a queen

Feb 02, 2017
by: Anonymous

I am a modern guy I got my both ears pierced my dad and mom accepted now I am college of student 1st year my mom got second ear piercing I asked her can I get my second ear pierced my mom laughed at me and said I am not a girl so I can get my one side ear pierced second I got it done on that day I showed ear pierced guys photos in net my mom saw all photos in that my guys got ring in septum on seeing that she suggested to get my septum pierced because my nose was sharp I said I am ready to get through your hand immediately she pierced my septum with chewing needle thread tied knots on two end not a ring type so no one can see my piercing after two month gap my mom placed her nose stud in my septum

Jan 29, 2017
by: Anonymous

Thanks I won't remove my stud on seeing me with two stud many boys admired I think my hubby also will like .if he accept to wear septum pendant I will get my septum pierced

Jan 29, 2017
by: Anonymous

I'm very happy to see your post.pls don't remove your nose pin from any side. keep it both. actually you have to pierce your septum by traditional way with needle and thread. 22 is enough age for pierce your all 3 modern age most of Indian belives that septum piercing is related with sex life. so as soon you are gonna marraige. after that your husband and mil must want to pierce your septum. with sari western and others cloth will match your 3 nose ornaments. even before marrige my right nose was pierced but after marrige my mil said her desire to pierce my left nose and septum. first I denied but after somedays my hubby said he wants to see me with septum pendent. so I said septum is ok but not left nose.after septum piercing my left nose look just nude and after 1 week of septum piercing I pierced my left I'm wearing 2 mukutti each 5 grams and septum pendent is 7 don't miss to fullfill sex life.enjoi your life fully with your husband by wearing treditional septum pendent. ....

Jan 28, 2017
by: Anonymous

T am a village girl 22 my mom made me to wear nose stud on both nose five years before she took me to near by town and got my nose pierced two big stud placed I don't know after my marriage my husband will like or will make fun of my appearance my friends says to remove one stud because all got one side nose piercing

Jan 26, 2017
by: Anonymous

Today my wife saw my post in this web and said she is ready to pierce her nose so we both went to t nagar I selected 12 stones diamond stud there itself she got her right nose pierced and stud placed her face changed entirely charming she herself said she waisted her life for 15 years today is birthday that is why she accepted as gift to me in her 24 th age

Jan 25, 2017
Mil pierced
by: Anonymous

I like nose stud very much I told my wife to pierce her nose she was degree holder working in bank she simply denied I forced her daily at last I ordered her this week your nose will be pierced she never cared I bought a stud and kept in a cupboard and slept next day morning I saw my hands and legs together tied back side I shouted my wife why you tied me my mil and wife came inside and said you like nose stud very much so we planned to pierce your Jose now I said I can't go for job then they said they will pierce my septum I said I don't want anything but they took a needle and pierced my septum and fixed the stud inside which I bought for her I can't avoid as I am being tied they kept me tied for two hours I said I won't force you they got promise from me not to remove my stud I promised from that day I am wearing stud in my nose after one month my wife herself got her nose pierced since I am became so polite she changed her mined now I am enjoying she plays my septum stud she cares me so well

Jan 25, 2017
by: Anonymous

Hai Iam Gayathri today at 8.30 pm I asked my mil can I get my septum picking in old method she kissed my fore head and said I can't bare the pain I said I am ready you can proceed at last she called aunty next to my house for help she came inside my mil made me to sit near a pillar she took a rope and tied my bot hands backside the pillar with the help of aunty that aunty doesn't know about the process she asked my mil what mistake happen why you tying your dil my mil never said anything she ordered do what I say she shakes her head ok my mil said to hold my head tightly I lifted my head my mil holder my septum in left hand and pierced with needle and pulled the rope with four folding turmeric coated I shouted in pain one Apple placed in my mouth my eyes watered after five minutes gap she tied knots and removed the needle aunty asked my mil why you punished her my mil replied it's not my wish it's all deserved my dil she only requested to do so she asked me is it so I said yes at 9 pm my hands are untied my mil lifted me and made me to lie in her lap and praised me a lot in front of the aunty all my pain vanished

Jan 25, 2017
pierce your septum
by: Anonymous

oh gayotri didi. don't woory. 80% public bless and praised you FOR YOUr septum piercing. cause most of the Indian knows septum pendent is related with sex organ. but your inlaws house which women's pierce her septum.?what about your mil dil and sil?FOR that piercing procedure fitst put a banana on your mouth so you can't shoute in piercing moment. it's well to pierce your septum in treditional way with needle and shewing thread. it's painfull pleasure but that pain is bearable so gaytri now agree to pierce your septum. wellcome to New life.which can fullfill your both satisfaction. many of my friends pierced their septum after seing me. they said your personal moments septum pendent is very useful FOR YOU I'm waiting for your next post on Saturday next.just tied your hand behind. and hold your head by that it will easy for piercing septum. hopefully a heavy septum pendent is waiting FOR YOU. to decorate your nose and septum. ...

Jan 24, 2017
by: Anonymous

On reading your post I got interest I asked my mil about my septum she is ready to order a special jewel because no septum ornament available in my area so next Friday she will pierce my septum I don't know how I will tolerate the pain I want to enjoy my life with my husband so I prepared my self to wear Always I want to know the public commants according to that I will wear outside I am eagerly waiting to accept painfull pleasure

Jan 23, 2017
septum piercing
by: Anonymous

so gaytri now pierce your's will match with your both nose piercing.I'm only 21.stiding MSC.MY husband is a doctor.before my marriage mom pierce my left nose.after 1 week of marraige mil pierce my right husband said both nose pierce is better for proper blood circulation.but after 6 months my mil said as soon my grand mil wants to pierce my septum.cause it's a tredition in my in laws home.even my dil,sil,mil all wearing havy septum 1 evening they arranged it.first they tied my elder dil hold my head and grand mil pierce my septum with thread and needle. they tied a knot with 4 folded thread.I was crying for long time. but my husbend said I have to do it.after 15 days they remove thread and put a pin with 2 side ball.after 1 month that remove it and hang a heavy's about 5 grams. but In study time I can remove it.but at night i wear it for sex satisfy. even he pull my septum pendent in sex is fullfill out young age is enough for all 3 nose piercing.pls gayatri never miss septum piercing.go as soon.your mil can pierce it.if you pierce it by local way it's painfull.but u can get lot of gift like gold. it's 100%%% need for your sex life.....

Jan 23, 2017
by: Anonymous

I am Gayathri 22 my mil pierced my both nose and made me to wear two big mookuthi of our family tradition from last month I am wearing my husband loves my new attire so I accepted to wear I feel the weight while sleeping my mil cares me so much for accepting mookuthi without any objection my friends appreciate my courage

Jan 23, 2017
by: Anonymous

I am Gayathri 22 my mil pierced my both nose and made me to wear two big mookuthi of our family tradition from last month I am wearing my husband loves my new attire so I accepted to wear I feel the weight while sleeping my mil cares me so much for accepting mookuthi without any objection

Jan 01, 2017
by: Anonymous

Hai Payal pl write real story I am double nose picked young girl waiting for marriagr

Dec 31, 2016
Payal story
by: Anonymous

the Payal storyis old and fake. Do not reproduce

Dec 31, 2016
Payal story
by: Anonymous

The story by Payal is old and fake. Do not reproduce

Dec 31, 2016
about spectrum piercing
by: Anonymous


My Name is Payal, I am from Delhi and I am married, I am a mother of two kids. My mother pierce my nose from left side when I was just 3 years old and she put a gold
ring in my nose. 13 Years back when I got married, My Mother in law put a large side ( a bit bigger than a bangle ) ring into my nose, actually seven days before my
wedding. Which I keep wearing for 16 Months, until I birth a baby boy. After the birth of a boy they remove a ring from my nose and put a large size pin in my nose.
The nose pin is really very heavy, even I can feel its wait during usual work & movement. When my son was 3 years old, I gave a birth to a baby girl. My In Laws was
not happy because of her birth and they again put a ring in my nose as a punishment but this time they pierce my septum and put a ring in it. The new septum ring is
also quiet big & heavy, it covers my lips and I need to lift it up while eating.

My Husband usually pull it to control me, specially at the time of sex. He also pull it when he wants a sex but not me. I am wearing it for last 10 Years. My son is
now 13 Years of age and my Daughter is 10, she also wear a nose ring in her septum and a pin in her left nostril. Yes, but the good thing is her nose jewelry is not big
and heavy. Some time her father press her nose to punish her.

My husband also pierce my tongue and put a bar in it. He also attach a small thin chain with 3 Ghungroos ( Bells ) with it, Which actually hang out of my lips and made
a sizzling sound when I speak.

My son learn all these things and believe that her would be wife will be her slave and her sister would be someone slave. He accept this reality that his mother is
also a slave of his father and He will treat her wife in a same way.

Yes, women are still men slave and nose piercing is a sign of there slavery. So if you think you are also your wife's slave than go for it.

