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Traditional one was mines

by Sonali

My father was in militry so we use to our hometown after 2 to 3 years where my mothers sister was there who got married to my fathers bro .So here starts my story I was in class 1st when i got my ear pierced nearly 5 years old when i got my ear pierced so when we went to our home town after 2 years we stayed there afther few hours when we were served the food after that we sat there all the males went to the filled my mothers sister started the discussion by touching my earrings she said nice earring when u got her ear pierced my mother said 2years ago she said then are u not piercing her nose my i got stunned and said i will not ..My mother interfeared and said we will pierce her after few years then she said pierce it now other wise she will not let u do it after she grow up my mother neglated it.After we went back my father got posted to maharastra when we got shifted in 1month .My mother went to our new school to get us admited she saw that 80% girls in my class have nosepierced .When i went back home she asked me how many girls have there nosepierced i answered . Then i asked why she said that we are piercing ur nose i started scheremeing and crying as i dont like it .That night she talked to my father .He said she is ur daughter do want u want then next day she asked me to put an leave then she took me to a jewellary shop she said something to the owner he smiled and and made me sit on the seat he pulled my hair and holded my chick and asked my mother for stud or ring my mother said she not having anything .Then after sometime she said take out ear ring and insert it in the nose .When i heard that i started crying my mother in that time removed my earring and the jewellar inserted the ring in my nose and closed it and gave my mother an liquid to her and asked to wash it regularly my earring which was in my nose was big and there was a tittle pandant in it so it was giving an odd look.After coming home my mother removed my other earring too and inserted brnom stick i asked my mother why u did so she said it is must for an indian girl to insert something nose so that u will not get mistraced in futureg

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Jan 15, 2015
hi NEW
by: Anonymous

share ur story

Jan 06, 2014
nasallang NEW
by: Anonymous

i got my nasallang just two days before.thrilling experience.
neel tandon

Feb 19, 2013
big nose NEW
by: Anonymous

big nose needs atleast one nose will distract the bad eye of otherpeople ....

Jul 13, 2012
Just pierced NEW
by: Anonymous

I am 29 yrs old and married.Reading all your comments impressed me very much and just two days back I have pierced my left side nose, and have a single stone stud in the piercing, the pain is better now compared to two days back. The piercer told me that it may take about four weeks to change nose studs, any way I can wait because I have started to like it very much.

Jun 16, 2012
Nose ring with pendant NEW
by: Anonymous

I am Rekha again. Until marriage I did not pierce my nose as my mother or family members did not ask me, my mother has one on her right side. After marriage, my mother in law started to insist me to wear a nose stud and my husband to said to have it. Initially after piercing my left side nose and the ring was inserted, I was feeling very uncomfortable as I felt something hanging from nose and moving in front, but after two days, the pain was lesser and I saw a difference in my face, my husband too said that I look beautiful with the ring and the pendant hanging from it. I started liking especially when my husband touches it. Yesterday my mother in law has presented me with single stone nose stud.

Jun 13, 2012
Please share your nose story in details NEW
by: Anonymous

Please share your nose piercings stories in details... we all are waiting to read it... please share it..

Jun 05, 2012
My new nose ring NEW
by: Rekha

Hello. I got married last year and I did not pierce my nose. My Mother in Law asked me to wear a nose ring since my marriage and last week my husband took me to the goldsmith and got my left side pierced.A ring with small pendant was inserted and locked. Initially for two days I was feeling the hanging of the ring, but it has healed and suits my face well. Now I feel that I should have done it long back because it is giving me a nice look. My husband likes to touch it.

Jun 04, 2012
comments NEW
by: Anonymous

is this comment is a true..?

Jun 03, 2012
Traditional one was mines NEW
by: Anonymous

My story begins like this since iam a male my nose was pierced at 17 being a teenage guy i apposed my mother but iam last son in my family iam suppose tobe pierced both ears and nose and should be kept with stud for 10days since iam studying12th i cant avoid my tradition atlast one friday one goldsmith came to my house and few relatives were present in this ceremony i felt more shy because there were many young girls and few ladies and natives a garland was given to my neck and sat in front of the piercer he first pierced my ears and he placed the needle in my right nose i started closing my eyes he pierced my nose gently and stud was fixed and inner thread wae dipped in amolten metal and inserted imediately so it will fix permanentely only goldsmith can remove it hence i should not remove within 10 days and a mirror given to me it looks nice on my nose and even i feel enjoying all girls startes comments on my stud and said it matches my nose nicely i got more enthusiasum and asked my mother can i pierce other side of my nose on hearing this my mom laughed at me she removed her one nose stud and given to the piercer and i got it double side girls said i look more sexy and asked the piercer to fix the the thread with same molten metal type and i went to school as such my friends made fun on my studs and 8 days my friends suggested not to remove my studs because it looks sexy and my nose will look empty after removing even i felt same i watch mirror daily and got practised with studs made me to love it even many girls suggest my face looks something rare sexy so asked my mom can i carry this studs till my life time my mom got tears on her eyes hence the traditio itself i should carry this throuh out my life so thanked me to follow our tradition due to my willing my younger sister also pierced her both nose so in my family 3 of us are both nose pierced and i dont know what will happen during my marriage

Jun 02, 2012
Nose studs NEW
by: Anonymous

When my mother pierced my nose, I too felt very bad, but later I started to like it and now I have got my second nose also pierced so that I can wear on any side. As nose studs are meant for girls, we should we make use of it. It also enhances our beauty. So girls pierce your nose and wear nose studs, it will attract more attention from every one especially from your husbands and lovers.

Jun 01, 2012
by: Anonymous

Good. you dont leave the nose stud at any cost. You must wear always

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