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Nose piercing of me and my sister

by neha

hi I am neha.I am now 36 years old. At the age of sixteen my mother convince me for nose piercing.She said nose piercing is good for a wife or bride.According to our family tradition all girls nose pierced before marriage. So she said along with my sister who was at the age of nineteen have to go for nose piercing.So my mother take us to piercer and pierce our left side.I spoted a hoop where as my sister spoted a stud.She use a bridal nose ring with a long chain in her marriage while I have spotted a medium sized diamond stud.After marraiage I get my right nostril pierce as per my husband wish and spot a tiny gold pin and close the hole of left nostril with
a broomstick.I have planned to wear nose studs both sides when my daughter get married.

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Jan 17, 2024
மூக்குத்தி எனக்கு கிடைத்த பரிசு NEW
by: Anonymous

என் பெயர் ரவிக்குமார் எனக்கு சிறுவயதில் இருந்தே பெண்ணுடைய என்றால் பிடிக்கும் என் அம்மாவின் சேலையை எடுத்து அடிக்கடி சுற்றிக் கொள்வேன் யாருக்கும் தெரியாமல் என் ஆசையை நான் நிறைவேற்றிக் கொண்டேன் நான் வளர வளர என் ஆசையும் வளர்ந்து கொண்டே வந்தது நான் எனக்கென்று தனியாக ஒரு சேலை வாங்கி வைத்தேன் வீட்டில் யாரும் இல்லாத போது நான் சேலையில் இருப்பேன் எனக்கு திருமண வயது வந்ததும் எனக்கு கல்யாணம் செய்து வைத்தார்கள் அந்த ஆசை தொடரவே என் மனைவியின் சேலையை அணிய ஆரம்பித்தேன் அவள் வீட்டில் இல்லாத போது ஒரு நாள் அவன் சேலையில் நான் படுத்துக்கொண்டு பாட்டு கேட்டுக் கொண்டிருந்தேன் என்னை அறியாமல் அப்படியே தூங்கி விட்டேன் வெளியே போயிருந்த என் மனைவி தன்னிடம் இருந்து சாவியைக் கொண்டு உள்ளே வந்தா என்னை சேலையோடு பார்த்தவள் ஒரே சிரிப்பு சிரித்தா அந்த சத்தம் கேட்டு எழுந்தவன் வெட்கத்தில் பயத்தில் அப்படியே உறைந்து போனேன் என்னை வந்து கட்டி அணைத்தவள் உங்கள் ஆசையை என்னிடம் ஏன் சொல்லவே இல்லை என்று கேட்டா சொன்னால் நீ கிண்டல் செய்வாயே என்று நான் சொல்லவில்லை என்றேன் உங்களுக்கு என்னவெல்லாம் ஆசை இருக்கு எல்லாம் சொல்லுங்கள் என்றா ஒரு முழு பெண் போல் நான் முழுதாக மாற வேண்டும் என்றேன் நாளையே நிறைவேற்றுகிறேன் என்றாள் நாளை அந்த நேரம் எப்போ வரும் என்று காத்துக் கொண்டே இருந்தேன் ஒவ்வொரு நிமிடமும் எனக்கு ஒரு மணி நேரம் போல் போனது அன்று மாலை வீட்டுக்கு வந்தவள் என்னை அலங்காரம் செய்வதற்கான தேவை அனைத்து பொருளையும் வாங்கி வந்திருந்தார் முதலில் எனக்கு சேலை கட்டினாள் வளையல் கொலுசு என்று அனைத்தையும் அணிவித்தாள் தோடு போடுவதற்கு குத்தவில்லையே என்றா பரவாயில்லை தோடு இல்லாவிட்டால் என்றேன் இப்போது நான் போட்டு விடுகிறேன் என்று சொல்லி என் இரு காதுகளையும் குத்தினா தன்னிடமிருந்த இரண்டு வளையங்களை என் காதில் போட்டு விட்டாள் பிறகு எனக்கு வலது மூக்கு குத்தினா மூக்குத்தி எல்லாம் வேண்டாமே என்றேன் முழு பெண்ணாக மாற்ற வேண்டும் நீங்கள் சும்மா இருங்கள் என்றார் நான் அதன்பின் ஒன்றும் பேசவே இல்லை வலது மூக்கில் மூக்குத்தி மாட்டி விட்டாள் தலைக்கும் ஒரு நீளமான முடியை வைத்து விட்டாள் முகத்தில் பவுடர் போட்டு பொட்டு வைத்து எல்லாம் முடிந்தது பாருங்கள் என்று கண்ணாடியை காட்டினா நான் ஒரு முழு பெண்ணாக தெரிந்தேன் என் அழகே என்னாலவே நம்ப முடியவில்லை இதுபோல் அடிக்கடி பார்க்க வேண்டும் போல இருந்தது எனக்கு எனது மகிழ்ச்சியும் பின்னர் வரும் ஏக்கமும் அவள் புரிந்து கொண்டாள் இதுபோல் மாதம் இருமுறை உங்களை பெண்ணாக மாற்றி காட்டுவேன் போதுமா என்றா நான் கையெடுத்து கும்பிட்டு நன்றி என்றேன் அதெல்லாம் ஒன்றும் வேண்டாம் என்று என்னை அப்படியே அணைத்துக் கொண்டா இன்று இந்த அலங்கார தொடவே என்னுடன் உறங்குங்கள் காலையில் மாற்றி விடலாம் என்றார் அடுத்த நாள் ஞாயிற்றுக்கிழமை என்பதால் காலை எழுந்தவுடன் இன்றும் எப்படி இருங்கள் என்றார் எனக்கு சொல்ல முடியாத ஆனந்தம் உங்களுக்கு இரண்டு தோடு வாங்கித் தருகிறேன் ஒற்றைக் கல்லில் மூக்குத்தியை எடுத்துவிட்டு குச்சி போட்டு விடுகிறேன் வேண்டும் போது மூக்குத்தி போட்டுக் கொள்ளலாம் அதுவரை மூக்கில் குச்சி இருக்கட்டும் என்றார் நான் சிறு குழந்தை போல் தலையை ஆட்டினேன் ஐயோ பாவம் இதற்காக எத்தனை நாள் ஏங்கி இருப்பீர்கள் என்றார் 15 வருடமாய் என்று சொன்னேன் நான் அதே போல் பத்து நாள் கழித்து எனக்கு மீண்டும் அணிவித்தாள் என்னை மூக்குத்தியோடு பார்க்க கவர்ச்சியாக இருப்பதாக சொன்னார் நான் மூக்கு குத்தாமல் இருக்கிறேன் நீ மூக்கு குத்தி கொள்கிறாயா என்று என்னை கேட்க மாட்டீர்களா என்றார் நீ ரெண்டு மூக்குத்தி போட்டுக்கிட்டா ரொம்ப அழகா இருக்கும் சொல்ல தயக்கமா இருக்கு என்றேன் இரண்டு கல் மொட்டை எடுத்து அவள் மூக்கில் ஒட்டி காட்டினாள் இரண்டு முப்பத்தோடு அவள் தேவதை போல் இருந்தா இது நிஜமா நடக்குமா என்றேன் இது என்ன பெரிய விஷயம் நாளையே நடக்கும் என்றார் நாளை அவளை வா என்று கூட்டிக் கொண்டு போய் எனக்கு பிடித்த மாதிரி ஒரு மூக்குத்தியும் அவளுக்கு பிடித்த மாதிரி ஒரு மூக்குத்தியமாக இரண்டு வாங்கினோம் அவள் இரண்டு மூக்கும் குத்திக் கொண்டா இந்த இரண்டு மூக்குத்தியோடு அவள் சொல்ல முடியாத அளவுக்கு அழகாக மாறினாள் வீட்டுக்கு வந்து அவளுக்கு சுத்தி போட்டேன் இதெல்லாம் கூட உங்களுக்கு செய்ய தெரியுமா என்றார் உன் அழகு என்னை அப்படி செய்ய வைத்தது என்று சொன்னேன் அடுத்த முறை நீங்கள் பெண் வேடம் போடும்போது நான் ஆண் வேடம் போட்டுக் கொள்ளட்டுமா என்றார் தாராளமாக என்றேன் அவள் ஆணாக மாறும் போது நான் முழு பெண்ணாக இருந்தேன் மற்ற நாளில் நான் ஆணாக அவள் பெண்ணாக இருந்தா எங்களின் வழக்கம் யாருக்கும் தெரியாமல் இருந்தது ஒருமுறை இருவரும் புகைப்படம் எடுத்துக்கொண்டோம் அதில் நான் பெண் வேடத்தில் அவளை விட அழகாக இருந்தேன் அவளுக்கு மீசையை வரைந்து வைத்தேன் அடுத்த முறை அவளுக்கு ஒரு மீசையும் வாங்கி வைத்தேன் அவளின் தங்கை ஒரு நாள் வீட்டிற்கு வந்தார் நாங்கள் எடுத்த புகைப்படத்தை அவள் எப்படியோ பார்த்துவிட்டா ஒரே சிரிப்பு அவளுக்கு ஏன் அப்படி சிரிக்கிறாய் என்று கேட்டோம் எனக்கு ஒரு ரகசியம் தெரிந்து விட்டது என்றார் நான் யாரிடமும் சொல்லாமல் இருக்க வேண்டும் என்றால் நீங்கள் பெண் வேடத்தில் என் முன்னே வந்து நில்லுங்கள் நான் ஒரு முறை பார்த்து விட்டால் யாருக்கும் சொல்லாமல் விட்டு விடுகிறேன் என்று பயமுறுத்தினார் என் மனைவியும் என்னை அது போல அலங்கரித்தார் என்னை பார்த்த அவள் தங்கை நிஜப் பெண் போலவே இருக்கீங்க என்று என் கன்னத்தை கிள்ளி பாராட்டினாள் சொல்லக்கூடாது என்று நாங்கள் அவளை கெஞ்சி கெஞ்சி அவளிடம் சத்தியம் வாங்க அவளும் யாருக்கும் சொல்லாமல் மறைத்து விட்டா