Dec 30, 2016
by: laila

oh laksmiji.first of all I'm very sorry!!for your sister.actually your sister's mil behave like house woner and your sister like a's write that I wrote a story of an old ladies,whoose septum piercing was a punishment for her.but after healling somebody insert a big septum ring to her! but it's over that time.No one allowed to pull her ring to control her.cause that punnishment only for buffalo and angry bool!I coudnt understand which area in india can play such kind of punnishment!!! you have to infrom to police or human rites organisation. for save your sister.otherwise your sister gonna servant or like a buffalo.this punishment is not beareable.this piercing is too much painfull with treditional system.i saw about 3 or 4 ladies need for septum piercing with thread and know I've only ear I'm not experienced with any parts of nose piercing.but it's true i want total 3 nose piercing for my nose.but after reading your and others story I'm loosing all desire of nose piercing!!!!have u pierced your nose by needle and thread??share it pls.stay fine with your in laws.actually you've to pierce your septum for much pleasure in sex moment.without it sex life will not fullfill must.I know pierced septum are more happy then unpierced septum women in martied at any cost I will pierce my all 3 waiting for your """"""opinion"""""""

Dec 29, 2016
about spectrum piercing
by: lakhmi

Hai laila thanks for your replay

I pierced my nostrill after my marriage,my mother in law forced to pierce my nose after my marriage.she told me to pierce my nose as well as spectrum,and finally i pierced my one nostrill but didn't pierce my spectrum.nose piercing is a heavy painfull pricess,my nose pierced with big needle because my mother in law bought havy big nose stud for me it is 7gram in weight.i can still feal the weight of the nose stud but i dont have any other option.if i didnt wear the stud my mother in law will harase my moher in law forced to pierce my spectrum.but i dont like to wear a specrum ring, it may or will cause irritation to me.
I have sister she is get married before 4 year,she didnt have any nose ornaments before marriage,but no she has 2 big nose studs and a heavy nose ring.after her marriage her mother in law forced to pierce her nose and spectrum.finally she pierced her both nosestrill and spectrum,her mother in law bought 2 heavy nose studs and a big spectrum ring for her.her mother in law forced her to wear the the ornament at all time.her specrum ring cover her upper lips and she has to lift it while having the food.her mother in law pull her spectrum ring as a punishment when she got angryed.she told me that it is a heavy painfull punishment
I am afraid , if my mother in law behave like my sirter mother in law, it will be more painfull for me.please give your sujections

Dec 28, 2016
by: laila

oh no!I've no any piercing in my nose.but I want three piercing.did u pierced 3 sites together.who and how pierced it??how much pain did u filled that time?what's your mum and mil s reaction?but i know septum pendent realated with have u large septum pendent like that?

Dec 28, 2016
by: Anonymous

Hai Lala get your septum and other nose pierced and enjoy the feeling like me I got all three one after my marriage all because of my hubby he daily admiring me

Dec 28, 2016
by: laila

oh laksmi r you?maybe u coudnt understand that I want septum and nose piercing.I'm not experienced with it.actually I've seen that painfull method of nose and septum piercing by traditional or my rural way.they use shewing needle and shewing thread for nose and septum piercing.sometimes some old lady force their daughter and dil to piercing nose and septum. yes that old lady still with her lerge septum's too big and touch her lower lip.sometime it's difficult when she eat anything.actually it was not only septum decoration but also a punishment for her to made her homely.but u r upgraded then me.cause u have already pierced if possible share your nose piercing story.and you looking very good maybe with your big nosepin.but u r Hindu so it's maybe compulsory for u to septum pierce.even my some of my hindu mam pierce nose with u have to do it.but maybe u r in city area so u have no treditional way.go to purlur and pierce your describe your piercing storys to us.

Dec 28, 2016
about spectrum piercing
by: lakshmi

Hai laila

My name is laksmi, i am from a smoll village in maharasmaharashtra. Your story is unbelievable, how can you wear this kinds of nose ring? Is it difficut?? Is that lady still wear the big nose ring? My mother in law also force me to pierce my spectum?? Now i am wearing one big stud in my left nostrill.I am not like to wear spectrum it difficult to wear it?,how is the pain while piercing the spectrum?Please give your suggestions

Dec 28, 2016
about spectrum piercing
by: lakshmi

Hai laila

My name is laksmi, i am from a smoll village in maharasmaharashtra. Your story is unbelievable, how can you wear this kinds of nose ring? Is it difficut?? Is that lady still wear the big nose ring? My mother in law also force me to pierce my spectum?? Now i am wearing one big stud in my left nostrill.I am not like to wear spectrum it difficult to wear it?,how is the pain while piercing the spectrum?Please give your suggestions

Dec 25, 2016
by: Anonymous

I pierced three girls nose and septum even I got my double nose and septum by myself it's impossible to use 3mm needle to pierce the septum because it's too thick only for cow and buffalo a will be pierced with 3mm needle for us only 1mm needle can be used other wise our nose will swell and cause infection

Dec 23, 2016
by: laila

my grandma don't know,what is gauge what is the size of stem?she only knows how to pierce with thread.maybe you don't know shewing needle has a eye at the end.and you can entired 4 folded thread in it.after piercing they tied a knot like a big circle on nosetrill and septum area.and standerd size is about 3 inch long and about 3 mm thick shewing needle for septum and nose piercing.the piercing procedure in my rural area is, first they boiled the needle and thread then 1 women mark a spot on left nose then another 1 cover you with her hand.then they put pulf rice or banana on your mouth.some lady or old woman or frightend woman are too strong in such case they tied their hand and legs with rope.then they first pierce the left nose with force and pulled the thread marcylessly.that time some screemed like baby.then same procedure with septum.but I saw a septum piercing in my village.about 45 years old strong lady pierce her septum.5 lady coverd her but can't quite tied her legs and hand.her skin was toooo much hard so they took 4 inch long and 4 mm thick shewing needle with 6 folded thread.about 15 mint trying they sucseed to pierced and tied a havey knot.after 5 days i knew that it was a punishment for that lady cause she was not homely.after healing they put a havey septum pendent and certainly she has changed and in some rural area pierced the septum is a punishment for nonhomely womans.however belive it or was 100% reall story which I have if i want septum piercing same procedure will ...with I dont know how is it painfull and how much lady will cover me like a angry bool!!!!waiting for gonna angry bool as soon.........

Dec 22, 2016
Nice girl
by: Anonymous

Hai Lala you are nice girl you can get your nose pierced with chewing machine needle of 14 gauge needle it's the exact size for nose stud stem size ask your grandma to to place stud at the back of needle after piercing by pressing along the needle. The stud will pass through easily so within a minute your nose can be decorated to glow the same way you can use single stone stud for septum after wearing no one can see the stud after marriage you can use ring so your hubby will become slave to you I am with right nose and septum pierced after marriage my husband pierced the same method now he plays with his tongue daily my nose stud getting 25kiss which makes me shy I am enjoying especially septum ring gives mores feeling I am lucky because I accepted for piercing now fast 3 years I got jolly life

Dec 21, 2016
nose piercing
by: Anonymous


If you are interested to pierce you nose. you can do so. don't worry about what others say. if you need septem too you can do. it is your own wish.

Don't live for others. you can get pierced in your areas if you find out.

you write the piercing story once you have done it.

Dec 20, 2016
religion problem
by: laila

it's not fact,who is teacher or advocate.I'm muslim.piercing is not compulsory in my religion.after ear piercing no other piercing are allowed in islam.again it's not haram.I'm not marraid and 18 years banglades septum piercing is not allowed.again here no any porlur or piercing center for septum grandma said she can pierce my nose and septum with thick sewing needle and thread with lot pain.but my parrents said ear piercing is enough.even my mom's nose not pierced.I know if I pierced my nose or septum my mom's have to pierce like me.cause society will jokes with her.she is scared with pain.her 2nd ear piercing done in our home,she was crying like nose or septum piercing is impossible for her.again I'm confused as a Muslim and young lady how can i mannage my septum piercing!!!!moreover how can i look with thread like a bull and how its painfull I don't any one can give me suggestion with a lot of problem like as religion,society,parrents,pain etc. in local language its call """"":beshor"""""". how can share plsssssssss!!!!!!!!

Dec 18, 2016
by: Anonymous

Advocate Madam I am very happy to see you with double nose piercing jewelry.i am also having double nose piercing jewelry and exclusive bulaki

Dec 05, 2016
by: Anonymous

Very nice to hear about double stud and multi ear piercing from a Lawer your husband is very lucky

Dec 04, 2016
Nice mam
by: Anonymous

Hai Alpa mam nice to hear a statement from a graduate about wearing double nose stud that too for life long I pray to God to chance of wearing nose stud for 100 years

Dec 03, 2016
double nose studs
by: Anonymous

I am Alpha mammogram from Kochi, Kerala. I am advocate practicing in high Court of Kerala. I pierced my nose while i am studying in law college. I pierced my right side nose with my elder daughter. I have pierced my ears 6 times along with my daughter's. Now I am wears nose studs on bothsides and 7 ear studs. As lawyer my colleagues are appreciating my looks. I had all these jeweleries for around 24 years. I love to wear them lifelong.

Nov 29, 2016
my moms septum piercing
by: Anonymous

Arun again... Guru didn't recommend no other piercings. My mom pierced her ears because she loved to wear more rings.

