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மூக்குத்தியின் சிறப்புகள்

by XXX

ஹிப்னாட்டிசம் செய்பவரை விரட்டுமாம் மூக்குத்தி
By vayal on 10/09/2014

‘வாழ்தல் உயிர்கன்னள் ஆயிழை சாதல்
அதற்கன்னள் நீங்கும் இடத்து.’
- ஆராய்ந்தறிந்த நல்ல அணிகலன்களை அணிந்த இப்பெண்ணோடு சேர்ந்திருத்தல், உயிர், உடலோடு சேர்ந்து இருக்கும் வாழ்வு போன்றது. இவளைப் பிரிந்து வாழ்தல், உயிர் உடலிலிருந்து நீங்கிச் சாதலைப் போல் துன்பம்
ஓர் இளம்பெண் அணியும் அணிகலன்களிடையே, நன்கு ஆராய்ந்தறிந்து மங்களகரமாக அணிவது, மூக்குத்தி தான். மூக்குத்தி அணிந்திருப்பதே ஒரு பெண்ணிற்கு பெருமையும், கவுரவத்தையும் கொடுக்கிறது.
உலகம் முழுவதும் அணியப்படுகிற உடைகளாகட்டும், நகைகளாகட்டும், அவரவரின் நாகரிகத்தை பறை சாற்ற, தங்களை முன்னிலைப்படுத்த என்பதற்காக தான் இருக்கும். ஆனால், இந்தியப் பெண்கள் அணியும் மூக்குத்தி, அழகுக்காக மட்டுமல்ல; ஆரோக்கியத்தின்
குறியீடாகவும் கருதப்படுகிறது.
பெண்களின் உடம்பில், தலை முதல் கால் வரை, நகைகளை அணியலாம். ஒவ்வொரு நகைக்கும், ஓர் அர்த்தம் உண்டு. மூக்குத்தி, பெரும் பணக்காரர்கள் மட்டுமல்ல; பரம ஏழைகள் கூட கண்டிப்பாக அணிகிற ஒரு நகை.
மூக்கு என்ற மனிதனின் ஓர் உடல் உறுப்பு, வாசனை நுகர, சுவாசிக்க மட்டுமல்ல, பல ஆராய்ச்சிகளுக்கு பின், மூக்கு, ‘எமோஷனல், செக்சூவல், ரொமான்ட்டிக்’ போன்ற உணர்ச்சிகளின் ஆதாரம் என, கண்டுபிடிக்கப்பட்டுள்ளது.
மூக்கு குத்தும் போது அழுத்தம் கொடுக்கப்படும் நரம்பு, மகப்பேறு சமயத்தில், சுலபமான, வலியில்லாத குழந்தை பிறப்பிற்கு வழிவகுக்கும் என, இந்திய
மருத்துவ ஆராய்ச்சி கூறுகிறது.

மூக்கு குத்தும் இடம், பெண்களின் உற்பத்தி திறனை செம்மைப்படுத்துவதாக அமைய வேண்டும் என்கிறது,
மூக்கு குத்தும் இடத்தில் நரம்பு செம்மையாக இருக்கிறதா, அதை காயப்படுத்தாமல் குத்த முடியுமா என்பதை, மூக்கு பகுதியை தொட்டவுடன் கூறும் கைவினைஞர்கள், அந்த காலத்தில் இருந்தனர். அவர்கள் கையால் மூக்கு குத்திக் கொள்வது தான் பாதுகாப்பானது;
சரியானது என்று, பெண்கள் நம்பினர்.
சரி, மூக்கு குத்திக் கொள்ள தயார் என்றாலும், எந்த பக்கம் குத்திக் கொள்வது என்ற கேள்வி எழுகிறது. வட இந்திய பெண்கள் இடது பக்கமும், தென்னிந்திய பெண்கள் வலது பக்கமும்,
மூக்குத்தி அணிகின்றனர்.
ஆனால், இரண்டு பக்கமும் மூக்கு குத்திக் கொள்வது சாலச் சிறந்தது.
ஆனால், இடது பக்கம் மட்டுமாவது மூக்குத்தி அணிவது நல்லது. பருவ வயதை அடைந்தவுடன் அணியப்
படுகிற ஒற்றை மூக்குத்தி, மாதவிடாய் பிரச்னை ஏற்படாமல் பாதுகாக்கும் என, சொல்லப்படுகிறது.

திருமணத்திற்கு பின், இரண்டு பக்கமும் மூக்குத்தி
அணிவது நல்லது.
தலைப்பகுதியிலிருந்து வரும் வேகஸ் நரம்பு, பெண்ணின் கர்ப்பப் பையை தொட்டு செல்கிறது. உடலியக்கத்தின்போது உருவாகும் நச்சு வாயுக்களை, இந்த நரம்பு ஏந்தி வந்து, மூக்கின் துளை வழியே வெளியேற்றுகிறது. மூக்குத்தி அணிவதற்கான துளை வழியாகவும், இந்த நச்சு வாயு வெளியேறுவதால், பெண்களின் உடலில் சூடு அதிகம்
இன்றும், கிராம வயல்களில் நாற்று நடும் பணியில், பெண்கள் தான் அதிகம் ஈடுபடுகின்றனர். ஆண்களின் கைகளின் வெம்மை தாளாமல், நாற்றுகள் கருகி விடும் என்பதால், வாதத்தன்மை கொண்ட குளிர்ந்த கைகளால், பெண்கள், இப்பணியை செவ்வனே செய்கின்றனர்.
மூக்குத்தி அணிந்திருக்கும் பெண்கள் மீது, ‘மெஸ்மரிசம், ஹிப்னாடிசம்’ போன்றவற்றை பிரயோகிக்க முடியாது என்கின்றனர், கண் மருத்துவர்கள். மூக்குத்தி அணிந்தவர்களின் மூளையின் செயல்பாடுகளை, எண்ணங்களை கட்டுப்படுத்தி அடிபணிய வைப்பது மிகவும் கடினம் என்பதும், நிரூபிக்கப்பட்ட ஓர் உண்மை.
உடலிலுள்ள வெப்பத்தை கிரகித்து, நீண்ட நேரம் தன்னுள்ளே வைத்திருக்கக் கூடிய ஆற்றல், தங்கத்திற்கு உண்டு. தங்க மூக்குத்தி அணிந்தால், அந்த தங்கம் உடலிலுள்ள வெப்பத்தை கிரகித்து, தன்னுள்ளே ஈர்த்து வைத்துக் கொள்ளும்.
ஆரோக்கியம், மருத்துவ ரீதியான நகை என்ற மட்டில், சும்மா மாட்டிக் கொள்வது சரியாகுமா?
அகன்ற மூக்கு உள்ள பெண்கள், ஐந்து கற்கள் கொண்ட வட்ட மூக்குத்தியும், நீண்ட, சப்பை, குடமிளகாய் போன்ற வடிவம் உடையவர்கள், மூக்குத்தி போட்டுக் கொள்வதன் மூலம், அந்த குறை தெரியாதபடி சரி செய்ய முடியும். இவர்களுக்கு, சங்கு, முத்து மூக்குத்தி நன்றாக இருக்கும்.
கூர்மையான மூக்கு உடையவர்கள், இடது மூக்கில் ஒற்றைக் கல் மூக்குத்தி போட்டுக் கொண்டால், பார்க்க அழகாய் இருக்கும். வெறும் மொட்டு போல தங்கத்தில் போட்டுக் கொள்வது, எல்லா முகத்திற்கும் பொருத்தமாய் இருக்கும்.
சிவந்த நிறம் கொண்டவர்கள்,
பச்சைக்கல் மூக்குத்தியும்; மாநிறம் உடையவர்கள் சிவப்பு கல் மூக்குத்தியும்;
கறுமை நிறம் கொண்டவர்கள்
வெள்ளை கல் மூக்குத்தியும் அணிந்தால், முகம் வசீகரமாக இருக்கும் என்கின்றனர், அழகு கலை நிபுணர்கள்.
முடிவாக, மூக்குத்தி அணிவது, காலம் காலமாக நடைமுறையில் இருக்கும் ஒரு பழக்கம். இன்றைய பேஷன் உலகத்தில் கூட, இது ஓர் அங்கமாக தான் இருக்கிறது.
அழகிற்காக, பேஷனுக்காக என்றில்லாமல், இவ்வளவு ஆரோக்கிய பலன்கள் இருப்பதால், கண்டிப்பாக நாமும் மூக்கு குத்தி, மூக்குத்தி போட்டுக்கலாமே!

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Dec 18, 2024
மூக்குத்தி ஆசை NEW
by: Anonymous

என் கணவருக்கு மூக்குத்தி என்றால் ரொம்ப பிடிக்கும் என்னிடம் எத்தனையோ முறை சொல்லி பார்த்தார் நான் மூக்கு குத்தவே இல்லை ஒருமுறை ஒரு கோயிலுக்கு சென்றேன் இங்கு இரண்டு பெண்கள் சிறிய வயது தான் இருவருமே இரண்டு மூக்குத்தி போட்டு இருந்தனர் என் கணவர் அவர்களிடம் சென்று உங்களுக்கு இரண்டு மூக்குத்தி ரொம்ப அழகா இருக்கு உங்க கணவர் ரொம்ப கொடுத்து வைத்தவர் என்று புகழ்ந்து கொண்டே இருந்தார் அவர் பேசுவதை வந்து கவனித்த நான் அவரின் ஆசையை நினைத்து எனக்கு மூக்கு குத்தலாம் என்று முடிவு செய்தேன் கோயிலில் இருந்து வீடு திரும்பும் போது அவரை அழைத்துக் கொண்டு நகை கடைக்கு போனேன் ஒரு தலுக்கு மூக்குத்தி ஒரு ஒற்றைக் கல் மூக்குத்தி
வாங்கினேன் ஏன் இரண்டு மூக்குத்தி என்று கேட்டார் ஒன்று அப்புறம் மாத்தி போட்டுக் கொண்டேன் என்றேன் அவர் இரண்டு மூக்குத்தியும் வாங்கி கொடுத்தார் அருகில் இருந்த தட்டான இடம் சென்றோம் வலது மூக்கில் ஒற்றை கல் மூக்குத்தி போட்டுக் கொண்டேன் எனக்கு மூக்கு குத்துவதை அவர் வீடியோ எடுத்தார் சந்தோஷத்தில் அவர் கண்கள் கலங்கின எதையோ சாதித்தது போல் இருந்தது அவர் முகத்தில் எனக்கு கலர் வாங்கி வாருங்கள் என்றேன் வெளியே சென்று எனக்கு ஒரு பன்னீர் சோடா வாங்கி வந்தார் அவர் வருவதற்கும் இடது மூக்கில் குத்த சொன்னேன் தட்டானும் இடது மூக்குக்குத்தி தலுக்கு மூக்குத்தி போட்டு விட்டார் சோடாவை கொடுக்க வந்தவர் என் இரண்டு மூக்கில் மூக்குத்தி இருப்பதை பார்த்து சோடாவை கீழே போட்டு விட்டார் இரண்டு மூக்குத்தி போட்டோஸ் சந்தோசம் அவருக்கு பேச்சே வரவில்லை என்னை அனைத்து முத்தம் கொடுத்தார் அங்கேயே எனக்கு ஒரே வெட்கமாகிவிட்டது இதை வீட்டில் இருந்தால் உன் காலில் விழுந்திருப்பேன் என்றார் இதை கேட்டதுமே கண்கள் கலங்கின இது சின்ன விஷயம் இதற்கு எதற்கு இவ்வளவு புகழ்கிறீர்கள் என்றேன் என்னை உடனே அழைத்துக் கொண்டு போய் வீட்டில் வைத்து திருஷ்டி சுத்தி போட்டார் தன் அம்மாவிற்கு அக்காவிற்கு எல்லாம் போன் பண்ணி சொல்லி நெகிழ்ந்து போனார் அவரின் ஆசியை இவ்வளவு நாள் தள்ளிப் போட்டது எனக்கு கவலையாக இருந்தது இவ்வளவு நாள் உங்கள் விருப்பத்தை தள்ளிப் போட்டதற்கு என்னை மன்னித்து விடுங்கள் என்று சொன்னேன் இன்று முதல் உன் மேல் எனக்கு கோபமே வராது என்றார் அதைக் கேட்க என் கண்கள் குளமாகின அன்று முதல் என்னை மகாராணி போல் வைத்துக் கொண்டார் தினமும் என்னை அவர் மடியில் படுக்க வைத்து மூக்குத்தி ரசித்துக் கொண்டே இருந்தார் என்னை வைத்த கண் வாங்காமல் பார்த்துக் கொண்டே இருப்பதால் எனக்கு வெட்கம் அதிகமாகிவிட்டது எனது வெட்கம் கூட அழகாக இருப்பதாக சொன்னார் அவருக்காக இன்னும் எத்தனை முறை வேண்டுமானாலும் மூக்கு குத்தி கொள்ளலாம் போல இருந்தது என் மூக்கின் நடுவிலும் கொத்துகிறீர்களா என்று கேட்டேன் போதும் உனக்கு வலிக்கும் என்றார் பரவாயில்லை வாருங்கள் என்று அழைத்துக் கொண்டு போய் மூக்கின் நடுவிலும் மூக்குத்தி போட்டுக் கொண்டேன் என்னை படுக்க வைத்து மூக்கை தூக்கிப் பார்த்து மூக்கின் உள்ளே ரசித்துக் கொண்டே இருந்தார் அந்த சுகத்திற்கு அளவே இல்லை