Dec 16, 2023
மூக்குத்தி ஆசை எல்லா பெண்களுக்கும் வேண்டும் NEW
by: Anonymous

எல்லா பெண்களும் முக்குத்தி போட்டுக் கொள்ளும் ஆசை வர வேண்டும் அப்பதான் எல்லா ஆண்களாலும் ரசிக்க முடியும் பெண்களால் மூக்குத்திக்கு அழகு இருக்கும் இல்லையோ மூக்குத்தியால்தான் பெண் அழகு மூக்குத்தி போட்ட பெண்கள் எந்த கோணத்தில் பார்த்தாலும் ஒரு தனி அழகு தான் ஏனோ சில சடங்களுக்கு புரிவதில்லை நாகரிகம் என்ற பெயரில் செயற்கை அழகுக்கு மாறுகிறார்கள் மூக்குத்தியோடு இருந்தால் ஒப்பனையே தேவையில்லை உன் முகத்தின் ஒட்டு மொத்த அழகையும் ஒரே மூக்குத்தி பார்த்துக் கொள்ளும் இரண்டு மூக்குத்தி இருந்தால் இன்னும் சொல்லவே வேண்டாம் இரு மூக்குத்தி போட்ட மனைவி கிடைத்த ஆண்கள் எல்லாம் அதிர்ஷ்டசாலிகள் நான் ஒரு பெண்ணாக இரு மூக்குத்தி போட்டதால் நான் சொல்லிய அனைத்தும் என் கணவர் சொன்னது

Feb 13, 2019
Brave girl NEW
by: Anonymous

hi rupa ask your. To pierce your Septum and make her shy by getting three jewels she will tell about you with proud to all your. Relative even you can. Enjoy. The life. With your hubby it's true

Feb 13, 2019
Brave girl NEW
by: Anonymous

hi rupasre I feel pitty but I. Thank your. MIL for. Piercing both nose at young age from. This age. You can enjoy married life. Like. Me. Since. I got big. Besari. Both sides. At 23 my. Husband plays. With my mokkuthi every. Night it's so pleasant don't worry about others you are blessed to enjoy. With. Big mookuthi. Take. It positive after healing you roubh your mookuthi With. Husband nose. Then see what happening

Feb 13, 2019
Done NEW
by: Anonymous

Rupashree here. My mil forced and made me to wear double side mookuthi. So much issues so I didn't write up. Piercing was done in our kula deivam kovil with local temple achari.Purposefully mil made the mokkuthies thandu thick so it was very difficult for me to wear them.while getting pierced I was crying and shouting them to leave
however without considering them all holded me and forcefully pierced my nose. After piercing I was crying, my mil came and warned me I shouldn't remove my mookuthies for life time. She also told after moving home once piercing heals,she will make the mokkuthis permanent by welding.Sporting rettai mookuthi I'm going to college.

Jul 13, 2018
both nose NEW
by: Anonymous

hi rupashree what happen have you got stud on both nose how is your experience

Jan 29, 2018
do it as soon NEW

Hi is 100% need for you. so pls pierce your both nose and septum also. cause septum piercing is related with sex it's better go to tanjure style piercing. so 3 will pierce at a I'm WAITING FOR YOUR NEXT post. HAPPY PIERCING TIME....

Jan 29, 2018
do it as soon NEW

Hi is 100% need for you. so pls pierce your both nose and septum also. cause septum piercing is related with sex it's better go to tanjure style piercing. so 3 will pierce at a I'm WAITING FOR YOUR NEXT post. HAPPY PIERCING TIME....

Jan 25, 2018
simple and straight solution NEW
by: Anonymous

hi , Rupashree its very simple and straight as your MIL will not allow you to study if you don't get your nose pierced on both sides n not wearing Rettai Mukkuthies. And as per my opinion your study is very much important for you. Today is Friday simply tell your MIL you are ready and do as per her wish don't disobey her at all. 2 things will happen your friends in college will get used to your Rettai mukkuthies they will not bother your rettai mukkuthies after some days or will stop teasing if will get used to it and your study will continue and you will be engineer. Today 26 January its Friday get it done immediately. Your MIL will love you more after obeying her and your household work load will get reduced. more time for study. Mental and physical harassment (if any , you are getting now ) will stop. after piercing healed you can remove mukkuthies before entering college and wear it before entering home. Your MIL is thinking that you will not get ready for Both side nose piercing and then ahe can stop your studies n your studies is more important than your attire. She may further add more like wear saree all day etc etc. but don't stop your studies at all. Simply tell her you want to wear 18 diamonds studded Bestharies which is very costly it can cost 1 Lakh. And Don't let anyone stop your education for any reason.

Jan 24, 2018
Help me pls NEW
by: Anonymous

My name is Rupashree. I'm studying second year engineering.Last November I got married to my distant relative.My parents forced me to marry him who was 8 years elder than me.Any how my parents and relatives abused and forced me and made me agree.
Now I have a problem. My mil is keen to put mookuthi for me both sides. She said she will allow me continue my studies only if I get my nose decorated with mokkuthies. I should get it done on any weeks Thai veli (i.e Tamil January Friday).She strictly said I have to sport it permanently.Just few days left I don't know what to decide.When I take this matter to my parents,they clearly said they cannot get involved in our family issues. They said to obey my mil.Even same with my husband.

Please tell what I could do. At this young age I cannot sport big mokkuthies. I couldn't never imagine to put them to college.Please help!!

