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We celebrate piercing!

by Subiniz

My niece just pierced her nose! It is a tradition practiced for thousands of years. Nose pierce or Nose ring is called mukuthi (mookuthi) in Tamil and in South India we pierce our right side of the nose while the North Indians pierce the left side. My grandmother, mother and all my sisters have their nose pierced. Every time someone in the family get nose piercing, there will be a celebration!!! I love nose ring it has a special place in our face!

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Sep 16, 2012
Is nose and ear piercing is necessary before marriage?
by: Anonymous

Agr main nose and ear pierce ni krwaungi to kya hoga,ear to main pierce krwa lungi par nose.kya husband pyar ni krega agr main nose pierce ni krwaungi,usko pierced nose girl achi lgti hai par mujhe ni

Sep 09, 2012
i want my husband nose with stud
by: Anonymous

my husband got very nice nose he always flips so onew day i asked him can i pierce your nose without saying any thing he removed my nose stud said pierce my nose now itself i got a jolly mood i pierced his nose and placed my stud in his nose and said you should not remove he accepted with love and he pierced my other side nose and septum also i like it

Jul 15, 2012
we celebrate piercing
by: Anonymous

since 10 years we celebrate my wife's nose piercing because she got it done through my hands now she is ready to get other side iam very lucky

Jun 17, 2012
we celebrate piercing
by: Anonymous

Even my nose was pierced in chennai due to my moms wish at my 14th age 3 years before because my sister in law lot got nice studs on both sides so i use to touch her nose studs while she was sleeping i use to touch every early morning and pressing her nose together both her studs touch my finger and her inner nostril due to the pain she use wake up and she takes it sportively like one day my mom seen this and asked why you are doing this and with anger she slapped me and tied me in my bed room for two days and a date was fixed for my ear piercing celebration so that day i made to wear new dress and with presence of guest my ears are pierced by achari and i try to get up but my mom and sil holded me and my mom gave to achari nose stud i have not seen this one but her pierced my nose right side and placed a stud and inner side twisted tightely so i cant remove it each and every one commented in different way i felt pitty and a closed my eyes and went to my room and closed the door and watched my nose in the mirror it looks nice and preety matching i loved it i thanked my mom for this great punishment even my sil likes it now she awakes me like what i did

Jun 12, 2012
my girl friend love's my nose piercing
by: Anonymous

since iam a male my grand mother wants to pierce my nose because in my family all are boys iam the last so she promised to god to pierce last baby,s nose whether boy are girl it is compulsory when i reached 16 my grand mother told me about this in my village many boys are with nose studs do for its not new trend since my girl friend will laugh at me with studs on my nose i elaberately explained to my grand mom but she convienced me its just for 48 days only after you can remove or carry it so no other way i should get it done on one friday she made me to wear new cloths and my eyes are tied and sat in front of the piercer and he pierced one side and fixed the stud with molten metal dipped with pain i accepted and my eyes opened and a mirror given to me my face glows brightely one side and other side it looks more empty so i asked my grand mom better pierce my other side nose also she got tears on her eyes and imediately my nose pierced other side in same manner i love my nose studs very much and often i watch my face in the mirror after 3 days i went to school with 2 studs every one gave different suggustion almost they all said not to remove after 48 days the holes may not look nice even my girl friend likes my nose with 2 studs since she got one side only her opinion is i should carry untill my life time it makes her sexy mood on looking my studs that day itself i thanked my grand mom for this celebration on my nose

Jun 12, 2012
we celebrate piercing
by: Anonymous

since iam a male my grand mother wants to pierce my nose because in my family all are boys iam the last so she promised to god to pierce last baby,s nose whether boy are girl it is compulsory when i reached 16 my grand mother told me about this in my village many boys are with nose studs do for its not new trend since my girl friend will laugh at me with studs on my nose i elaberately explained to my grand mom but she convienced me its just for 48 days only after you can remove or carry it so no other way i should get it done on one friday she made me to wear new cloths and my eyes are tied and sat in front of the piercer and he pierced one side and fixed the stud with molten metal dipped with pain i accepted and my eyes opened and a mirror given to me my face glows brightely one side and other side it looks more empty so i asked my grand mom better pierce my other side nose also she got tears on her eyes and imediately my nose pierced other side in same manner i love my nose studs very much and often i watch my face in the mirror after 3 days i went to school with 2 studs every one gave different suggustion almost they all said not to remove after 48 days the holes may not look nice even my girl friend likes my nose with 2 studs since she got one side only her opinion is i should carry untill my life time it makes her sexy mood on looking my studs that day itself i thanked my grand mom for this celebration on my nose