Dec 17, 2023
மூக்குத்தியால் யாரும் திருமணம் செய்யவில்லை NEW
by: Anonymous

நானும் அம்மாவும் ஒரு திருமணத்திற்கு சென்றோம் அங்கு எங்களின் உறவுக்கார பெண் அண்ணன் திருமணம் ஆகாமல் இருப்பதாகவும் அவள் இரண்டு மூக்குத்தி போட்டு இருப்பதால் சென்னையில் இருந்து வரும் மாப்பிள்ளை வேண்டாம் என்று சொல்லிவிட்டார்களாம் மாப்பிள்ளைக்கு பிடித்திருந்தாலும் அவர்கள் அம்மா வேண்டாம் என்று தடுத்து விடுவார்களாம் அந்தப் பெண்ணுக்கு பெரிய மூக்குத்தி போட்டு இருப்பது அவ பாட்டி நினைவாக இவளுக்கு போட்டுவிட்டார்களாம் திருமணமும் நடக்காமல் அவளோட மூக்குத்தியும் கழட்ட முடியாமல் இருந்தார்கள் இதை கேள்விப்பட்ட எனது அம்மா இந்த பெண் பிடித்திருக்கிறதா என்று கேட்டார் உங்களுக்கு பிடித்தால் எனக்கு சம்மதம் என்றேன் அதோ நிற்கிறா பார் அருகில் சென்று அவளுக்கு தெரியாமல் பார்த்து வா என்றார் நானும் அவளை அருகில் சென்று நன்றாக பார்த்தேன் எனக்கு பிடித்திருக்கிறது என்று சொன்னேன் இந்தப் பெண்ணை பெண் பார்க்க சென்றோம் அவர்கள் வீட்டிலேயே பிடித்திருக்கிறது என்று சத்தமாக சொன்னேன் அதைக் கேட்டது அவளுக்கு கண்ணீர் வந்தது அறைக்குள் சென்று அழுதார் உள்ளே சென்ற என் அம்மா அழாதே என் பையன் பிடிக்கவில்லை என்றால் பரவாயில்லை நாங்கள் கிளம்பறோம் என்றார் அதைக் கேட்டதும் அந்தப் பெண் நான் அழகில்லை சந்தோசத்தில் ஆனந்த கண்ணீர் விடுகிறேன் இன்று என் அம்மாவின் காலை எழுந்து ஆசீர்வாதம் வாங்கினார் உன்னை இங்க ரொம்ப நாள் விட்டு வைக்க மாட்டேன் உடனே திருமணம் செய்து கொள்கிறோம் என்றார் ஒரு வாரத்திலேயே எனது திருமணம் நடந்தது வீட்டுக்கு வந்தவளை என் இரு கைகளால் அவன் கன்னங்களை தூக்கி இந்த சின்ன வயசுல இவ்வளவு பெரிய மூக்குத்தி போட்டுட்டு உனக்கு எப்படி மனசு வந்தது என்று கேட்டேன் எங்க குடும்பத்தில் வேறு பெண் யாரும் இல்லாததால் என் பாட்டியின் இத்தனை பெரிய மூக்குத்தி எனக்கே வந்துவிட்டது அதனால் நான் கழட்ட முடியாமல் இருக்கிறேன் இன்று பரிதாபமாக சொன்னா நீ ஏன் கழட்ட வேண்டும் நான் உன்னை மூக்குத்தி போட்ட இந்த முகத்தோடு தான் ரசிக்க போகிறேன் என்று சொல்லி முடிக்க முடியல அதற்குள் நான் கண்களில் இருந்து தாரைதாரையாக கண்ணீர் வந்தது இந்த அழகு ரசிக்க தெரியாதவன் அவன் தான் கொடுத்து வைக்கவில்லை எனக்கெனவே காத்திருப்பதால் இன்றைக்கு அது அமைந்துவிட்டது அம்மாவும் பையனும் ரெண்டு ஒருத்தருக்கு ஒருத்தர் சளைத்தவர் இல்லை என்ற அவளிடம் உனக்கு என்ன குறை என்று கேட்ட என்னிடம் இனிமேல் இந்த மூக்குத்தி வேண்டாம் என்றால் நீங்கள் கழட்டி விடுங்கள் வேண்டுமென்றால் வெள்ளிக்கிழமை நான் குளிக்கும்போது நீங்கள் தான் கழட்ட வேண்டும் நான் குளித்து வந்தவுடன் நீங்கள் தான் போட்டு விட வேண்டும் இதுவரை நான் கழட்டியதும் இல்லை போட்டதும் இல்லை இந்த நாள் எனக்கு கழுத்தவும் தெரியாது போடவும் தெரியாது எனக்காக இந்த வேலை கூடவா நான் செய்ய மாட்டேன் மிகவும் சந்தோஷமாக செய்கிறேன் என்றேன் மிகப்பெரியதாக அழகாக தெரிகிறது அதை பார்க்கும் போது என்னை என்னவோ செய்கிறது அவள் தலை நிமிர்ந்து வேலை செய்யும் போது நான் அவள் திருடனியை பார்க்க தவறியதே இல்லை தூங்கும்போதும் அருள் தருவேனே பார்த்துக்கொண்டே ரசிப்பேன் தங்களுக்கு என் மடியிலேயே படுக்க வைப்பேன் அவள் அடிக்கடி எனக்கு இப்படி ஒரு வாழ்க்கையா இன்று சொல்வாள்

Dec 22, 2017
painfull NEW

sorry for late.All done by painfull treditional way.first nephew circumcision program. THEN my both nose and septum piercing program completed.2" needle and 6 folded thread for nose and 3" neddle and 8 folded thread for septum. 5 lady decorated me with some flower ornaments. an old lady Mark my left nose little high.she said my nose and septum skin both fat and heard.SO it's gonna too painfull .my mom sis present here but hubby absent there.she can't listen my screem and cry. first they put pan LEAF into my MOUTH FOR stop SCREAM. I begged lot not to pierce me.they said it's mandetory.SO NO WAY TO IGNORE IT. I want to run.BOROMA said if try to run they will tied me like bull.they hitted both needle tip.first piercing my nose then septum.looking my screaming mom and sis said they will piierce their septum if banglades have any septum piercing machine.neither no way to pierce there septum. still now 14 THREAD into my 2 new hole. after 15 days they cut it and insert chilli stick there.after 2 months they will heng nose pin septum pendent both into both new hole with my far i know it's painfull MORE THEN PIERCING process. but I'm eagerly waiting for that day when hubby PULL pendent in sex time to fullfill happy salute for bangladesi smart female WHO PIERCING SEPTUM NOW. and that group increasing. BUT shame FOR indian female who don't know what is septum piercing? and importanc of septum piercing . THANKS A LOT

Dec 17, 2017
septum NEW
by: Anonymous

hi monira yesturday have younenjoyed the feeling of piercing tell us your experience soon i am a septum pierced tamil wife

Dec 08, 2017
it will vanish. NEW
by: Anonymous

monira it will painful for few days after healing you can wear different jewelry for whole life. So Just bear it and enjoy lot of jewelry for remaining life. And all your pain will be vanished after seeing your beauty increased by the piercings. So just bear it for few days

Nov 28, 2017
Painfull NEW
by: Monira Jaman

Hi all.This is Monira back.Maybe 16th December will be held that piercing and circumcision program.cause it's victory day and holiday in our Banglades.And about all abroad guest will come before 16th december.But allready all jewellary include our treditional septum pendent has delivered from jewellers.So now waiting for that day.but my NOSEPIN and septum pendent both are rather big.So I'm in heavy tension.How can i carry that deathly pain I don't know anything......

Nov 28, 2017
Painfull NEW
by: Monira Jaman

Hi all.This is Monira back.Maybe 16th December will be held that piercing and circumcision program.cause it's victory day and holiday in our Banglades.And about all abroad guest will come before 16th december.But allready all jewellary include our treditional septum pendent has delivered from jewellers.So now waiting for that day.but my NOSEPIN and septum pendent both are rather big.So I'm in heavy tension.How can i carry that deathly pain I don't know anything......

Nov 19, 2017
update from Nomira NEW
by: Anonymous

hi nomira good to see your post. what happened further ?? can you plz tell us in details
. would love to read .

Oct 20, 2017
painfull NEW


Oct 15, 2017
double nose piercing and septum piercing NEW
by: Anonymous

Hai monira I saw your post today. I am happy to give advise to you. First of all nose piercing of Muslim women is not compelsory as you said in your area it's compelsory. I glad to know that your mil had pierced septum. I have not tried septum piercing. But double nose piercing will suitable to you you can pierce it same time,With needle or piercing gun. I have both my nose pierced gold Smith. He used needle for piercing my nose. I also heard that septum piercing will help the sexual life as your grand mil said. So you pierce your nose one side or both then you can pierce septum.if you are going to pierce your septum use stud instead of ring. So you can hide inside your nose.

Oct 13, 2017
shre with me NEW
by: Monira jaman

Hi, assalamualaikium sis.I'm monira from Bangladesh.I'm Muslim like shafeena sister.I'm a school teacher in a rural area.I'm marriaed for 3 months husband is a banker.I'm always afraid with before marriage my only 2 ear piercing done.not others.I wered a big false nose chain at my wedding and reception. but at my akhdh cheyromoni my in-laws gave me a big gold NOSEPIN but it was impossible to wear that time csuse no hole on nostrils. that they simply angry but not too much.all is well aafter marrige as ususal.but after about 2 months of weadding thay arrange my little dil s ear and nose piercing. she is about 13 years they planned after her piercing my mil septum done with thick needle and 6 folded's mandotory in some rural area of bd.4 women cover her.she is highly energetic like wrestler. so they tied her hand and leg like bull
an old lady pierce her septum.she screemed like a bull.and too much cry.actually me and sil also crying that time.when thread passing she almost jumping buffalo. then they tied a knot.then my grand mil said after 1 month they will piierce me like mil with same big needle and shewing thread.they said in older age our skin will too heard so it is so difficult to pierce.and it is related with sex life.that said when husband pull your septum pendent that time sex is 100%fullfille some old lady said it'll a plus point for sex pls clear the sec concept.but as a beautician pls say why need THICK SWING NEEDL and shewing 6 folded thread? at my young age how can i bear pain?how can it suit me with 2 nose piercing? is it mandatory in islam for married wonens? and is it possible to pierce NOSE AND SRPTUM together at same time.I'M EAGERLY WAITING FOR SAFEENA SISTER ANS.AND ANY BODY HOBE MY AND IF POSSIBLE? MY HUBBY SAID HER GRANDMA IS RIGHT.SO PLS HELP ME.MY FRIENDS HELP ME PLS.

