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Nose Piercing-shy to do it

by Keerthana


My husband insisted me to pierce my nose.I said no and I dont like that.After that he dint insist me.Now,im curious to have nose piercing but im shy to ask for it.
Any suggestions pls.

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Feb 22, 2017
Very nice NEW
by: Anonymous

You are very lucky guy to get a double nose pierced members in your family

Feb 18, 2017
amma and sister gets double mukkuthi NEW
by: Anonymous

Hai I am ramesh from trichi,my family includes dad,mom and my younger sister. Mom and my sister pierced their nose together me and dad were witness of their nose piercing. Since my childhood my mom wears a diamond stud on her right nostril. According to her she got it pierced when she reached puberty,by her Patti. Mom wears two ear piercings in each ear and toerings and anklets too. So to the incident.when my sister turned 18 a proposal came for her, my family liked the boy and we fixed the marriage.after her engagement one day after supper we are watching TV my sister said to us" mom, my would be wants me to wear nose stud on other side too" she already got her rightside pierced when she was 15. Mom told" if you want you get it"
Dad also agreed them.then mom said" I also likes it I fantasized about it since my childhood, after seeing ms subbulakshmi"
" mom if you getting it I will get company at my home"
" sure dear"
So they planned to get when we purchasing gold ornaments for sister. After one month one week before we gone to jewellary shop for purchasing gold. Sister puchased two threestoned stud for her nose, and golden anklets ,and toerings. After seeing her mom also bought one pair gold anlets and toe ring.then she bought a Redstone stud for her left side. Dad paid the bill of all ornaments including the above items. Then we gone to the aachari near to the jewellary. Mom told him the she and sister want to pierce their nose. First my sister sit infront of him and given the mukkuthis he changed her old stud and put new one and then pierced left side with new one she sreamed, but after he tighten the inner screw her face got a smile of appreciated her, next was moms turn she sat in front of him and he pierced her nose. To our surprise mom opened her bag and take two set of ear studs and said him to pierce her ears. He marked little above her existing piercing and one at the ear top. Then he pierced her ears two times. She didn't cried, she was smiling all that time. After that reached and sister discussed about the piercing and ornaments. Both theirs nose was red in color and moms ears was sore.they started to inspect the ornaments and mom started to remove her anklet to wear the gold one, she removed it quick then she started to remove her toering. But it didn't came out sister also tried it. But she can' they called me for help. Moms feet were on table she said to help her. Then I taken her feet,and tried it won't came out so I put some oil on her toe fingers and pulled it came said" I am wearing this for 22 years and changing for first time. Her toe nails was painted in red color and soft. She gave me the new gold toe rings. I inserted them. Then I asked her " mom can I put the anklets too"
" oh yes"
She gave me the anklets and I put it on her feet's. Now her feet become more beautiful.she giggled her feet's against dad and me. Sister asked mom" you gave us a surprise mom you pierced your ears"
" I always liked to wear more studs but I didn't get a chance to it"
" any way it looks nice mom" I said
" I got it because I like sania Mirza's ear studs, she wears more than five"
" oh mom you such a crazy, even I don't thinked about it"
When on my sisters marriage, mom and sister was wearing mukkuthis on bothsides and mom wesring four earstuds. Its been 4 years mom and sister pieced their noses. After that mom got pierced her ear one time to make it five. And following mom my sister is also pierced her ears 3 times

Jan 31, 2017
Same side NEW
by: Anonymous

I am enjoying my strange look many boys attracted my nose stud on same side they never seen before my friends flipped my nose to confirm its real or fake they praised me for tee and setter in our area my close friend got her nose pierced in same type in her right nose we both planned to our septum next week we selected two tiny stud so it won't be visible to any one except us

Jan 27, 2017
be modern NEW
by: Anonymous

if you are a modern girl same side nose piercing is ok.but as the tredition is back again so you have to pierce your septum by any how.cause as far I know marraid and unmarried girls are now starting this tredition again. even a lot females are now piercing their nose and septum by treditional way like their mom and grandmother. maximum smart ladies said septum piercing is related with sex organ. so some of them remove their septum pendent when go out.but they put that pendent as soon night and eagerly Waite for sex time.even my mil pierced my both nose and septum by treditional way with thick needle and shewing thread. it was much pain but after 30 days all ok.and restart new metromonial life.that new time no sorrow only pleasure you can fill.but if you pierced your all 3 sides it's easy to take maximum pleasure from your husband from your first pls pierced all 3.GO AHEAD.THANKING BY FOOJIA

Jan 25, 2017
by: Anonymous

Hai I am a modern girl my mom forcing me to pierce my nose I simply avoided so she fed up and left me instead of me she asked my sister she just 12 only last week my mom and sister went to jewelry shop I asked them can I join them but they avoided me they returned in the evening my sister got a tiny red stone in her nose looking cute to her I praised her looking nice yaa she turned her in a unusual method which pinches my heart for five days my mom and sister became very close I felt lonely so yesterday I called them and said I want to get my nose now itself so we all went to same shop I selected very tiny stud two piece my mom asked me why you selected two is it for ears I kept quite we went to basement I gave the stud to the piercer and to pierce my same side he said he never done before I marked the spot he pierced and placed the stud I saw my nose in mirror it looks cool my mom and sister started blinking I enjoyed their look I smiled I my way by making them shame

Dec 21, 2016
My double nose stud NEW
by: Anonymous

How is the three nose piercing experience on 20th.please put it on here.