Jan 15, 2018
Besari girl NEW
by: Anonymous

Hi my husband got promise my nose should be decaroted with three jewels always i can remove for cleaning or changing new model else no chance i liked his order i use to twist my nose left and right which makes my sil guilty so decided go over come me so she discussed with her husband he gave 1 lakh for order bigger besari now she got 18 on each nose and special bullack for septum added pearl and red stones looking gorgeous any way i got nice company my mil appreciated me for. Making others in joining our tradition

Jan 15, 2018
very good transformation NEW
by: Anonymous

thats very good transformation. why your SIL joined you ?? What kind of piercings she got ?? Any other ladies or girls too following you ?? All jewelry i.e. 10 ear piercings in each earlobe and All three nose jewelry you are wearing permanently while in public also ???

heartiest congratulations for Becoming Traditional Lady.

Dec 31, 2017
Besari girl NEW
by: Anonymous

Now i got 9 stud in each ear my besaries are moving freely my hubby rotates and enjoys my face difference my sil joined in my group on seeing me now a days all are speeking to .me only for nose piercing i feel proud i am the first girl in oyr family with big besari next week my 10 piercing will be over

Dec 27, 2017
that too good...!!!! NEW
by: Anonymous

any other such experiences ?? what is reactions from your relatives ?? specially from your mom ?? and how many ear piercings you got now ?? 8 or 10 in each earlobe ??

Dec 27, 2017
that's too good NEW
by: Anonymous

any other such experiences bestari girl ?? What is reactions from your relatives ?? specially from your mom ?? an how many ear piercings you got now ?? 8 or 10 in each ear lobe ??

Dec 17, 2017
besari girl NEW
by: Anonymous

yesturday myself and my mil went to temple there few brahmin ladies saw my besaries and got attracted they came near in that three ladies got single stone in both nose they praised me for wearing big besari and septum ring they flipped my septum to know its fake or real after knowing real piercing they appreciated me and my mil for getting traditional dil four of them got one side mookuthi they said by this week they will get piercing on other nose they suggust not to remove my besari for any reason because its more matching to my well shaped nose even young girls started watching our conversation they touched their empty nose my mil said me to wait in temple since she got some work near by so i sat in steps in between more 50 women noticed me around 30 to 35 gents admired i felt shy so i closed my nose with two hands mean time one old lady came near and said not to close my nose because i am the one who rememmbering our rich tradition on hearing her words i removed my hands and i twisted my nostril that time my mil entered and saw my reaction which makes my face more shinning she asked to do the same twist again and again by enjoying then we returned to our house she asked again to twist my nose in front of my husband i said i wont but she compelled so i twisted which makes my husband more joy he called me to bed room and made me to lie in his laps and said to twist my nose during my twist he got same new feeling so he made to do often i got nice experience now he became slave to me he cares me so much he helping me in all work god gave one nose but i am using for enjoying my life

Dec 14, 2017
its obvious NEW
by: Anonymous

See i told you today's generation like Girls wearing Nose studs. Girls wearing Big Nose studs get lot of Male attention. Big Nose studs wearing is the trend you are setting now. Get more n more girls in your group.

Dec 10, 2017
besari girl NEW
by: Anonymous

today morning my relation came to invite for his wedding he is 24 came along with his sil they both admired my nose jewels that lady came inside ans asked me whether any one forced to pierce such a big studs i replied its all done with my interest she flipped my nose and inspected my septum its real or fake after knowing she praised my courage i suggust to get her left nose pierced since she got single stone on right then we returned to hall that guy never changed his from my nose i felt shy we discussed more than 15 minutes untill he watched my nose i noticed him atlast i asked him what about your fiance she got her nose pierced he replied mot yet i can see the sorrow in him i said after marriage you come as a couple i will arrange her nose piercing he shaked his head ok

Dec 08, 2017
Role model NEW
by: Anonymous

That's Good. 6 ear piercings you have planned? or more piercings you are going to add in Ears? Accompany Women to jewellery Shops and force them to wear Bigger Size nose studs.You can insist them to change existing nose stud to bigger one. And Try Wearing Round Nose ring diamond Studded on left Nostril and besthari on right nostril along with bullakku.Try it out. It will suit you.

Dec 08, 2017
besari girl NEW
by: Anonymous

hi yesturday i got my 6 th piercing in my earson seeing me two married women decided to get their second nostril pierced on tommorow they enqured me is it paining more to insert big besari i said its great feeling they enjoyed my experience they flipped my both nose to know the stem thickness few more girls came near to watch i became model to them my husband laughed with proud every one encouraged for carrying in young age i felt more joy i shaked my nose left and right my septum jewel danced my husband kissed me there itself i felt very shy

Dec 07, 2017
keep going NEW
by: Anonymous

that's good so your dream fulfilled. What happened about ear piercing ?? how many planned n how many done ??
keep inspiring other girls n ladies so they will follow u.

Dec 02, 2017
Besari girl NEW
by: Anonymous

Hi yesturday night i felt the weight of besari while sleeping my husband started watching my besari till midnight 1.30 i slept on his laps while he watching his cock hitted my ear which makes me shy i said not to press my nose wings because slight pain in my nose due to increased size he planned to add 5 th piercing in my ears today i wish to pierce his right ear so even i can play with him yesturday evening i went to temple there i got great encouragement from ladies and three couple discussed how i accepted such a big besari in young age their husband got sttracted and they themselves had coversation due to me

Dec 01, 2017
congratulations... NEW
by: Anonymous

congrats Besthari girl. At last your dream completed. Now Ear piercings remaining. Get it done too so your total look will be completed. Don't feel shy wear all jewels with proud. Your Husband likes it so don't think about other people. some day try wearing 9 yard Madisar Saree for 1 day n you will see your own beauty. Don't forget about ear Piercings too.

Dec 01, 2017
Besari girl NEW
by: Anonymous

Hi today morning 24 stones besari inserted in my both nose by my husband it looks so bright in my face but i can feel the weight my total appearance changed with septum ring and big brsari makes my self strange look today evening i planned to a temple

Nov 24, 2017
that's Good...!!! NEW
by: Anonymous

Your decision is very good of adding 1 piercing per week. How many ear piercing your husband or you want ?? 10 piercings in each earlobe will cover your full earlobes. In ear Top wear traditional Bugadi as its called in karnataka. Keep the transformation going .

Nov 24, 2017
besari girl NEW
by: Anonymous

hi on seeing me without nose studs my hubby charming face became so dull so for time being i am using press type studs just to please him today we are going to goldsmith two add 4 th piercing in my ears we bought single stone with one drop we planned to increase the number in my ears one for one week so every week i will get piercing

Nov 23, 2017
don't worry NEW
by: Anonymous

its just 6-8 days and will be wearing your Dream Nose studs of 24 diamonds studded of your grandma . And you will be beautiful again with your dream Bestharies. In between Get your ears pierced on 8 places and it too will get healed in time n your look will be completed.

Nov 23, 2017
don't feel bad NEW
by: Anonymous

don't feel bad . its matter of 6-7 days only. once nose hole size increased you will start wearing your dream Besthari of your grandma which will increase your beauty multifold. Have patience and get your ears pierced too on 8 or 10 places in between so your look will be completed.

Nov 23, 2017
besari girl NEW
by: Anonymous

hi yesturday my besari lock open by goldsmith with two pleirs and 1.5 mm broom stick inserted in my both nose to increase the size but my nose looks more empty without studs i never feel to see my face

Nov 22, 2017
no problems at all NEW
by: Anonymous

you can increase hole size of both nostrils. Simply use oil and expand holes step by step and after it reached 2 mm u start wearing grandma besaries. You will always feel your grandma after looking at your bestharies. And your grandma's remembered because of her bestharies. It will also enhance your beauty more and More n more girls will start wearing big size besthari looking your beautiful besthari adorned nostrils. don't hesitate just wear with proud .