Oct 02, 2017
new trend NEW
by: Anonymous

hi now old fashion is getting trend yesturday i saw a teen girl with jeen and t shirt when i reached near i saw three stud in her left nose then i cant believe she got big single stone on right nose looking more homly attractive with fashion dress makes me look her beauty for long time imdont know how appreciate her i explained to my wife first she felt hanger after few minutes her face changed red so stopped the topic and went to sleep next day evening i returned home she came with coffee i got the coffee and saw her face i cant believe her both nose glitters with diomond studs on both nose i dropped the coffee cup and lifted her and gave lot of kiss in her both studs she shouted in pain i thanked her for piercing she said from today i should not watch other woman nose promised her from that day we both enjoying our life

Sep 29, 2017
double nose piercing NEW
by: Anonymous

Hai I am shafeena abdulla from Kerala,i am bridal makeup artist. I belongs to double nose pierced group since is this April.So after my marriage and having my son I got my left side pierced. Since then I used to wear different types of nosestuds. As a beautician I liked to search new trends. And also loved to wear nose stud no one in my family and husband's family wears nosestuds. In this this year after seeing one of my friend silja wearing another nose stud on her nose. I found it would be beautiful. So in this April I pierced my right side with a diamond stud. After piercing the other side my husband and both my sons got surprised. My kids are grown up so there is no looking back. My husband and kids appreciated me for my courage to wear nosestuds on both sides. Now i am using two big diamond stud on my nose because my I have broad nose. I invite all of you who likes both nose pierced women to support my facebook page. ( Shafeena puthiyaveettil abdulla) and my business page ' bridal makeup by shafeena. Thank you.

Sep 26, 2017
Pls Translate in English NEW
by: Anonymous

Pls Translate in English so all of us can understand

Sep 25, 2017
Tamil heroins mookuthi Bullaku podunga NEW
by: Anonymous

Ippa irukura Tamil heroine la yaruku double side mookuthi and bullaku potta nalla irukum..... Ippa irukura heroin la oru sila perudhan mookuthi potta madhiri nadikiranga example Anushka Arundhati Baahubali la kalakiruppanga Nayanthara rendu mookuthi pottu Malayalam la oru movie act pannanga,Sneha,nithya Menon,Shriya lam Bullaku pottu sundi iluthurukanga,kurippa Shriya mazhai padathula Kuchi karuvadu song la Bullaku yepdi aatti yella ilaingar manasellam sokka vachanga... Ippa irukura kajal agarwal,shamantha, thrisha,thamanna,Keerthi suresh, sridivya,innum young heroins lam movie mookuthi pottu nadichanga na Padam pakuradhuku ponnunga manasula oru trend form aachina adha pathuttu ippa irukura girls Ku lam mooku kuthikanum nu aarvam varum..... But apdi Padam yedukuradhu illa.... Tamil ponnunga yellam mookuthi podanumna cinema heroine yellarum yedhchum Oru movie la rendu mookuthi potta madhiri act pannalo Bullaku potta madhiri oru song pannala podhum neraiya ponnunga mooku kuthipanga.... Rendu mookuthi pottuka kuda chance iruku... Yedhachum function marriage lam kuda young girls lam Bullaku pottuttu minnuvanga..... Oru heroine glamour ah nadikiradhuku badhila. Variety ya mookuthi nosering Bullaku pottu nadichanga na bayangara sexy ya irukum.. .atleast add nadikira actress kuda Bullaku potta madhiri nadichanga na innum super ah irukum.... Namma culture kapatha padum... So yella actress rendu mookuthi pottu Bullaku pottu nadinga.....sila heroines lam unmaiyave ungaluku mookuthi kuthuna nalla pls all cinema and serial actress please mookuthi Bullaku pottu nadinga... mudinja unmaiya kuthikonga...songs lam saree suitable Bullaku pottu nadeenga.... Keerthi suresh Chennai silks add la bullakku pottu irupanga, adhey yellarum follow pannunga girls.... Unga level Vera level.....



Aug 28, 2017
hi NEW
by: Anonymous

hi make her to pierce her septum and enjoy the life singapore girls

Aug 18, 2017
Lucky You. NEW
by: Anonymous

you are Luckiest one who is going to have a wife who likes to follow our Indian ages old rich culture proudly. Congratulations. Wish you a very happy Married Life.
If u can afford then you can gift 12 or 14 diamonds studded besari pair. She may like it more than 3 stone mukkuthies. And multiple ear rings or studs like 6 in each ear lobe.
best wishes again.
god bless you.

Aug 18, 2017
Lucky You. NEW
by: Anonymous

you are Luckiest one who is going to have a wife who likes to follow our Indian ages old rich culture proudly. Congratulations. Wish you a very happy Married Life.
If u can afford then you can gift 12 or 14 diamonds studded besari pair. She may like it more than 3 stone mukkuthies. And multiple ear rings or studs like 6 in each ear lobe.
best wishes again.
god bless you.

Aug 17, 2017
double nose piercing of my fiance NEW
by: Anonymous

Hai I am ashwin from thrichur, Kerala.Going to tell my expiernce. I am 28 years old working as a performing artist. My family belongs to Nair community in Kerala. So the incident begin like this my family began to searching a girl for me. I have seen two girls but I didn't like them. Then one day mom talked a proposal to and she said you go and see the girl.So I did I gone to my fiance home for seeing her. When I reached there her father welcomed me. And talked with me. Then her mom she came to near him then I noticed her she have nose studs on both sides of her nose, I liked her attire she worn single stone diamond studs on her nose. My mom also have pierced nose but only one side. In our community nose piercing is common in my family my sister,aunt ,grandma all wearing nose studs. Then fiance father called her, her name is athira, she came with tea in a tray. I got surprised again my future wife she is sporting nose studs on both side of her nose.,like her mom she worn small diamond nose studs. I liked her very much and decided she will be my wife. When I zipping the tea her father told you can talk with her alone. So I did, she was a little shy, but a girl of 23 years old wasting double nose studs fascinated me.I asked her about her education and some other thing at last I asked her about her nose studs. I asked her why you are wamearing two nose studs. Her answer was quite interesting. And she told about her nose piercings. She always fascinated about her her moms nose piercing since she was young. At her constant request she got her left side pierced when she was 10, at that time her mom also pierced her right side. When my girl turned 18 she also got her right side like her mom. She said she likes the attire very mush so as i am. She wearing double nose studs for ,5 years now. When I returned home I told mom that I want to marry her. So the engagement did after one month. Before the engagement I gifted two 3 stone diamond nose studs. That's she wearing now. I am very happy to have a wife with double nose studs..

Aug 17, 2017
double nose piercing of my fiance NEW
by: Anonymous

Hai I am ashwin from thrichur, Kerala.Going to tell my expiernce. I am 28 years old working as a performing artist. My family belongs to Nair community in Kerala. So the incident begin like this my family began to searching a girl for me. I have seen two girls but I didn't like them. Then one day mom talked a proposal to and she said you go and see the girl.So I did I gone to my fiance home for seeing her. When I reached there her father welcomed me. And talked with me. Then her mom she came to near him then I noticed her she have nose studs on both sides of her nose, I liked her attire she worn single stone diamond studs on her nose. My mom also have pierced nose but only one side. In our community nose piercing is common in my family my sister,aunt ,grandma all wearing nose studs. Then fiance father called her, her name is athira, she came with tea in a tray. I got surprised again my future wife she is sporting nose studs on both side of her nose.,like her mom she worn small diamond nose studs. I liked her very much and decided she will be my wife. When I zipping the tea her father told you can talk with her alone. So I did, she was a little shy, but a girl of 23 years old wasting double nose studs fascinated me.I asked her about her education and some other thing at last I asked her about her nose studs. I asked her why you are wamearing two nose studs. Her answer was quite interesting. And she told about her nose piercings. She always fascinated about her her moms nose piercing since she was young. At her constant request she got her left side pierced when she was 10, at that time her mom also pierced her right side. When my girl turned 18 she also got her right side like her mom. She said she likes the attire very mush so as i am. She wearing double nose studs for ,5 years now. When I returned home I told mom that I want to marry her. So the engagement did after one month. Before the engagement I gifted two 3 stone diamond nose studs. That's she wearing now. I am very happy to have a wife with double nose studs..

Jul 15, 2017
Looking for Matrimony NEW


I am looking for a traditional girl for 25 year old Tamil Brahmin male living in Trichy. The prospective bride will be expected to wear double nose studs, septum ornament, thandatti in ear lobes and atleast 5 piercings in each ear after marriage.

The groom's sisters, sister-in-law, mother all wear double nose studs, septum ring and thandatti in lobes. Therefore, this is the expectation from the bride.

If you would like your sister, sister-in-law, cousin or friend to become traditional, through this marriage, contact me at with the following details.

Place of residence:
Native place:

Traditional girls can also contact me at this email id. You need not wear these ornaments already. Groom's family will provide the ornaments. Only Brahmin girls should apply. This is a genuine requirement.

Girl should be a graduate. May or may not be working.

Jun 06, 2017
Mookuthi friend NEW
by: Anonymous

Naan mookuthi Anitha payan ungaluku mookuthi illavasama venduma 9841077365

Jun 06, 2017
Mookuthi friend NEW
by: Anonymous

Naan mookuthi Anitha payan ungaluku mookuthi illavasama venduma 9841077365

Jun 01, 2017
Nice NEW
by: Anonymous

Hi nice to see girls in abroad getting nose pierced that too both nose piercing girls are my goddess who sacrifice themselves to give pleasent appearance to every one eyes please make every girls to join you so all men can enjoy their life with nose pierced lovers

May 28, 2017
mom and sister getting second nose piercing NEW
by: Anonymous

Hai I am tateana Michelle from Houston America. I would like to share the nose piercing experience here. I lives in Houston with my husband and daughter she is 10 year old. My parents and sisters lives just 23 km apart from us. So to the experience. I have pierced my right nostril when I was 18. And my left side pierced when my daughter got her ears pierced that was 5 years ago. After me having pierced both sides pierced, my mom and sister was eager to get their nose pierced. So 3 years back they got their right side pierced. After that in upcoming years mom got pierced her ears pierced 6 times including tragus. So they always curious about my double nose piercing. I have told them if they want they can pierce. At last in this month first week for my sisters birthday mom and she decided to pierce their other side . I also gone with them to give company. First my sister got hers done, after that mom got her left side pierced. When we reached home dad was surprised to see three double nose piercing. He appreciated mom and sister. After seeing mom,aunt and grandma sporting nose studs on both nostrils my daughter also wants to pierce like us. And I said her to wait until 12 . now she is eagerly waiting to pierce her nose

May 28, 2017
mom and sister get second nose piercing NEW
by: Anonymous

Hai I am tateana Michelle from Houston America. I would like to share the nose piercing experience here. I lives in Houston with my husband and daughter she is 1

May 17, 2017
Hi mam NEW
by: Anonymous

Saraswathi madam why you removed left nose stud including you and your liked the attire and wearing for years what for you removed is it disturbing you any time it gave pleasure to your husband so immediately repierce you nose and get stud attracting model so you will feel the pleasant appearance since my wife got two stud she is just 22 all are praising her beauty because of two studs she getting enormous kiss to her from me

May 11, 2017
Dasa Sandhi Dosam NEW
by: Anonymous



you wrote that when you went to Palani you found a swami he said that dasa sandhi is coming soon. how does he know about dasa sandhi? Did he read both of your horoscope? please write about it.


May 08, 2017
my rettai mukkuthi NEW
by: Anonymous

Hai I am saraswathi krishnan moorthy from trivandrum..Working as a music lecturer ,my hubby also a musician i have two sons both are working.I recently found this forum and read all posts its interesting so I decided to share my experience here. I born in a brahmin family as our custom my right side nose pierced when I reached puberty. Since then I am wears that mookkuthi.I changed many times with different studs. 7 years ago that time was 44 years old we gone to palani for a trip. There my husband and me found a swami he told us that dasasandhi is coming to our life. We asked the remedy his replay surprised me he said I want to Pierce my nose other side to honor goddess parvathy to overcome the crisis. I laughed I never Intended to pierce my nose again. But the doubt become big in my mind so when we reached home I told my to come with me to see the our family astrologer. We made a appointment and see him we said what swamiji said at palani. The astrologer agreed it and advised the same remedy. If dasa sandhi time comes even me or my husband may have death. I become afraid I I decided to go for remedy that is pierce my nose again. Astrologer seeked the muhoortham for my nose piercing. That was to go 10 days of that month.We returned home that night I discussed it with my hubby he said he will come with me to pierce my nose. He also said he always liked me to have rettai mukkuthis . his mom have rettai mookkuthi. I like her look but I never intended. By hearing my Hubby's words I decided to give pleasure to my hubby with my new look. The day came I took leave from college, hubby also. That day noon we gone to josco jewellary at trivandrum and hubby bought me two matching diamond studs which adorned with three diamonds. I was very afraid of the pain. Then we gone to the basements there is achari he pierces, when we reached there one mom and daughter was there both of them have new mukkuthis on nose and tears on eyes. I reached the achari and said that I have to pierce my nose again. He said now a days very few ladies sporting rettai mukkuthis here. You are the first one to pierce other side with my hand. I smiled with his talking. Then he marked the spot which is same height of right side and he pierced my nose I cried loudly, then he put the thirugini. Before he takes the mirror to show me how I am looks with rettai mukkuthis, I said him to change the other sides mukkuthi to new one. He changed that one. I looked at mirror my fave was glittering. My hubby also loved my new look. Next day when I gone to college my colleagues and some of my students prised me. I was very glad . Next weekend both of my sons came home. They astonished with my new look. They liked it. For one year I never changed the mukkuthis after it I experimented on my mukkuthis trying different type of mukkuthis with both my sons and hubby bought to me. For 7 years I sported rettai mukkuthis on my nose.The dasa sandhi is passed in this April so I retired my left side( recently pierced) mukkuthi..Now the hole started to close down.My hubby was very sad that day when I removed my mukkuthi. But I told him the remedy time period is over so he agreed. I given him a word that while our son getting married I will re pierce my nose to wear rettai mukkuthis

Apr 19, 2017
Agama life style NEW
by: Anonymous

Thank you for your quick response.