Nov 29, 2016
Nose piercing remedy
by: Anonymous

It is good to hear from Arun. when your mom went to Guru to get medicine, he advised her to do piercing as a vow. Did he advise septum piercing only or other piercing too? if any other vow is recommended please tell us.

our ear and nose piercings are part of varma points. it comes from varma which was famous once upon time. it is getting to know people nowadays.

Tell others too about this piercing and make our generations to follow this. nose piercing is Must for every girls.

Nov 29, 2016
by: Anonymous

Very great mom you got and also a nice caring wife to your dad you both are lucky to see a mom with three nose jewel you should help your mom even in house work she tolerated all pain

Nov 28, 2016
my moms septum piercing.
by: Anonymous

It's arun again. My dad is doing well now he can walk easily.. my moms nose pierced because of the guru's advice. He told it's a have very much crush on piercings. Because of she have done her ears filled with studs. Now she have 12 in each ear.

Nov 28, 2016
Nose piercing remedy
by: Anonymous

Thank you for your long story. You may write more if possible. How is your father now? Has he recovered well? where did your mother pierce her septum in tripati?

Nose piercing is a remedy to cure our health and finance problems.

It is interesting and your guru guided in the right way.

Nov 27, 2016
by: Anonymous

You are very lucky son

Nov 27, 2016
my mos septim piercing
by: Anonymous

I am arun from coorg. I am 26 years old. I love pierced women its reason was mom. Now My mom have pierced her nose bothsides and septum ring,have ear pierced 6 times and she wearing anklets and toe rings.since i am the oy son i was very close to mom and we were like friends. The things happend 4 years before. My father had a small bussiness at town. 4 years before his he got accident and got one side paralized. He got in bed for 2 years but will not recovered. My mom very religious she have many more vows at different temples she was very sad. Atlast we find a sidhan he is also a swami. Me and mom gone to him he given some medicines for dad,after two months he shown some changes. So mom got more believe on sidhan. One day mom gone ti buy medicine for dad. That time she got one advise from sidhan. When she came home she told me. '' arun sidhan told me about a vow for the wellness of dad''
'' what is it mom'' i asked her
'' he said devote my nose to tirupati temple''
''what devote your nose how is it possible mom''
'' not my nose he said pierce my nose on septum and put a ring there as a vow''
''oh mom are you going to do that''
'' yes arun, i am going to do that i need your dad as he before''
'' thats ok mom i know you loves dad very much, but mom i heared the piercing which advise sidhan is more painful''
'' i know it son but it for your dad i happy to bare the pain''
'' did you told this to dad''
''no arun i didn't'' after two weeks we gone to Tirupati . And she got pierced her septum and a small gold ring there which is not visible without a close view. We returned home . The piercing was cute on her.we gone to dad's room mom sit near the head of dad . Dad saw her piercing and asked her" Jaya what's hanging on your nose" mom replied" ji I got pierced my septum as vow for your fast recovery " dad's eye got watered also moms. Night she given food to dad. Then she came near to me I was watching TV sitting in couch. She sat near to me so I put my head on her lap. I looked upward I can see her septum ring and inner threds of her nose stud. Her nose tip was red in color because of the piercing. I told mom" mom you looking like goddess Lakshmi,"
" Why you told that"
" You see goddess Lakshmi wears septum ring in all her pictures, you also beautiful with ring"
" Thank you Arun"
" Mom did it pains"
" Yes son it pains a lot than other piercings" I reached my hand and touched her septum ring " oh baby its paining"
" Can I see it close" she nodded yes. Then I looked her septum closer I seen the ring goes in and out of the nose tip of her. After one month piercing got healed and the gold ring that easily moving. I was began to watch her while she bowing and cleaning the floor the septum ring moving, and when she laughing ring is shaking on the nose. Dad recovered fastly. After one year he can walk slowly. One day I was lying in the lap of mom I asked" mom why didn't pierce your other side of nose" she said
" Son actually the swami told me to do that, but thought it may be uncomfortable"
" You do it mom,so you can wear another stud"
" I am not interested with it"
" Do it mom, and also pierced your ear"
" I have three in my ears now,didnt want anymore"
" Mom you look gorgeous with more piercings" atlast she agreed to pierce her ear. Next month she gone jewellery I give cash to her. She added 3 more studs to her ear. Me and dad surprise at her look. I told mom it is beautiful. In last year she got other side of her nose pierced. I asked her , she told it's the completion of the vow. But after two months I know it from her that dad suggester her to get other side of nose. According to his wish she got pierced. Now she is the real goddesses. Ione day when I came home I seen mom wearing a chain from her septum piercing to the upper piercing in her ear. I asked her " what is it mom"
" Oh arun I forgot to remove dad said me to wear this"
"Any way it looks good, you put one other chain to other side also" .
" Sure" .
Next week I bought two chains for her. And she wore it. I told her you should wear this when you are at home. She nodded yes. She removes her septum ring and one side nose piercing while going out at home wears all piercings. She is happy now

Nov 24, 2016
septum pierced
by: Anonymous

Hi it's rosy again, yes sister as you told me and my husband enjoying my piercings. Especially the secret ones that make him more happy

Nov 23, 2016
by: Anonymous

Ends chechi enjoy your life with all piercing you touch your us ands nose with your nose you both will enjoy the feeling like us I play with my husband since I pierced both nose and septum with ancient jewel

Nov 22, 2016
septum piercing
by: Anonymous

Hi I'm rosy,from southern part of Kerala.i'm 43years old and living in Amsterdam,Holland. I pierced my left nostril when I was studying in college. After marriage I moved to Holland with my hubby, there young girls sporting septum ring. I also pierced my septum there. I have pierced my 6 tims including my tragus. After I have babies I got pierced my both nipples. After some years at hubby's request I got pierced my vch. And I have tattoos on my hand. In 2015 I pierced my rightside nostril as a wedding gift from my hubby. I love my piercings and my hubby too

Nov 18, 2016
Very nice
by: Anonymous

Very good idea every girls nose should be pierced this method in young age so when they front up they can can't remove even if they don't like

Nov 12, 2016
My father is piercer
by: Anonymous

My father is goldsmith cum piercer. Nose and ear piercing is important source of income. he charges 100 rupees for each piercing. but ladies in my town dont pierce nose these days. ears also only 1 or 2 studs in each ear. our family income was decreasing. so he wanted to make multiple piercings as fashion.

I was 15 age and my sister was 13. during summer leave he made a plan. my mother also agreed. he made big nose studs for us. the post was also thick about 3 mm. nose stud mookuthi was also heavy. he used thick needle and pierced my nose both sides. he put the mookuthis and tightened the screw. it was more than 1 cm diameter. so it covered my nose both sides

my sisters nose also pierced both sides same day. after 1 month it healed fully. then he removed the inner screw, and put washer disc inside the nose for support, and put inner screw again. then he used pressing tool and pressed the mookuthi and washer togetherr. the post got crushed, and my mookuthis got permanent. He wanted me to wear rettai mookuthi all the time. They are big mookuthis on both sides of nose. cannot be removed for life. it is peacock design on right side and mango design on left side. mix of white and red stones.

same thing was done for my sister also and she got permanent mookuthis. then same day, many holes were added to our ears. till ear top holes were added. flap was also pierced. that day me and sister got 7studs in each ear. 1 existing hole in ear lobe. so total 8 holes in each ear. nose and ears total holes is 18.

first day in school, everyone was surprised on seeing me. I was very shy as all boys were looking at me. so I covered my ears with hair. i showed all studs in my ears and mookuthis to girls. I told how my nose stud was made nonremovable. they were so excited to hear.

my father said 18 is lucky number and navagraha will bless us. it was right, i studied well and got high marks in 12th exam. many teachers and my friends got pierced from my father. they also appreciated my father for putting permanent rettai mookuthi for me.

after 12th standard, 2 months holiday before college. my father asked me if i can wear my grandmother's thandati. I said yes I want to wear. He said hole has to be stretched for that. I said i am ready. so my earlobe holes were stretched day by day slowly with wooden piece. When size of hole reached 1 cm, he put thandati in my ears. thandati has screw. He did welding in the screw, so my thandati also became permanent. It is heavy but feels very nice. I feel more womanly now. I wear only saree and half saree. feel very happy to be traditional.

After seeing me and my sister, many young girls are getting nose and more ear piercing now. my father is also happy as more income for our family now.

Nov 11, 2016
by: Anonymous

Thanks for wearing mookuthi this type

Nov 09, 2016
please read attached experience of another teacher
by: Anonymous

please read experience of another bharatnatyam dancer lady's experience she shared on above link . Nice to hear about nose piercing experience. You can suggest the same to your students.