Nov 22, 2017
Mookuthi boy NEW
by: Anonymous

Hello every one mine is entierly different from my childwood my grandma dressed me liks a girl till my 7 birthday so i got attracted to mu grandma besari verymuch so i started forcing my grandma to pierce my nose atlast after one month request she 4thook me to near by house and asked to pierce my nose she thought i am a girl my grandma removed her 12 ston besari and gasve to that lady she pierced my right nose i cried due to pain so my grand said one side enough so after tightening we returned home all my feggiends lasughed at me for one week i never cared i caried my besari upto 19 th birthday that time my grandma brcame serious and she called me and said i have to get my left nose pierced and her one more besari should used always on her remembetance i cant avoid her last wish so on same i removed her besari and got pierced in my left nose after 6 years my marriasge was fixed my fiance saw my photo and said She liked me very much so i hot married to her at 1st night i asked her why you accepted me that too i am with two besari she replied i am obeying my grandma wish so She liked my softness And so no problem of wesring nose studs i thanked her She too got her other nose pierced to hgive company now fast three years we both enjoying our life hence we are in village their no hesitation since few guys got fixed stud in my area

Nov 22, 2017
Besari girl NEW
by: Anonymous

Hi as you said its nice idea since my grandma besari was 24 stones each and its weight was 11 gm and with 2 mm thick stem now the besari was kept in my mom cupboard if i want to wear means i have to ask my mom and i dont know how i can insert in my small hole since my stud was 1mm stem and it will pain due to the weight

Nov 22, 2017
ask grandma NEW
by: Anonymous

simply ask your grandma to arrange fir big Besthari . or you can wear her besari too.

Nov 21, 2017
that's good!! NEW
by: Anonymous

inquire in village side jewelry shops . you will get traditional besthari big size there only. Best of luck.

Nov 20, 2017
Besari girl NEW
by: Anonymous

Hi i asked my hubby about 21 stones besari he enquired in jewelry shop no dimond stud available in such big one so normal stone was available each cost 8500/ we planned to remove the lock on wednesday since my septum getting healed almost so my face will glow more from next day i planned to increase my ear studs by next week because the big besari will be with thick stem so it may give extra pain in my both nose let see how my i get attention from public i am confused

Nov 20, 2017
that's Great NEW
by: Anonymous

Get the locks removed and start wearing different types of Big Besaries like 24 diamonds studded or 21 diamond studded. You can get your each ear lobe Pierced at 8-10 places and wear different types of jewelry available for that specific location like ear top, flap etc. Also try Nose ring i.e. Nath diamond studded on left nostril 24 diamond studded besari on Right nostril and Bullakku. Just Wear it and give surprise to Your husband and In laws. All the best . Keep On inspiring Girls n ladies.

Nov 20, 2017
Besari girl NEW
by: Anonymous

Hi thanks for your suggustion i got 8 stones at my 9 th age it matches to my small nose now my nose wings grown little big but i have to remove my stud with the help of goldsmith since its locked let me discuss with my hubby and i got great respect from my husbabd side relatives all mom compares me to their daughters for not pietcing the nose so brcause of me 15 girls got one side nose pierced 5 of them wearing besari 10 girls got both side pierced at that time they saw me in angry after healing they said sorry even they started enjoying the life three girls got msrried and got appreciation from their mil i got three stud in each ear

Nov 19, 2017
great NEW
by: Anonymous

That's Great. Very good Story Loved to read it. So many girls n ladies must got inspired from your double nose studs. So are you Wearing 18 Stone studded Besari now ? If not then try wearing 18 or 24 diamonds studded besari. Also think about Multiple Ear piercing so your look will be completed.

Nov 19, 2017
Besari girl NEW
by: Anonymous

Hi thanks for immediate response i describe my nose stud story when i was 9 years my mom appointed. a servant she got big studs (besari) in her both nose each one was 18 stones and her daughter aged 8 she got 8 stone besari on both sides my mom also working in office so after school i use play with my servant and daughter many times i saw She removes her daughters stud for cleaning and while replacing she makes her daughter to lye in her laps this makes me some thing in me one day while playing i pressed her daughters nose together i thought She will shout in Pain instead she enjoys the feeling i too felt she experience in me since my mom never pierced her nose so its new to me that night i decided to get the same feeling so one day i opened the nose piercing topic to my mom but she simply denied and said i am school going girl and its not allowed due to dress code so i planned to change the school but upto 5 th its not possible so postphoned my desire but the interest in me increased a lot so i saved money one day i counted its 6500/ on 6th qusterly holiday went our grandmom house my grandma got big besari on both nose i showed her my interest i flipped her wings and pressed together she asked me are you want to wear nose stud i shaked my heaf yes and showed the money i saved she laughed and arranged on very next day i said not to inform my mom we will give surprise she said ok so next day we both went to nesr by shop and got 8 stones red and white stone besari two piece and went to basemant my grandma marked the spot on both wings the piercer pierced gently i cried in pain my grandma asked is it one side enough i said i will get after 5 minutes she laughed and helped me by holding my head i said my mom may remove so i want my stud permanant then he dipped the inner thread in molten zinc atlast my nose studs got locked we returned home my grandma said she only adviced to pierce both nose but my mom knows i am also interested al my friends admired at me my servant and her daughter cared more from that time during the age of marriage my called me to remove one stud hence my fiance may feel different i said its locked so no chance of removing my mom blinked at me atlast i got married with same stud now my husband enjoys my nose studs first he doesnt like but in first night i placed his hands on my nose and said to press he we both enjoy the feeling from that day he often doing this job now he asked to get my septum pierced and stud placed last month its healing by next week he will press all three it will dash inbetween my nose and get great feeling i am eagerly waiting he cleans my inner thread my using thread by flipping my nose wings this also makes him more mood so he do this on every friday

Nov 18, 2017
besari girl NEW
by: Anonymous

hi good to see encouraging from you besari girl. can you please tell us your nose piercing story in detail. we. will love to read the same. is it forced on you and later you started liking it or you are willing for it. and who else wearing besari studs in your family n area.

Nov 18, 2017
congrats and tell us in details NEW
by: Anonymous

hi, good to hear from you besari girl. Can you please tell us your nose piercing story ?? is it forced to you or u r willing for it ?? and other details. we all will encourage it .

Nov 18, 2017
Besari girl NEW
by: Anonymous

Hi very nice to your post and thanks to join in our both nose pierced club dont stay at home go all place so many guys will get attracted you like me this will their mind and they will request his wife to get pierced and enjoy their life just because of you it will happen Since on looking me nearly 15 girls got both nose pierced this will change you mood and many more in bed room

Nov 16, 2017
Congratulations...!!! NEW
by: Anonymous

Keerthi what your mom did to you is very good for you. Wear nose studs on both sides with proud go outside wearing Big Besthari on both sides so you will get lot of attraction from Men as lot of men like girls wearing double nose studs with Traditional Attire . Try different types of Big Nose studs like 18 or 21 diamonds studded besthari or you ccan wear nose ring round ( nath) on one side and stud on another. Nose studs enhances Beauty of Girls A lot. You will Get a lot of Male attraction too. enjoy It.congratulations. Wear with proud. Lobe yourself.

Nov 16, 2017
its good for you NEW
by: Anonymous

its good for you to wear double nose studs in young age as all Men like girls who are wearing Multi studded nose studs on both sides. It enhances Beauty of girls. And Imagine that if your mother or grandma did this piercings to you at age of 5 or 6 when you are so young then ....?? Till now it could be that you are used to double nose studs ...
just wear with proud and ease. Go out wearing double nose studs. Try different Multi studded nose studs Besthari or mukkuthies. Also get Ear Piercing on 5 places each ear lobe and wear rings and studs as per your liking. Enjoy your new look. Love yourself.