I learnt from you. It is in fact interesting. If you have any further information regarding this piercing matter and other dressing codes or further piercings, you may write.

Thanks again.

Apr 17, 2017
agama life style NEW
by: Anonymous

Swamiji follows lord Sivas life style and teaching that. As a devotee to him he narrates the followers that ladies should follow goddess parvathi, she also has triple nose studs. As a honor to parvathi swamijis follower ladies pierces their nose. The closest devotees of swamiji are pierced their nose on both side. That include young women and older women, some of the have septum piercing also. You know actress ranjita she was acted in south Indian films, now she is a follower of swamiji. She also got her both sides pierced after getting into sanyasa. She changed her name to ma nityanandamayi swami. She describing in her you tube channel why swamijis followers wear two mookkuthi .

Apr 17, 2017
Agama life style NEW
by: Anonymous


Firstly, congratulations to you.

It is interesting story. i would like to ask you why Nithyanada women devotees pierce both nostrils and septum? you said that both your mother and you pierced. she pierced her septum too.

some of the Nithyanada devotees not pierced nose why? i watched in video programs.

Is it a customs that nose pierced women are allowed?

Please response.


Apr 16, 2017
thats great NEW
by: Anonymous

hi, congratulations. But didn't understand why you are wearing single stone nose stud's ? Simply get it changed to multi diamonds studded nose studs or besari of 16-18 diamonds studded. you will become real devotee of ashram. Also think about multiple ear piercings like u can get 8 ear piercings in each ear lobe. senior members of ashram will guide for this divine looks. You will lot more respect too. Best luck.

Apr 14, 2017
double nose piercing of me and mom NEW
by: Anonymous

Hai I am Akhila from trivandrum. Me and my mom wears two mookkuthis for 4 years now.My story like this, I got high spirituality and believe in god from my mom.she visited almost every temples near to our home. When I completed my plus two I got engineering admission in bengaluru. After 3 months I visited swami nityandas ashramam with one of my friend. There was a different atmosphere. I liked it very much. So that I informed my mom about it.Next month mom came to visit me. Me mom and friend gone to ashramam. There my mom noticed one thing swamis follower ladies wears mookkuthi on both sides. Mom enquired a lady about it. By her advise. After returning my room mom told me that she going to pierce her nose. She had a long nose that can be beautiful mookkuthi.but her decision wondered me she is going to pierce both sides. She told she have big believe in swami. Me also had it. So I also decided to pierce mine with my mom. For that year leave when I gone to home. Me and mom gone to a jewellary near our town. And mom pierced her both sides with 3 stone mookkuthi. Then I got my both nostrils with single stone mookkuthi. Me and mom proudly wears it as a devotee of swami..As a fulfillment of agama life style which swami advises. Last year My mom pierced her septum and wears bullak in it.she look like a Devi by wearing 3 mookkuthi

Mar 12, 2017
Translate NEW
by: Anonymous

Hai I will write in English I had a cusin in a village nine years elder than me in her 9 th age her nose pierced and flat stud fixed with red stone in between when she was in 10 th std her stud changed to 7 stone with red and nose holes increased due to thick stem when she reached puberty few more piercing added to her ears and heavy pendant placed in ear lobes by increasing holes each of about 50 gm when she studying 12 th her left nose pierced and and rook also pierced totally 7 piercing in each ear and her two hand tatooed she failed in 12 th so she got married now she always wear two nose stud and all ear jewels she got two children

Mar 12, 2017
Translate in English NEW
by: Anonymous

Pls Translate in English so all of us can understand

Mar 11, 2017
Translate please NEW
by: Anonymous

Please translate inenglishplease

Mar 11, 2017
அத்தை மகள் NEW
by: Anonymous

என்னோட அத்தை மகள் கிராமத்தில் பிறந்து வளர்ந்தவங்க. என்னை விட வயதில் பெரியவங்க. அவங்களோட 9 வயதில் வலது பக்கம் மூக்குத்தி போட்டுக்கிட்டாங்க. அவங்க முதல் முதல்ல போட்ட மூக்குத்தி தட்டை மூக்குத்தி. அதன் நடுவில் ஒரு சிவப்பு கல் இருந்தது.

மூன்று வருடம் கழித்து அவங்களுக்கு மஞ்சள் நீராட்டு விழா நடந்தது. நானும் போயிருந்தேன்.அவங்களுக்கு மூக்குத்தி மாத்தினாங்க. அப்போ அவங்க போட்டுக்கிட்டது வட்ட வடிவம் கொண்ட 7 கல் மூக்குத்தி. நடுவில் ஒரு சிவப்பு கல், அதை சுத்தி 6 வெள்ளைக்கல். ஒவ்வொரு காதிலும் 2 எக்ஸ்ட்ரா ஓட்டை போட்டு கம்மல் போட்டுக்கிட்டாங்க.

இந்த 7 கல் மூக்குத்திய சில வருடம் போட்டிருந்தாங்க. நான் மே மாசம் ஊருக்கு போயிருந்தேன். அப்போ அவங்க 10 வது படிச்சு முடிச்சிருந்தாங்க. அந்த லீவுல அவங்களுக்கு இன்னும் நிறைய நகை போட்டுவிட்டாங்க.

காது ஓட்டைய பெருசாக்கி தண்டட்டி போட்டாங்க. ஒவ்வொன்னும் 50 கிராம் இருக்கும். ரொம்ப அழகா இருந்துச்சு. வலது பக்கம் மூக்குத்திய கழட்டி ஓட்டைய பெருசாக்கினாங்க. வட்டமான பெரிய மூக்குத்தி போட்டு விட்டாங்க. அதுல 19 கல் இருந்துச்சு. மூக்குத்தியோட தண்டும் ரொம்ப தடிமனா இருந்துச்சு.

அப்புறம் இடது பக்கமும் மூக்கிலே பெரிய ஓட்டைப்போட்டு மயில் வடிவம் மூக்குத்தி போட்டுவிட்டாங்க. அதுல கற்கள் சிவப்பும் வெள்ளையும் கலந்து இருந்துச்சு. மேல் காதுல இன்னும் மூணு ஓட்டை போட்டு அதுல நகை போட்டுவிட்டாங்க. காது பிளாப் (flap) குத்தி அதுல 3 கல் கொண்ட கம்மல் போட்டுவிட்டாங்க.

மொத்தமா அவங்க ஒவ்வொரு காதுலயும் 7 ஓட்டை, தண்டட்டி ஓட்டையும் சேர்த்து. இரண்டு வருடம் கழித்து நான் அவங்கள பாத்தேன். 12 ஆம் வகுப்பு fail ஆயிட்டதால மேல படிக்கல. இரண்டு கைகளிலும் முழுசா பச்சை குத்திக்கிட்டாங்க. கோலம் போட்டது போல அழகான டிசைன்.

23 வயசுல கல்யாணம் பண்ணிக்கிட்டாங்க. இப்போ அவங்களுக்கு கல்யாணம் ஆகி 2 குழந்தைங்க இருக்கு. காது நிறைய கம்மல், தண்டட்டி, இரட்டை முக்குத்தி போட்டுக்கிட்டு ரொம்ப அழகா இருக்காங்க.

Feb 07, 2017
Boy nose pierced
by: Anonymous

I am a boy my nose pierced at my 3 rd age it's my family custom now I am 24 still I got ring in my nose my mom said my nose ring have to be carry always I feel shy in front of girls many girls giving different comments

Feb 05, 2017
by: Anonymous

I am from a village near by Madurai in our village all girls must pierce theirs nose before marriage if not their nose will be pierced on marriage without nose nose no girl can't get married my nose was pierced one week before marriage

Feb 05, 2017
Both nose pierced
by: Anonymous

I got married to traditional believed girl so it's easy to to fullfil my wish I asked her can you obey tradition this words makes her eyes tears she immediately replied I am ready for any decision I continued from ears to nose piercing she said I can do what I feel I thanked her for obeying my words on next day I bought two mookuthi and four ear stud and returned home she said she is ready to wear from my hands so I poerced by using chewing needle after one hour I finished all now I saw her both nose with stud and five stud in her each ear I kissed her and said you are my mind I can't believe how much I am gifted to get A partner what I expected

Feb 03, 2017
Double thanks
by: Anonymous

Double thanks those who got stud in both nose they all giving treat to our eyes I appreciate to giving chance to our eyes to admire silva you to deserve our praise we pray to God to give long life to you all so that we all can see your double nose for long life

Feb 03, 2017
double nose piercing for fashion
by: Anonymous

I am silja rani from Kerala..I am joins the double nose piercing group in 2016 December. I am very active in Facebook and other social media. I have my nose pierced on left side in my daughters ear piercing ceremony,that was 14 years before.I have many male friends and followers in Facebook. Many of them praised my existing nose stud. In some of them suggested me about double nose piercing, firstly I was not much interested to it. But by the constant praising of them I thinked about it. I talked about ity hubby,he was very supportive he said it would be new fashion and OK to me. So two days before my birthday I had pierced my rightside pierced. After uploading my new photo my friends appreciated my. My daughter she also had pierced that was two years before she and my hubby liked my new nose stud. My daughter even told me that she also get pierced like me after some years. After that one ofy friend asked me when I am getting my septum pierced, I told him that sure I will gety septum pierced next year. I think two nose studs madee like a queen

Feb 02, 2017
by: Anonymous

Sorry my sil also got her both nose pierced

Feb 02, 2017
Septum and double nose
by: Anonymous

My septum pierced with thread fur foul dings on seeing me my sol also got her both nose pierced but she afraid of septum piercing even my mom got her other nose pierced due to myrequest

Feb 01, 2017
very good
by: Anonymous

it's harded horror. but your mil and sunt both are smart and brave woman. Thanks them for pierced your all 3.actually after your septum piercing now you are looking woman. without septum and nose piercing YOU might looking ladyboy. so it's essential for each and every women to pierce their nose and septum by traditional way with needle and shewing thread. you are right i seen most of piercing in india it's must needed to tied with say how it's painfull to pierce both nose and septum at a time!!!?how many folded thread are need to pierce septum? even some place or area nose piercing are complited by treditional way with thick needle and shewing thread! !!!it's may painfull.actually now I'm only 20 a hindu lady i dont know what will go on for my coming life means my coming marraied my only both earlobe pierced. but my moms left nose and septum pierced and she wearing big mukutti with about 6 grm treditional septum pendent. she constantly wants to pierce my left nose and septum like her but i totally denied.after seeing your post I am now feeling same will waiting for what kind of preparation need to me to avoid your pain.PLS DESCRIBE