Feb 11, 2012
we celebrate piercing
by: Anonymous

i got my nose pierced bothsides before my marriage since iam a male when my marriage was fixed my sister inlaw told me to close my holes in the nose because your wife may acecpt or may not but i disscussed to my wife 10 days before my marriage she told me she will suggest after looking me with studs in my nose now she herself makes me to wear studs every night iam very lucky person

Feb 11, 2012
we celebrate piercing
by: Anonymous

i got my nose pierced bothsides before my marriage since iam a male when my marriage was fixed my sister inlaw told me to close my holes in the nose because your wife may acecpt or may not but i disscussed to my wife 10 days before my marriage she told me she will suggest after looking me with studs in my nose now she herself makes me to wear studs every night iam very lucky person

Feb 11, 2012
we celebrate piercing nose
by: Anonymous

i got my nose pierced bothsides before my marriage since iam a male when my marriage was fixed my sister inlaw told me to close my holes in the nose because your wife may acecpt or may not but i disscussed to my wife 10 days before my marriage she told me she will suggest after looking me with studs in my nose now she herself makes me to wear studs every night iam very lucky person

Jan 05, 2012
reqesting my wife to wear nosering both sides
by: Anonymous

can u please send reqest to my wife to pierce leftsidealso so that shecan wear nosering on bothsides. she is 6o and i am sure shewill follow if u send her reqest her mail id is lakshmi_v50 at

Jan 05, 2012
reqesting my wife to wear nosering both sides
by: Anonymous

can u please send reqest to my wife to pierce leftsidealso so that shecan wear nosering on bothsides. she is 6o and i am sure shewill follow if u send her reqest her mail id is lakshmi_v50 at

Jan 04, 2012
by: Anonymous

yes i have also pierced bothsides of my nose and wear ar night two noserings. i am 65 and really love noseringI am a male and a professional

Dec 22, 2011
we celebrate piercing
by: Anonymous

MY wife daily asking me to get my nose pierce both side since iam a buisness man i dont know how my customer and friends comments hence my wife got one side nose pierced she wants to pierce other side along with me now iam sticking 2 stones in my nose for shopping i use to close my nose if any body looking me very close but my wife holding my hands not to close i feel shy ,but one day we went to my wifes friends home with stones in nose i felt restlessin front of her friend instead of laughing at me she started phrasing about my nose studs then i felt relaxed she went inside her bedroom after few minutes some one knocking their door i opened the door few of my wifes friend came inside all came close to my nose and congraged my wife you got a understanding husband suddenly one of her friend came close to my face and removed my stones from my nose at present i feel comfartable it lost for few minuts only because three freinds and my wife came close to me and my eyes are tied iam in confuse but i sat simply one girl flipped my nose and started piercing my right nose i got more tempted and i enjoyed a lot after placing stud my eyes are opened and a mirror given to me i liked it all her friends told me iam very sexy and my wife told we can pierce other side next week i said iam eager to enjoy it now itselfthe same process done by all of them with joy and laughing they took photo with my nose stud both sides i accepted everything for the love and wish of my wife.

Dec 19, 2011
we celebrate piercing
by: Anonymous

hai you too very lucky to get a wife like that i enjoy my life with two studs in my nose that too my wife makes me to ware when she feel she herself wears it on my nose

Dec 19, 2011
we celebrate piercing
by: Anonymous

hai you too very lucky to get a wife like that i enjoy my life with two studs in my nose that too my wife makes me to ware when she feel she herself wears it on my nose

Dec 18, 2011
Nose piercing
by: Anonymous

Go ahead, afterall it is your nose and your choice. My wife wears two nose studs and once said to me that she wants to see me with a single stone nose stud and the very next day pierced my left side nose and inserted a small single stone nose stud. I wear it whenever I am at home.

Dec 18, 2011
Nose piercing by male
by: Anonymous

Hi all I am a male and after reading all your writings I told my desire to my sister ( my parents won't agree) to get my two nostrils pierced. She advised me to get one side pierced first and also promised to gift one three stone diamond stud to me.
Your suggestions are welcome especially from understanding ladies.

