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nose studs both sides on husbands nose

iam tamil guy in trichy my got her nose pierced both sides and it looks nice to her due to my interest on her nose studs i use to ask her how you are carrying with out any hesitation she told me its not at all a problem if you want to experience it you can wear it for few days i said how its possible suddenly she removed her stud and she tied my eyes with a cloth and pierced my nose right side and placed her stud and fixed the screw inside and shown me a mirror it looks very nice on my nose i said why not left side also she laughed and pierced my left nose and fixed her stud now iam a double studed guy and i asked her how long can i wear it she replied that she only will remove it untill then i have to carry those studs on my nose i thought for that whole day but she still now not removed it since 6 years iam with her studs for few days with my relation and my friends made me fun i said in a bet i got a punishment so i cant avoid now every one got adjusted and my life style is with both nose with studs only out side people have a strange look and very few use to ask me why you are with nose studs i use a say just to encourage my wifes wish

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Dec 06, 2023
மூக்கு குத்துதல் NEW
by: Anonymous

எனது நண்பன் இரண்டு மூக்குத்தி போட்டு இருக்காங்க அதை பார்க்க எனக்கும் போட்டுக்க வேண்டும் என்று ஆசை வருகிறது எனது மனைவியிடம் சொல்ல தயக்கமாக இருக்கிறது எப்படி சொல்வது என்று யோசித்துக் கொண்டிருக்கிறேன் ஒரு நாள் அவனை எனது வீட்டிற்கு அழைத்துச் சென்றேன் என் மனைவி அவன் முகத்தையே பார்த்துக் கொண்டே இருந்தால் நான் அதை கவனிக்காமல் இருப்பது போல் நடித்துக் கொண்டிருந்தேன் அன்று இரவு என் மனைவி என்னிடம் என் நண்பனின் மூக்குத்தி பத்தி பேசிக் கொண்டே இருந்தால் தனது மூக்கத்திய கழட்டி எனது மூக்கின் அருகில் வைத்து பார்த்தால் அவளுக்கு மிகவும் பிடித்த போகவே எனக்கு மூக்கு குத்து வேண்டும் என்று ஆசைப்படுவதாக சொன்னார்கள் நான் அவள் பேச்சை தவிர்க்கவே மாட்டேன் எப்போதுமே மறுநாள் காலை கடைக்கு சென்றோம் அங்கே இரண்டு மூக்குத்தி ஒற்றை கல்லை செலக்ட் பண்ணி எனது மூக்கில் கொத்த சொன்னாள் ஆசாரி குத்தி அதை போட்டு விட்டு தென்காளியை நிரந்தரமாக இருக்கும்படி செய்ய சொன்னால் என்னை கண்ணாடி முன்னிறுத்தினால் எனக்கு என்னை பிடித்து விட்டது அன்று முதல் அவள் என்னை அதிகமாக கொஞ்ச ஆரம்பித்தால் எனக்கு இது ரொம்ப புதுசாக இருந்தது இருந்தாலும் பரவாயில்லை நல்லா இருக்கு என்று சம்மதித்துக் கொண்டேன் தாங்கள் வெளியூரில் இருப்பதால் யாருக்குமே தெரியாது நான் அவளுக்கு இரண்டு பெரிய மூக்குத்திகள் வாங்கி கொடுத்தேன் அவர்களால் மறுக்க முடியாததால் அவளும் குத்திக் கொண்டு அதை அணிந்து கொண்டால் எனக்கு இந்த பேர் புதிய வாழ்க்கை ரொம்ப பிடித்து விட்டது

Mar 16, 2022
A man with multiple piercings NEW
by: Anonymous

I am a man having multiple piercings in my ears plus a piercing on my nose. I had my first piercing when I was a teenager, when piercing was not common among men. I moved from piercing to cross dressing which l really enjoyed. I wish I still have opportunity to cross dress today so I can fully publicly make use of my piercings. I live in a country where cross dressing is outlawed. Are there men who have similar experience to share to encourage me?