Jan 29, 2017
Double mookuthi
by: Anonymous

My mil showed me two big mookuthi bought for me my nose was not pierced even I don't like mookuthi so I said I am interested she started asking me daily one day I shouted her that time I am alone my went out of station I had my lunch and and slept in my bedroom around 5 pm I saw my hands and legs tied with rope I shouted my mil why you tied me she said with the help of neighbour aunty my both nose will be pierced now I said in loud voice I won't allow then she tied my mouth I can't avoid my mil holded my head that aunty pierced my nose with with thick needle and fixed the mookuthi inner thread with feviquick then she pierced my left nose in same way after finishing mil said I can't remove my nose stud since the thread tightened with feviquick so the mookuthi will be permanent in my nose she untied my mouth I shouted her I won't live you on seeing my angry that aunty said we can pierce her septum with needle and and thread I realised my angry makes me suffer at last they pierced my septum with thread tied I got lot of tears my mil said at least from now you be quite I never answered I kept quite they kept my tied in bed my mil gave dinner in bed itself by spoon she untied my legs for bathroom and again tied my legs in bed next day morning she applied oil in my piercing and kissed my fore head and showed me a mirror I saw my face shinning looking ver nice all my anger vanished and said sorry for ambushing her she also said sorry for forcing she untied me and gave kiss to mookuthi and said she will remove the thread in my septum I said ok let me have thread in my septum I deserve it for shouting you after one month mil my mil fixed stud in my septum and said on looking inside my nose with gold shinning my husband will get great feeling on hearing her words I kissed her hands and said all happens from this hands next day morning my husband returned and saw me with two mookuthi he started blinking because we never said about my nose pierced he lifted me to bed and gave lot of kiss he lifted my head and kissed my neck during that moment he saw my septum pierced stud shinning inside my nose he can't believe and said hereafter he won't go alone to outstation he want to see my nose daily to enjoy I thanked my mil

Jan 26, 2017
by: Anonymous

I got married to a village girl she got two studs in her nose in 1 St night I said two stud old fashion so can you wear one it's enough so removed on left side but the holes looks very big hence her mookuthi was big so without mookuthi it looks more ugli at last I fixed the mookuthi in her nose she laughed at me I said you can wear always no problem for me while I kiss her her mookuthi touches my chin it creates a sensitive feeling I like it I said since you got two mookuthi better you get your septum also pierced so it will match to your nose she said ok last week I took her to Achari and got her septum pierced and stud fixed in her nose while I press her nose to get her she makes a sound I like that feeling so I daiy repeatedly pressing her nose she can't escape she use say don't force do it slightly

Jan 25, 2017
by: Anonymous

My wife loves me so much one we both went to buy a mookuthi for her she selected one big mookuthi and one tiny and returned she gave the big mookuthi to and showed her nose I removed the old one and placed the big mookuthi then she pulled my septum and pierced with needle and placed the tiny stud I asked why you pierced me she replied she want to play in night I accepted I am with stud four three years

Jan 21, 2017
by: Anonymous

My sil not pierced her nose I am being a boy but very close to her I insisted her to get her nose pierced after one month request she said ok we both went to jewelry shop I selected three stone stud red colour she liked very much we went to basement I made her to sit in front of the piercer I sujjusted to wear left nose so he marked in exact spot and he gently pierced she shouted in pain I hooded her both hands after placed the stud he flipped the nose wing and tightened the inner thread her appearance with mookuthi looking goddess I thanked her with tears she got tears we returned home I daily started watching her mookuthi and admired one week later my mom came from tour and saw my sil with mookuthi and said very nice but in our family right side only in practice so change piercing to right side my sil blinked at me I said I requested you to wear on left for that only I bought from my pocket money so you should not remove now she got in trouble my mom daily started asking when you change to right side that event my sil called me to same jewelry shop and bought similar mookuthi in with white stone and got the piercing in basemant her face glows bright with two mookuthis her nose became red looking like angel we returned home by brother my mom each and every one praised my sil for getting both nose pierced at young age she just 22 from that day I became very obedient and polite to her I daily touched her mookuthi which makes me nose fetish after one month I pierced my septum and got stud she liked my piercing now I am 16

Dec 06, 2016
by: Anonymous

What about your wife

Nov 25, 2016
my sisters piercings
by: Anonymous

I gone abroad after one year that is preetha Akkas baby's first birthday. A could take a leave for 4 years one day mom called to my office. And told Akka is pregnant again with her 4 the baby. After 7 month she came home for delivery. I came for her two months at leave. I reached home Akka wat there Akka daughter's are become big they are now 17 and 15 and son 7 years old . The fourth baby also girl. The old girls are pierced her nose, and added more studs on their ears. The old one have five in each ear and founder have 4 in each ear. All are at home mom dad, BIL not at there. I gone to home she is now 62 years old and she still wears the studs which I gifted her and have anklets and toe rings like old fashion. I gone to Akka. She is sitting in couch and the baby is lap. She wore a nighty she had become more plumb than when j see her last time. I sat next her and started playing with the baby. Then I noticed her not only her daughter's pierced she also pierced she got her both tragus and added 3 ear studs. I talked her about my the househods. Eventually about her piercing. " Preetha Akka u changed more"
" Yes bro,i am now 41 years old and mom of 4 kids"
" Not that Akka you got more piercings"
" These these all are I got it with my daughter's,,"
" That's nice" the I asked " did u have the anniversary gift now" " she given a naughty smile an,d said" yes dear I still have my gift which you presented me"
," That's awesome"
" Can I see it how It looks"
" You really want to see"
"Yes Akka"
She wake up and closed the door . And opened the front portion of the dress. Then boobs are came out " u see and say how it look now"
She giggled and said, " it's nice Akka but your boobs are become double in size, and sagged" her her face got gloomy." What to to I feeds the baby, last time I feeder my boy to 3 years, I will feed her too"
I came near to her and took a close view preetha said " I have done a little modification to it"
" What"
She pulled her one ring and twisted and said " I got it welded it on both ends, so it can't my be removed"
" Oh that's excellent"
" You,your BIL said to remove it, I refused him and welded,that day I told him it's my gift I will not remove it" I smiled at her . Then the baby got cried she taken the baby and started to feed. Then the baby moved from her one nipple k can see the milk came from her pierced hole and the ring is easily moving. She said" I am wandering this for 12 years, the hole become loose and it's easy moving. And the milk flow is also increased." I smiled at her. I took a photo graph of her boobss she was happy . After her baby's naming I gone abroad..after ,6 years preetha called me and told about her old daughter's engagement. I said I will try to get leave. And she made contact with me in wats up.. we chatted every week. On a chat I asked about her piercings. " Akka did u have the ols piercings now.
" Yes I have and added 4 more"
" That was awesome"
" Can you show your anniversary gift again'
"You naughty boy,. I will make video and sent to you" next day she send me a video shielding her ear piercings. Then she removed her blouse and showed the boobs they have become more bigger than last time. She also become fatty. And she showed her navel now this she added one more at the bottom.
I started chat" that was awesome Akka, your boobs got bigger"
" Yes dear, I am become fatty no, typical old Indian lady but I still loves my gifts. It makes me more beautiful,"
Akka did you wear t-shirts now.
Yes I still wear t-shirts while going outside.sgmhe send a outdoor photo wearing Jean and T-shirt. The photo I can see outline of her ring.
" Akka in that photo I can see your ring"
" I like it that look, every men looks at me especially young men"
" You still a bad girl now"
The she shared s news
" You know my daughter also got her nipples ring before her marriage"
" Oh Akka, she is a brave girls"
She sends photo with her daughter. Their rings were clearly visible.
"Akka you two are bad girls" she giggled smiley. She replied" she knnown it before one year when I said I wear s it for more than 20 years she got surprised"
I just sent smiley. She continued " after one week She got it pierced, and I have a company in my family it self"
," But Akka you are the best".......

Nov 24, 2016
my sisters piercing
by: Anonymous

That year I got job in a company with high salary. That year preetha invested us for her birthday. Me and mom gone her home and celebrated her birthday. But I didn't give any gift.. when we get ready to home she told me" you only give gift to mom" pointing mom's ears. I felt sad and said to her" Akka I will your gift when you come home" she said she was joking. But I take it as serious. Me and mom reached home. One holiday when I was I heard a sound and I reached the back side of the home. Where mom was fall down and passed out.her leg was broken and have head injury so the doctor said she needs surgery. I agreed. Before surgery they removed mom's all ornaments including her anklets and toe rings. And she got plastered. After three months her plaster is removed. That night mom called me to room to her to wear her anklets and toe rings. I took her feet and adorned it with the ornaments. I said to her " mom now your feet look gorgeous, without these you are not complete". She said" me also missed them" and smiled at me. Next month preetha came home with her family. That month was her wedding anniversary she said " for my birthday you didn't give me any gift but now I want my gift"
" Yes what you want"
" I want the same bro that you gifted to mom" I said " you need ear studs" that time mom and Brother in law came there they also what she said. Mom said" Rajesh give what she wants , she is your only sister" I said " OK, "
Preetha said" I have one condition, I want more than mom"
"What you mean"
" I want more studs than mom"
" Oh I see,vthe number you scan select" then she said to BIL" dear I don't want to wear. Nose stud on both nose it look weird while I am wearing churidar,and Jean"
BIL said," you do what you think right dear". Then mom said" you know preetha for you I pierced my nose,vthen what I do" I said " mom you don't remove it, she is young she may be shy to wear it" .then that topic is closed there. One week before preethas wedding anniversary we planned for her piercing. Now the kids they also started they also wanted to sport more studs. I am a loving uncle I agreed to them. That week me,mom ,preetha and kids are gone to shop and she purchased 5 studs, and two golden rings and one golden barbell. I paid the bill. And kids got their third holes and preetha got 3 on her ears. Balance three she kept in her bag. We reached home . I thought why she bought that rinds and barbells. I got the answer next night.After having food kids and mom gone to bed. Me and brother in law watching TV. Preetha she is very beauty conscious and modern and open minded . She came near to as with her laptop. Then she called as to her and showed some pictures in laptop. I draw open my mouth she said" I am going do like that" . The picture was a girl she is half naked and she have rings through her nipples and belly button. I said" oh Akka, this is ridiculous, why are you doing like that" she said bold" I want to give my hubby a anniversary gift" I looked at BIL he just smiled at me. Preetha told " don't look at him brother, he suggested it" I said to her" Akka only bad girls do such thing" but is very confident and said," this is my body and Iwil to what I like, my husband have no worries,then why you" I thought is is decided it already then why I am. We celebrated their anniversary at home. And they returned to their home. After two months for ponkal holy days, dad and preetha,BIL came home. At night when we are taking,kids are saying their school experience's. Preetha sitting next to me. She wore a T-shirt and midi . Her ear studs are shining in the light and have nose stud on left side. On their kids joke she laughed and touched me. I feel something hard touching me. She do the same. Then I noticed her boobs , it's firm sized may be 34D. I again watched at her now I can't believe what I seeing . I can the the outline of her nipple rings which I bought for her. It's clearly visible when she wore bra. I asked her in her ear" Akka did you done it" first she didn't understand she asked "what"
Then I looked at her boobs, then she known it. Then she said" yes my little bro,your sister have nipple rings and belly button ring" then she told to BIL" dear poorboy found my new things" he said " she is naughty" then she came closer to me and rubbed her boobs over my hand and said " how it feels like" I become speechless as I said she is very open minded as my brother law. " I don't know Akka" she laughed at me. I asked " where you did it" she said" my friend runs, beauty parlour she done it for me,do you want to see it?"
," No Akka, I don't want it's your secret"
" It's not a problem your my little brother"
," But BIL ?"
" Don't worry he is nice man, he will not take it wrong" she insisted me to see her new piercing.
She said " come to your room" and she gone to my room. Thought about it atlast I gone to my room . I entered my room she closed the door. And said" I am going to show you my anniversary gift to you" the she pulled her T-shirt and took her boobs out now I can clearly see her boobs with two gold rings hanging from her nipples. It was so beautyful to watch. She smiled me asked "did you like my gift?" That time some one knocked the door it was BIL I got stunned he entered the room. Preetha is only pulled down her T-shirt. She said" dear I was showing him my anniversary gift" he smiled and " I think so you always naughty. My tension is gone . I closed the door then preetha said" because of he didn't see any thing" BIL said" after all he presented this for you show him" preetha pulled up the T-shirt to show me. Nice to see she got bigboobs as mom. I came near to her to get close view. Now I can see the rings going in and out from her nipples. Smiled at me. And told" " dear he is so curious, what the bad girl done" I took my hand to touch but she refused. And said" boy no touchings" BIL smiled at me and preetha. Then she redone her T-shirt and bra. " Oh forgot something " she said
" My belly button, see how it looks"
She showed her pierced belly button. She had good belly button with average depth it's pierced with golden barbell. I asked her" Akka did you told this to mom"
" No, if she knows it she will kill me" brother in law said " it remain as a secret". Then they gone to bed. I slept in room. Next morning after having tea BIL gone outside. Preetha was watching TV. I told her" Akka I see your piercings"
Immediately she said no
I compelled her at last she agreed. I told her " I want photograph" that she agreed and came to my room. In my room I said to her" Akka while you wearing t shirts it's clearly visible" she laughed and said" I done it to show like that. It gives more appeal to me"
" But it's not fair"
" My hubby have no problem with it why you"
" Because I am your brother" then she opened the T-shirt and took out boobs . She said " don't take my face"
" Yes Akka"
I took her photos with sheholding her boobs in her hand, she pulling the rings,. And each rings close-ups, and took the picture of her belly piercing.when she redone her dress. I took her photos with the rings outline trough the T-shirt. She smiled at said"over",
" Yes" I continued " I have the beautiful Akka with pierced nipples and bettybutton"
She laughed me.. After 2 years she got pregnant so she removed her belly piercing. But not the nipple ring. She delivered a boy. After delivery she repierce her belly button.She breastfed the baby with the ring for 3 years. She kept that anniversary gift safe. Preetha Akka is now 37 years old. After becoming mom of three kids she still wears T-shirts and jeans, become a little plump. Now also I can see her nipple rings through the T-shirt when she wear time a asked her why don't you remove that time she said she will wear it as long as possible.