Dec 04, 2011
we celebrate piercing
by: Anonymous

hai on reading your comments from bangalore my nose became read since my wife also wants me to pierce my both nostrils due to her request i got pierced my septum which is unknown to others .on reading your comments now she strictly said i have to get my nose pierced imediately just today morning she bought two small studs with black single stone from near by shop and two needles she placed me in the bed and sat on my laps and asked me to pierce my own nose i said icant after few minutes of dicussion i suggested she have to pierce my nose since she loves my piercing so she starts piercing my nose with shivering hands ,i accepted with more love and less pain she pierced my right nose with tears in her eyes ,i wiped her tears with love and after a kiss in my pierced side nose she pierced my other side then she showers limitless kiss ,i feel now i missed this much for more than 2 years any way thanks to you your comments made me to enjoy this much .When compare to wifes love and wish others oppinion is nothing

Dec 04, 2011
we celebrate piercing
by: Anonymous

hai on reading your comments from bangalore my nose became read since my wife also wants me to pierce my both nostrils due to her request i got pierced my septum which is unknown to others .on reading your comments now she strictly said i have to get my nose pierced imediately just today morning she bought two small studs with black single stone from near by shop and two needles she placed me in the bed and sat on my laps and asked me to pierce my own nose i said icant after few minutes of dicussion i suggested she have to pierce my nose since she loves my piercing so she starts piercing my nose with shivering hands ,i accepted with more love and less pain she pierced my right nose with tears in her eyes ,i wiped her tears with love and after a kiss in my pierced side nose she pierced my other side then she showers limitless kiss ,i feel now i missed this much for more than 2 years any way thanks to you your comments made me to enjoy this much .When compare to wifes love and wish others oppinion is nothing

Nov 26, 2011
by: Anonymous

hai who all getting your nose pierced due to wifes wish you are very lucky you got a great life you both are made for each other dont esitate and dont bother for public comments u are not ment for them u live for u and your wifes desire its my humble request so if anu ones wife asks to pierce yours nose go a head as soon as possible

Nov 26, 2011
by: Anonymous

i asked my wife to pierce her nose when our marriage was fixed she has not pierced her nose after our marriage i pierced her right nose now iam asking her to pierce her left side but she told me she is ready to pierce on one condition i should get my nose pierced both side after a l;ot of discussion i accepted and we fixed the on 3 dec 2011 so it will be done on that day

Nov 26, 2011
we celebrate piercing
by: Anonymous

THANKS TO MY SOMA mam i like your uncomparable interest in nose piercing my ambition is i realy want to see your nose with studs as a brotherly affection on you sister can i please ,because i have read your comments in several pages i dont know how u accepted your pain with turmeric coated thread passing your nostril with hot needle this method makes me to touch your feet dialy you are brave enough woman to follow our own great tradition 100000 of thanks to you my loving sister our hindu religion needs a woman like you am i right.

Nov 26, 2011
nose ring
by: Anonymous

My story too is similar. My wife was wearing a single stone mukkuthi on her right side. After some time I purchased a three stone and a four stone nose studs and asked her to pierce her left side and wear two nose studs, she refused saying that it does not go well with different dresses. Later due to work, we moved to Malaysia. Here during our regular visits to temple, we came accross some young girls, ladies wearing two nose studs and some guys wearing rings. One day when I returned from my office, I was surprised to see my wife wearing two nose studs and they were glittering. That morning she along with her friend had gone to nearby gold shop and had pierced her left side nose. Now started the problem for me, she wanted me to wear a ring which I refused saying nose studs are for ladies and they look beautiful for them, she was not convinced. Later to fulfill her wish I said I will get it done during the long christmas holidays and on 24rh Dec I got a syringe from medical shop and asked my wife to pierce my nose. She gently pierced my left side nose and inserted the ring and liked it very much. I wear them when childrens are not present at home and I see my wife very happy.

