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Nose studs both sides

This is how it happened. My wife showed me the multi stone nose stud brought for her by her mother. It was really nice and I asked her why do you want this extra nose stud when you are already having one. She replied that this is for her second nostril. She didn't stop with that and asked me whether i would like to have one on my right nostril. Her mother was watching all these conversations and said she would be happy to gift, if I am really interested in it.

As a tit for tat I replied saying I would like to have Tanajore style piercing.My wife and m.i.l were surprised on hearing my reply and were inquiring whether I was really interested in it. I replied 'not very much'. Though I started this topic on a very casual manner now, the conversation turned out to be a hot topic.

After two days my wife got her second nostril pierced. It is now stunningly good to her face and again she inquired about my desire to have my nose pierced. In this, her mother also joined and promised to give multi stone studs to me if I am ready for nostril piercing. My wife asked me to decide faster. Initially I refused thinking how others would react to this.

After few days I decided to have these nose ornaments (since I was also fascinated on seeing others nose piercings)and told my wife to arrange for these, if she has no inhibition. She informed her mother, who in turn asked whether I was ready for this. When I said yes,

she called her friend to my house who is working in the nearby jewelery shop.

The lady came with a box and asked for whom the piercing was to be done. When my wife pointed out me, she was surprised for few minutes and then got it confirmed from me also about the process. Then she asked me to sit on the floor and took out a big needle to pierce my nose. Mean while few more ladies from my neighbor houses also arrived to our house, on seeing the lady from the jewelery shop.

I was little nervous then, since every ladies eyes were on my nose but at the same time enjoying the good feeling in me. My wife marked the point on my nose and then the lady pushed the needle gently on to my nose from one side to the other. The needle came out from the other side but the pain was unbearable. Then she put the multi stone nose studs on both sides plus the septum ring.

The lady and the neighbors all suggested to pierce my ear lobes also, as otherwise mere nose studs may not look nice. To comply with their suggestion I said 'yes' and piercer lady completed my ear piercings also. When I saw my face in the mirror after these piercings, it is looking really good. Every other ladies were praising me for this bold decision to please my wife.

My wife is insisting me to wear them regularly, and I have made it a point to wear all these jeweleries whenever occasions demand like festivals, marriage and other holidays.

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Dec 29, 2023
மூக்குத்தி NEW
by: Anonymous

எனது பெயர் விஜய் இதுக்கு மூன்று வயதில் மொட்டை அடித்து காது குத்தினார்கள் இரண்டு காதிலும் தோடு போட்டு இருந்தேன் எனது அம்மா என்னை தோடு உடனே இருக்க வைத்தார் நான் பத்து வருடமாக அதை கழட்டாமலே இருந்தேன் எனக்கு அது வித்தியாசமாக தெரியவில்லை எனது ஆசை மூக்குத்திக்கும் மாறியது நான் மூக்குத்தி போட்டு கொள்ளட்டுமா என்று என் அம்மாவிடம் கேட்டேன் உனக்கு ஆசையா இருந்தால் போட்டுக் கொள் என்றார் எனக்கு ஒரு ஒற்றை கல் சிறிய மூக்குத்தி வாங்கி கொடுத்தார் நான் என் அம்மாவுடன் சென்று மூக்கு குத்திக்கொண்டு அதை போட்டுக் கொண்டேன் என்னை யாரும் கிண்டல் செய்யவில்லை எனக்கு திருமணம் ஆகும்போது எனக்கு வரும் மனைவி அதை ஏற்றுக் கொள்வாரா என்று தெரியவில்லை அதைப் பொறுத்துதான் எனது வீட்டில் முப்பத்தி இருக்குமா இருக்காதா என்று எனக்கு தெரியவரும்

Jun 07, 2018
Big stud NEW
by: Anonymous

I am a colloge going guy i got big stud in my left nose since 2008

Mar 02, 2017
7 Stone stud earrings NEW
by: Anand

I am 56 years male working in Chennai, I am wearing big size white 7 stone studs (total weight 9.4 grams) since 2009.

Mar 02, 2017
7 Stone studs NEW
by: Anand

I am 54 years male working in Chennai. I am wearing big Size 7 (total weight 9 grams) since 2009.

Mar 02, 2017
7 Stone studs NEW
by: Anand

I 54 years male working in Chennai. I am wearing bi Size 7 (total weight 9 grams) since 2009.