Nov 23, 2016
by: Anonymous

Very lucky son

Nov 23, 2016
my sisters piercing
by: Anonymous

Next month was my mom's birthday it hiked about to give gift to her.what is the gift I thinked so much. Atlast I purchased 3 more ear studs for my mom,now she have 4 and make it to 7 . About a week before I presented about those to mom.
" Mom this is for you,as my birthday gift"
She opened the box and seen it,and said " I already have studs son" I said to her" mom I want you to wear this" she said " OK I will replace my stud with your gift" . " Oh no mom not to remove your old ones,you have to wear it on upper part of ear" she smiled" oh son you know my age,iam a grandma. I don't want any other piercings" my face got gloomy.s he said nothing. For two days I compelled mom to this.atlast she she agreed and"I want give a surprise to dad and sister," two days before her birthday we one to gold smith and pierced her ear three times now she have 7 in each ear. I presented her single stone studs. She said to the Goldsmith that this is her son's birthday gift to her. We reached home mom was cooking at kitchen. Her hair is made to bun she wore a red saree. I came to back of her I can see her ears backside that shines with the bottom of 7 ear studs. I talked to her mom you look beautiful, she only smiled. And walked while she walked the sound of anklet bells came to my ear that is so nice hear. She came back I touched her ear to see she said" how I am look with your gift" I said beautiful mom.
She said" I don't know what your dad,and sister say about"
They will appreciate you mom. The day before it dad and preetha family came to sister immediately caught the change in mom
She said mom you got pierced again?
Mom replied" yes dear it's Rajesh's gift"
It look good on you,but he never given me any gift.
Mom said" I am his mom and your his sister that's the difference,boyss loves mom". Preetha Calle me and said you little naughty boy, what you have done to mom. I said mom love it. She again said you didn't give me any gift till now. I said for your birthday I give you is it OK.
She smiled and said it's on brother. Dad also said mom that she was become more beautiful in her age. We celebrated mom's birthday proudly. Now mom is happy with her piercings which I gifted and my sister also doing fine

Nov 23, 2016
my sisters piercing
by: Anonymous

The gold smith looked preetha. She said to mom" mom if you wear this,we will get company" mom said no to her. But me and BIL compelled mom. Atlast she agreed and got pierced her fourth hole in ear. That week dad came home,my sister is at home. When he seen my sister he scolded my mom to doing my sister's piercings. And asked why mom compelled daughter to get double nose piercing. Then BIL said to him he compelled her to do it. That week we gone for shopping the neighbors ladies all asked my mom why she compelled her daughter to get double nose piercing. Mom have no answer to them. After that t preetha and her kids gone their home. One day me,mom and father at home mom told to as"everyone asks me why I compelled my daughter's dad said" I have the same question to you" Mom said." I decided some thing" dad asked her "what?" She said" I am going to pierce my nose like my daughter did" dad smiled at her"dear you are a such loving mom to our kids" and he given money to her to buy new nose stud. That week he dad returned to his work. Next Monday morning mom called me to go with her for shopping. So we gone and purchased vegetables and other houses stuffs. After that she said she forgot some thing . Then she get into the nearest jewellery shop and purchased one nose stud. Pierced her left side nose there. I watched she getting pierced after her piercing she got a beautiful smile on her face. Now she look like real goddess. We reached home. I like her piercing so much.that night I asked her whether I can sleep her room. She agreed. She sleeped fast. But I can't.iam curious about her nose piercing. So I touched her nose and fliped her nose wings to see the inner threds. I seen the gold inner threds shining in the nose.suddenly she wake up " what are you doing"
"Mom I am watching how is your piercing". She smiled and asked" did you liked it" I said yes mom. I want to watch your ornaments all the time. She laughed and said poor boy,your so curious about me. And started taking about her ornaments. I took her feet in my hand and asked " mom I know you are 48 year old and why you are wearing anklets and toe rings" she said "Rajesh you know your father like these very much,he made me to wear these since our wedding night.he loves my feet" I said me too mom. She smiled and said let's sleep

Nov 23, 2016
my sisters piercings
by: Anonymous

" preetha you pierce your nose and give the ear studs to our kids" her face got brighten I thought she liked the opinion. She said" dear they are kids " my mom said to her "preetha. You pierce like me in ear ,and the balance studs give to kids" preetha said" but mom how they can wear multiple ear studs" then my brother in law said "dear you take for of them and give the other to kids" she agreed that. Next day the gold smith came to home and arranged things first preetha sat in front of him and he marked her nose on left side,and ears four times. About half an hour she got pierced all the marked spots. She looked looks a goddess. Then the kids got their second stud. Now one set stud is balance in her.

Nov 23, 2016
my sisters piercings
by: Anonymous

My mom said you should obey your in-laws and husband. But she is little nervous. I was there at time. My sister opened the jewellery box on the table. And separated the ornaments. Two nose stud,and 7 sets of ear studs. Preetha asked mom,"you all saying that I have to wear all these things". Mom and BIL got silenced . Preetha continued " mom you know for wearing these I have to pierce my ear 7 times and pierce my other side of my nose" mom said" o dear I didn't compell you wear all these" then I given a suggestion to her"Akka you pierce your ear and nose" then she told me "you can say like that because I have to bare the pain" then my brother given a opinion

Nov 23, 2016
my sisters piercings
by: Anonymous

Hi I Rajesh from Chennai.. I am 20 years old. I have my mother, sister and father. Father working in Coimbatore. He comes home once in sister preetha is elder to me she is 28 year old. She is married to a nice guy. Let the story begin. My mom,me and sister are very close. Sister is married at 20 years she had two girls 6 and 4 year old. My mom and sister wears nose studs on right side.and mom have 3 ear piercings in her ear. Sister have only one. My mom beautiful some n in at her middle fourties. She wears thick anklets and toe rings in her four fingers in her feet. Me and my sister praise her mom you are a goddess.T he things changed very fastly my sister mil died by heart attack. My Brother in law is single son to them. So after death her ornaments has been hand over to my sister by custom.her mil had double nose studs and many ear studs. Her father in law said her to wear all that ornaments. She said OK to them. But she didn't wear it. One day she,her husband and kids came to our home. Then she told the things to my mom.

Nov 20, 2016
Lucky one
by: Anonymous

banu u are luckiet who got such family and patti.....They are making you Beautiful. Your Mukkuthis are of how much stones?? 12 or 16. ? rettai mukkuthies enhances beauty of girls. So get it done without any complaint. U will become beautiful and all People will admire you. U will also got Nice groom due to rettai mukkuthies.Now days all Boys want traditional following girl. Also think about multiple ear piercing. It will add more beauty.

Nov 20, 2016
by: Anonymous

Myself banu from Chennai. Actually my grandma is planning to do nose piercing for me as I'm reaching marriage age. Everyone was forcing me to get it done as I was neglecting to get it done.
Atlast they won. It was decided to do nose piercing for me as a small ceremony inviting our close relatives. Coming Nov 25 it was planned.

My Patti showed me two big mookuthies which she ordered from grt. I thought it was purchased for her but it wasn't. My Mami told it was for me. That time only I came to know they are going to pierce nose both sides. I cried and begged everyone but no use. All said it was decided and cannot be changed at all. Soon they ll be piercing me and decorate my nose with big mookuthies. My attire ll changed completely.

I don't know how I'm gng to face this. Just 5 days left.....

Nov 18, 2016
My gift
by: Anonymous

I went to marriage along with my wife we went to jewelry shop to buy a gold ring as a gift but the price is beyond my budget then my wife said we can buy a nose stud so we selected three stone mookuthi we attended the marriage reception we saw bride without nose piercing my said to her about the gift she laughed and received the box we returned home after one week we saw the married girl with mookuthi shinning in our nose she said due to our gift her husband liking she got her nose pierced

Nov 14, 2016
That was a great idea
by: Anonymous

The person who gifted double nose studs as marriage gift is very smart. We can also do that. If we know any girl who doesnt wear nose stud, we can give nose studs as marriage gift. Even better if diamond nose stud is gifted. Every girl loves diamonds. Then she will definitely get her nose pierced.

Nov 11, 2016
Wife with mookuthi
by: Anonymous

During my marriage we got lot gift in gold on that we got two mookuthi my wife showed me it shines in sun light I asked my wife to wear on her nose her mookuthi was tiny single stone but the gift we big with 12 sones each one and stem was thick so it's not passing in her nose then we went to goldsmith to clarify the method of changing big mookuthi he diced to increase the hole by different size of stick relaxing method or repriercing in the same hole with rhick needle I asked my wife can we repierce she said as you wish since he is be to me so she can't avoid immediately made her to sit in front her nose pierced and top pierce placed and inner thread tightened she accepted with pain but her left nose looks more dull I showed the mirror even she felt the same feeling so I asked her can pierce left side now itself she said ok with fear I gave the another stud he marked exact place spot and forced the needle she shouted In pain since its new piercing with thick needle at last he placed the mookuthi and tightened her face became very bright and shining in lights I thanked her for accepting without any objection I kissed her mookuthi and now daily I am admiring her beauty she also liked her new attire all my family members appreciated her

Nov 08, 2016
by: Anonymous

I married a girl from village she got big mookuthi both side during my 1st night it looks very old fashion she removed immediately next day I took her to jewelry shop and selected one tiny stud and made her to wear on right side but her left nose holes looks too big due to usage of big mookuthi so no other way I bought one more stud to left nose we returned home her old mookuthi was 14stones each after one week we received marriage album in that her face looks more bright then because of mookuthi since her mom bought new mookuthi due to marriage I said to my wife please remove this single stone and replace the big mookuthi check laughed at me and said if you are interested you changes the stud in my nose so I removed her tiny mookuthi but I can replace because the stem is more thick then single stone I said its not going she went inside and came with broom stick of little thick in size and got inserted and said we have saint for 10 days to regain the exact hold size after 10 th day I changed big mookuthi and relaxed

Nov 06, 2016
by: Anonymous

Yes it's true I have seen play Back singer with two small stud in her both nose and Santhosh wife got her left nose pierced later now her nose shines with two studs with three or four stones in her wide nose which makes cool her beauty it's true his husband is lucky I don't know he deserves or just she she pierced any how he will enjoy her appearance

Nov 05, 2016
Singers wearing double nose studs
by: Anonymous

There are 2 singers in South India who proudly wear double nose studs (இரட்டை மூக்குத்தி). One is Kalpana Raghavendar, and the other one is Meenakshi Santhosh (wife of music director Santhosh Narayanan).

Nov 03, 2016
Lucky husband
by: Anonymous

My wife got two times nose pierced in same week so I don't want to trouble her nose again for septum piercing I will do one thing first I will order septum jewel it will take one week so she can accept I think let me show the jewel and get her permission I think she will allow to pierce because she loves me so much

Nov 03, 2016
what about septum jewel
by: Anonymous

what happened about septum jewellery or Bullaku as its called in some areas. Have you ordered it yet or not ?? and what is your wifes view on it.