Nov 25, 2011
Due To My Wife's Ambition I Pierced My Both Nosrtlls.
by: Anonymous

I am 31 year old male. I also joined the nostrils pierced male group. Once few days back myself & my wife were on M G Road,Bengaluru, we saw around 25 yrs old young guy wearing a nose ring on his right nostril, seeing this my wife started forcing meto pierce my nostrils.After two days my wife just remembered that guys nose ring & told me that the nose ring worn by that guy was very cute looking, for that I said yes.
Then she told me with love why dont you also get pierced and wear a nose ring or a stud.
Because if you get pierced your nose and wear a stud or a ring it will look nice than that guy, so only I suggested you.And further she told we will try a nose ring (artificial clip type ring) if it suits and looks good then we will go for piercing.Then I told her to drop this matter.
On 13-11-2011 evening when I came home again she took up the nose ring matter and showed me a artificial nose ring that she had bought and tried on my right nostril & clip like nose stud on my left nostril. After fixing it she saw my face and told it is looking very nice.
When I saw in the mirror I also felt very much happy as it was looking very nice & this was shown to my mother also,she started laughing on me. later my mother told it looks nice and told us as a male how he can wear the nose ring. Then my wife told that it has become a fashion nowadays & many males are wearing the nose ring in Bengaluru.Then my mother told me it is up to him. Then she asked me to go for piercing for which I told her I feel shy to wear the nose ring. Then she said I being your wife agreeing for your piercing why u worry just go for piercing on both nostrils.
On 18-11-11 in the afternoon myself,my wife & my mother went to jewelery shop, my wife selected a wire nose ring with drops, ready for piercing & a single white stone nose stud (screw type) & we purchased it. And for the piercing the shop owner arranged the piercer in few minutes.
The piercer asked for whom the piercing is to be done, my wife showed me.
I sat before the piercer, he asked which side my wife told both side.
Then the piercer took the ring type wire and pierced & inserted in my right nostril used a plyer and pulled the wire from inside and inserted to the other end & twisted After half an hour for my left nostril he took a big size needle and pierced & from inside he attached the screw end of the stud and pulled up in force then the screw end came up and then he screwed with the stud. In this process also I felt more pain than the right nostril.
After that we came home & took a mirror and saw my face which out was looking very very nice But the pain was lot. Its already one week over for my piercing, when I look at mirror I feel happy as it looks very nice & cute. I will adjust with this & I will never remove the nose stud & the nose ring in future. If at all I may go for the change of other design studs / Ring in future.

Nov 17, 2011
Two Mukkuthis
by: Anonymous

I had pierced my left side nostril two years back and have pierced my right side last week. My husband likes my two mukkuthis very much and I too feel the same.

Nov 17, 2011
Two Mukkuthis
by: Anonymous

I had pierced my left side nostril two years back and have pierced my right side last week. My husband likes my two mukkuthis very much and I too feel the same.

Nov 17, 2011
Two Mukkuthis
by: Anonymous

I had pierced my left side nostril two years back and have pierced my right side last week. My husband likes my two mukkuthis very much and I too feel the same.

Oct 11, 2011
nostril piercing
by: babu

l like nose piercing from my boyhood

Oct 11, 2011
nostril piercing
by: babu

l like nose piercing from my boyhood

Jul 29, 2011
sex appeal of nose ring
by: mallikharjun

nose ring really enhances the sex appeal in her. Every body hope agrees with this

Jul 17, 2011
Going to get my nose pierced
by: Anonymous

I haven't yet, but when I hear these funny and wonderful stories I think I will! I want a small stud which I hope will look elegant in my nose.

May 07, 2011
nose piercing to be celebrated
by: Anonymous

On behalf of everyone i suggust on womans day we should jointly celebrate nose piercing also, even many guys are piercing the nose now a days but since its quite matching only for ladies so all womans with nose piercing deserves the privilage, i always give great respect to nose pierced woman they are very pleasent which makes the opposite person to view often during conversation.nose stud is a third eye in the face we use our eyes to view every thing our nose stud makes others to view us.

May 07, 2011
nose piercing to be celebrated
by: Anonymous

On behalf of everyone i suggust on womans day we should jointly celebrate nose piercing also, even many guys are piercing the nose now a days but since its quite matching only for ladies so all womans with nose piercing deserves the privilage, i always give great respect to nose pierced woman they are very pleasent which makes the opposite person to view often during conversation.nose stud is a third eye in the face we use our eyes to view every thing our nose stud makes others to view us.

May 07, 2011
nose piercing to be celebrated
by: Anonymous

On behalf of everyone i suggust on womans day we should jointly celebrate nose piercing also, even many guys are piercing the nose now a days but since its quite matching only for ladies so all womans with nose piercing deserves the privilage, i always give great respect to nose pierced woman they are very pleasent which makes the opposite person to view often during conversation.nose stud is a third eye in the face we use our eyes to view every thing our nose stud makes others to view us.