HI, this is neha, a classical dancer from an orthodox brahmin family. Its quite interesting to read each one of your experiences. I appreciate every one who got double nose pierced. Our guru suggested us to pierce double nostril and septum and atleast six piercing in my ears as these will be very comfortable while giving stage perforamnces. so i went to a experienced piercer, he gave idea of thanjavur style of piercing(all three holes will be in a straight line). he appled balm that made my nose bit numb, then he pierced from one end to other and inserted a long post. there wont be any threads to the jewelly from inside the nose and septum will hung to the post. I liked it very much though the piercing is very very painful and i almost fainted when it came to the jewellery insertion. Its very easy to clean the pierced holes as it is very easy to remove post by unscrewing on oneside of the nose. This happend before my marriage and now my husband is very sportive and loves me to wear all the three all the time. i love to wear silver toe rings( 3 in each feet),anklets, magalasutra. Do any one have this kind of piercing.
Last edited: Aug 22, 2011

Nov 08, 2016
I am a teacher
by: Anonymous

I am a barathanatyam teacher I got my right nose pierced when I studied 8th I finished arranger ram at 19 my dance teacher suggest to get my left nose pierced until arrange tram so I got two mookuthi for one month then I removed left mookuthi after two I started dance class two girls joined in my class from other class so I adviced them to get her nose pierced both side for two month due for final performance they said miss you also finished dance but you are wearing only one mookuthi then we want to wear two mookuthi in our nose then I showed the impression in my left nose after seeing they said ok but they said you are very nice with two mookuthi so please have one on left nose on hearing I thought instead of explaining to every student better I can repierce my nose that week itself I re pierced my left nose and decorated two mookuthi again all parent says very nice they also ready to pierce their daughter nose when I suggest

Nov 08, 2016
I am a teacher
by: Anonymous

I am a barathanatyam teacher I got my right nose pierced when I studied 8th I finished arranger ram at 19 my dance teacher suggest to get my left nose pierced until arrange tram so I got two mookuthi for one month then I removed left mookuthi after two I started dance class two girls joined in my class from other class so I adviced them to get her nose pierced both side for two month due for final performance they said miss you also finished dance but you are wearing only one mookuthi then we want to wear two mookuthi in our nose then I showed the impression in my left nose after seeing they said ok but they said you are very nice with two mookuthi so please have one on left nose on hearing I thought instead of explaining to every student better I can repierce my nose that week itself I re pierced my left nose and decorated two mookuthi again all parent says very nice they also ready to pierce their daughter nose when I suggest

Nov 07, 2016
Very nicE
by: Anonymous

Very nice pleasure on reading your post I want to enjoy my wife with septum and nose pierced I will show this to my wife I think after reading your experience she will fulfil my desire

Nov 06, 2016
painfull pleasure
by: sadia naj

hi I'm sadia from ctg bangladesh.marraied 2 year's husband is only son of their family.he is a banker and I'm a teacher.actually i dont like any piercing.cause I'm always frightend for pain.even when need any injection about 5 person need to hold my mom only pierced my 2 ears,not more on my wedding night i wore a false nose chain.after one day my mil gives some reall ornaments as I'm her only dil.after put earring.then it's turn of nosepin.but I've no pierced hole .so she felt so old female realative said its ok,we will pierced your nose next friday.but i directly said no way.its impossible.then my mil felt so sorrow with me.she said it was her great desire to put that big nose pin for her loving dil.cause that gift actually from my grand mil.but she is no it was my mil deuty to give her grand dil.even my mil added she has 2 little big septum for me and another for my husbands sister means for my only dil.even my mil wear a septum ring in local lenguage its call ""lurluri"".then i fill too sorrow to heart her.but afraid for after long discuss with my husbend.he said it was her dream to see me with lurluri and traditional finally i agree to pierce my nose.after 1 month of marraige the date was fixed for piercing me and my dil.some of their realatives came that old fat lady came for piercing.she got ready all tools like needle thread etc.first it my dils turn.she is about 18 so her skin was not too much heard.and her nose was pierced 1 year back.she was crying to not to pierce her septum.cause it is much pain and look mil said no way to ignore!!then onewoman put a banana lnto her mouth.another one hold her had.piercer took about 3 inch long needle with 4 folded thread.then my dil start screaming with pain.she pierced it and pull the thread cruelly.that time I am crying like a baby.then they tied a knot with thread.a young boy took her and keep her over a half banana tree like a chair.its a tredition.then my turn.I'm very helpless that moment.I asked my mil to pierce only right nose.I like it.she said ok.I am 22 so that piercer said my skin is 2 woman hold my hand and head.I client and couldn't move.full of banana in my mouth.I felt they first touch my septum.I want to get up.but 4 person cover me.then that long needle pierced my eyes watering.they pull the thick needle and thread mercylessly.I was screaming like New born baby.before tied a knot thay pirrced my right nose too with another small six thread together hanging from my nose.after tied 2 knot I am gonna seansless.after half an hour I'm ok. but In mirror I am looking like a stupit relative said after ornamentation I'll look great.I understood that moment it was a trikes to pierce my septum.then they took photograph of me and my dil.I didn't talk with my mil for night my husbend said now just I'm her queen and gave me much sex moment she put my septum thread.and I understood septum piercing is related with sex I miss it for month.after healing mil put those ornaments with great struggle.bcz both stem was big.2 ornaments together 5 grams.belive me pls.septum ring touch my upper lip.but i wear it only night.I felt without long septum ring sex is that lurluri is the most valuable thing for me.I've complite my msc and as a popular teacher idont feel shy with my 8 friends pierced it and wearing lurluri after seeing dil also like it but she is waiting for her marraige.after that she will log in to """luuluri wearing club"""".so a massage for all pls all smart apuni and sister pls save our old tredition save our pride """LURLURI""""

Nov 06, 2016
painfull pleasure
by: sadia naj

hi I'm sadia from ctg bangladesh.marraied 2 year's husband is only son of their family.he is a banker and I'm a teacher.actually i dont like any piercing.cause I'm always frightend for pain.even when need any injection about 5 person need to hold my mom only pierced my 2 ears,not more on my wedding night i wore a false nose chain.after one day my mil gives some reall ornaments as I'm her only dil.after put earring.then it's turn of nosepin.but I've no pierced hole .so she felt so old female realative said its ok,we will pierced your nose next friday.but i directly said no way.its impossible.then my mil felt so sorrow with me.she said it was her great desire to put that big nose pin for her loving dil.cause that gift actually from my grand mil.but she is no it was my mil deuty to give her grand dil.even my mil added she has 2 little big septum for me and another for my husbands sister means for my only dil.even my mil wear a septum ring in local lenguage its call ""lurluri"".then i fill too sorrow to heart her.but afraid for after long discuss with my husbend.he said it was her dream to see me with lurluri and traditional finally i agree to pierce my nose.after 1 month of marraige the date was fixed for piercing me and my dil.some of their realatives came that old fat lady came for piercing.she got ready all tools like needle thread etc.first it my dils turn.she is about 18 so her skin was not too much heard.and her nose was pierced 1 year back.she was crying to not to pierce her septum.cause it is much pain and look mil said no way to ignore!!then onewoman put a banana lnto her mouth.another one hold her had.piercer took about 3 inch long needle with 4 folded thread.then my dil start screaming with pain.she pierced it and pull the thread cruelly.that time I am crying like a baby.then they tied a knot with thread.a young boy took her and keep her over a half banana tree like a chair.its a tredition.then my turn.I'm very helpless that moment.I asked my mil to pierce only right nose.I like it.she said ok.I am 22 so that piercer said my skin is 2 woman hold my hand and head.I client and couldn't move.full of banana in my mouth.I felt they first touch my septum.I want to get up.but 4 person cover me.then that long needle pierced my eyes watering.they pull the thick needle and thread mercylessly.I was screaming like New born baby.before tied a knot thay pirrced my right nose too with another small six thread together hanging from my nose.after tied 2 knot I am gonna seansless.after half an hour I'm ok. but In mirror I am looking like a stupit relative said after ornamentation I'll look great.I understood that moment it was a trikes to pierce my septum.then they took photograph of me and my dil.I didn't talk with my mil for night my husbend said now just I'm her queen and gave me much sex moment she put my septum thread.and I understood septum piercing is related with sex I miss it for month.after healing mil put those ornaments with great struggle.bcz both stem was big.2 ornaments together 5 grams.belive me pls.septum ring touch my upper lip.but i wear it only night.I felt without long septum ring sex is that lurluri is the most valuable thing for me.I've complite my msc and as a popular teacher idont feel shy with my 8 friends pierced it and wearing lurluri after seeing dil also like it but she is waiting for her marraige.after that she will log in to """luuluri wearing club"""".so a massage for all pls all smart apuni and sister pls save our old tredition save our pride """LURLURI""""

Nov 06, 2016
Nice miss
by: Anonymous

I appreciate you and you family women who made you to pierce both nose and I congratulate for not removing after few days thanks for followiing rich Tamil tradition shin you meet other lady you speech few words about your double nose pierced so you can make them go follow you the you will get lot company

Nov 06, 2016
Let me translate
by: Anonymous

I am a chemistry teacher my nose pierced one side with single stone it shines in sun I got my nose pierced at my 14 th age at my final year of college my mom and aunts arranged for my nose Piercing left side hence all in my family got bot nose pierced I thought this fashion ends in lAst generation but later I came to know my nose will be pierced I thought my left nose will be pierced because already my right nose pierced one day the piercer came to my home he heated a thick needle because the nose stud stem is thick so he removed my right nose and the needle is heated and pierced and big mookuthi inserted I experienced lot of pain I said today one side is enough but my aunts pressed my shoulder and same way my left nose pierced and inner thread tightened after my marriage I joined as a teacher there my principle said I am the only teacher with two nose stud every used to call me rettai mookuthi miss (two nose stud) in my class few girls said they will pierce their nose both side like me

Nov 06, 2016
Translate please
by: Anonymous

Please translate in English regards

Nov 06, 2016
My experience of wearing double nose studs as a teacher
by: Anonymous

நான் ஒரு பள்ளியில் கெமிஸ்ட்ரி டீச்சர் வேலை செய்கிறேன். நான் காலேஜ் படிக்கும் போது வலது புறத்தில் மூக்குத்தி போட்டிருந்தேன். அது ஒரு சிறிய ஒத்தைக்கல் மூக்குத்தி. கடுகளவு வைரக்கல். அந்த மூக்குத்தி ரொம்ப பிடித்திருந்தது.