Mar 12, 2022
My piercing story NEW
by: Anonymous

l am a man who so much loves piercings. My love for piercing dates back to late 70s. ln summary, today I have 4 piercing in my left ear, 3 in right ear and 1 in my nose on left. I had pierced pierced the left side of my nose before I knew that the right side is usually. I have no problem with the piercings, though they make me feel shy occasionally when I suspect somebody is looking at them. But as matter of fact, they do turn me on.

Mar 12, 2022
My piercing story NEW
by: Anonymous

l am a man who so much loves piercings. My love for piercing dates back to late 70s. ln summary, today I have 4 piercing in my left ear, 3 in right ear and 1 in my nose on left. I had pierced pierced the left side of my nose before I knew that the right side is usually. I have no problem with the piercings, though they make me feel shy occasionally when I suspect somebody is looking at them. But as matter of fact, they do turn me on.

Feb 09, 2020
My wish NEW
by: Anonymous

My wife was ok when I said I wanted a nose piercing. First she thought it was a standard ring but I said I wanted a stud. At first she was a bit uncomfortable with the idea but now seems to like it. I have asked her to pierce it for me. She will insert the stud but not pierce herself. I'm happy with that. I will save my request for her to close a septum ring on me for later I think

Feb 01, 2020
Pierced couple NEW
by: Anonymous

A few years ago I asked my wife if she was ok If I got a nose stud. Wasn't impressed at first but she grew to like it so much she wanted me to get one on the other side. Now I wear a diamond stud both sides and never wants me to remove them. I wanted her to join me so recently I was proud to click her septum ring on permanently. I have added small ornaments to at tech to her septum ring that touch her top lip and make it more noticeable. We both like our new look

Feb 01, 2020
Pierced couple NEW
by: Anonymous

A few years ago I asked my wife if she was ok If I got a nose stud. Wasn't impressed at first but she grew to like it so much she wanted me to get one on the other side. Now I wear a diamond stud both sides and never wants me to remove them. I wanted her to join me so recently I was proud to click her septum ring on permanently. I have added small ornaments to at tech to her septum ring that touch her top lip and make it more noticeable. We both like our new look

May 21, 2016
wonder nose NEW
by: babu

iam a 40 year old man. i too interested in nose and other body piercings. l am having 25 piercings in various unusal parts of my body.l would like to see your photo or contact you

Oct 22, 2015
Earings NEW
by: Anand

I also wearing big size 7 stoned studs for the past 4 years.

Dec 28, 2014
Nose fethish NEW
by: Anonymous

Hi I seen a story about nose fetish my friend also nose fetish he also pay lot who will shown her nostril in online chat he spend more money I don't know what his happy of any intrested girl,house wife,lady contact with his email

Apr 30, 2013
by: Anonymous

Iam a chennai guy when i was 14 my sister was 16 my mom took her for nose piercing she not allowed to pierce her nose like this my mom compelled her 5 times and failed one sunday the piercer came to our home that time my sister was in deep sleep my mom called me and said to help her my self and my mom tied my sisters hand back side without knowing this she turned in the bed and found herself tied and started asking why you tied me my mom told its for nose piercing she started shouting then my mom tied her mouth and then piercer pierced her right nose after finishing we untied her but she gave me a slap for helping my mom then mom got angry and she order the piercer to pierce the other side also i holded her hands and my mom holded her legs this incident made my sister so greedy and waited for the time while my self and my sister where alone on that night she tied my hands and legs then she pierced my nose both sides next day my mom came home and seen me tied and my nose pierced my mom shouted at her for this job any how i said i will wear this nose studs like her so she will become cool and she be my best friend on hearing this my mom eyes got tears still now iam with nose studs even after marriage i explained to my wife she accepted my nose piercing and she too got her nose pierced both sides to become a matching couple

Apr 08, 2013
husband with nose studs NEW
by: krishna

I am very excited to read that so many boys are having nose studs but I have not seen any body in India with nose studs.I donot know if it is true or just stories.

Apr 08, 2013
nose stud in husband nose NEW
by: Anonymous

uptill now I have not seen any boy wearing nose studs.I presume these are all false stories.If there is any one please disclose your identity.