Apr 18, 2011
tamil nose piercing
by: Anonymous

Nose piecing should be celebrated because it changes the normal girl to a charming one and makes sexy ,pleasent feelings homely look .bright face ,tradition follow up adorns beauty in all age and godess look few in single nose stud and many in double nose studs looks great always my vote for double nose pierced tamil

Apr 18, 2011
nose piercing to be celebrated
by: Anonymous

Myself and my wife celebrates piercing day i got my septum pierced by myself and i pierced my wifes nose rightside on the same day on feb 29 from that year i present one new stud on feb 28 for the past 10 years hence she got 10 studs now she use to change variety twice a month i love her piercing my MIL admires her daughters nose stud models because all types suits her nose

Apr 16, 2011
celebrate nose piercing
by: Anonymous

I pierced my wife nose one month after my marriage her stud is placed in exact shallow so it doesnt makes her more different so i asked her to get other side but she doesnt want two instead she gave permission to pierce her septum it will be to unkown to others i pierced with more pleasure without any struggle we are celebrating the days of piercing for the past 10 years who all are reading the comments can follow their own piercing day celebration

Apr 10, 2011
nose piercing to be celebrated
by: Anonymous

who all are getting their nose pierced are to be celebrated because they are enlighting the tradition and allowing others to enjoy the brightnees of the face [FACE IS THE INDEX OF MIND] i will say nose stud IS [INDEX OF FACE ]many are not having a index i have a sisterly afection only for nose pierced woman iam your loving brother i got my nose pieing 4 times and septum 3 times to know the pain of u all when i see any girls getting nose piercing with tears my eyes also does the same i feel every one girls are getting nose done on behalf of me my wish is world nose piercing day is to be celebrated because it increases the beauty of nose and face million times if suitable modle is used no body face will look ugly

Mar 30, 2011
tamil nose piercing
by: Anonymous

still many female noses are pierced in atraditional way by using needle and thread with double folding even my sister nose pierced in same manner it takes three weeks to put nose screw in my family all females are wearing nose stud my sil had right side pierced with thorn while studying 7th when she came to my house i admire at her nose stud and i requested often about her left side nose to pierce she told me she will pierce her septum instead of right side i pierced her septum little upside so it is not vissible to view i had it when iam college going guy she told me pierce my septum as her wish i obeyed i pierced my own septum and iserted aboom stick more ten years now i pierced my both nostril then only my wife will alow me to pierce her one side nose now we are enjoying puting different modle stud to each of us we both love oters piercing by wearing and dassing

Mar 30, 2011
tamil nose piercing
by: Anonymous

still many female noses are pierced in atraditional way by using needle and thread with double folding even my sister nose pierced in same manner it takes three weeks to put nose screw in my family all females are wearing nose stud my sil had right side pierced with thorn while studying 7th when she came to my house i admire at her nose stud and i requested often about her left side nose to pierce she told me she will pierce her septum instead of right side i pierced her septum little upside so it is not vissible to view i had it when iam college going guy she told me pierce my septum as her wish i obeyed i pierced my own septum and iserted aboom stick more ten years now i pierced my both nostril then only my wife will alow me to pierce her one side nose now we are enjoying puting different modle stud to each of us we both love oters piercing by wearing and dassing

Mar 29, 2011
double nose pierced female
by: Anonymous

i admire and appreciate from my heart all female with double nose stud my mom and her 4 sister had pierced both nostril on seeing them from childhood ibecame a fan of nose pierced women iam guy of self double nose pierced whoever missing this oppurchunity theycant for any time life is once i always watch womans nose first i love our tradition specialy jewels i had seen ateenage brahmin girl and her sister at chidambaram east mada street having acocconut shop wearing double nose stud without stone they both were like godess lakshmi i wrote about 50 poems about nose pierced female after seeing them ipierced my nose and septum i kept my holes still by putting boomstick in it i suggest all female to pierce thier nose after my advice 17 girls pierced thier nose it is athird eye of your face even if u close your eyes it will never

Mar 21, 2011
human nose piercings
by: Anonymous

i love piercings especialy double nose since iam in chennai iam double nose and double septum pierced guy i admire everyone with nose studs ipierced my wifes nose and septum one month after our marriage i enjoy by putting varriety of studs to my wife she accepts always with love

Nov 23, 2010
by: Soma

Great , I am from India and I like this ritual. Yes this should be celebrated as its a permanent mark on a beautiful face

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