என்னுடைய 14 வது வயதில் எனக்கு மூக்கு குத்தினார்கள். நான் ஜாலியாக குத்திக்கொன்டேன். வெயிலில் நடக்கும் போது வைரம் மின்னுவதாக என் தோழிகள் என்னிடம் கூறியதுண்டு. காதில் கல் பதிக்காத தங்க தோடு. பள்ளி படிக்கும் போது பண்டிகை மற்றும் விசேஷ நாட்களில் தாவணி, பட்டு பாவாடை, வைர மூக்குத்தி, காதில் தோடு ஜிமிக்கி அணிவது வழக்கம்.

நான் எம்.எஸ்.சி படிக்கும் போது, என் படிப்பு முடிந்தவுடன் எனக்கு வரன் பார்த்து கல்யாணம் செய்ய முடிவெடுத்தார்கள். என் கல்லூரி படிப்பு முடிந்தவுடன் எனக்கு வரன் பார்க்க தொடங்கினார்கள். என்னிடம் சொல்லாமல் வேறுவொன்றும் செய்தார்கள். எனக்கு வைர மூக்குத்திகள் ஆர்டர் செய்தார்கள். என்னுடைய அம்மா, சித்தி, அத்தை எல்லோரும் இரட்டை மூக்குத்தி தான் அணிகிறார்கள். இரட்டை மூக்குத்தி அந்த தலைமுறையோடு முடிந்துவிடும் என்று நான் நினைத்தேன். அதனால் நான் இதை சற்றும் எதிர்பார்க்கவில்லை.

என் இறுதியாண்டு தேர்வு முடிந்து இரண்டே வாரத்தில் எனக்கு மூக்கு குத்த நாள் குறித்தார்கள். மூக்கு குத்த ஆச்சாரி வீட்டுக்கு வந்தார். அப்போது தான் என் புது மூக்குத்திகளை பார்த்தேன். எனக்கு அதிர்ச்சி காத்திருந்தது. எனக்கு தான் வலது பக்கம் குத்திவிட்டார்களே, இடது பக்கம் மட்டும் தான் அன்று குத்துவார் என்று நினைத்தேன். அந்த மூக்குத்திகளின் தண்டு மிக கணமாய் இருந்தது. பழைய ஓட்டைக்குள் அது செல்லவில்லை.

முதலில் அந்த ஆச்சாரி, ஒரு கனமான ஊசியை விளக்கு நெருப்பில் காட்டி சூடாக்கினார். என் ஒத்தைக்கல் மூக்குத்தியை கழட்டிவிட்டு, அந்த ஊசியை எடுத்து வலது ஓட்டையில் விட்டு, ஓட்டையை பெருசாக்கினார். பயங்கர வலி. பெரிய மூக்குத்தியை அந்த ஓட்டையில் விட்டு, திருகாணியை திருவினார்.

மறுபடியும் அந்த ஊசியை நெருப்பில் காட்ட தொடங்கினார். இடது பக்கம் இன்னைக்கு வேண்டாம் என்று கெஞ்சினேன். என் அத்தையும் சித்தியும் என்னை அமுக்கி உட்காரவைத்தார்கள். ஊசி சூடானதும் என் லெப்ட் சைடு மூக்கை குத்தினார். மேல் புறம் குத்தின ஊசி மறு பக்கம் வெளியே வரும்போது 'பட்' என்று சத்தம் கேட்டது. மூக்குத்தி போட்டு திருகாணி போட்டு விட்டார். எல்லாம் முடிந்தவுடன் தான் நிம்மதியாக இருந்தது.

ஊசியை நெருப்பில் காட்டியதால் ஓட்டை போட்ட காயம் வேகமாக ஆறிவிட்டது. 6 மாதத்தில் கல்யாணம் நிச்சயம் ஆனது. அவர் சென்னையில் அரசு வேலை செய்பவர். என்னுடைய பாரம்பரிய தோற்றம் அவருக்கு ரொம்ப பிடித்திருந்தது. 3 மாசம் கழித்து கல்யாணம் நடந்தது.

சென்னைக்கு வந்த பின், நான் பள்ளியில் வேலைக்கு சேர்ந்தேன். இண்டெர்வியூவில் பிரின்சிபால் என் மூக்குத்திகள் பற்றி கேட்டார். என் பள்ளியில் வேறு எந்த டீச்சரும் இரட்டை மூக்குத்தி போட்டுக்கவில்லை. என்னை 'இரட்டை மூக்குத்தி மிஸ்' என்று கூட சிலர் அழைக்கிறார்கள். இதனாலேயே நான் என் பள்ளியில் பாப்புலர் ஆகிவிட்டேன். என்னுடைய மாணவ மாணவிகளும் எனக்கு பேன்ஸ் தான். தாங்கள் வளர்ந்தபின் இரட்டை மூக்குத்தி போட்டுக்கொள்ள போவதாக சில மாணவிகள் என்னிடம் சொல்லி இருக்கிறார்கள்.

Nov 04, 2016
kavya still waiting for remaining story
by: Anonymous

Kavya we are still waiting for remaining story or Chapter 5 from your side. Please post it As Early a possible. Waiting Eagerly. Your story will inspire lot of girls.

Nov 03, 2016
by: Anonymous

My mom pierced my nose at 5 th age right side my sister not pierced her nose I asked my mom I am with nose pierced but my sister is not ready to pierce she said its our tradition 1st born baby nose will be pierced in our family so that's why my nose pierced my sister always makes fun of me she pinches my nose said to wear her dress I feel shy I don't know how my wife will react

Oct 15, 2016
by: Anonymous

I am a chennai guy last month got married my wife daily asking me to get my septum pierced I said I afraid of pain last Sunday morning I saw my hands and legs are tied I asked her to untie she refused and said my septum will be pierced I understood I can t escape I said ok she pierced my septum little high and inserted thin tube now daily she plays by inserting thin stick through my hole I like the feeling so all guys get your septum pierced no one can see

Oct 14, 2016
please tell us the full story waiting eagerly.
by: Anonymous

kavya please complete the remaining piercings story. Is your Patti also pierced your nose and ear's ?? are you wearing the same til now. we would like to read the full remaining story. thanks a lot advance. and don't consider such comments .

Oct 14, 2016
please tell us the full story waiting eagerly.
by: Anonymous

kavya please complete the remaining piercings story. Is your Patti also pierced your nose and ear's ?? are you wearing the same til now. we would like to read the full remaining story. thanks a lot advance. and don't consider such comments .

Oct 13, 2016
what is the next piercings
by: Anonymous

Hai kavya it was an amazing story you were share, now whats the next piercings that your grandma going to with her DIL ,is she going to pierce her DIL's nipples and genitals for the pleasure if her sons

Sep 21, 2016
Grandma chap 4
by: Kavya

My granny was holding my moms head tightly so that the piercer twisted the nose stud and tightened the thirugani. My perima asked him to do thirugu tightly so that it cannot be removed. I can see my mom crying like a baby on the whole process. My patti was consoling her to bear the pain. She said she should ve experienced all these long before but now only time has come.
My mom pleaded to remove it as the mookuthi was heavy. My patti asked the piercer to start left side piercing. I can see my mom begging but she didn't consider. My dad was standing there with high tension in his face. He was not able speak against his family.
Similarly her left nostril was also pierced holding her reluctantly. It took around one hour for double side nose piercing.
I can see my mom face was enlightened wearing double side nose studs. My patti kissed her forehead and requested her to hold the pain. She also only for few days pain ll be there after that it ll slowly get subside. She asked her to take an hour rest so that other ladies ll get their septum piercing And after that they ll continue with her to do remaining piercing.
My Amma was taken aside and was made to sit comfortably. Next my patti eyes searched and called her eldest Dil to have her septum ring pierced. I can see the septum ring was 2mm thick with golden balls hangings. My perima sat on the wooden plank. The piercer heated a thick needle and the same way her septum was pierced and the ring was inserted very forcibly. Even blood started oozing out. Without considering her cry or pain the piercer made her adotn the septum ring. Like wise all others ladies were made to have their septum adorned with septum rings. It was all a painly screaming evening for all. Even my athai was crying.