Nov 15, 2017
It's done both sides NEW
by: Keerthi


Achari told us that if they have pierced their nose at young age then this won't be painful.Since the nose skin has become thickened for both my mom n athai they are finding difficult to sport. Acharies began to get ready for piercing left nose which was empty. I could see my mom crying no for left nose and same with athai. But my Patti didn't leave them she strictly said it should be done.She also added she is just awaiting to see all of us sporting double mookuthies following our tradition and culture.I could clearly see the fear in both the ladies face. My grandma urged the Achari to do the next piercing soon.Achari said second piercing they will do one by one,first my Amma and then my athai. Same way the needle was heated and inserted underneath the mokkuthies, Achari then asked other ladies to hold my mom's head z when she shakes while piercing it would spoil.My grandma and Chithi holded my mom's head tightly. I could see my mom begging no I can't handle the pain,I ll get it done later. But my grandma signalled him to do. So the Achari placed the needle and with full strength pressed and pierced her.In few minutes I could see mokkuthies glittering on my mom both sides. Then he tightened the screws very well.

Same procedure done for my athai. Both the ladies were sporting big double side mookuthies. However I could feel both of them having severe pain.

Next my grandma pulled me and made me sit.Achari checked my nose and said something in my Patti's ear.She went inside and came with a bowl full of raw rice which will be put inside my mouth which I shouldn't swallow.She added this will prevent me from screaming.

I don't have years in my eyes to cry. So I remained silent. I also know my tears is not going to change my fate.At any cost my granny ll make me sport mookuthies.Needle heated and Achari was ready.My Chithi and geetha holded my head.Achari warned me not to shake.My Patti then filled my mouth with raw rice. I closed my eyes when Achari kept the needle point onto my right nose. My Patti holded my legs.I could feel the force applied by the Achari but the needle didn't pierce me.So he ReSharpened it and with a single heavy force he drilled holes and I could feel mookuthi on my right nose.I couldn't even scream.I began to shake my hand and legs but I was controlled by the ladies group.With tears rolling on I swallowed the rice and began crying aloud. But my Chithi closed asking me not to cry while good things happening.Now he forcibly put thirugani and tightened it strongly.

My grandma then asked the Achari to do top ear piercing first and later they might move on my left nose piercing.She consoled me saying top ear piercing won't hurt much so she asked me not to cry like a kid. I said it's paining but she acted as though she didn't hear.Same way my top piercing was done but this was little pain.i could manage the pain but I really felt dying when Achari started to drill holes for my left side.This time they made me lie down on my chithi lap and I could see my Patti and geetha holding my legs.My hands was holded by my athai , Chithi holded my head tight.This time Achari filled my mouth with rice.He came and sat on my left side and moved my face to my right side.
I closed my eyes in fear.My Patti was saying "Govindha Govindha", Achari gave a huge smile and positioned on to my left nose. With his full force he drilled my nose and decorated with mookuthi. I was jumping in pain. I was holded by my relatives and and nose pin stem was tightened well.

From that day I really feel so sad.I didn't talk with any of them. Even if they come and talk I didn't. I really feel looking like a aged women.This look is making me look matured.

My grandma is doing all things to make me happy but I couldn't come out of it.

Nov 13, 2017
please let us know full incident NEW
by: Anonymous

please tell us remaining piercing incident. we want to read it eagerly.

Nov 13, 2017
please tell us full incident NEW
by: Anonymous

please tell us the remaining nose piercing incident. Waiting Eagerly.

Nov 11, 2017
It's done both sides NEW
by: Keerthi


Sorry for not updating early.
After consulting the astrologer the date of piercing was fixed on 30 October 2017.It was planned like I ll be getting both sides mokkuthi.My mom and athai was wearing right side single stone nose pin so my grandma insisted them to wear double side big mokkuthies like my chithi(Chithappa's wife)which they readily accepted.My mom,athai,grandma and Chithi went for shopping to tnagar to buy mokkuthies.Three set of big size mokkuthies were bought and two pairs of top ear rings were bought.They also bought me silk saree for 5k which they insisted to wear while getting pierced.I was fallen down to earth while seeing the mokkuthies since they were big.I begged them but no use,no one were ready to hear me.They simply told I ll be looking amazing.I even cried to my mom but she simply told it's all decided by elders she cannot do anything.

I approached everyone but no use.It was like hell.Atlast the day came. Since geetha house is little far it was decided to have the ceremony in our house itself so my chithi,geetha and athai came to my house one day before itself.My grandma said she has arranged two Achari for our nose piercing.It was planned first my mom and Athai will be sported double mokkuthies,the it will be done for me.Lastly geetha's top ear piercing will be done.She instructed everyone to wake up early and get ready in saree traditionally as Achari will be coming by 9am.
I was waked up by mom by 5am.i was taken head bath and my mom wrapped me in saree and plated my hair decorating it with Jasmine. I can see geetha in same attire. I could see two thaar pai(carpet) covering the floor with two wooden plank.As planned two Acharies arrived by 8:45. My Patti asked my athai and mom to go and sit on the wooden plank.She gave the mokkuthies to the Achari.She also insisted them to do slowly.Achari gave a smile and said it will be paining since mokkuthies is big.They removed my mom's right side nose pin and was making big mokkuthies to sport her.He took big needle matching the new nose pin stem and heated it strongly.He then put the needle on my mom nose and pierced her but it didn't go so he forced and make the hole.on the whole process my mom and Athai was shouting and weeping.But Achari didn't give up they holded them and drilled hole and accomodated the big mokkuthies.It took around 40 min for right side nose.

I ll discuss what happened next a while later....

Nov 01, 2017
keerthi what happened further? NEW
by: Anonymous

keerthi what happened further as Today ita 2nd November. As per plan your mother really made you wear nose studs on both sides or only one side ? please let us know. We are eagerly waiting for your reply. Thanks in advance.

Oct 20, 2017
Keerti just Relax ...!! NEW
by: Anonymous

After nose piercings you will get lot males attraction. As now a days lot of young males like girls with traditional value and wearing nose studs on both sides. Ear top piercing is very much common nowadays. Piercing is one time pain only after that for whole life you can wear or not wear nose studs as per your choice. Don't worry it will pain for 1-2 days max.

Oct 18, 2017
nose piercing NEW
by: Anonymous

Keerthi !

It is our customs to keep nose pierced at least one side. it is good fortune and good luck to their wealthy life if a girl pierced nose and sport with mookuthi.

once you pierced you will feel your luckiness.

please write your story after piercing your nose.

God Bless You!

Oct 18, 2017
Piercing Fever NEW
by: Anonymous

My name is Keerthi, residing in Chennai
In my family almost everyone has got their nose pierced.Once I was studying in my final year MSc.Today we went to our relative house in Chennai itself.Its have been years since we visited them because of some family fight.Now the issue have sorted. When we went there I was surprised to see my cousin Geetha who was having nosr pierced both side.Even I saw my mom noticing it. My dad and few others left to near by place. Myself,my mom and geetha,and geetha's mom was left. Slowly my mom started the topic.We came to know that geetha has completed her studies and now awaiting for her groom hunting process. My mom asked y she has got nose piercing both being so young.Her mom answered it's her grandmother wish so she was forced to get it. It was done in her 12th standard holiday in house itself by her Patti and aunt.She was not at willing to sport but she was forced,holded by all and atlast she got her nose decorated with single stone diamond stud.After completed her college we made her to wear big size mokkuthi.She also said there was so many benefits because of this. She started avoiding to go out ,staying indoors so she started learning house works.Also it avoids male gazing at her.

Soon my mom said it's good.So she said soon she will pierce my nose on both sides too. I was shocked. She said after this Diwali she will pierce me.My chithi also requested my mom to pierce my mom's left nose which was empty. My mom told ok. On some day in this month we would visit them to get all piercing done.My chithi also said on the same day she will make Geetha to have second ear and top ear piercing which she was already thinking to do.