Dec 18, 2016
Thanks NEW
by: Anonymous

Thanks for suggestion I tried this method my husband liked my new attire he bought two studs for my nose on 20 dec he taking me to Asari to pierce my nose both side I am tensed

Dec 15, 2016
Nose piercing shy to get it NEW
by: Anonymous

I have a good different sujestion at channi you will get press type studs and press type bulaki buy them and put them on .the moment he see you he will start pressing you for piercing. Goodluck

Dec 15, 2016
Nose piercing shy to get it NEW
by: Anonymous

Dear sister it is ok to ask your husband he will be thrild to know that you are ready for both nose piercing jewelry and septem piercing jewelry.get it done . don't feel shy husband is your man.

Oct 22, 2016
feeling NEW
by: Anonymous

My wife like the shape of my nose so daily she compelling me to pierce my nose both side I feel shy to wear nose stud I don't know how to convience my wife

Oct 22, 2016
feeling NEW
by: Anonymous

My wife like the shape of my nose so daily she compelling me to pierce my nose both side I feel shy to wear nose stud I don't know how to convience my wife

Oct 15, 2016
Shy to say NEW
by: Anonymous

I am 24 year old guy from my child hood I like nose stud I fix sticker in my nose after my marriage Ionesco day my wife saw me single stone in my nose she laughed and never gave any commant I felt shy and slept without seeing her face next day we went shopping there my wife took me jewelry shop and she selected one tiny stud I kept quite while returning she holder my hands and entered to goldsmith and made me to sit in front and she marked my right nose and she gave the stud the pierced laughed and asked really I blinked she said proceed then he pierced my nose stud fixed with inner thread she gave 100 rupee I asked her how can I wear in public she answered don't bother I will manage the same day she took me all our friends house and said she only made the to wear nose stud every one praised me for fulfilling wife desire I gave lot of kiss to her nose stud she gave kiss to my nose stud I liked the feeling from that day from life started in joy

Sep 06, 2016
congratulations NEW
by: Anonymous

first time seen a girl saying proudly wearing nose stud in class very first one.Always feel proud for Following our rich old Tradition like u did it this post. Don't ever hesitate to follow our tradition. Be a traditional with pride. Also think about multiple i.e. 6 ear piercing too instead of only two.

Sep 06, 2016
congratulations NEW
by: Anonymous

first time seen a girl saying proudly wearing nose stud in class very first one.Always feel proud for Following our rich old Tradition like u did it this post. Don't ever hesitate to follow our tradition. Be a traditional with pride. Also think about multiple i.e. 6 ear piercing too instead of only two.

Sep 05, 2016
First in my class to pierce nose NEW
by: Neha

My name is Neha. Our family is originally from Rajasthan. My grandfather shifted to Chennai when he was young to start a business. Our family runs a cloth store.
My nose was pierced when I was just 6 years old. I vaguely remember it. It was done during the summer vacation between I and II std. I was wearing a gold wire during the vacation. When the piercing healed, the wire was taken out, and a gold ring was put. The gold ring looked cute as it had tiny coloured beads of various colours. Red, green, white, blue etc. I still have an old photo of me wearing this nose ring with beads. We call nose ornament as nath.
My mother says that I used to play with my nose ring all the time. I think I was wearing this during my II std. I was the only one in my class with nose piercing, and I was the only north Indian too. My teachers used to say that I was very cute with this nose ring. In north India, girls noses are pierced very young like me.
My mother was worried that other children might pull my nose ring and my nose would pain. So when I went to III std, my nose ring was changed into plain gold stud. At around age of 10, my mom changed it to a medium size stud with coloured stones. It had red, green and white stones. It is a common design worn by north Indian women, but not by south Indians.
I wore the same stud till I finished school. Only in VII std, 2 other girls of my class got nose stud. Till then I was the only one to decorate my nose.
Almost every week or so, my mom would check and tighten my nose screw. As I was a little girl, I didnt know how to do it. When I entered teenage, a 2nd stud was added to my ears.