Feb 21, 2013
piercer NEW
by: Anonymous

i am a goldsmith....i pierced hundreads of nose and per my experience if u r over 35 yrs your nose is very thick and you feel lot of pain while piercing...but all types of ladies want this magical ornaments...yes it boosts your sexual ability...indian piercings are quick and simple...many western people crying we aree not piercing hygine...not true we are doing this for thousends of years...they are doing now,our climate and our peoples skin makes the healing process fast...needles are sterilised using a flame etc...many ladies are ready to pierce many holes at one sittings,only the moodern so called girls talking about fainting ,screming,worst pain i ever had etc...indian style of screwing the nose pin inside is best thing .it helps the wearer forget about it is there...and does not hurt inside...lots of ladies are piercing both sides of nose nowdays....many not wearing together ,but they wear inside house and they use left and some times right policy...spectum piercings are common now..girls are ready to wear it outside...another advantage is that the hole is not seen when removing..ear top piercings are little difficult and painfull...but very a lot of womens are doing advice is do not pierce nose those below 10 yrs old...because they will mess it up and later the hole will be very big....

Feb 21, 2013
my nose NEW
by: Anonymous

they used my nose as a sexual part...i met lot of nose fetish people...they paid me a soon as they enter my room they start torture and love my nose ,ears and other pierced parts...they rub it,kiss,pull it,suck it hard ,they they put their tounge inside my nose,bite my nosepins screw indide,,and rubbig with their private part on my nosepin and relive on my nose is big ,thick and stright,...they used to beat my nose with their finggers,my nose will will turn reddish...they like to see it,they pull my nose pin,spectum rings,and they beat on my beautiful thick ear lobs...i also started likeing it...usually they comes with new types or nose pins and earrings and they remove my older ones and put new..then stary playing on nose holes are little biggernow because of this play...they do all things to my nose as they do to a female genitails...they pierced my private parts also...they like to see me wearing all the ornaments in my body and standing in front of them..they are very rich and ready to spend money on this fetish....i have 4 piercings in nose (2 holes at one side )8 holes in each ears..,2 toungh bars,lip ring,belly ,nipple and 9 piercings in my genital area....

Feb 17, 2013
husband got two mookuthi NEW
by: Anonymous

One day went to a marriage in a village there we saw the couple getting their nose piercing on the stage itself this made my self and my wife more tempting my cock got full erection even my wife said he got some sexy feeling on seeing the guy getting nose piercing in the same night we both discssced about her nose piecing she accepted to pierce her nose so i pierced her nose one side but she compelled me to pierce other side also so that she can bear the pain on same day i did and inserted two mookuthis on her nose it looks more matching and sexy after 11 days of piercing she asked me to get my nose pierce i cant avoid her wish so i said iam ready to get from your hand on one condition my eyes should be tied so she tied my eyes and pierced my nose left and then right and even my septum also i liked very much she gave many kisses on my piercings now more than 4 years iam with two mookuthis

Feb 13, 2013
I married nose pierced guy NEW
by: Anonymous

My marriage was fixed he is a village guy and he had a besthri in his nose it suits his face my mom told me me about this since i have not seen him he said its his custom of piercing last sons nose in his family so he is the last son so he was carrying this stud until his life time on my marriage i noticed his nose it looks cool he said he can remove the stud by fixing a retainer i replied no problem i will ajust your nose stud but all of my relation said as a wife i should get my nose pierced since my husband with nose pierced and wife without nose stud looks awkward so no other way i accepted to pierce my nose on first night from my husband hand he pierced left side and in the morning i showed to my mil she said i should wear stud on right side only being a mistake i got on right side next night i showed to my mil since i never removed the left one because it has to heal so it will take 8 days on looking me with two mookuthis she gave lot of kiss and said not to remove left one so iam with two nose studs since then all are prising my new look even iam adjusted with two mookuthis

Feb 04, 2013
by: Anonymous

my said not to show my photo it will make many wife to pierce their husbands nose like me

Dec 31, 2012
Nose Piercing Both Side NEW
by: SK

Very Nice,
I am also both side nose piercing.

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