Dec 28, 2016
Thanks NEW
by: Anonymous

Thanks to read a post by obeying Indian girl

Dec 18, 2016
My double nose stud NEW
by: Anonymous

I am Kannada girl with double nose piercing jewelry and exclusive septem bulaki .got all this as gift from my mil which belong to her mil.t hey are very heavy but I am used to them hubby love it hence I never remove them. I am his .I love him a lot. My age now is 26.

Sep 22, 2012
by: Anonymous

my girl friend want to pierce my nose since she likes nose studs but she doesnt have one in her nose instead she want to fullfil her desire through me so she pierced my nose one side it looks nice to my face and she want to pierce other side also so i said after one week you can pierce exactly afr\ter one week she again pierced other side of my nose we both arew very lucky since we are so understanding

Sep 17, 2012
by: Anonymous

my husband with two nose stud before marriage

Aug 30, 2012
sonali with golden nose NEW
by: sagorika. u.k.

hi sonali how u tk breathing with two nose pin?how u pierce ur nose in early age?HV UR MOM AND OTHERS THIS TYPE OF PIERCING?how and who pierse u?did u pierce both in same time?plz reply

Aug 14, 2012
nose studs both sides NEW
by: Anonymous

MY nose was not pierced before marriage my husband wants to pierce my nose i love him very much so i cant say no for any thing he wants to pierce my nose both sides i said its your face and nose also yours you can do what ever you want he pierced my nose right side and after 6 days he again pierced my left nose and inserted diamond stud and gave 1000's of kisses i felt pitty because i too have only one nose other i can get one more 1000 kiss if had 2 noses

Aug 13, 2012
nose studs both sides NEW
by: Anonymous

Hai iam last son in my family today around 9am my mom and dad made to wear new dress and took me to our family temple their without informing me the arranged for pierceing my nose their lot of my relation were present for this ceremony so i cant avoid and the goldsmith marked the spot and showed to my mom and he pierced in front of my girl friend i felt ashsme but she encouraged me and said she likes my nose piercing and said get one more on other side so i informed my mom just to follow our tradition i can get other side also her eyes got tears and made me to pierce both sides and my girl friend likes it and said not to remove even after our marriage i promised her i wont remove from my hand if you want to remove that is your wish so till now more than 22 years iam with two studs in my nose only thing if any one newly watching use to comment and very few use to ask the reason while teenage girls saw my nose studs they will laugh at me and they wont change their eyes from my nose i liked it

Aug 09, 2012
nose studs both sides NEW
by: Anonymous

Hai its really a traditional function aptained in many parts of tamil nadu even my relations have done this function and pierced their sons nose in my place nearly 6 guys noses are pierced traditionaly no one will comment about this in villages there its more commen one

Aug 08, 2012
is it real??? NEW
by: digen

hi, sonali. You mentioned that u have got u r septum n left nostril pierced. is this a traditional or for fashion? can u plz give some additional details such as which part in india u belong? details of this tradition? u r view and other peoples view on it. pl do share. we are waiting for u r reply

Aug 08, 2012
is it real??? NEW
by: digen

hi, sonali. You mentioned that u have got u r septum n left nostril pierced. is this a traditional or for fashion? can u plz give some additional details such as which part in india u belong? details of this tradition? u r view and other peoples view on it. pl do share. we are waiting for u r reply

Aug 08, 2012
is it real??? NEW
by: digen

hi, sonali. You mentioned that u have got u r septum n left nostril pierced. is this a traditional or for fashion? can u plz give some additional details such as which part in india u belong? details of this tradition? u r view and other peoples view on it. pl do share. we are waiting for u r reply

Aug 07, 2012
nose piercing NEW
by: sonali roy

iam realy surprise to
read that male person like nose pin like our place only girls and women were nose ornaments.i have left nose and septum frm my age !3 years.

Jul 21, 2012
nose studs both sides TAMIL NEW
by: Anonymous

When i was 12 i took my moms nose studs [kept on the table while she took bath] and placed on my nose and started watching in the mirror my mom noticed this and asked me are you want to wear my studs i said yes iam being the last son in my family so my nose should be pierced since iam aschool going child this functio has been postphoned till my school period as i heard this i said i can have it even now my mom eyes got tears and she arranged for my nose piercing nearly 55 relatios and neighbour were present in my house now i feel shy to come out from my room my mom and sister in law adviced me no one comment its only traditional function so no worry after then i got my nose pierced on one side but i told my sister in law i want to wear both sides then every one laughed ar me because they arranged for one side only due to my wish i got other side one more stud