I was tensed. I could see geetha face red in tension.
Soon we both will be undergoing the pain

Oct 12, 2017
Nice NEW
by: Anonymous

Nice to read the comment i appreciate you and your mil for under standing the feeling of your child even i got same interest when i was 10 but my bad luck my desire was not fullfilled due to family back ground atlast my wife noticed while i am playing her studs since she came with studs on both nose which makes me to play and started watching her nose always even she sleeps one day she discussed the .matter with her mom then they planned to pierce my nose one sunday they showed me tiny stud and said they will pierce i asked them how can i wear in outside they replied no need to worry they will explain all relation and foegg one week i will get some comment after i will get adjusted on hearing their idea i said i am ready my mil pierced and my holded my head after finishing i saw my nose in mirror i got tears in my eyes because unbeleivable thing happen
ed in my life after one year she pierced my septum daily in night she replace ring in my septum and she pull with rope tied and call me buffalow i like her playings now its third year for nose stud

Oct 10, 2017
Nose Piercing Of Both My Son & Daughter Cont. NEW
by: Shreya

Yeah, you are right. He was the one showed too much interest in nose piercing and I just did it for him. I never wanted to pierce his ear, that was my mil's idea, he didn't opposed it, so we did that too. The one thing I really didn't wanted was the second sets, even he opposed a little, but mil insisted and I couldn't say no to her. All five piercings were done in the same day and none of them were removed after. He is pretty much used to them. Seconds sets and nose have single stone gold studs, with nose stud being slightly smaller, they looks really good on him. The studs in the lobes are bigger with stones. Me and my mil are planning to change them into either small jhumkas or one inch golden hoops with stones, which will happen in the coming week. No more teasing is going on with his friends. At least once in a week I inspect and tighten them. All of us are happy.

Oct 10, 2017
Very nice NEW
by: Anonymous

Hi shreya very nice job you have done if you not pierced your sons nose he may be worried for being born a boy it will remain in his heart as unfullfillness life the same experience i got in my life when i am. 8 my sister got her nose pierced right side from that day i stsrted admiring the shine in her nose often i use to fix stone sticker in my nose and started enjoying in mirror but no one noticed this practice followed for years even after my marriage i insisted my wife to pierce her nose she got her right nose pierced from that day my interest developed more in me so without knowing my wife i got press type stud in my cupboard i used while i am alone one day i slept with two side stud placed. my wife returned and knocked the door i am in deep sleep so she opened the door with spare key and saw my nose took a photo and went to kicthen and started cooking when i awake i removed the stud and went to kitchen because of cooker noise she never opened the topic i got confused we both spent the evening in tv in the night i played with her nose stud as usual and slept next day night my wife called me to bed room and made me to lie in her lap and showed two finger and asked to touch one i touched her center finger she showed me two tiny nose stud and said she will pierce my left nose and septum i feel more happy but without showing my expression i asked are you joking she laughed at me and showed the photo on seeing the picture my face changed dark in shy she laughed again and said dont worry i will pierce your nose so from today you can enjoy the life with stud i shaked my head ok gen
tly pierced my left nose and stud fixed with feviquick i asked why with glue you are tightening she replied i cant remove even if anyone laugh or giving commant then she pierced my septum after finishing she kissed in my piercing and showed a mirror stud shinned inside my nose on looking some feeling happened in me i hugged my and stayed for 1 hour she
Asked me why i hied so for i replied i feel shy to say i want wear nose stud she pinched my nose with love

Oct 07, 2017
Nose Piercing Of Both My Son & Daughter NEW
by: Shreya

I'm shreya, mother of two. I have two piercings each in my ears and also my left nose is pierced. Recently, I took my daughter, who is 12 to pierce her nose, and her left side was done, like me she also have two piercings each on her ears . When we reached home, my son, who is 10, showed too much interest in his sister's nose. He touched, flipped, looked inside and even pinched her nose all the day. I found that he is too much interested in it, so in the night, when he was looking at her nose again, I asked him the big question. Did you like it? He felt too shy. So I went to my room and came back with a spare stud and placed near his left nose. He didn't say anything but I was already made up my mind. In the morning I took him to the same place where his sister's was done. He was reluctant first, but I somehow managed it. His left nose was pierced and a small single stone stud was fixed. He cried a little. When we reached home, my mil saw it, and scolded me, but seeing him so happy she too agreed with it. She also have left nose piercing with two in each ears. When my daughter came from school she was too happy to see her brother. We were having tea, when we noticed our similarities. All of us have our left nose pierced. And we three ladies have ears double pierced. Suddenly mil suggested to pierce his ear. I was surprised to hear that, I did the nose, thinking that to remove it soon. What will I tell my hubby? I asked her. We will remove them soon, he won't know; she replied. My hubby is working in Italy and won't be back till the next year. Some of his friends already have earrings, so he didn't much complain. Finally, I agreed to it and we three took him to the same place in the evening, again. We chose a pretty big round earring with stones and pierced his lobes. He didn't cry much. When everything was over, he stood up, but mil stopped him. Do one more, so that we all look the same; she said. That wasn't planned. And he was scared, but at last we did it. His ears double pierced and a bigger single stone stud was fixed in the second holes. his sister was in heaven. Me too liked it. After a while, he was happy. We were planned to remove it after a week. But, we postponed it, because we ladies liked it so much. His friends call him mookuthi boy (nose ring boy). It's been a month now, still he has all of them. Still my hubby doesn't know. My mil told me that she will take care of it.

Sep 30, 2017
change it NEW
by: rekha

pls translate into English as soon. We are waiting for your English post.thanks.

Sep 25, 2017
Tamil heroins mookuthi Bullaku podunga NEW
by: Anonymous

Ippa irukura Tamil heroine la yaruku double side mookuthi and bullaku potta nalla irukum..... Ippa irukura heroin la oru sila perudhan mookuthi potta madhiri nadikiranga example Anushka Arundhati Baahubali la kalakiruppanga Nayanthara rendu mookuthi pottu Malayalam la oru movie act pannanga,Sneha,nithya Menon,Shriya lam Bullaku pottu sundi iluthurukanga,kurippa Shriya mazhai padathula Kuchi karuvadu song la Bullaku yepdi aatti yella ilaingar manasellam sokka vachanga... Ippa irukura kajal agarwal,shamantha, thrisha,thamanna,Keerthi suresh, sridivya,innum young heroins lam movie mookuthi pottu nadichanga na Padam pakuradhuku ponnunga manasula oru trend form aachina adha pathuttu ippa irukura girls Ku lam mooku kuthikanum nu aarvam varum..... But apdi Padam yedukuradhu illa.... Tamil ponnunga yellam mookuthi podanumna cinema heroine yellarum yedhchum Oru movie la rendu mookuthi potta madhiri act pannalo Bullaku potta madhiri oru song pannala podhum neraiya ponnunga mooku kuthipanga.... Rendu mookuthi pottuka kuda chance iruku... Yedhachum function marriage lam kuda young girls lam Bullaku pottuttu minnuvanga..... Oru heroine glamour ah nadikiradhuku badhila. Variety ya mookuthi nosering Bullaku pottu nadichanga na bayangara sexy ya irukum.. .atleast add nadikira actress kuda Bullaku potta madhiri nadichanga na innum super ah irukum.... Namma culture kapatha padum... So yella actress rendu mookuthi pottu Bullaku pottu nadinga.....sila heroines lam unmaiyave ungaluku mookuthi kuthuna nalla pls all cinema and serial actress please mookuthi Bullaku pottu nadinga... mudinja unmaiya kuthikonga...songs lam saree suitable Bullaku pottu nadeenga.... Keerthi suresh Chennai silks add la bullakku pottu irupanga, adhey yellarum follow pannunga girls.... Unga level Vera level.....