Nov 02, 2016
Lucky husband
by: Anonymous

Today afternoon 1 pm we went to the same piercer and gave the besari he placed upper part with matching needle he repierced my wife nose gently she shouted a little ahhh that's all the stud placed easily like that left nose also placed there is no words to describe my joy I holders my my wife face until the inner thread fixed she said to remove my hands due to shy but I kept my hands in her chin and gave kiss in her nose there it's self the piercer laughed along with his wife his wife got one besari in right nose on seeing my wife she asked her husband to get a stud like our model for her left nose I took lot of photo there itself her nose looks like a sweet my eyes tastes it we returned home I can't change my eyes from her nose because it shines and her appearance changed so homely on the away many women noticed our big mookuthi and admired

Nov 01, 2016
Lucky husband
by: Anonymous

congratulations... U r The Luckiest one. Instead of waiting till January for wearing Big Mukkuthies simply take your wife to the same piercer who pierced her nose earlier and give the mukkuthies to him he will insert in her nose immediately. they know how to do . Best of Luck and congrats once again.

Nov 01, 2016
Mookuthi to my wife
by: Anonymous

My friend came to know about this web today he explained to me my self and my wife read the post this makes our mind to enjoy our life with mookuthi she said she is eagerly waiting to wear mookuthi tomorrow we planning to pierce her both nose and we will write our experience

Nov 01, 2016
Lucky husband
by: Anonymous

As you said I am a lucky husband on reading your post today I bought two big mookuthi 12 and 14 stones fixed looking bright I showed to my wife she liked and said from today it's my nose I can decorate as I feel I said I will get u septum jewel she said she will get septum pierced if I show the jewel tomorrow I going to order septum jewel special design I can't make her to wear big mookuthi at present because the stem is thick so it takes two month to heal her holes so I planned to replace the mookuthi on January 2017 on coming Monday I will get her septum pierced now I am watching all photo of septum pierced girl I showed to my she liked but I don't know how my relation and neighbour will commant

Oct 31, 2016
Lucky Husband
by: Anonymous

you are very Lucky as u get a wife who willing got her nose pierced on both sides. Now its ur duty to gift her Big Size mukkuthies or u can also gift her 8 diamond studded besari also...
She will be very happy after getting the nose studs from u. Also think about gufting her Bullakku....she will love to wear it also...
Wish u a very Happy Married Life.

Oct 29, 2016
Yes two mookuthi
by: Anonymous

Yestarday my wife nose pierced two side her appearance became strange but looking very versatile to it makes me some thing in my mind I admired her her the hole night she closed her face with hands and said feels shy I licked her nose and felt the stud through my tongue there is no words to by both of us I thanked my mom

Oct 28, 2016
Nose piercing
by: Anonymous

Nose piercing saves life if any one boy or girl if they feel to sucide if you pierce the with silver needle the mind will change no need to wear ring or stud in nose one of my family friend his nose pierced and from that day he is ok it's true

Oct 22, 2016
by: Anonymous

My wife want to pierce her nose both side I don't know how she will be with two mookuthi

Oct 18, 2016
Nice girl
by: Anonymous

Nice to hear your interest in nose piercing try to make others to pierce their nose you give good reason for others to follow I made my wife to wear two mookuthi by convincing her for three month at last now her nose glitters with two besari I promised her I won't find fault and won't shout now we both enjoying

Oct 17, 2016
Today nose pierced
by: Anonymous

Hai every one yesterday I came to know about this web on reading all commants my opinion about nose piercing started in me so I asked my husband to take me for shopping there I selected two mookuthi my husband thought its for my ears I took him to basement and sat in front of goldsmith and gave two studs and pointed my nose both side my husband cannot believe he pierced my both nose I closed my eyes and holder my husband hands tightly he fixed the inner stud and said over I opened my eyes and saw my husband he enjoys my new appearance and said I am looking very sexy on hearing his words my all pain vanished we returned home he lifted me to bed room and gave lot of kiss to my both nose studs i feel different experience I said I missed this so long then he answered don't woory from today he will my fan my heart says I am lucky

Oct 16, 2016
Mookuthi husband
by: Anonymous

Since my 3rd age I am facinated my mom cleans my nose with a thread both inside and outer the feeling I experienced I liked and she always advised to follow our tradition even after my marriage I asked can I remove at least for my marriage my mom replied my inner thread was dipped with molten silver so no one can unthread and stem is very shot in length because at my young age the nose wing was thin skin now I grove up so there is no gap in my nose stud stem the only way is my wing has to be cut to remove hence I promised my mom I will carry all my life time daily I get lot of commants

Oct 15, 2016
permanent piercing
by: Anonymous

Pls tell us what is permanent piercing? Why you not remove it by cutting the stem.

Oct 15, 2016
permanent piercing
by: Anonymous

Pls tell us what is permanent piercing? Why you not remove it by cutting the stem.

Oct 15, 2016
Mookuthi husband
by: Anonymous

I got my nose pierced when I was 3 years old boy it's permanent piercing due to traditional I have to carry always now I am 20 all girls see me and laugh because my nose stud is 12 stones

Sep 11, 2016
septum rivet
by: Anonymous

hai how many years before you got rivet in septum and you got married if so how your husband comments about your traditional feeling and what is the permanent mookuthi let me know about it?and i want my wife nose and septum also to be pierced like you i got permission from her

Sep 11, 2016
septum and two side mookuthi
by: Anonymous

iam guy of 28 i got my septum pierced by myself with chewing needle and inserted broom stick after 1 month the stick use to fall while sneezing so i use to increase the size so it fits tight for another 10 days like that now my holes is 8 mm i increased by using pencil by tapering size at last i ordered 8 mm silver tube with both ends are with collar i inserted in my septum after 3 days my holes exactly covers in the tube so now it became permanent after my marriage my wife pressed my nose she flipped my nose wings and asked me with fear is it any tradition or your parent gave any punishment i said i pierced and made all these no one knows about this she asked me to remove i said if you can remove it i am ok other wise i will pierce your nose both side and septum same like me so gave me promise then i lied on her laps she flipped my nose and started pulling it and rotated but my holes exactly closed to the tube so it never came out then she asked how you inserted i explained the procedure she shut her mouth with her hands and said she is ready to obey her promise immediately we both went to jewelry shop and got 2 single stone mookuthi and returned home that night i made her to lie in my lap and i pierced her nose chewing needle and inserted mookuthis and tightened the inner thread after 1 week gap i pierced her septum her eyes got tears i wiped and gave kiss in her nose and said i wont get angry against you and i will love you every second now we both playing our nose jewels and enjoying

Sep 06, 2016
congratulations Yamini
by: Anonymous

congratulations yamini for following our Rich Thousands years Tradition and keeping it alive. Rivet is what i first time came to know from u. can u give more details about the same i.e. in which part of indi its followed? Still who are following ? etc etc....I reaf a lot about Tanjavur style piercing earlier and gathered information about it too so would like to gather more information about Rivet. Also u said about permanent Mukkuthi piercings.. have u done it ?? please provide more details about that too. God bless u . we are proud of you for u r boldness to follow our rich tradition and keeping it alive.

Sep 05, 2016
Permanent Septum Rivet
by: Yamini

I belong to orthodox brahmin family. When I was studying in school, I got rivet in septum. I got it out of my own will, as I have seen my grandmother have it. She got very happy when I told her that I also want septum rivet. My mother agreed to it, but my father agreed very reluctantly. He didnt want me to bear so much pain for an old style ornament. Lot of people dont know what septum rivet is as it is very rare these days.

It is a hollow tube that is inserted through the septum. To wear this, piercing is not enough. The septum has to be punched, as the hole required is big. After the rivet is fastened, any septum ornament or bullaku can be worn in it. The biggest advantage is rivet is not visible from outside. So when I dont wear bulakku no one will know that my septum is punched. Since the rivet is non-removable, the hole will never close.

That day I was asked to wear a saree. The thattan came home at around 9 AM. I was very very scared thinking about the pain. I removed my mookuthis & sat in front of him. He took a plier like tool and gripped my septum in the proper spot by inserting it into my nostrils. The tip of this tool has a sharp circular press. Like a paper punching machine. 6 mm hole was planned for my septum. The hole is completely made in the thicker part of the septum that has cartilage. So you can imagine the pain.

The nose plier was pressed, and the thattan took out a circular piece of flesh from my septum. He immediately inserted a gold tube of 6 mm diameter into this hole. The size of hole inside this tube is 4 mm. It was the worst pain I experienced. I already wear big rettai mookuthi (double nose studs) and 7 studs in each ear. But never experienced this kind of pain before.

I had terrible pain in my nose for 2 weeks. Bleeding was there on the day of punching. After 3 weeks, the pain subsided, and it almost healed, and I was ready to complete this process. I removed my mookuthis so that the thattan can do his work without disturbance :) He placed a gold washer (flat circular disc) on either side of the septum tube. Then he flattened the ends of the tube around the discs. It was tight enough that the discs were hugging my septum. That's how I got my permanent septum rivet. Then I put on my mookuthis. The back of the mookuthis do not touch the rivet. It is very comfortable once it heals.

That evening, I inserted the traditional bulakku into the rivet. It has dangling red and white stones almost touching my upper lip. My mom said it looked gorgeous :) It is very thrilling to know that there is a permanent rivet in the nose. The same feeling applies for permanent mookuthis also, which my mom has. I am planning to make my rettai mookuthis also permanent very soon.

Each traditional ornament and the piercing or punching required to wear it is like a work of art. I feel very happy and proud to wear all my traditional ornaments in nose and ears. They are unique and special.

Sep 02, 2016
be Happy and enjoy new look.
by: Anonymous

hi, congratulations for getting nose pierced. but why they made you wear on both sides ?? only right side nose piercing is common nowdays. is your mom also wearing double nose studs? if all ladies and girls in your village are wearing double nose studs then no issue at all in fact with empty nose you will be odd girl out so best for you wear double nose studs permanently. You can try Different styles of nose studs to .

Sep 02, 2016
I still remember that Patti
by: Achu

My name is archana residing in village.Two months before we went for a ear piercing ceremony for my uncle's son which was done in a temple. After the ceremony completed all the ladies group were sitting there gossiping. Suddenly a old age Patti asked why mostly all girls from your have not got their nose pierced.

Nobody answered her. She again started the topic and importance of mookuthi. How she got pierced due to fear. Including myself 4 girls were there with empty nose. She called the Achari who came here for the ceremony and asked him whether he can do nose piercing for these girls. He nodded his head. She then asked the girls mom whether she can proceed to make her daughter's wear nose pins. Everyone were fine with it. She soon arranged for the nose pins purchased from local jewellery shop.

My Amma forced me to get it done as they should respect elders words. So all the four girls were tuned to say yes for nose piercing.

After an hour time, we were made to sit on a wooden stool. Achari marked on our nose both sides. I questioned my mom y both sides. She asked me not to talk back and pinched my thighs.
The Patti asked us to cooperate for getting the beautiful look. Then Achari took the mookuthi inserted sum needle lik thing beneath the nose pin and pierced my right nose. I was screaming in pain. But they holded my hand and he screwed the inner thread tightly. I was about to get up but the ladies group pushed me down and pierced my left nose too. I was crying in pain. Atlast my nose was pierced with single stone mookuthi both sides.
I can see Patti was rejoicing my mookuthi and blessed me to get good life.

Similarly I heard other girls shouting and forced to wear double side nose studs.