Again my mom dragged to sit and have her remaining things done. My dad requested patti to do rest of the piercing after a day or two. But she was very much reluctant that her new Dil should have septum n ear piercing too. My Amma accepted it and asked her to proceed. My patti thanked her and was so happy. She signaled the piercer to do septum piercing. Unable to see my mom in pain I went out. I can hear her shouting and making all sort of sound expression. Atlast I can see my mom.septum and ear pierced.
My patti gave the piercer 2000 rs with Vethlala pakku. She thanked him for his service and remained him that he will be soon called next week for her grand daughter tonsure ceremony. She requested him to do the same service for that function too. He smiled and said OK and went.

I can see all the ladies were in extreme pain.
My patti asked them to do necessary arrangements for first night of his son n new Dil.she requested the ladies to bear the pain,take rest for few hours and later they should do necessary work for the shanthi mukurtham.

I can see my mom face down in pain. She was not able to blush for all my patti comments.
To be continued...

Sep 18, 2016
my nose and ear piercing
by: Anonymous

My mil said my nose looks nice but it looks dull without nose stud i said i dont like nose stud my mil got angry and never said anything after one week 3 women came to my house i gave coffee and went to my bedroom my mil called me i asked what else you want she asked me sit near to her i sat beside one lady came near to me and hold my hands back side i never expected the other lady took a rope and tied my hands together backside i asked why you all are tying my hands then my mil showed me 2 nose stud and septum stud specially designed with ball on both ends and little thick stem and 4 ear studs i asked all for me my mil shaked her yes i begged please untie my hands i will get all piercing but my mil said she will untie after finishing first one lady pierced my right nose and left nose and third my septum it pains more due to thick size after 10 minutes gap she pierced 2 studs on each ear my eyes got tears then they untied me i went to bed and started crying that night my husband came and saw me and he lay me in his lap and consoled me and gave me lot of kiss on my piercing all my pain vanished he showed me a mirror i am looking sexy i cant believe me its myself or some body from that he started showering enormous kiss i liked his new affection i started liking my studs and my mil said sorry for tying me i said i am not angry she cares me very nice and she her self removes my nose studs for oil bath and she replace the jewels in my nose i liked the feeling during removal and replacing even i dont like to see my nose without stud because it looks so dull

Sep 08, 2016
Inspiration from your mother
by: Anonymous

Kavya I think inspired by your mother, you and your cousin's had extra two ear studs, thongottan mookuthi, ettukal besari and bullakku in one sitting.

Sep 07, 2016
Septum rings for all cousins
by: Anonymous

To be fair,
you and your cousins should also get septum rings.

Sep 03, 2016
what happened further
by: Anonymous

please tell us what happened further ??
we are waiting ...please do tell remaining ceremony in detail. thanks in advance

Sep 02, 2016
Great stories
by: Anonymous

Great stories waiting for the rest

Sep 02, 2016
Great stories
by: Anonymous

Great stories waiting for the rest

Sep 01, 2016
Grandma Chap 3
by: kavya

My Patti took my mom inside to make her ready for the function. She made her wash face ,applied turmeric and tied her Saree in village side and plaited her hair with jowri. She was ornamented from head to toe with jewels. She also presented her with heavy silver anklets. She was given a big meroon colour 50paise sized bindi and her hair were decorated with 10 mozham Jasmine flowers. I myself was unable to identify whether it is my own mom. I can feel even my dad felt the same.
Meanwhile other ladies arranged place for the piercing function. A wooden plan enlightened with kuthu velakku both sides, plate full of banana was also kept there. I asked why they have kept banana plates. My Patti said while piercing bananas will be inserted into my moms mouth preventing her shouting aloud. She giggled and said even the same will be done for me too next week. They were waiting for the village family piercer. My Patti asked my mom to fall over my dad's feet to get blessings and she too did as said. My Amma was given a mirror to see her face without any piercing lastly. My Patti has arranged Somu to video record and take photos the entire piercing function in a professional camera which he has. I can see Amma eyes watering slowly. It was like she was dying ten thousand times inside.
After few minutes the piercer came. Ladies lighted the kuthu velakku and made my Amma sit over the wooden plank. My Patti requested my Amma to pray to our kulla deivam well for family welfare. She asked the piercer to start soon. The piercer took a pen marked spot on my mom's nose. He checked my mom's nose and Said the nose texture has become thick so he has to do the piercing only by heating method and not by normal method. My Patti asked him to do it. I can see my mom crying asking my Patti not to do nose piercing for her. My Patti replied it has to be done so she asked her to keep quite and cooperate. My Patti asked other ladies to hold my mom's hand and make her sit in position.
I can see the piercer heating the thick needle. My Patti urged him to do it soon. He replied the needle has to be heated well to red hot so that then only holes can be drilled on her nose.
After few minutes the red hot needle was placed on my mom's right nose and he forced it inside. But it didn't pierced her so again the needle was sharpened,heated again and piercer drilled my mom nose. My atthai inserted banana into my moms mouth. I can see my mom crying like a new born baby. My Patti soon asked him to place mookuthi. With my mom restricting the ladies group holded her hand allowing the piercer to continue his work. He took the needle from my mom's nose and forced besari mookuthi and screw was tightened. My Amma face become pale red in pain. She was shouting in pain and complaining mookuthi is so heavy and big.
To be continued.....

Sep 01, 2016
Grandma Chap 3
by: kavya

My Patti took my mom inside to make her ready for the function. She made her wash face ,applied turmeric and tied her Saree in village side and plaited her hair with jowri. She was ornamented from head to toe with jewels. She also presented her with heavy silver anklets. She was given a big meroon colour 50paise sized bindi and her hair were decorated with 10 mozham Jasmine flowers. I myself was unable to identify whether it is my own mom. I can feel even my dad felt the same.
Meanwhile other ladies arranged place for the piercing function. A wooden plan enlightened with kuthu velakku both sides, plate full of banana was also kept there. I asked why they have kept banana plates. My Patti said while piercing bananas will be inserted into my moms mouth preventing her shouting aloud. She giggled and said even the same will be done for me too next week. They were waiting for the village family piercer. My Patti asked my mom to fall over my dad's feet to get blessings and she too did as said. My Amma was given a mirror to see her face without any piercing lastly. My Patti has arranged Somu to video record and take photos the entire piercing function in a professional camera which he has. I can see Amma eyes watering slowly. It was like she was dying ten thousand times inside.
After few minutes the piercer came. Ladies lighted the kuthu velakku and made my Amma sit over the wooden plank. My Patti requested my Amma to pray to our kulla deivam well for family welfare. She asked the piercer to start soon. The piercer took a pen marked spot on my mom's nose. He checked my mom's nose and Said the nose texture has become thick so he has to do the piercing only by heating method and not by normal method. My Patti asked him to do it. I can see my mom crying asking my Patti not to do nose piercing for her. My Patti replied it has to be done so she asked her to keep quite and cooperate. My Patti asked other ladies to hold my mom's hand and make her sit in position.
I can see the piercer heating the thick needle. My Patti urged him to do it soon. He replied the needle has to be heated well to red hot so that then only holes can be drilled on her nose.
After few minutes the red hot needle was placed on my mom's right nose and he forced it inside. But it didn't pierced her so again the needle was sharpened,heated again and piercer drilled my mom nose. My atthai inserted banana into my moms mouth. I can see my mom crying like a new born baby. My Patti soon asked him to place mookuthi. With my mom restricting the ladies group holded her hand allowing the piercer to continue his work. He took the needle from my mom's nose and forced besari mookuthi and screw was tightened. My Amma face become pale red in pain. She was shouting in pain and complaining mookuthi is so heavy and big.
To be continued.....

Sep 01, 2016
Grandma Chap 2
by: kavya

Somu came there and get hold of my hands and consoled me not to fear about the ceremony. Without myself expressing he understood what's in my mind. He said he is here to ask whether I agreed for their marriage whole heartedly and I nodded my head. He gave a smile and said he wanna love me before marriage. I said ok. We exchanged our numbers. He hugged and kissed me on my forehead. I was tensed and he said it is not wrong as we were going to get married and share ourselves soon. He added that he will teach me everything before marriage so that it will be easy for him. I shyed and ran down. I just felt I have badly started to love Somu. The story continued we were getting close. I can feel him deep inside my heart,feeling secured with him.
One day my Patti said they are going to do remarriage for my dad and mom in a simple way in their kulla deivam Temple as she wish to see. On the same day evening my Amma ll be getting her nose pierced and ll be made to undergo all family tradition including first night. I can see my mom blushing. The auspicious date for all the function was fixed:
My dad's remarriage: 6th March 2016
My tonsure function: 10th March 2016
My marriage date: 25th March 2016