Aug 28, 2017
very good NEW
by: Anonymous

very nice idea of your mil but here after all benifits will be enjoyed by you and your life partner

Aug 14, 2017
congratulations priya NEW
by: Anonymous

congratulations priya. Sport double nose studs proudly. All female members in your family must be sporting double nose studs so no need to feel shame of it . Double nose studs makes a women more beautiful. wear it with proud. Thick stem cell will make hole bigger so afterwards you can wear multi studded nose studs i.e. besthari easily. or i will say start wearing it from now onwards. so you will become comfortable from now onwards. best luck. And best wishes for married life.

Aug 14, 2017
congratulations priya NEW
by: Anonymous

congratulations priya. Sport double nose studs proudly. All female members in your family must be sporting double nose studs so no need to feel shame of it . Double nose studs makes a women more beautiful. wear it with proud. Thick stem cell will make hole bigger so afterwards you can wear multi studded nose studs i.e. besthari easily. or i will say start wearing it from now onwards. so you will become comfortable from now onwards. best luck. And best wishes for married life.

Aug 12, 2017
Trapped Piercing NEW
by: Anonymous

I'm Priya from Tanjore. At the age of 15 during my 10th standard holiday I went to my mama house. Actually my mom n Mami has planned to do nose piercing for me and my Mami's daughter ritu. We were not informed about it. They went for shopping n bought us saree and imitation jewellery. That night after dinner,my mom said tomorrow they have a small function in house for me n ritu. We stared at each other. They said they are going to do mukku kuthu for both of us as per family tradition. I started weeping. But my Mami said it will done as now itself all female members are questioning us y Priya n ritu nose not pierced. My mom also added once I reach 18 they ll marry me to Shyam (Mami's son).So as a bride I should start putting mokkuthi.

Next day morning my and ritu were decorated well in saree. I could see Shyam giggling at us passing comments. I can see him ready with the phone to record the event.Few ladies from our relatives were invited.We were fed with a glass of milk to have. I can see two Achari awaiting to drill holes for us. I was looking so tensed.I can feel ritu body shaking in fear.But I know we couldn't escape.Shyam started recording the video. We were made to sit down. Achari came and marked my nose but he marked both sides. I was shocked and questioned mom y he is marking both sides. My pinched me and asked to keep quiet.I came to know we were trapped. They have planned to put mokkuthi both sides. He got the nose studs and prepared to pierce me The needle was positioned on my right nose and with one push my nose was pierced and I can feel the stud on to my nose. My eyes got watered. He tightened the screws which was giving more pain. I can hear ritu screaming in pain. My mom asked him to continue. Similarly my left nose was pierced with same procedure. Two single stone mokkuthi was decorated over both of us. But I could feel pain more. My Mami giggled and said mokkuthi stem is purposely made thick inorder to accommodate big size mokkuthi later.Myself n ritu become so tensed hearing such comments.

Jul 15, 2017
Looking for Matrimony NEW


I am looking for a traditional girl for 25 year old Tamil Brahmin male living in Trichy. The prospective bride will be expected to wear double nose studs, septum ornament, thandatti in ear lobes and atleast 5 piercings in each ear after marriage.

The groom's sisters, sister-in-law, mother all wear double nose studs, septum ring and thandatti in lobes. Therefore, this is the expectation from the bride.

If you would like your sister, sister-in-law, cousin or friend to become traditional, through this marriage, contact me at with the following details.

Place of residence:
Native place:

Traditional girls can also contact me at this email id. You need not wear these ornaments already. Groom's family will provide the ornaments. Only Brahmin girls should apply. This is a genuine requirement.

Girl should be a graduate. May or may not be working.

Jul 01, 2017
Nice NEW
by: Anonymous

Hi indrani i bought two studs one three drops below a single stone and for septum one single stone stud yesturday my mom made my wife to sit in front of her and with cewing needle ,14 gauge she pierced my wife right nose i holded her both hands backside stud placed along with needle with tears her nose got stud after 10 minutes gap mom pulled the septum and pierced with same needle this she kept quite because the pain is not that much but my mom laughed because no one in my family with septum pierced my mom mil grandma all got double nose stud each one was 14 to 16 stones my dad got his nose pierced at his 3 rd age due to wov since he is only boy in hole family still now he got the stud in his nose i am very lucky to get a wife who obeys my wish i said next month her left nose will be decorated with dimond stud she shaked her head ok

Jul 01, 2017


Jun 29, 2017


Jun 28, 2017
Nice NEW
by: Anonymous

Thanks for your information i showed your opinion to my wife she now accepted to gdt her nose and septum piercing today itself we are going to buy nose stud one for right nose and other for septum. Tommorow my wife get her nose pierced i feel very happy and eagerly waiting to enjoy our life

Jun 28, 2017


Jun 07, 2017
why NEW
by: NEW

are u male or female?I need treditional long septum pendent. ..have you??how and who pierced your BOTH NOSE? who are u brieif correctly. ..soon

Jun 06, 2017
by: Anonymous

Hi I am double nose pierced guy due you want free nose stud contact me 9841077365

Jun 05, 2017
Brother and sister NEW
by: Anonymous

I am 12 year old boy and my sister 18 one day my mom said to my sister her will be pierced comming friday she simply denied not interested my mom got anger and shouted be ready my sister started weeping i said its just a five minutes pain so dont worry she replied if its not paining that much first you get your nose pierced in front of me then i will accept but this should not be known to mom i said ok on friday morning we three went to goldsmith my mom made my sister to sit in front and marked the spot my sister asked a bannana my mom went to buy a bannana imediately my sister made to sit and said the goldsmith to pierce my nose first he laughed and said he is a boy she replied i know proceed he asked me its real i said yes then he pierced my nose and the stud fixed which was bought for my sister my mom entered and saw my nose pierced and stud used to my nose my mom shouted my sister and goldsmith i said mom dont worry i accepted to support my sister but still she never stoped her anger she made my sister to sit in front and said to pierce both nose she bought two big studs in same jewelry shop and fixed on my sister nose due to fear she kept quite after finishing she got promise from us not to remove our stud because of cheating her i asked how i will wear when i grow big she said untill my marriage i have to wear after if its left to my wife decicision she sujjusted to fix the stud with gum so the inner thread cant be removed easily after everything over we came home out saying anything after one week my said sorry to me for making permanant piercing i said i am ok mom because of my nose stud you and my sister showering love towards me all praised my mom for piercing two sides to my sister i got lot of girl friend due nose piercing i liked the comments from them so i started playing with girls now its eighth year i belong to village so no one made fun i got funk which suits my face i dont know how my future

Jun 04, 2017
treditional NEW
by: Rahul

very nice to see.thanks a lot jalaja.Much respect for your daughter and for you...actually I think in hole India even kerala to north everywhere nose and septum piercing are common. but BOTH NOSE AND SRPTUM piercing are common some or few places like Southern parts of India.but In your story you said YOUR daughter like western's a matter of sorrow maximum indian septum piercing it's your won tredition not weastern.they just took loan from's only fashion for them but it's the pride,tredition,religious sign for correction it pls.again I think septum pendent is shoe types are looking ugly and weastern for you.but you are INDIAN so be an Indian at change it to a pendent. this suggesion only for you. not for your mom is a teacher. she already pierced her both nose.and next durgapooja she will pierce her septum by treditional way with thick needle and shewing thread. our area their are some piercing studio. but mom hate it.she said treditional way is mandatory cause some ritual are following by treditional's has lot of religious my grandma will pierce her septum by treditional way with thick needle and shewing thread. ..she is now septum skin is maybe hard. so mom said if need tied her with rope.but she is just obsessed to take deathly pain.and my next plan my wife will pierce both 3.but she already pierced her right nose and 5×2 ears..and she is smart,highly educated but treditional. so as soon same way her septum will pierce by treditional way. and put a middle weight pendent there.I'm waiting for that dreamy days ......yes it's must for all woman cause septum piercing and septum pendent both are much need to complete sex life.about my 100%% friend said same ...the are smart family but septum piercing a request for all.if you need 100% happy in bedroom. ..pls don't wast time...AS SOON PIERCE YOUR WIFE'S BOTH NOSE AND SEPTUM! !!!!!!