Jun 09, 2016
sil pierced my nose
by: Anonymous

I am very lucky my brother got married and i got sil she is very jolly type she got stud in her right nose i use to touch every morning she never said no to activity one she called me to her bedroom that time no one in our house i entered she made me to lie in the bed and said she wants to pierce my nose i kept quite she pierced my right nose and inserted one single stone stud and she pierced my septum and same type stud placed i asked her i am a boy how i will wear nose stud she showed me some album in that 2 boys in her village with nose stud so i allowed and after 4 days my mom came and asked me why you pierced your nose my sil answered she liked me very much to show her affection she only pierced i also said no problem and i went to school and i became hero by freeking with modern dress and during my marriage my sil removed my nose stud and placed broom stick and after 1 week my wife saw my nose with stick and asked the reason i explained then she herself replaced the stud in my nose and said she likes my nose with stud so again now i am with nose stud guy

Jun 01, 2016
mookuthi boy
by: Anonymous

I love mookuthi very much before marriage i pierced my nose and placed broom stick my sil know my desire and asked me how your wife will allow you to keep holes in your nose i said you have to convince i got married at my 24 th age my sil law called my wife before 1 st night and dicussed about my nose pierced matter then my wife entered with smiling and pressed my nose wings my broom stick lifted out i felt shy she removed the stick and replaced her nose stud in my nose and tightened inner thread she asked me to open my eyes i just opened and saw my nose in mirror shown by my wife it looks bright and attractive i thanked her she also thanked me for having piercing because she likes nose stud same like me since she got her nose pierced at her 8 th standard holidays she said i cant wear nose during night in morning she will remove from my nose daily after 1 month she asked me can i get my left nose also pierced i said ok then she herself pierced my nose and inserted new stud and inner thread placed and said i have to keep the stud for 15 days by staying in the bedroom i liked my new attire and we both enjoyed after 15 days she removed the stud and placed broom stick in both nose when ever we go out of city she made me to wear 2 mookuthi in my both wings which makes different look for others and i liked the adventure my ladies use to watch me very closer whether my nose realy pierced or fake which makes my feeling more my will notice all my activities and use to enjoy one day early morning my wife's younger sister sumathi came to my house she enrered my bedroom and saw me sleeping with 2 mookuthi in my nose she flipped my nose wings to confirm its real or fake i awake and i saw her in my bed i felt shy and i closed my face with my hands she answered uncle i saw your mookuthi so remove your hands then i removed and bowed my head during that time my wife entered and said how is your uncle sumathi replied i like my uncle with mookuthi how you made him to wear mookuthi my wife said we both liked so i made him to wear during night and in morning i will remove than sumathi uncle can i remove today we both said ok and she stayed in my house for 5 days daily night she placed mookuthi in my nose for following 5 days and she pressed my wings together i use to shout haa in pain she enjoys the feeling and i asked sumathi why your not pierced your nose she replied due to fear of pain then my wife said can we pierce her nose today sumathi cant avoid my word so she said she is ready that evening i pierced her nose and fixed tiny single stone which looks cute to her small nose and we all took a selfy with nose stud in all our nose now i planned to pierce my wifes left nose i think she wont object to my wish let me try first now she big stud in her right nose looking gorgeous

May 26, 2016
nice mookuthi
by: Anonymous

todat my wife showed me 2 tiny nose stud 2mm stone on top it looks so quite and not visible to others so i said i am ok immediately she pierced my both nose and fixed inner thread now she started enjoying my new appearance on seeing her happiness i said i wont remove from my hand at any cast on hearing my words her eyes got tears she made me to lie on her lap gave limitless kiss

May 18, 2016
by: Anonymous

My wife daily compelling me to pierce my nose i dont know how others will think about me she daily requesting me to wear 2 nose studs in my nose since i asked her to wear nose stud both sides she got it immediately which looks more suitable to her face from that day she started about my nose piercing iam in confusion iam in chennai can i have piercing in my nose any one tell me your opinion

May 11, 2016
2 mookuthi aasai
by: Anonymous

My wife came to my house without nose pierced iam interested in nose piercing so i asked her to get piercing but she answered due to afraid of pain she denied but i started asking her daily to wear nose stud due to my continues request she said she is ready to pierce with one condition she will get done by me i said ok on friday evening i bought nose stud and returned home i called my wife to bedroom and i tied her hands backside with kerchief and legs together she asked me why you are tying me i showed the nose stud she replied about the pain fear i said you cant avoid or escape today so understood the situation so kept quite i took 1 chiewing needing and pierced her right nostril along the stud behind and pressed inside it entered and then i tightened the inner thread i placed the needle on her left nose she said one is enough i never cared her words i pierced in same manner after tightening inner thread i untied her hands and legs i showed a mirror she accepted it looks nice to her face that week end we went her moms house every praised her for wearing studs in both nose but she replied it all happened from my hand i felt shy but every one praised me for my job now we both enjoying every night by playing with her nose stud

May 09, 2016
Translate in English
by: Anonymous

Pls Translate in English so all of us can understand

May 09, 2016
Translate in English
by: Anonymous

Pls Translate in English so all of us can understand

May 06, 2016
2 mookuthi
by: Anonymous

Enoda manaivi mooku kuthikaama vantha engaloda 1st nightla naan avalidam nee mookuthi pottukuren aval enaku mooku kuthika payam athaan naan mookuthi podamale iruken enga akka matum mooku kuthikita enraal naan thinamum aval mookai thotu paarthu unaku mookuthi azaghaa irukum enru sollite irunthen oru naal naan mooku kuthikiren neenga enaku mooku kuthividunga samathamaa enraal naan ok intha friday mookuthiyoda varen enru sonen friday vanthathu anru night naan aval kangalai oru kurchief kondu katinen appuram aval 2 kaigalaiyum oru kayuru kondu pinpuram katinen aval enaku payama iruku enraal naan payama irunthaalum unaal thaduka mudiyaathu nee appadea iru naan unaku mookuthi potapin unnai avizthuviduren enren avalin right side mookil oru oosi vachu mookuthiyodu azuthinen appadea mookuthi mookin ulle ponathu appuram thirugaani potuviten aval haaa enru kathinaal appuram avaloda left side mookai kuthinenaval enaku 2 mooku kuthaatheenga enru kenjinaaal naan unnaal thaduka mudiyaathu nee summaa irunu sonen appuram thirugaani tight pannitu avaloda kaikalaiyum kannkalaiyum avzuthen oru kaannadi eduthu avalidam kaatinen aval mugam 2 mookuthiyodu jollichathai paarthaval naana ivalow azaghu enru santhozapattaal ennai kattipiduchu ennai azaghaamathitharku thanks enru ennai kattipiduthukondhaal en jollyku alaveillai 6 naal kazuku avanga amma veetirku senrom anghe ellaarum avalai paarthu pramichupoyetaanga en ponna ithu oru mookuthiye vendhaam enraval ippo 2 mookuthiyoda minukuraa enraar en wife ennai kaati ivarthaan ennai katipottu 2 mookum kuthitaar enru ennai maativitaaal naan thalai kunichukiten udane aval akka unaku nalla husband thaan kidaichaaru unnai katipotu naanga appave unaku mooku kuthanum enru thonaama pochu enru siruchaangha

Feb 24, 2016
besari mookuthi
by: Anonymous

Naanum en wife 2 perum mookuthi potuka aasai ana en wife mooku kuthika maten enraal naan thinam solli solli paarthen oru naal aval thoogitu irukum pothu aval kai kaalkalai kayeru potu katinen apuram thail oosi wachu aval right mookil kuthinen 15 kal besari mookuthi potu viten piragu thirugaani tight paninen appuram left mookum kuthinen athil 13 kallu wacha besari poten avalidam intha 2 mookuthium appadea un mookil irukanum ok enraal kayeru kazatuven enren aval mudiyaathu enraal naan avalai appadea 12 hour kattai avaizkaamal idily ootiviten lunch biryani ootinen appuram night 8 manuku aval promise pannaal mookuthi pote irukatum enai avizthuvidungal enraal naan avalai avizthuviten adutha naal morning naan katapatuirupathai paarthen en enai katinaai enren en ammavum naan ungaluku mooku kuthapororm enraal naan mookuthi potukuren un amma vara vendhaam enren anna aval vidavillai avalum aval ammavum enaku 2 mookum kuthinaargal 2 othakallu mookthi potuvitaargal 7 hour appuram en kai kaalakalai kazativitaargal ippo naanum avalum 2 mookuthi husband wife 2 years aachu

Dec 25, 2015
lover gift
by: Anonymous

Naan geetha enra penai love panen aval mooku nalla edupa irukum naan thinamum avalai mooku kuthika solli thollai panuven oru naal aval mookuthi potika ready enraal naanum avalum oru jewelry shop ponom ange 3 stone vacha 2 mookuthi select panen 2 perum basement ponom ange avaloda left mookula kkutha sonna antha asaari avaluku kuthinaaru appuram naan right side intha red stone potuko enren aval appo neenga left side oru mookuthi potaal naan 2 mookuthi potukiren enral naan ok enren udane aval 2 mookum kuthikondhal vanga ungaluku mookuthi vaangalam enraal naan ippo cash illai enren ok vaanga veetuku pogallam enraal anru naan night 12 mani varai phone pesinen aduthanaal evening 6 o clock phone pane koopitaa naanum avalum athe jewel shop pomom ange basement vaanga enraal naan ippo etharku enren onrum oesathe enru en kai pituthu ange utkaara seithaal asari kite oru shinna mookuthi koduthu enaku kutha sonaal naan nambave villai irunthaalum avaludam ulla kaadhalaal onrum sollavillai antha asari sirichite enaku mooku kuthinaaru ange silla pengal ennai paarthu sirichaanga enaku shameaa irunthathu 2 pengal ok sonaanga appathaan enaku koncham nimathi aachu athan athiga kindhaai paarthuten ippo 6 years aachu en mookula mookuthi apadieye irruku inrum

Dec 14, 2015
by: Anonymous

pls translate so that everyone enjoy

Dec 09, 2015
mookuthi jodi
by: Anonymous

enaku 2 vatasu irukumpothi enai kupaiyiela potu kuppu enru peru vachu enaku 2 mookum kuthinaanga appuram thirugani lead dip pani tightg panitaanga so epavume enoda mookuthi kazata mudiyaathu naan enaku 4 vayasu aagum pothu en amma kite naan payana porunthum enaku en neenga mooku kuthineenga enru satham poten avanga naan avangaloda last son athaan enaku mooku kuthiyathaai sonnaanga appuram naan intha mookuthi 18 vayasvarai koodaathunu sathyam vaangitaanga enai paarkum ella payangalum kindhal panuvaanuga enaku vetkama irukam aana ponunga enoda mookai pidichu killi viduvaanga appo enaku jollyia irrukum appuram naan college padika chennai vanthen anga ellaarum enai romba fashiona irruken sonnaanga ponunga ellaam ellam enai kite vanthu en mookuthia paaarthutu yei evan nigama mooku kuthi irrukaan enru en kaathil ketkumpadi pesuvaanga athil oru pen enai love panren enraal naan ok naanum love panren enren enaku 18 vayasu achu nee unoda mookuthia kazatikalaam unaku pidikavillai enraal enru en amma sonnaanga naan anre oru aasaari kite enaoda mookuthia kazata sonen avar cutting plyier vachu cut panni eduthaar adutha naal naan college ponen enai mookuthi illaame paartha en lover enai etharku unoda mookuthia kazatune naan unai love pannathe mookuthi pota payan enaku matum thaan enru santhosathil enrenral naan entha payanaiyum oru mookuthi pote paarthathillai anaal nee 2 mookuthi potu irunthai so ippave enodu vaa enru jewel shop kootiponaal ange 2 otha kallu vacha red mookuthi select pannaal angaye en mookil potuvitaal anth shopil irunthavargal ellam aacharyamaa paarthanga enaku koochamaa irunthathu appuram enidam mookuthia kazata koodathu enraal anru muthal thinam enoda mookil kiss panuval naan jollyia en love continue panen enoda leavuku ooruku ponen en amma enai paarthutu enada nee mookuthi vendhaam enru sollutu ponu maadhiri kalluvacha mookuthi potukite enru sirithaal naan en love story sonen nalla ponnuthaan enaku marumagalaakidaichaanu santhosapattaanga en amma en kooda cheenaiku vanthaanga en loverai paarthu thanks pannanga appuram avalakum 2 mookuthi kuthika sonnaanga avalum orum sollaame 2 mookum kuthikondhaal naaangal 2 perum marriage panikitom ippo naangal goa vila irrukom enaku ippo 33 age

Jul 11, 2015
mookuthien sirapugal
by: Anonymous

aam naan en manaiviku mookuthi vaanginen aanaal aval mookuthi poda maaten enraal enaku vantha kopathal avalai adithuviten aduthanaaal naan sorry keten aval enidam naan mooku kuthikiren enru sonaal naan avalai grt kootituponen ange oru chinna ponnu 2 mookum kuthikondathai paarthaval avalum 2 mookuthi podaka samathithaal enaal nambamudiela aanal aval enakaka 2 mookuthi potukondaal naan avalai inru muthal entha thapu seithaal kooda thita maaten enren anru muthal naangal romba jolly life enjoy panrom

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