It was also decided all shopping for all the function will be done tomorrow. They took 10k sarree for my mom's wedding and 25k Saree for my wedding. They purchased 30 sovereign of gold for myself and 10 sovereign for my Amma. My Amma asked my Patti about purchasing nose pins for herself and her daughter. She replied she has already ordered it with their family piercers. I heard from my atthai that those ordered nose pin will have thick stem and possess heavy weight. My Patti instructed all to do work as the date were approaching soon. Seeing my sad face Somu got permission and took me outside to have coffee. He said why I'm looking so sad. I Said my fear that is going to happen on me on 10th March. He took my hand and said everything will be fine. He also promised that he will make arrangements for beautician to adorn me with wig and reg nose studs he said I can remove them when he takes me to Bangalore after marriage. I might wear them on family get together or any function. I said I just cannot imagine myself getting bald or sporting double side nose studs at this young age. He consoled me saying I should get it done for our family.
The days went on and finally my dad's remarriage day came.We all went to our temple inviting few of our local relatives and friends. As planned my dad tied new manglasuthra around my mom's neck. It was done following all rituals as said by my family elders. My mom's old thalli was removed and put in kovil undiyal.
The entire ceremony was video recorded and photographed. We reached back home around 1pm. They did aarathi for the new brides. My Amma was taken to pooja room to lighten the lamp. After that they did pooja and were given milk and banana to eat. Then were given a good lunch in banana leaf. My Patti asked her other dil's to arrange for piercing function soon after lunch. She also added it must started by 4pm. I can see my mom face red hot in fear. Soon after lunch there was a small ladies meeting. My Patti showed us mookuthies,ear rings and a septum studs that were waiting to be adorned on her new dil. Two big mookuthies one is 12 stone kesari and another is thongattam mookuthi. Two designs ear studs for second ear piercing were there. She then showed the five septum studs which will be pierced for her 4 dil's and her daughter. All ladies got terrified about it and pleaded they will get it done later. She smiled and said strictly it has to be done on the same day. So she asked everyone to be ready. She added saying her new dil is ready to do double nose piercing,two ear piercing and septum piercing in a single sit then why others can get septum piercing alone. My Amma was very much pleased to hear such words.
To be continued

Sep 01, 2016
Grandma Chap 1
by: kavya

My name is kavya. I'm here to tell you how I got my nose piercing both sides.
Actually I'm born and bought up in Chennai. My parents did love marriage in young age opposing my dad side relationship. So we don't have touch up with anyone from my dad side.
When I was 20 years my dads mom I.e. my grandmother visited us. My dad was dumb stuck. He was literally crying seeing his mom after a long gap. They both hugged each other. My dad was jumping out in happiness. I was introduced to her. She kissed me on forehead and removed her gold chain and put it over my neck. She talked with my mom and gifted her a gold necklace. She told she is here to stay with them for ten days. During that there came a talk , she enquired where kavya was made to put mottai and kadhu kuthu. My dad said they did that in pazhani. My grandma was very much upset y they didn't do it in our village kulla deivam temple as per our family tradition. She also added this will be a big deiva kutham. She also told once we all go to village she will have a word with village head priest for any alternative that can be made. As decided after ten days my patti and our family went to my dads village. We were introduced to all our new relative. We were made to get blessings from all elders. My dads blood brother n sister families were present there. I can see my dad over rejoiced seeing everyone after a long gap. He thanked his mom for giving him this feast. I can see happiness in everyone face.We were greeted well and were given a big welcome lunch.That day eve my grandma arranged meeting with village priests. She showed my horoscope and explained about the fault they did with me. The priest went threw my horoscope for few minutes and said there is no other go they have to do it again for me. My grandma was terrified, she asked shocking what he is meant to say. He told again they should tonsure me and do second ear piercing in kulla deivam temple following all our customs. He also added they might also do nose piercing for me in addition. Everyone had a vague look. After the priest went, my grandma started to weep as what has to be done. My dad assured to my grandma whatever she is deciding they will do it. After few hours discussion it was decided I ll be getting my head shave and piercing function soon. I started to cry aloud. Everyone started consoling me. My parents told after a long time they have got all their relationship so they asked not to mess up all these. Atlast everyone made me to agree. After that my grandma added along with me all my cousins(Chithapa,peripa,athai daughters) will also be getting their nose pierced both sides sporting big mookuthies. She also called my mom and said before the ceremony my mom should be getting her nose pierced wearing double side mookuthies as like her other dil's and her daughter. She said she will arrange for it soon in home itself. My mom accepted it and fall at my grandma leg and said she will do anything to retain this new relationship, grandma suddenly asked her whether they can marry Ramya
to Somu, (Somu, my atthai son: maternal uncle) . I couldn't say what is going on. Without my permission my parents said ok. Next my Patti came to me and introduced Somu and asked whether I'm ready to marry him. She said Somu aged 25 has completed his master's and working in Bangalore as IT engineer earning 50k pm. I stood there speechless and said whatever they decide I'm ok.

My grandma hugged me and thanked me for obeying her ,respecting her happiness. She also asked to Somu and his parents whether they are willing to accept the marriage proposal and they also gave positive response. So she said once after my tonsure function, they will look for a good date for our marriage. I can see everyone were happily interacting , passing jokes and comments. But I was literally feeling uncomfortable so I left to upstairs balcony.
To be continued...

Aug 22, 2016
Self piercing Nose and Ear
by: Biraj

I am 41 male. I pierced my septum with a safety pin at the age of 16. Till now i pierced my septum for 5 times. I put 5 silver rings at night (sleeping) time. At day time replace rings by thin neem stick. I also pierced my ear for 5 times both ear.

Jun 22, 2016
by: Anonymous

finally you became traditional respective women. Now carry all these jewels for life long. Now u can wear nose stud on right side n nose ring i.e. round nath on left with bullaku which will look nice also. And get u r ears pierced also . Min 6 piercing will complete u r look. Best of luck for u r remaining life an d congratulations.... enjoy

Jun 18, 2016
two mookuthi
by: Anonymous

hai my mil showed me septum jewelry its ancient model about 12 gm 3 red stone and and 1 big white hanging its nearly rs 20000 on hearing the amount my eyes got tears all because of affection of my mil spent the amount i said to my mil don't delay go a head she kissed before going to pierce my septum we went to aasari i sat silent and lifted my face to show i am ready he gently pierced my septum with thick needle i dont know but i feel the pain of needle passing in my septum which makes tears in my 2 eyes he locked the thread tight my mil kissed my nose and my fore my fore head there itself and said she wants to lie in my lap as a daughter of me in memory of her mom we returned h i thanked and we returned home my husband saw me he said i became slave to me on seeing me with gold in all 3 side i thanked god for getting a mil so caring i asked her u want pierce any more in my nose i am ready she answered its more than enough for me from today i am your daughter you can handle me what ever you want i immediately lied in her fat feet and said i am your daughter always she hug me and we both tears in our 4 eyes

Jun 18, 2016
two mookuthi
by: Anonymous

hai my mil showed me septum jewelry its ancient model about 12 gm 3 red stone and and 1 big white hanging its nearly rs 20000 on hearing the amount my eyes got tears all because of affection of my mil spent the amount i said to my mil don't delay go a head she kissed before going to pierce my septum we went to aasari i sat silent and lifted my face to show i am ready he gently pierced my septum with thick needle i dont know but i feel the pain of needle passing in my septum which makes tears in my 2 eyes he locked the thread tight my mil kissed my nose and my fore my fore head there itself and said she wants to lie in my lap as a daughter of me in memory of her mom we returned h i thanked and we returned home my husband saw me he said i became slave to me on seeing me with gold in all 3 side i thanked god for getting a mil so caring i asked her u want pierce any more in my nose i am ready she answered its more than enough for me from today i am your daughter you can handle me what ever you want i immediately lied in her fat feet and said i am your daughter always she hug me and we both tears in our 4 eyes

Jun 18, 2016
two mookuthi
by: Anonymous

hai my mil showed me septum jewelry its ancient model about 12 gm 3 red stone and and 1 big white hanging its nearly rs 20000 on hearing the amount my eyes got tears all because of affection of my mil spent the amount i said to my mil don't delay go a head she kissed before going to pierce my septum we went to aasari i sat silent and lifted my face to show i am ready he gently pierced my septum with thick needle i dont know but i feel the pain of needle passing in my septum which makes tears in my 2 eyes he locked the thread tight my mil kissed my nose and my fore my fore head there itself and said she wants to lie in my lap as a daughter of me in memory of her mom we returned h i thanked and we returned home my husband saw me he said i became slave to me on seeing me with gold in all 3 side i thanked god for getting a mil so caring i asked her u want pierce any more in my nose i am ready she answered its more than enough for me from today i am your daughter you can handle me what ever you want i immediately lied in her fat feet and said i am your daughter always she hug me and we both tears in our 4 eyes

Jun 17, 2016
what happened
by: Anonymous

so what happened further?? Is u r M I L really pierced u r septum too?? What kind of jewelry are u wearing now ?? And have u got multiple piercing in ears too?? Please let us know .