Jul 21, 2012
nose studs both sides NEW
by: Anonymous

When i was 12 i took my moms nose studs [kept on the table while she took bath] and placed on my nose and started watching in the mirror my mom noticed this and asked me are you want to wear my studs i said yes iam being the last son in my family so my nose should be pierced since iam aschool going child this functio has been postphoned till my school period as i heard this i said i can have it even now my mom eyes got tears and she arranged for my nose piercing nearly 55 relatios and neighbour were present in my house now i feel shy to come out from my room my mom and sister in law adviced me no one comment its only traditional function so no worry after then i got my nose pierced on one side but i told my sister in law i want to wear both sides then every one laughed ar me because they arranged for one side only due to my wish i got other side one more stud

Jul 17, 2012
nose studs both sides NEW
by: Anonymous

my girl friend wants to pierce my nose both sides being a tamil guy i dont know how my mom and others will treat so instead of saying no i asked her why you want to pierce mine since you are not having one she said she is ready to get right now and that too i should pierce her nose i cant belive it so imediately we bought 4 studs and needles and we both pierced others nose and i had a tiny studs on both sides on that night my mom noticed and apreciated me because now i look more polite and sexy and said not to remove certainly my nose should be pierced due to a vow of our god so my nose was already pierced when i was 3 and removed after 7 days due to study actually i should be with nose stud untill my life time now it is fulfilled by my girl friend so my fear was gone and now my mom use to change my nose studs with many models and iam enjoying my life with nose studs and with girl friend thank god

Jun 24, 2012
nose piercing on tamil woman nose NEW
by: Anonymous

Hi iam a chennai guy i always notice every one nose whether it is with stud or not like that i got more impressed on girls pierced nose i always avoid my neighbor teen girl but she felt sorrow and asked me why your not playing with me and whats the reason then i showed the other 4 girls face they all are with nose stud and looking so cute with gold on nose immediately she went inside and brought one needle and gold ear stud sat in front of me said i should pierce her nose now itself in front of all girls i got more excitement and pierced gently but with shivering her eyes got tears and all the girls clapped and enjoyed after piercing she looks very cute on nose stud atlast she asked can i join the game with you all we said now you all ways welcome this incident all my friend asked me are you love with her now she is my wife after our marriage she pierced my septum and stud placed inside unknown to others since she always play with my septum

May 15, 2012
My nostrill and spectum piercing by my wife NEW
by: Anonymous

Hi. My name is sameer it was an excelent story dear. My wiife has also pierced my left nostrill and spectum. She wears me the Maharastrian Nath and a spectum ring at night and ask me to wear a spectum ring and nosestud when we go out for a holiday. Even today she had brought me a new white gold nosering for my 24 th birthday on 19 may 2012 she loves me a lot so i cannot hurt her feelings for which i had allowed her to pierce my nose.

Hear is my nose piercing story. I got married to Minu on 27 jan 2011 against our parents openion as we both loved eachother and our parents were opposing us. So we opted for this step and started our life in kharghar (mumbai) where i asked minu to prerce her nose and she agreed but want me to pierce her nose when she is sleeping and convinced me for that. One night at 1 am i got up to drink water and after drinking water i remembered my wifes words so i took the injection needle and put a napkin on her face so i cant see her expression on her face and Pierce her nose gently she wokeup and slapped me for that then she put the nosering herself and was wacthing it for half an hour then she said sorry for the slap. And weboth were laughing for the insident. After few days while i was wacthing Tv my wife came to me and put a fake nosering on my nose and she said its looking nice then she insist me to pierce my nose and not stopped till i was convinced then the next day she bought a needle and a tiny nose stud she asked me to sit on chair and close my eyes then she put the sharp end of the needle on my left nostril and pushed the needle so gently that it passed even from my spectum I pushed her away because of pain then she told that she has closed her eyes to as she will not able to see the pain on my face. She then saw that the needle has passed from my left nostrill and even my spectum so she first put the simple golden wire in my spectum and then the nose stud in my left nostrill and took promice from me that i will not remove untill the holes are permenant.

Feb 14, 2012
Nose studs both sides NEW
by: SK

I have laso same piercings in Both Nostril, Septum and Multi Ear Piercings. I appreciate to everybody those have desire to piercings like this.

Feb 13, 2012
Nose piercing both sides NEW
by: Anonymous

you are really a lucky guy to get a wife and mil like this how you manage in public and friends daily are getting any good comments are laughing at you because i got double side and double septem but i use wear while in night with my wife alone out side i use broom stick to keep the holes retain

Jan 16, 2012
Two nose stud NEW
by: Anonymous

You are really great sir

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