May 26, 2016
Information needed NEW
by: Keerthana

Vanitha...from where u got this info right nose piercing reported with hair there any more advantages for right nose piercing..please share

May 26, 2016
Thanks NEW
by: Keerthana

Thanks for your ideas folks..will surely try it

May 26, 2016
left nose NEW
by: Anonymous

please go for left nose piercing and you can use one at a time like me i use change once in a week znd while going temple i use go with two mookuthi

May 24, 2016
go for Left nostril piercing. NEW
by: bela

You should check in other jewelry shops about Left nostril piercing. Simply get your Left nostril pierced without giving any idea to your Husband and See his expressions wearing you double nose studs.
See mukkuthi corner corner on Facebook. You will love it . Any husband who is telling his wife to Pierce nose will love to watch double nose studs on his wife's nose. Or u can wear nose ring and nose stud. You will personally love it

Or u can wear nose stud on alternate side i.e. only on left side or right side as per your or your husband's wish

May 23, 2016
Finally nose piercing done with my husband NEW
by: Keerthana

My husband is very happy that I pierced and also said I'm looking beautiful after piercing...he asked me to pierce right side only...Im feeling really excited that iam wearing mookuthi...I thought of wearing it on left side..but piercer told he is able to pierce only right:( I'm just wearing a single stud with white stone now

May 22, 2016
congratulations NEW
by: bela

hi, congratulations to u after long time u finally did it, what was u r husband reaction on it???
Did he said to pierce on both side or on left only or right only ??
how u r feeling now?? u r husband must be very happy seeing u wearing mukkuthi. what kind of mukkuthi u r wearing now ?? u can try 8 stone or 13 stone besari ... also think about rettai mukkuthi ....nose studs on both side.

May 22, 2016
Finally nose piercing done with my husband NEW
by: Keerthana

Vanitha,yes I have pierced my nose at last on may 22...right side piercing it is.since piercer told it is possible for him to pierce right side I pierced right side..otherwise I would have gone for left side...happy that I pierced my nose finally .:):):)

May 22, 2016
Finally nose piercing done with my husband NEW
by: Keerthana

Vanitha,yes I have pierced my nose at last on may 22...right side piercing it is.since piercer told it is possible for him to pierce right side I pierced right side..otherwise I would have gone for left side...happy that I pierced my nose finally .:):):)

May 20, 2016
double nose piercing NEW
by: vanitha

I hope that you would have pierced your nose by now. i have read that most of the men are mad about nose piercing. nowadays piercing has become a lovable fashion among all people.
when right nose is pierced ,it has been reported that growth of hair is improved.the results are very good when the piercing is done at a earlier it becomes a growing fashion among foreign people.
if you have not pierced , do it immediately

May 20, 2016
double nose piercing NEW
by: vanitha

I hope that you would have pierced your nose by now. i have read that most of the men are mad about nose piercing. nowadays piercing has become a lovable fashion among all people.
when right nose is pierced ,it has been reported that growth of hair is improved.the results are very good when the piercing is done at a earlier it becomes a growing fashion among foreign people.
if you have not pierced , do it immediately

May 17, 2016
Get it pierced and enjoy your piercing daily NEW
by: Anonymous

please pierce your nose as soon as possible..dont worry about anything..just ask your husband and get it pierced with him...enjoy your life with nosepiercing

Oct 21, 2015
Thanks NEW
by: Anonymous

Hi all, thanks for your advise...I'm still not prieced my nose due to shyness and I'm busy with office and home...just got a thought to pierce my nose now.. Will do I as soon as possible...

Again thanks for sharing ur knowledge

Nov 28, 2014
shy nose piercing NEW
by: Anonymous

Hai iam same like you at first i also denied when my husband asked about my nose piercing after 5 months later i saw my husband always watching out side women nose with stud this makes my mind to get my nose pierced but i felt shy to tell my wish to him so one i went along with my mil to jewelry shop my mil selected one thalluku mookuthi which glitters i said it looks little big but my mil said it will look great to my nose so i left the choice to her we both went to basement there i saw a newly married girl getting her nose piercing so i started watching her she got right side pierced and got thalluku mookuthi same like model which looks very sexy to her face she showed to her husband his eyes got tears and said he will become slave every day imediately she asked if i get one mookuthi you have to be slave even in night he accepted and she got one besthri on left side and got kiss on both mookuthi in front of every one this made me to become same like her so i said to my mil to get one besthri and got my two nose pierced and got two mookuthi with surprise even to my mil after piercing we went to our home my husband came late night and found my nose with two mookuthi he imediately started kissing me and said he became slave to me

Nov 28, 2014
surprise nose stud NEW
by: Anonymous

I think you should get your nose pierced with your friend and show to your husband on seeing you with two nose stud shinning in your face he will become slave and shower lot of love towards you try today itself

Nov 28, 2014
Don;t delay to get nose stud NEW
by: Anonymous

Get your nose piercing without delay. Nothing to get shy. you can tell your husband that when you asked me to pierce my nose i did not pay attention. i am very much interested to do it now. he will love you. you will see much difference once you pierced your nose. your husband will listen whatever you say to him. he will be slave to you. he will get more affection on you because of nose stud. your sex drive will be more. give me feedback once you pierced your nose. you will see why you delayed so far. many girls experienced once they got nose stud.

Nov 27, 2014
Don't be shy NEW
by: Anonymous

just don't be shy and get it done on both sides and give very good surprise to u r husband....He will never say no to u for anything
.....Will be very kind n loving to u for whole life....

just go n get Double besthari ...
or u can get help from u r mom or MIL.....they will be very happy to hearing your nose piercing decision..

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