Jun 09, 2016
two mookuthi
by: Anonymous

Hai my mil called me to her bed room and made me to lie in her laps and she placed big besari in my nose and flipped my nose wings and inserted the inner thread which makes me shy feeling after fixing she kissed my fore head for first time i cant explain that moment experience i said thanks for her affection and she said if i get my septum pierced she is ready to kiss my fore head daily on hearing her words i said i will give permission you can do any thing to my nose she smiled and said she will order for new ornament to my septum while the jewel is ready my septum will be pierced i shake my head ok she took me near by house and called every women and praised me for wearing big mookuthi in this age so now my worriness vanished everybody says i am looking bright and shinning and feels like pinching 2 girls pinched my nose together i feel pleasant that evening my husband saw me and stunned and never turned his head i felt shy in front of my mil so i ran into my bedroom he fallowed me and made to lie in his lap and started admiring and pressed my nose together for more than 20 time my feelings un expressive i thaked my mil in mind and from heart

Jun 05, 2016
don't hesitate for big besari just go for it.
by: Anonymous

why u r hesitate to wear big besari like your mil 16 n 18 diamond studs??? If u r husband loves it n your family members then just wear it with proud for their happiness . And at time of nose piercing u didn't said anything about studs to u r mil like they r big or small ....if at that time only u r mil bought big studs like hers 18 diamond studed n made u wear the same then what ???? So just go for it. Don't think too much about society n neighbors at all ...Best luck

Jun 05, 2016
don't hesitate for big besari just go for it.
by: Anonymous

why u r hesitate to wear big besari like your mil 16 n 18 diamond studs??? If u r husband loves it n your family members then just wear it with proud for their happiness . And at time of nose piercing u didn't said anything about studs to u r mil like they r big or small ....if at that time only u r mil bought big studs like hers 18 diamond studed n made u wear the same then what ???? So just go for it. Don't think too much about society n neighbors at all ...Best luck

May 25, 2016
two mookuthi
by: Anonymous

MY mil got big nose stud its 16 and 18 stones with red stones 3 in between even my mil sujjust me big nose stud will look nice still my nose looks little big like actress jyothika i dont know how my neighbor will comment if i got big besari

May 24, 2016
please see another thread
by: Anonymous

hi , congratulations for u r nose piercing and pair of 8 stone besari. Please see got BOTH SIDE NOSE PIERCED BU M I L thread in this section only . U will love to read experiences in that . What kind of nose studs your M I L wearing?? 8 Stone besari or bigger one ?? You can try bigger size like 13 stone or 15 stone besari. It will suit you more . Think about it. Or discuss the same with u r M I L. And what was u r mother's reaction on u r nise studs ?? Is she not told u to Pierce nose ? She is wearing nose stud or not ?? Also think about multiple ear piercing as it suits more with double nose studs and it will complete your look.

May 18, 2016
my mookuthi story
by: Anonymous

my mil very carrying type she looks very beautiful with two shinning studs in her nose one day she massage my head with coconut oil that time one f her came to my house and started praising me and my beauty mean while she said my nose looks empty without stud on hearing her words my mil said i will get stud if she wish on hearing her discussion i cant say any thing next day morning my mil called me to buy nose stud we both went to jewelry shop she bought 2 studs with 8 stones i cant ask why she bought 2 studs we both went to basement and there my mil made me sit in front of piercing guy i sat there her inspected my nose and he pierced my right nose and fixed inner thread my eyes got tears he showed a mirror i saw myself more bright and other side looks dull i said iam looking charming with nose stud and i asked my mil my nose looks dull on left side so can i get one more stud on left nose my mil laughed and said i know you will ask me that is why i bought 2 studs she gave the stud and i got my both nose pierced same like my mil we both returned home my husband saw me and started praising me and gave lot of kiss to my nose my pain and evry thing gone my life started shinning from that day and every friday my mil removes my stud for oil bath and she herself replace in my nose by laying me in her laps i felt more pleasant feeling i liked the feeling so started waint for next friday like the way my married life going smoothly

Apr 02, 2016
Nose piercing experience
by: Anonymous

Although I am male but my elder and only sister in law instructed me to get uppermost part of septum pierced for wearing a small nose pin ( nakthasa) .Actually one lady worshiper told my Bhabi for my betterment.
One day my Bhabi took me ladies parlour and got my uppermost point of my septum inside nose gently pierced which still brought tears in my eyes.
After 10 days again Bhabi took me to that parlour to put a tiny nose pin into the healed pierced hole.
My nose pin or nakthasa whatever you call it is not at all visible.I thanked Bhabi for gift and in return Bhabi deeply kissed on my nose and said May God make you very happy and successful in every aspects.
This is my Bhabi who cares me like mother.

Feb 22, 2016
right side nose pierced
by: Radha

I had not hole in my nose but pierced mark in left side. After my marriage my saw a pierced mark on the left side he asked me about pierced. He requested
for piercing but that time I told him ok but pierce after some time. One day my husband and me was going to movie in return in way stopped bike on jewelry
shop and told pierce nose hearing this
my heart beat stopped that time nervous. He bought thick gold wire and gave piercer.piercer made one side shared and round shape. I was weeping after that piercer gave me chair take sit and little heated sharpen point and told my husband hold her head tightly .
Piercer took heated ring shaped wire asked which side he told right side. Again told take deep breath sharpen on my right side that time fill he gentle pushed it inside little pain but pulled sharpen from inside that time dying with pain after that knot bind that time crying like baby. After piercing both had gone home but not any talk with both. I was not caring of pierced nose so that my husband caring time to time clean with hot water and put heated mustard oil after five days rotate smoothly both are enjoying the ring ..


Jul 09, 2015
mil pierced my septum
by: Anonymous

my mil was very tough woman so i cant avoid her one day i had a argument with her so she said my septum will be pierced tommorow i said to my husband he said he wish to see me with septum jewel in my nose so no other way i cant escape from septum piercing next day morning my mil made me to sit in chair and tied me with a rope and she pierced my septum and inserted the jewel and locked tightly i got tears that evening i went along with my mil to market there every one suggusted iam looking very nice on hearing this i liked my septum piercing even my husband kissed my nose and said she loved me so much

Jul 04, 2015
I pierced septum my girl friend
by: Anonymous

My gf(girl friend) is a nurse. She pierced nose left side in childhood but was not wearing pin/ring. One day I resist her for wearing a pin so after some time again resist her said ok but no any nose jewelry so I went to market for buying. I like small nose pin with ball same side and golden one side sharp.I back to gf home and I said please sit front to me and close to your eye after that I took gold sharp Needle and hold nose and fastly needle push in septum and insert gold nose pin and tight with feviquck under this time. She was crying due to did not like. she asked me you wanted nose pin my left nose. You breach my believe so I cannot wear in left side.I said ok.I like septum jewelry so do it.after time both enjoyed with ..

Jun 29, 2015
I pierced my wife's septum
by: Anonymous

My wife is a professor of a college. She pierced her left nostril in her childhood. After marriage I pierced her septum and put a small nose pin with gold having both sides same. It is called Nakthasa. In our area many girls and women wear Nakthasa and it look very nice

Apr 12, 2015
by: Anonymous


Mar 24, 2015
right nose pierced
by: Raju

hi nidhi I had also nose pierced. My elder sister died due to dhearea after some days some people suggested to my parent that pierced right side nose your younger son.As per ritual my mom bought thick gold wire and one end sharpen. And made half curb ring .my mother came house and next day morning some ritual start I was crying looking this. My mom red heated sharpen point .After that some women tightly hold me one aunty take cotton clothes and taktake red tip ring my mom hold my head red tip ring put on t right nose a few second that time fill burning smell that time pushed.but a little pain but few second. After I am crying like baby again ring pull inside and tied my half ring with heated. My nose was burning any crying with pain.but i did not leave all was hold me and termaric pest put on my nose after half an hour releave me.after one week remove piercing ring and thick nose ring wore with very painful. I had been wearing for two months and enjoyed after that removed it.

Mar 16, 2015
septum pin
by: Anu

I am also septum pierced. Due to my husband interested in it.I was not Ready for my husband do not any talk and unhappy to my decision. After that I think for it and went to many jewelry shop asked about it. Finally I pierced my septum and Insert tiny nose pin both side same type of gold. This prossess is little painful .l went to home and asked my husband please pierce my septum after some time he took needle and hold my nose he seen glittering my septum jewelry inside my nose. He surprised looking this that time many kissed and talk me.after one week my nose normal now my husband daily enjoy with love and take care my septum after piercing. It is not visible out side you can follow this type jewelry and Enjoy life .....

Mar 12, 2015
Pic of septum
by: Soumya

Ok,it's good my MIL also told me ,but not forced I told like let us see ,please send before and after piercing pic hence I will take decession ,Email:

Mar 10, 2015
in bihar
by: Anonymous

ma mahesh hu. aaam tour par bihar ma sabhi saas asa hi karti ha iss sa aurat par lagam lagana ka lia or uski khubsurti kam karna ka lia mana bhi apni biwi ko bech ma Bali pahanwai Hui ha

Feb 27, 2015
by: Anonymous

very nice experience u got how your husband enjoys does he loves your piercing if so better get nose piercing which will make sympathy on u

Feb 24, 2015
by: Anonymous

hi , nidhi very Nice to read u r septum piercing experience. You must be having nose stud on left nostril from u r childhood?? if not then get one stud on left side. Bullakku look nice. Thank u very much for following our rich tradition and being traditional. enjoy u r new look. Is iseptum piercing common in your residing area ?? all ladies are wearing bullkku ?? if yes then u must wear it always.

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