Jun 04, 2017
septum piercing of me and my daughter NEW
by: Anonymous

Hai I am jalaja srinivas acharya,a working lady from Kochi,Kerala. Me and my 22 years old daughter saswata wears septum ring for 2 years now. Let's share my storu., I have pierced my nose before my marriage and second ear piercings.after my daughter was born with her I got my ears pierced 3 times saswata have 4 ear piercings. My ears have 3 at the lobe, one at middle carriage and one at cartilage. So my daughter she likes western culture , and piercings. When she started go college, she secretly said he have to pierce her septum . I denied her, because septum piercing is uncommon in Kerala and people will blame me. My elder son was working abroad. That year he came to leave. Saswata said him about septum piercing, he said its very common in outside India and he made a promise to her that he will pay for her piercing. And said mom you also join her. I again denied . but they two started to compelling me to get pierced at last I agreed to my kids. So two weeks after we three gone to jewellary and we selected horse shoe type jewellary made in gold. First saswata sat in front of the piercer and he gentle pierced her septum with needle and inserted the ring. Her eyes got watered but she only smiled. Next was my turn I sat in front of the piercer and he started on my nose he pushed the needle through my septum I cried like a baby and tears started to flow. Then he inserted the gold ring through my septum. I got cry more than before. After we returned home my son said that mom septum ring suites beautiful on you than saswata. I looked at the mirror yes it is glowing on my nose. When I going for job I hides the ring inside my nose, but my daughter she proudly shows off the ring every time. I enjoying the look with the piercing for two years

Jun 03, 2017
Hi salma NEW
by: Anonymous

Hi salma my husband likes nose nose pierced women so my mil searched bride with nose pierced but she cAnt find a nice girl at last she selected me with a condition I should get my nose pierced my mom said after marriage she can pierce as they wish so third of my marriage my mil and took me to jewellery shop and selected four drops below a big single stone I am new to my family so I kept quite that time my husband came near to my ear and requested me to get both nose pierced I can't say no I shared my head ok so he selectees 8 stone red color stud to my left nose that time one Nepali family came to buy ear rings two girls got their left nose and lengthy septum jewel looking very nice I showed to my husband he started admiring her beauty I felt guilty and said you are my would'be don't enjoy others beauty he replied if I get septum pierced he will become slave to me from today I said I am ready I selected one nose stud for my septum temperarly we returned home my mil called a old lady for piercing she came with needle and thread I asked her when I can wear nose stud she said after one month I said I want now itself she said with thick needle it is possible but it will pain more I said ok proceed I brought a rope and said tie me in a post my mil said non need she will hold me so sat in front of my mil she folded my hands back and holded my head the old lady took a chewing machine needle and pierced my right nose and pushed the stud top piece with four drops it entered my nose and she tightened the inner thread my eyes watered after two minutes my left nose pierced my showed the mirror and said open my eyes I said I will watch after septum piercing she flipped my nose and pierced my septum there is oo that much pain like nose piercing she said septum skin is very thin so it won't pain that much she placed nose in my septum at last I watched my new attire I feel strange of my self my husband and mil thanked me for obeying their words she kissed my fore head. My husband kissed my nose and gave letter he will be slave to me I can order him for any thing he made me lye in his laps and admiring my inner thread I felt shy he never allows to get up even if my mil call me I am enjoying my life with little pain and more joyfully

Jun 02, 2017
complite woman NEW
by: Salma

Hi all,HOW r you?thanks for reaply. actually i said my all experience and procedure of my both nose piercing. but I and we want to know about your BOTH NOSE AND SRPTUM piercing story or procedure or experience. the procedure of your BOTH NOSE AND SRPTUM piercing pls share with us.such as who and HOW PIERCED your BOTH NOSE AND SEPTUM? by local way or in beauty porlur or piercing studio.actually I'm not septum pierced but want it as pls tell me the procedure of your septum piercing. how is it painfull! !!how many women hold you to control you?are they tide your hand or leg with rope??is it possible to pierce with needle and shewing thread? ?what kind of septum jewellary are u using now?heavy pendent? simple ring?or non vesiable ball??? is it lokking you old???actually I want it keenly but frightend for pain.again muslim are not allowed for septum piercing. my mil and no inlawx pierced their both nose piered by local way BY long shewing needle and shewing thread. so didi brief us everything about your both nose and septum piercing. ....we are keenly waiting for your very next post. ..thaks to all.. I WANT TO A REALL AND COMPLITE WOMEN BY PIERCING MY SEPTUM.PLS HELP ME PLS PLS PLS...

Jun 02, 2017
complite woman NEW
by: Salma

Hi all,HOW r you?thanks for reaply. actually i said my all experience and procedure of my both nose piercing. but I and we want to know about your BOTH NOSE AND SRPTUM piercing story or procedure or experience. the procedure of your BOTH NOSE AND SRPTUM piercing pls share with us.such as who and HOW PIERCED your BOTH NOSE AND SEPTUM? by local way or in beauty porlur or piercing studio.actually I'm not septum pierced but want it as pls tell me the procedure of your septum piercing. how is it painfull! !!how many women hold you to control you?are they tide your hand or leg with rope??is it possible to pierce with needle and shewing thread? ?what kind of septum jewellary are u using now?heavy pendent? simple ring?or non vesiable ball??? is it lokking you old???actually I want it keenly but frightend for pain.again muslim are not allowed for septum piercing. my mil and no inlawx pierced their both nose piered by local way BY long shewing needle and shewing thread. so didi brief us everything about your both nose and septum piercing. ....we are keenly waiting for your very next post. ..thaks to all.. I WANT TO A REALL AND COMPLITE WOMEN BY PIERCING MY SEPTUM.PLS HELP ME PLS PLS PLS...

May 30, 2017
Nice NEW
by: Anonymous

Nuce to see new topic and salma your coments are great i think all women should get their septum pierced so they all can enjoy sex life i got my double nose and septum pierced by my husband request because of his interest we both enjoying our life since life is once so dont esitate us for oTVhers opinion go head

May 30, 2017
both nose piercing NEW
by: Salma

hey why you left side stop.both nose piercing is very good for proper blood circulation. I'm muslim and a college teacher.before marrige I pierced my right nose. But after marrige my mil said left nose piercing she likes. even my husband like it most.but I like right after discussion I said i want both.first of they Lough. but after some days mil arranged my left nose piercing january 31,, 2017.treditional way they pierced it by thick needle and 4 folded shewing thread. 4 woman's need to hold me.I'm 32 so the skin was more heard.I was crying like a new born grand mil said right side heavy hold nosepin and left side gold ring will suit after healing process mil cut the thred and open the knot.but it was painfull. so my sil holded my head.I like big nose in occasion i wear only ear top.but wear a simple nose chain left side and wear big nose pin right side.about all wedding programs everyone said I'm looking better than In college my colligue and student all like it .and said don't remove any side.even some hindu and muslin student pierced their BOTH NOSE like me.somebody pull both is it possible fake or reall???SO now my new plan after 40 I'll pierce my septum with thread and needle. and wear a long pendent here like varathnatyam dancers.that time i dont know how painfull and how many women needs to control me. SO A MESSAGE FOR YOU PLS REPIERCED YOUR LEFT NOSE AND SRPTUM ALSO. I KNOW SEPTUM PIERCING IS RELATED WITH SEX ORGAN.PLAY A HAPPY LIFE WITH BOTH NOSE AND SRPTUM ALSO. SO DON'T BE NERVOUS.SAY TO YOUR HUSBAND AND YOUR MIL.THEY WAITING FOR YOUR OPINION.THANKS A LOT......SALMA---SAVAR,DHAKA ,BANGLADESH

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